The intuition that knew everything in advance
Probably, any of us more than once in my life wondered what happened to me, what was it? Coincidence? Destiny? Simply so there were circumstances? And if the person foresaw the situation, felt that it will happen, then all of what happened is given for mysticism. The answer to this question seems to be not far from us, but people usually do not attach importance to what happens to them, not trying to reflect, to think, to come to the answer – after all, in this world, in our Universe is connected and everything happens for a reason and a consequence. If people fully understand the existence of all that surrounds us, not only material, but also wave, parallel, many things it would be more meaningful, people can avoid many unpleasant situations, or at least foresaw them, and people would really have changed and ruled my life.
Different people have different points of view relative to what happens with human life. There is an opinion that from destiny will not leave. There were times that man was going to fly to another country. But something detained him. On the plane he was late. And in the way the plane crashed and all passengers died. People, seemingly by accident, was saved. But a week passes, and he gets in a car accident in which killed. Destiny?
And it happens the other way. The person need to go, but something stops him. Will not let me. The inner voice seems to say – no. And one delays a flight or trip. And the plane crashes. The person remains alive. How does it call? That voice inside us that warns us of danger or that something good?
This voice is called intuition, and it is one of the mental abilities of the person. We all know about it, but not all know how to use it. But this intuition enables you to gain knowledge and find answers to questions that come from the inner world and don't even need to use any logic or rational thinking.
Intuition is the wisdom hidden deep within us. Sometimes she sleeps, but when we are facing danger or when there's a definite need, intuition awakens. In Latin intuition means – "vision from inside". This is the surest way to know and experience the events and things truthfully and without scientific interpretation. All knowledge that one acquires with the help of intuition, not created by efforts of the mind and the feelings of our souls. That is, intuition is the voice of our soul that has already lived many lives and who knows what will happen and tries to warn us! Only not everyone can hear it.... And those who can hear often ignore that voice and go on about the mind, the heart, and it is often wrong. Here is an example. Girl meets guy. The guy seems to be good, but is his behavior weird. He talks about his fears, about his visions in childhood. The first thought that comes to the girl – the person is mentally ill. Don't mess with him. Nothing good will come of it. There would stop! It was the voice of the soul! But, alas. The boy is so beautiful, so cute, and intelligent. She didn't believe to my soul. "Oh, this is all my speculation and fantasy" she thought, and she began to meet with a guy. And was punished. She became attached to him, but they began to quarrel, the guy could not prove anything, for any reason, he became hysterical, hear only themselves, which is often characteristic of people with a sick mentality. The girl suffers. "I knew that this would happen, they knew!" she thought.
Here is a vivid example of the voice of the soul that was screaming about the danger, and what can result if this voice is ignored.
Now intuition is called differently, and hunch, and sixth sense and the internal sense. Philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato, Kant, and Hegel was engaged in the study of intuition and all came to the same conclusion intuition or foresight of the situation, it's nothing like the knowledge coming from inside. This knowledge man can not get from books, he cannot acquire by observation and knowledge. Will not help it to and reflections. Intuition is anything and no one independent source of knowledge, and its purpose is to give a person only the knowledge that he can't get anywhere else.
Consider how intuition manifests itself. It is such a sharp insight. Reaching the inside knowledge like the call of the soul to do something is so and not otherwise. It warns a person if something went wrong in his life wrong signals to divert us from the wrong way and bring on the right road. It is a natural divine voice that wants to protect us from mistakes.
Many people have a good intuition and able to hear, following her directions, it so happens: for example, a person plays at the casino. Something tells him – bet do to the number 33. Man makes a bet. And that number brings him the win. Such people all life is composed of accidents that they themselves foresaw or predicted themselves. But is it really a coincidence? Maybe the will of God?
Not for nothing do they say that often under the mask of randomness lurks Providence. To prove that such events have an accident, and to prove that they are not accidental authentically nobody could. Einstein, for example, argued that all events in their order determined by the laws of nature, and ignorance of such laws leads to a chaos.
How the accident could have been foreseen by the person? Every human life on Earth consists of a particular chain of some events. Often people wonder why is all this happening to me? I should have known! I foresaw... I knew it! Foresaw, so why go the other way? And the answer is simple – people can not understand in time that something important in life, that's why they dumped a lot of problems and obstacles. And those who understand it, deftly jump over all of life's difficulties and obstacles and reach their goal and success.
Everything in our life depends on the measure of meaningfulness for the individual. The life path of each person is determined by his actions and results. This our business, successfully completed, experiences, thoughts, desires. All links in the chain, and collect it himself. And randomness is natural. After all, they do depend on us and our desires, thoughts, and thought, as scientifically proven, the material!
Here is another example. The person does not like his job. She's underpaid, and there is "eat". Man wants to find a job, he dreams of her, is as he works there. Thoughts go into Space, the universe engulfs them and converts. One day, when the man was reprimanded at work, he says to himself: "Stop! Enough! I've been working the last day!". Something inside catches him and he goes to the labour exchange, where he is immediately offered a job corresponding to their education, with a higher salary, close to home, and even the bosses are good. One day a person manages to quit old job and gets a new one! Mystic? No. Just there was a chain, which is written above. And the man listened to their intuition, who knew everything in advance.
In conclusion, we can say that any prediction of a situation is not accidental. When we listen to the intuition we get from her great knowledge. Listen to her, and she will protect you from trouble and fill your life with peace, joy and harmony.
Comments and discussion at: 4stor.ru/strashno-interesno/76059-sluchaynost-ili-intuiciya.html
Probably, any of us more than once in my life wondered what happened to me, what was it? Coincidence? Destiny? Simply so there were circumstances? And if the person foresaw the situation, felt that it will happen, then all of what happened is given for mysticism. The answer to this question seems to be not far from us, but people usually do not attach importance to what happens to them, not trying to reflect, to think, to come to the answer – after all, in this world, in our Universe is connected and everything happens for a reason and a consequence. If people fully understand the existence of all that surrounds us, not only material, but also wave, parallel, many things it would be more meaningful, people can avoid many unpleasant situations, or at least foresaw them, and people would really have changed and ruled my life.
Different people have different points of view relative to what happens with human life. There is an opinion that from destiny will not leave. There were times that man was going to fly to another country. But something detained him. On the plane he was late. And in the way the plane crashed and all passengers died. People, seemingly by accident, was saved. But a week passes, and he gets in a car accident in which killed. Destiny?
And it happens the other way. The person need to go, but something stops him. Will not let me. The inner voice seems to say – no. And one delays a flight or trip. And the plane crashes. The person remains alive. How does it call? That voice inside us that warns us of danger or that something good?
This voice is called intuition, and it is one of the mental abilities of the person. We all know about it, but not all know how to use it. But this intuition enables you to gain knowledge and find answers to questions that come from the inner world and don't even need to use any logic or rational thinking.
Intuition is the wisdom hidden deep within us. Sometimes she sleeps, but when we are facing danger or when there's a definite need, intuition awakens. In Latin intuition means – "vision from inside". This is the surest way to know and experience the events and things truthfully and without scientific interpretation. All knowledge that one acquires with the help of intuition, not created by efforts of the mind and the feelings of our souls. That is, intuition is the voice of our soul that has already lived many lives and who knows what will happen and tries to warn us! Only not everyone can hear it.... And those who can hear often ignore that voice and go on about the mind, the heart, and it is often wrong. Here is an example. Girl meets guy. The guy seems to be good, but is his behavior weird. He talks about his fears, about his visions in childhood. The first thought that comes to the girl – the person is mentally ill. Don't mess with him. Nothing good will come of it. There would stop! It was the voice of the soul! But, alas. The boy is so beautiful, so cute, and intelligent. She didn't believe to my soul. "Oh, this is all my speculation and fantasy" she thought, and she began to meet with a guy. And was punished. She became attached to him, but they began to quarrel, the guy could not prove anything, for any reason, he became hysterical, hear only themselves, which is often characteristic of people with a sick mentality. The girl suffers. "I knew that this would happen, they knew!" she thought.
Here is a vivid example of the voice of the soul that was screaming about the danger, and what can result if this voice is ignored.
Now intuition is called differently, and hunch, and sixth sense and the internal sense. Philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato, Kant, and Hegel was engaged in the study of intuition and all came to the same conclusion intuition or foresight of the situation, it's nothing like the knowledge coming from inside. This knowledge man can not get from books, he cannot acquire by observation and knowledge. Will not help it to and reflections. Intuition is anything and no one independent source of knowledge, and its purpose is to give a person only the knowledge that he can't get anywhere else.
Consider how intuition manifests itself. It is such a sharp insight. Reaching the inside knowledge like the call of the soul to do something is so and not otherwise. It warns a person if something went wrong in his life wrong signals to divert us from the wrong way and bring on the right road. It is a natural divine voice that wants to protect us from mistakes.
Many people have a good intuition and able to hear, following her directions, it so happens: for example, a person plays at the casino. Something tells him – bet do to the number 33. Man makes a bet. And that number brings him the win. Such people all life is composed of accidents that they themselves foresaw or predicted themselves. But is it really a coincidence? Maybe the will of God?
Not for nothing do they say that often under the mask of randomness lurks Providence. To prove that such events have an accident, and to prove that they are not accidental authentically nobody could. Einstein, for example, argued that all events in their order determined by the laws of nature, and ignorance of such laws leads to a chaos.
How the accident could have been foreseen by the person? Every human life on Earth consists of a particular chain of some events. Often people wonder why is all this happening to me? I should have known! I foresaw... I knew it! Foresaw, so why go the other way? And the answer is simple – people can not understand in time that something important in life, that's why they dumped a lot of problems and obstacles. And those who understand it, deftly jump over all of life's difficulties and obstacles and reach their goal and success.
Everything in our life depends on the measure of meaningfulness for the individual. The life path of each person is determined by his actions and results. This our business, successfully completed, experiences, thoughts, desires. All links in the chain, and collect it himself. And randomness is natural. After all, they do depend on us and our desires, thoughts, and thought, as scientifically proven, the material!
Here is another example. The person does not like his job. She's underpaid, and there is "eat". Man wants to find a job, he dreams of her, is as he works there. Thoughts go into Space, the universe engulfs them and converts. One day, when the man was reprimanded at work, he says to himself: "Stop! Enough! I've been working the last day!". Something inside catches him and he goes to the labour exchange, where he is immediately offered a job corresponding to their education, with a higher salary, close to home, and even the bosses are good. One day a person manages to quit old job and gets a new one! Mystic? No. Just there was a chain, which is written above. And the man listened to their intuition, who knew everything in advance.
In conclusion, we can say that any prediction of a situation is not accidental. When we listen to the intuition we get from her great knowledge. Listen to her, and she will protect you from trouble and fill your life with peace, joy and harmony.
Comments and discussion at: 4stor.ru/strashno-interesno/76059-sluchaynost-ili-intuiciya.html
Probably, any of us more than once in my life wondered what happened to me, what was it? Coincidence? Destiny? Simply so there were circumstances? And if the person foresaw the situation, felt that it will happen, then all of what happened is given for mysticism. The answer to this question seems to be not far from us, but people usually do not attach importance to what happens to them, not trying to reflect, to think, to come to the answer – after all, in this world, in our Universe is connected and everything happens for a reason and a consequence. If people fully understand the existence of all that surrounds us, not only material, but also wave, parallel, many things it would be more meaningful, people can avoid many unpleasant situations, or at least foresaw them, and people would really have changed and ruled my life.
Different people have different points of view relative to what happens with human life. There is an opinion that from destiny will not leave. There were times that man was going to fly to another country. But something detained him. On the plane he was late. And in the way the plane crashed and all passengers died. People, seemingly by accident, was saved. But a week passes, and he gets in a car accident in which killed. Destiny?
And it happens the other way. The person need to go, but something stops him. Will not let me. The inner voice seems to say – no. And one delays a flight or trip. And the plane crashes. The person remains alive. How does it call? That voice inside us that warns us of danger or that something good?
This voice is called intuition, and it is one of the mental abilities of the person. We all know about it, but not all know how to use it. But this intuition enables you to gain knowledge and find answers to questions that come from the inner world and don't even need to use any logic or rational thinking.
Intuition is the wisdom hidden deep within us. Sometimes she sleeps, but when we are facing danger or when there's a definite need, intuition awakens. In Latin intuition means – "vision from inside". This is the surest way to know and experience the events and things truthfully and without scientific interpretation. All knowledge that one acquires with the help of intuition, not created by efforts of the mind and the feelings of our souls. That is, intuition is the voice of our soul that has already lived many lives and who knows what will happen and tries to warn us! Only not everyone can hear it.... And those who can hear often ignore that voice and go on about the mind, the heart, and it is often wrong. Here is an example. Girl meets guy. The guy seems to be good, but is his behavior weird. He talks about his fears, about his visions in childhood. The first thought that comes to the girl – the person is mentally ill. Don't mess with him. Nothing good will come of it. There would stop! It was the voice of the soul! But, alas. The boy is so beautiful, so cute, and intelligent. She didn't believe to my soul. "Oh, this is all my speculation and fantasy" she thought, and she began to meet with a guy. And was punished. She became attached to him, but they began to quarrel, the guy could not prove anything, for any reason, he became hysterical, hear only themselves, which is often characteristic of people with a sick mentality. The girl suffers. "I knew that this would happen, they knew!" she thought.
Here is a vivid example of the voice of the soul that was screaming about the danger, and what can result if this voice is ignored.
Now intuition is called differently, and hunch, and sixth sense and the internal sense. Philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato, Kant, and Hegel was engaged in the study of intuition and all came to the same conclusion intuition or foresight of the situation, it's nothing like the knowledge coming from inside. This knowledge man can not get from books, he cannot acquire by observation and knowledge. Will not help it to and reflections. Intuition is anything and no one independent source of knowledge, and its purpose is to give a person only the knowledge that he can't get anywhere else.
Consider how intuition manifests itself. It is such a sharp insight. Reaching the inside knowledge like the call of the soul to do something is so and not otherwise. It warns a person if something went wrong in his life wrong signals to divert us from the wrong way and bring on the right road. It is a natural divine voice that wants to protect us from mistakes.
Many people have a good intuition and able to hear, following her directions, it so happens: for example, a person plays at the casino. Something tells him – bet do to the number 33. Man makes a bet. And that number brings him the win. Such people all life is composed of accidents that they themselves foresaw or predicted themselves. But is it really a coincidence? Maybe the will of God?
Not for nothing do they say that often under the mask of randomness lurks Providence. To prove that such events have an accident, and to prove that they are not accidental authentically nobody could. Einstein, for example, argued that all events in their order determined by the laws of nature, and ignorance of such laws leads to a chaos.
How the accident could have been foreseen by the person? Every human life on Earth consists of a particular chain of some events. Often people wonder why is all this happening to me? I should have known! I foresaw... I knew it! Foresaw, so why go the other way? And the answer is simple – people can not understand in time that something important in life, that's why they dumped a lot of problems and obstacles. And those who understand it, deftly jump over all of life's difficulties and obstacles and reach their goal and success.
Everything in our life depends on the measure of meaningfulness for the individual. The life path of each person is determined by his actions and results. This our business, successfully completed, experiences, thoughts, desires. All links in the chain, and collect it himself. And randomness is natural. After all, they do depend on us and our desires, thoughts, and thought, as scientifically proven, the material!
Here is another example. The person does not like his job. She's underpaid, and there is "eat". Man wants to find a job, he dreams of her, is as he works there. Thoughts go into Space, the universe engulfs them and converts. One day, when the man was reprimanded at work, he says to himself: "Stop! Enough! I've been working the last day!". Something inside catches him and he goes to the labour exchange, where he is immediately offered a job corresponding to their education, with a higher salary, close to home, and even the bosses are good. One day a person manages to quit old job and gets a new one! Mystic? No. Just there was a chain, which is written above. And the man listened to their intuition, who knew everything in advance.
In conclusion, we can say that any prediction of a situation is not accidental. When we listen to the intuition we get from her great knowledge. Listen to her, and she will protect you from trouble and fill your life with peace, joy and harmony.
Comments and discussion at: 4stor.ru/strashno-interesno/76059-sluchaynost-ili-intuiciya.html
Now intuition is called differently, and hunch, and sixth sense and the internal sense. Philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato, Kant, and Hegel was engaged in the study of intuition and all came to the same conclusion intuition or foresight of the situation, it's nothing like the knowledge coming from inside.
This knowledge man can not get from books, he cannot acquire by observation and knowledge. Will not help it to and reflections.Intuition is anything and no one independent source of knowledge, and its purpose is to give a person only the knowledge that he can't get anywhere else.
Consider how intuition manifests itself. It is such a sharp insight. Reaching the inside knowledge like the call of the soul to do something is so and not otherwise. It warns a person if something went wrong in his life wrong signals to divert us from the wrong way and bring on the right road. It is a natural divine voice that wants to protect us from mistakes.
Many people have a good intuition and able to hear, following her directions, it so happens: for example, a person plays at the casino.Something tells him – bet do to the number 33. Man makes a bet. And that number brings him the win. Such people all life is composed of accidents that they themselves foresaw or predicted themselves. But is it really a coincidence? Maybe the will of God?
Not for nothing do they say that often under the mask of randomness lurks Providence. To prove that such events have an accident, and to prove that they are not accidental authentically nobody could.Einstein, for example, argued that all events in their order determined by the laws of nature, and ignorance of such laws leads to a chaos.
How the accident could have been foreseen by the person? Every human life on Earth consists of a particular chain of some events. Often people wonder why is all this happening to me? I should have known!I foresaw... I knew it! Foresaw, so why go the other way? And the answer is simple – people can not understand in time that something important in life, that's why they dumped a lot of problems and obstacles. And those who understand it, deftly jump over all of life's difficulties and obstacles and reach their goal and success.
Everything in our life depends on the measure of meaningfulness for the individual. The life path of each person is determined by his actions and results.This our business, successfully completed, experiences, thoughts, desires. All links in the chain, and collect it himself. And randomness is natural. After all, they do depend on us and our desires, thoughts, and thought, as scientifically proven, the material!
Here is another example. The person does not like his job. She's underpaid, and there is "eat". Man wants to find a job, he dreams of her, is as he works there. Thoughts go into Space, the universe engulfs them and converts.One day, when the man was reprimanded at work, he says to himself: "Stop! Enough! I've been working the last day!". Something inside catches him and he goes to the labour exchange, where he is immediately offered a job corresponding to their education, with a higher salary, close to home, and even the bosses are good. One day a person manages to quit old job and gets a new one!Mystic? No. Just there was a chain, which is written above.And the man listened to their intuition, who knew everything in advance.
In conclusion, we can say that any prediction of a situation is not accidental. When we listen to the intuition we get from her great knowledge. Listen to her, and she will protect you from trouble and fill your life with peace, joy and harmony.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: 4stor.ru/strashno-interesno/76059-sluchaynost-ili-intuiciya.html
Different people have different points of view relative to what happens with human life. There is an opinion that from destiny will not leave. There were times that man was going to fly to another country. But something detained him. On the plane he was late. And in the way the plane crashed and all passengers died. People, seemingly by accident, was saved. But a week passes, and he gets in a car accident in which killed. Destiny?
And it happens the other way. The person need to go, but something stops him. Will not let me. The inner voice seems to say – no. And one delays a flight or trip. And the plane crashes. The person remains alive. How does it call? That voice inside us that warns us of danger or that something good?
This voice is called intuition, and it is one of the mental abilities of the person. We all know about it, but not all know how to use it. But this intuition enables you to gain knowledge and find answers to questions that come from the inner world and don't even need to use any logic or rational thinking.
Intuition is the wisdom hidden deep within us. Sometimes she sleeps, but when we are facing danger or when there's a definite need, intuition awakens. In Latin intuition means – "vision from inside". This is the surest way to know and experience the events and things truthfully and without scientific interpretation. All knowledge that one acquires with the help of intuition, not created by efforts of the mind and the feelings of our souls. That is, intuition is the voice of our soul that has already lived many lives and who knows what will happen and tries to warn us! Only not everyone can hear it.... And those who can hear often ignore that voice and go on about the mind, the heart, and it is often wrong. Here is an example. Girl meets guy. The guy seems to be good, but is his behavior weird. He talks about his fears, about his visions in childhood. The first thought that comes to the girl – the person is mentally ill. Don't mess with him. Nothing good will come of it. There would stop! It was the voice of the soul! But, alas. The boy is so beautiful, so cute, and intelligent. She didn't believe to my soul. "Oh, this is all my speculation and fantasy" she thought, and she began to meet with a guy. And was punished. She became attached to him, but they began to quarrel, the guy could not prove anything, for any reason, he became hysterical, hear only themselves, which is often characteristic of people with a sick mentality. The girl suffers. "I knew that this would happen, they knew!" she thought.
Here is a vivid example of the voice of the soul that was screaming about the danger, and what can result if this voice is ignored.
Now intuition is called differently, and hunch, and sixth sense and the internal sense. Philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato, Kant, and Hegel was engaged in the study of intuition and all came to the same conclusion intuition or foresight of the situation, it's nothing like the knowledge coming from inside. This knowledge man can not get from books, he cannot acquire by observation and knowledge. Will not help it to and reflections. Intuition is anything and no one independent source of knowledge, and its purpose is to give a person only the knowledge that he can't get anywhere else.
Consider how intuition manifests itself. It is such a sharp insight. Reaching the inside knowledge like the call of the soul to do something is so and not otherwise. It warns a person if something went wrong in his life wrong signals to divert us from the wrong way and bring on the right road. It is a natural divine voice that wants to protect us from mistakes.
Many people have a good intuition and able to hear, following her directions, it so happens: for example, a person plays at the casino. Something tells him – bet do to the number 33. Man makes a bet. And that number brings him the win. Such people all life is composed of accidents that they themselves foresaw or predicted themselves. But is it really a coincidence? Maybe the will of God?
Not for nothing do they say that often under the mask of randomness lurks Providence. To prove that such events have an accident, and to prove that they are not accidental authentically nobody could. Einstein, for example, argued that all events in their order determined by the laws of nature, and ignorance of such laws leads to a chaos.
How the accident could have been foreseen by the person? Every human life on Earth consists of a particular chain of some events. Often people wonder why is all this happening to me? I should have known! I foresaw... I knew it! Foresaw, so why go the other way? And the answer is simple – people can not understand in time that something important in life, that's why they dumped a lot of problems and obstacles. And those who understand it, deftly jump over all of life's difficulties and obstacles and reach their goal and success.
Everything in our life depends on the measure of meaningfulness for the individual. The life path of each person is determined by his actions and results. This our business, successfully completed, experiences, thoughts, desires. All links in the chain, and collect it himself. And randomness is natural. After all, they do depend on us and our desires, thoughts, and thought, as scientifically proven, the material!
Here is another example. The person does not like his job. She's underpaid, and there is "eat". Man wants to find a job, he dreams of her, is as he works there. Thoughts go into Space, the universe engulfs them and converts. One day, when the man was reprimanded at work, he says to himself: "Stop! Enough! I've been working the last day!". Something inside catches him and he goes to the labour exchange, where he is immediately offered a job corresponding to their education, with a higher salary, close to home, and even the bosses are good. One day a person manages to quit old job and gets a new one! Mystic? No. Just there was a chain, which is written above. And the man listened to their intuition, who knew everything in advance.
In conclusion, we can say that any prediction of a situation is not accidental. When we listen to the intuition we get from her great knowledge. Listen to her, and she will protect you from trouble and fill your life with peace, joy and harmony.
Comments and discussion at: 4stor.ru/strashno-interesno/76059-sluchaynost-ili-intuiciya.html
Probably, any of us more than once in my life wondered what happened to me, what was it? Coincidence? Destiny? Simply so there were circumstances? And if the person foresaw the situation, felt that it will happen, then all of what happened is given for mysticism. The answer to this question seems to be not far from us, but people usually do not attach importance to what happens to them, not trying to reflect, to think, to come to the answer – after all, in this world, in our Universe is connected and everything happens for a reason and a consequence. If people fully understand the existence of all that surrounds us, not only material, but also wave, parallel, many things it would be more meaningful, people can avoid many unpleasant situations, or at least foresaw them, and people would really have changed and ruled my life.
Different people have different points of view relative to what happens with human life. There is an opinion that from destiny will not leave. There were times that man was going to fly to another country. But something detained him. On the plane he was late. And in the way the plane crashed and all passengers died. People, seemingly by accident, was saved. But a week passes, and he gets in a car accident in which killed. Destiny?
And it happens the other way. The person need to go, but something stops him. Will not let me. The inner voice seems to say – no. And one delays a flight or trip. And the plane crashes. The person remains alive. How does it call? That voice inside us that warns us of danger or that something good?
This voice is called intuition, and it is one of the mental abilities of the person. We all know about it, but not all know how to use it. But this intuition enables you to gain knowledge and find answers to questions that come from the inner world and don't even need to use any logic or rational thinking.
Intuition is the wisdom hidden deep within us. Sometimes she sleeps, but when we are facing danger or when there's a definite need, intuition awakens. In Latin intuition means – "vision from inside". This is the surest way to know and experience the events and things truthfully and without scientific interpretation. All knowledge that one acquires with the help of intuition, not created by efforts of the mind and the feelings of our souls. That is, intuition is the voice of our soul that has already lived many lives and who knows what will happen and tries to warn us! Only not everyone can hear it.... And those who can hear often ignore that voice and go on about the mind, the heart, and it is often wrong. Here is an example. Girl meets guy. The guy seems to be good, but is his behavior weird. He talks about his fears, about his visions in childhood. The first thought that comes to the girl – the person is mentally ill. Don't mess with him. Nothing good will come of it. There would stop! It was the voice of the soul! But, alas. The boy is so beautiful, so cute, and intelligent. She didn't believe to my soul. "Oh, this is all my speculation and fantasy" she thought, and she began to meet with a guy. And was punished. She became attached to him, but they began to quarrel, the guy could not prove anything, for any reason, he became hysterical, hear only themselves, which is often characteristic of people with a sick mentality. The girl suffers. "I knew that this would happen, they knew!" she thought.
Here is a vivid example of the voice of the soul that was screaming about the danger, and what can result if this voice is ignored.
Now intuition is called differently, and hunch, and sixth sense and the internal sense. Philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato, Kant, and Hegel was engaged in the study of intuition and all came to the same conclusion intuition or foresight of the situation, it's nothing like the knowledge coming from inside. This knowledge man can not get from books, he cannot acquire by observation and knowledge. Will not help it to and reflections. Intuition is anything and no one independent source of knowledge, and its purpose is to give a person only the knowledge that he can't get anywhere else.
Consider how intuition manifests itself. It is such a sharp insight. Reaching the inside knowledge like the call of the soul to do something is so and not otherwise. It warns a person if something went wrong in his life wrong signals to divert us from the wrong way and bring on the right road. It is a natural divine voice that wants to protect us from mistakes.
Many people have a good intuition and able to hear, following her directions, it so happens: for example, a person plays at the casino. Something tells him – bet do to the number 33. Man makes a bet. And that number brings him the win. Such people all life is composed of accidents that they themselves foresaw or predicted themselves. But is it really a coincidence? Maybe the will of God?
Not for nothing do they say that often under the mask of randomness lurks Providence. To prove that such events have an accident, and to prove that they are not accidental authentically nobody could. Einstein, for example, argued that all events in their order determined by the laws of nature, and ignorance of such laws leads to a chaos.
How the accident could have been foreseen by the person? Every human life on Earth consists of a particular chain of some events. Often people wonder why is all this happening to me? I should have known! I foresaw... I knew it! Foresaw, so why go the other way? And the answer is simple – people can not understand in time that something important in life, that's why they dumped a lot of problems and obstacles. And those who understand it, deftly jump over all of life's difficulties and obstacles and reach their goal and success.
Everything in our life depends on the measure of meaningfulness for the individual. The life path of each person is determined by his actions and results. This our business, successfully completed, experiences, thoughts, desires. All links in the chain, and collect it himself. And randomness is natural. After all, they do depend on us and our desires, thoughts, and thought, as scientifically proven, the material!
Here is another example. The person does not like his job. She's underpaid, and there is "eat". Man wants to find a job, he dreams of her, is as he works there. Thoughts go into Space, the universe engulfs them and converts. One day, when the man was reprimanded at work, he says to himself: "Stop! Enough! I've been working the last day!". Something inside catches him and he goes to the labour exchange, where he is immediately offered a job corresponding to their education, with a higher salary, close to home, and even the bosses are good. One day a person manages to quit old job and gets a new one! Mystic? No. Just there was a chain, which is written above. And the man listened to their intuition, who knew everything in advance.
In conclusion, we can say that any prediction of a situation is not accidental. When we listen to the intuition we get from her great knowledge. Listen to her, and she will protect you from trouble and fill your life with peace, joy and harmony.
Comments and discussion at: 4stor.ru/strashno-interesno/76059-sluchaynost-ili-intuiciya.html
Probably, any of us more than once in my life wondered what happened to me, what was it? Coincidence? Destiny? Simply so there were circumstances? And if the person foresaw the situation, felt that it will happen, then all of what happened is given for mysticism. The answer to this question seems to be not far from us, but people usually do not attach importance to what happens to them, not trying to reflect, to think, to come to the answer – after all, in this world, in our Universe is connected and everything happens for a reason and a consequence. If people fully understand the existence of all that surrounds us, not only material, but also wave, parallel, many things it would be more meaningful, people can avoid many unpleasant situations, or at least foresaw them, and people would really have changed and ruled my life.
Different people have different points of view relative to what happens with human life. There is an opinion that from destiny will not leave. There were times that man was going to fly to another country. But something detained him. On the plane he was late. And in the way the plane crashed and all passengers died. People, seemingly by accident, was saved. But a week passes, and he gets in a car accident in which killed. Destiny?
And it happens the other way. The person need to go, but something stops him. Will not let me. The inner voice seems to say – no. And one delays a flight or trip. And the plane crashes. The person remains alive. How does it call? That voice inside us that warns us of danger or that something good?
This voice is called intuition, and it is one of the mental abilities of the person. We all know about it, but not all know how to use it. But this intuition enables you to gain knowledge and find answers to questions that come from the inner world and don't even need to use any logic or rational thinking.
Intuition is the wisdom hidden deep within us. Sometimes she sleeps, but when we are facing danger or when there's a definite need, intuition awakens. In Latin intuition means – "vision from inside". This is the surest way to know and experience the events and things truthfully and without scientific interpretation. All knowledge that one acquires with the help of intuition, not created by efforts of the mind and the feelings of our souls. That is, intuition is the voice of our soul that has already lived many lives and who knows what will happen and tries to warn us! Only not everyone can hear it.... And those who can hear often ignore that voice and go on about the mind, the heart, and it is often wrong. Here is an example. Girl meets guy. The guy seems to be good, but is his behavior weird. He talks about his fears, about his visions in childhood. The first thought that comes to the girl – the person is mentally ill. Don't mess with him. Nothing good will come of it. There would stop! It was the voice of the soul! But, alas. The boy is so beautiful, so cute, and intelligent. She didn't believe to my soul. "Oh, this is all my speculation and fantasy" she thought, and she began to meet with a guy. And was punished. She became attached to him, but they began to quarrel, the guy could not prove anything, for any reason, he became hysterical, hear only themselves, which is often characteristic of people with a sick mentality. The girl suffers. "I knew that this would happen, they knew!" she thought.
Here is a vivid example of the voice of the soul that was screaming about the danger, and what can result if this voice is ignored.
Now intuition is called differently, and hunch, and sixth sense and the internal sense. Philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato, Kant, and Hegel was engaged in the study of intuition and all came to the same conclusion intuition or foresight of the situation, it's nothing like the knowledge coming from inside. This knowledge man can not get from books, he cannot acquire by observation and knowledge. Will not help it to and reflections. Intuition is anything and no one independent source of knowledge, and its purpose is to give a person only the knowledge that he can't get anywhere else.
Consider how intuition manifests itself. It is such a sharp insight. Reaching the inside knowledge like the call of the soul to do something is so and not otherwise. It warns a person if something went wrong in his life wrong signals to divert us from the wrong way and bring on the right road. It is a natural divine voice that wants to protect us from mistakes.
Many people have a good intuition and able to hear, following her directions, it so happens: for example, a person plays at the casino. Something tells him – bet do to the number 33. Man makes a bet. And that number brings him the win. Such people all life is composed of accidents that they themselves foresaw or predicted themselves. But is it really a coincidence? Maybe the will of God?
Not for nothing do they say that often under the mask of randomness lurks Providence. To prove that such events have an accident, and to prove that they are not accidental authentically nobody could. Einstein, for example, argued that all events in their order determined by the laws of nature, and ignorance of such laws leads to a chaos.
How the accident could have been foreseen by the person? Every human life on Earth consists of a particular chain of some events. Often people wonder why is all this happening to me? I should have known! I foresaw... I knew it! Foresaw, so why go the other way? And the answer is simple – people can not understand in time that something important in life, that's why they dumped a lot of problems and obstacles. And those who understand it, deftly jump over all of life's difficulties and obstacles and reach their goal and success.
Everything in our life depends on the measure of meaningfulness for the individual. The life path of each person is determined by his actions and results. This our business, successfully completed, experiences, thoughts, desires. All links in the chain, and collect it himself. And randomness is natural. After all, they do depend on us and our desires, thoughts, and thought, as scientifically proven, the material!
Here is another example. The person does not like his job. She's underpaid, and there is "eat". Man wants to find a job, he dreams of her, is as he works there. Thoughts go into Space, the universe engulfs them and converts. One day, when the man was reprimanded at work, he says to himself: "Stop! Enough! I've been working the last day!". Something inside catches him and he goes to the labour exchange, where he is immediately offered a job corresponding to their education, with a higher salary, close to home, and even the bosses are good. One day a person manages to quit old job and gets a new one! Mystic? No. Just there was a chain, which is written above. And the man listened to their intuition, who knew everything in advance.
In conclusion, we can say that any prediction of a situation is not accidental. When we listen to the intuition we get from her great knowledge. Listen to her, and she will protect you from trouble and fill your life with peace, joy and harmony.
Comments and discussion at: 4stor.ru/strashno-interesno/76059-sluchaynost-ili-intuiciya.html
Now intuition is called differently, and hunch, and sixth sense and the internal sense. Philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato, Kant, and Hegel was engaged in the study of intuition and all came to the same conclusion intuition or foresight of the situation, it's nothing like the knowledge coming from inside.
This knowledge man can not get from books, he cannot acquire by observation and knowledge. Will not help it to and reflections.Intuition is anything and no one independent source of knowledge, and its purpose is to give a person only the knowledge that he can't get anywhere else.
Consider how intuition manifests itself. It is such a sharp insight. Reaching the inside knowledge like the call of the soul to do something is so and not otherwise. It warns a person if something went wrong in his life wrong signals to divert us from the wrong way and bring on the right road. It is a natural divine voice that wants to protect us from mistakes.
Many people have a good intuition and able to hear, following her directions, it so happens: for example, a person plays at the casino.Something tells him – bet do to the number 33. Man makes a bet. And that number brings him the win. Such people all life is composed of accidents that they themselves foresaw or predicted themselves. But is it really a coincidence? Maybe the will of God?
Not for nothing do they say that often under the mask of randomness lurks Providence. To prove that such events have an accident, and to prove that they are not accidental authentically nobody could.Einstein, for example, argued that all events in their order determined by the laws of nature, and ignorance of such laws leads to a chaos.
How the accident could have been foreseen by the person? Every human life on Earth consists of a particular chain of some events. Often people wonder why is all this happening to me? I should have known!I foresaw... I knew it! Foresaw, so why go the other way? And the answer is simple – people can not understand in time that something important in life, that's why they dumped a lot of problems and obstacles. And those who understand it, deftly jump over all of life's difficulties and obstacles and reach their goal and success.

Everything in our life depends on the measure of meaningfulness for the individual. The life path of each person is determined by his actions and results.This our business, successfully completed, experiences, thoughts, desires. All links in the chain, and collect it himself. And randomness is natural. After all, they do depend on us and our desires, thoughts, and thought, as scientifically proven, the material!
Here is another example. The person does not like his job. She's underpaid, and there is "eat". Man wants to find a job, he dreams of her, is as he works there. Thoughts go into Space, the universe engulfs them and converts.One day, when the man was reprimanded at work, he says to himself: "Stop! Enough! I've been working the last day!". Something inside catches him and he goes to the labour exchange, where he is immediately offered a job corresponding to their education, with a higher salary, close to home, and even the bosses are good. One day a person manages to quit old job and gets a new one!Mystic? No. Just there was a chain, which is written above.And the man listened to their intuition, who knew everything in advance.
In conclusion, we can say that any prediction of a situation is not accidental. When we listen to the intuition we get from her great knowledge. Listen to her, and she will protect you from trouble and fill your life with peace, joy and harmony.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: 4stor.ru/strashno-interesno/76059-sluchaynost-ili-intuiciya.html