Sixth sense or how to learn to hear yourself
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It defies logic, we often ignore it, and then disappointedly say to ourselves: "I knew it!" Intuition can work wonders to help solve simple everyday activities and challenging tasks in life. Just have to learn how to use it.
In 1893 a clerk for the coal mine in Detroit saw an unusual invention: something built from spare parts of the bike with a rumble raced through the street... In the same moment he had the sudden hunch that it's invention with a great future! People will not hesitate to put all their savings into the venture of the inventor. This is despite the fact that investment experts, as always, did not believe in the success of this project. And 30 years later sold their shares of the automobile company, Henry Ford for 35 million dollars. Agree, intuition can fetch good dividends. Almost every successful person you'll definitely say that the sixth sense is one of the secrets of his success.
And no magic
Intuition is not something magical or mysterious. It is based on acquired knowledge and experience. According to the psychologists, the deeper knowledge and richer experience, the greater intuitive capacity of man.
Most of the intuition can be divided into three groups.
Intellectuals — about 25%
In their rational picture of the world is no place for intuition. Practically it is almost not used and, as a consequence, not developed.
Undecided — about 70%
Most people are periodically faced with the manifestations of intuition, which is perceived at the level of vague feelings (more often negative). In your gut they are not sure.
Intuitive — approximately 5%
This is a rare people who are able or have learned to trust myself, my inner voice. They know about the existence of intuition and actively use it in their daily lives.
What type do you belong? To answer this question, pass a simple test.
Flip a coin and try to guess heads or tails. Repeat 10 times.
Guessed 5 out of 10 cases — you have a mediocre intuition.
8 out of 10 cases — good.
10 out of 10? Bravo! You — a rare instance! Then you can not read!
If the number of Champions you don't hit, we recommend to adopt the following tips.
Get creative
Music, painting, choreography, crafts — all forms of creativity are great develop the right hemisphere of the brain. As a result, both hemispheres begin to work synchronously, thereby opening to man the ability to hear your inner voice and not just the imperative tone of reason and logic.
Trust yourself
Without it, no relationship will not be productive and long-term. Try to rely on your gut feeling, not on the opinions of others. For a start, at least in unimportant matters.
Learn to calm down and think clearly
The voice of intuition the clearer, the better. Therefore, in order to hear yourself, you need to be in a state of inner peace. Someone to help achieve it meditation, some training. And the most simple and effective method — breathing exercises. Inhale and exhale slowly and deeply, calming breath accompany the images. For example, imagine the sound of the surf or the wind in the forest...
Listen to associations
Do not expect intuition monologues on the topic "Why so?" When using it, take it a rule to listen to my feelings and the associations that come to mind. If they cause joy and confidence — is a solid Yes. If there is a sense of something strange and incomprehensible, rejection and aggression was a clear no. Ambivalent feelings and uncertainty, too, is regarded as not.
Often to make their own decisions hinder us surrounding people who are interested in the final result. Therefore, in order not to be subjected to the influence of others, and to hear your inner voice, try to be alone with him.
An affirmative question
Start to ask yourself simple questions and try to find them intuitive answers. There is one trick: the questions should always be in the affirmative. For example, instead of "Should I buy this thing?" ask yourself, "do I buy this thing?" Such a statement will cause internal conflict, on the basis of which your intuition will give the correct answer.
Over time, these exercises will help you to find answers to more complex and ambiguous, vital questions. And intuition will be your reliable ally.
Source: miraman.ru/posts/323