Types intuition.

There are several types of intuition that man possesses.
This - the scientific intuition, creativity, intuition of danger, the perception of higher ideas.
Intuition can be far, near, that is, one person may feel an event that will happen in the distant future, the other, having a near intuition can predict events that will happen in the coming days.
Hence it can be said that the Middle intuition is based on the feeling of the physical world, the etheric and astral, and future - is feeling more subtle energies.
And besides, human intuition is divided into levels, with several levels of development, and hence, it is more or less quality.
Intuition is based on special knowledge of the individual accumulated in the past, that allow to "know" what will happen during the course of an event, action, process.
Intuition ahead of time. (Entrepreneur, for example, can anticipate - go his case or not go. That vision is based on a knowledge of the past of his soul.)
On the deployment of any event, the process requires some time, and intuition as a thin and high energy, able to circumvent the time factor and see the results of actions.
This is an important moment in any anticipation.
If we talk about a common intuition that exists in the worlds, it is necessary to highlight its five main types of living forms.
1.Intuitsiya person relating only to his personal life.
2.Intuitsiya human foresight concerning social aspects of life and natural phenomena.
3.Intuitsiya Celestial Masters or Qualifiers.
4.Intuitsiya higher essences of God.
5.Intuitsiya animals.
Consider what these types, individually.
1. On the reasons behind human intuition when he has the ability to foresee the events of his life?
First of all, it should be noted that the property of intuition based on the presence of subtle energies in the person of the highest order. These he has gained in previous incarnations at a certain lifestyle. When trauma, stress, activation of consciousness and some other conditions, this energy penetrates the human program.
It connects to the program given in the present life and being in the higher plane.
This connects the physical brain to its own program, in which a person learns in advance the final outcome of the situation.
But to this docking occurred, we need strong energy. During stressful situations, when splashes powerful energy as it overshadows the human, he can see his future. This happens just a vision of the future results due to strong energy.
But while intuition to determine the final result of the program, change a person can not in the direction that it desirable.
One can only mitigate the outcome. But it will cause negative consequences in the future.
If the individual will soften the stage of passage of the situation, there will be gaps in the quality of his soul, and this will add new and complex situations of life.
It is required to fill the cells of the matrix of the soul energy of a certain quality. If a person must fill out a cell matrix specified quality, that nowhere on the job, he can not leave, avoiding the complexities of life only prolong his suffering.
Therefore, the Higher Teachers do not recommend anything to soften, clean, all the better to perform as it should.
If we talk about intuition docking with the program, the connection takes place only at the control points of the program, ie, In the main event.
In addition to the main events in the program there are many minor.
Control or a minor point - it is nothing like a programmed and the encrypted code in the event.
Secondary point or event may be given as options, different, i.e. there may be several, and they can circumvent.
A control point - these are situations that people can not get around in life. He will pass through them, whatever option chosen the path no.
Secondary sketchy and events occur only after the person is selected path.
Therefore, they do not connect to them. Connecting intuition takes place only in the main points of the program, the main points of human life.
Intuition, capable of connecting a person to his personal program, has not every person. In his spiritual baggage must be strong, clean energy.
Only they are capable of under the influence of certain conditions, emotions, stress punching way through the consciousness of the individual to the main points of the program and "see" events that encrypted them.
On the lower level of development of intuition is not controllable. But when the soul of man reaches the appropriate level of development, it will be able to use it at will, and then it will turn into loyal his assistant.
Thus, to the intuition earned in a person, it is necessary that he has gained in his soul certain types of energy, and built themselves accordingly.
In all the work required of the soul, not the ability to come from nowhere and daryatsya God is not deserved. But God gives man in each incarnation opportunities for experience in itself of certain abilities began or continued development has begun.
2. The human intuition to anticipate the social events of the plan lies in the fact that the individual in real life communication channel with the accumulating public computer Qualifier, leading some social group.
The computer program is given society, and the determinant may give him this information some fragments, and the student sees the picture of life.
In the second method, a person is connected to the hologram of an event in the future. This is the real construction of future events that exist in the higher plane.
But such a person is allowed to read some special events in the general program of some social group.
This is done with a purpose - to forward thinking people need a college party. But to a person connected to the overall program, it should, once again, to accumulate in their soul the energy of a certain quality, and these energies need to be powerful enough.
This intuition of a social nature can be considered artificial because without permission Over no one is able to connect not only to the overall program, but also to its determinant of.
It is also the case that the individual receives information about upcoming events directly from their Heavenly Master, with whom he had good contacts. It can get information about upcoming events or a dream, or in the form of some imaginative visions.
If you are global events, the reading situations of society is given by the Supreme Ruler of the man, that is, there is a connecting it to a higher plane, but, again, through a Qualifier.
This is done with a purpose - to make a man see what exists beyond the visions of his physical view and move it to reflect on the subtle world.
In this case, the connection of the individual is also based on the past work of an individual in a certain direction.
If one does not build itself as required in the higher plane, not build sufficient energy potential that even if his program, and there is an option you can connect to a common program or a group of people to higher planes, he will not be able to use it.
So a person can be given the lyrics and music, but if he has not developed hearing, the opportunity - to sing a song - he will not be able to implement.
3. Intuition Celestial Teachers determinant of foresight in relation to human behavior (we will only talk about one side of her, even though they have the intuition of a higher order relating to their only World) is based primarily on the knowledge of human behavior.
In any case, the intuition - it is knowledge, it is built on them.
Human behavior consists of certain stamps. It is only at first glance it seems that our behavior is infinite in its variations.
But the Supreme is known, it is - a set of specific actions. And any action lead to any result. Here, one might even say, acts mathematics of human behavior.
If "a" is connected to "b", the result - one. If "a" is connected to "a", the result of the other; if "a" - with "c", then the third, etc.
But all this is quite calculable moves in a chess game, where each figure determined form of behavior, certain moves. A horse can move only so, but the boat - also only in a certain way.
And people also only moves permitted variations, so everything is more difficult. But it is difficult - for man, and not for the Supreme. Therefore, any action or situation - is unfolding over time of known processes.
A man in this situation can do, giving two or three variants of behavior.
In general and not more. So everything worked out and all was lost. Man lives by cliches of behavior and situations and can not get out of them with their low intelligence. Only the far-advanced person can make something new in their behavior.
One determinant that leads his charge in life, knows about everything that he has to go. But to interfere with the program itself, he has no right.
Others Celestial Teachers with other wards, just must have this Higher intuition to monitor the behavior of other people involved in some event along with their wards, to be able to foresee the outcome of what is happening.
Celestial Teachers, too, must have a dual intuition: intuition underlying the plan to move all of humanity forwards in time and prevent the wrong action and their level of intuition to move themselves as soon as possible in his world.
4. With regard to the intuition of essences developing in the hierarchy of God, for them, it is particularly important, as it helps to choose the right direction of development in the higher worlds. Intuition subordinate essences helps capture ideas with superior plans and accurately translate them into reality.
At the Supreme Person intuition develops over time in the vision, and it is - the ability of several actions or events in real time instantly calculate the most real opportunity for this person or Essence result.
Negative Essence is not intuitive, and therefore the transfer of ideas to implement them occurs differently.
And separately it is necessary to talk about the animal instincts.