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Your solar seal by date of birth, according to the Mayan calendar

Many Mayan predictions have survived to this day.Indian priests They were able to predict not only global events, but also the personal qualities of a particular person.

Today's edition. "Site" share one of the oldest ways fortune-telling According to the date of the person according to the characteristics that many centuries ago made the Maya tribes. Who would have thought!

Mayan predictions

All you need is your exact date of birth, and if you forget, look in your passport. Now look for your profile in the collection below!

Dates of birth: 16 or 21 March, 10 or 30 April, 20 May, 9 or 29 June, 19 July, 8 or 28 August, 17 September, 7 or 27 October, 16 November, 6 or 26 December, 15 January, 4 or 24 February.

People of this sign feel their inextricable connection with the deep forces of nature. They may not even be aware of this connection, but it is present and goes through their lives.

Such people are a bit like a big child, with whom it is difficult, but with whom it is difficult to be angry for a long time. It is better to choose a job that is creative or one that requires help from others.

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#TreeWorld, #Dragon, #Crocodile (#Image) 16.03, 21.03, 10.04, 30.04, 20.05, 9.06, 29.06, 19.07, 8.09, 28.09, 17.09, 7.10, 27.10, 16.11, 6.12, 26.01, 15.01, 4.02, 24.02 #HoroscopeMaya Nature of the World Tree Sign of the World Tree is the kingdom of primitive instincts underlying all life. Without them, nothing is possible, but they are not yet organized and ordered. A person born on the day of the World Tree feels his inextricable connection with the deep forces of Nature. He may not even be aware of this connection, but it is present and goes through his whole life. He has a very powerful intuition, on which he is accustomed to rely more than on reason. He is in natural resonance with the world around him, and even despite his often not very logical actions, those around him - due to his naturalness and organicity - feel an inexplicable sympathy for him. In this sense, he is like a big child, with whom it is difficult, but with whom it is difficult to be angry for a long time. Indeed, the first thirteen years, and especially the first year of any human life, pass under the powerful influence of this sign, so if you want to better understand the World Tree, try to imagine yourself as a baby. When a child wants to eat, drink, or something interferes with him, he does not analyze the situation, but simply loudly declares his demands. Of course, in an adult, under whatever sign he was born, the brain is much more complex, however, the line to put their desires and feelings in the forefront remains in the man of the World Tree for life.

Posting from Nina Alexandrovna (@madam_nina08) February 14, 2020 at 11:44 PST

Wind Dates of birth: 17 or 22 March, 11 April, 1 or 21 May, 10 or 30 June, 20 July, 9 or 29 August, 18 September, 8 or 28 October, 17 November, 7 or 27 December, 16 January, 5 or 25 February.

The main theme for representatives of this sign is the ineradicable desire to influence the world around them. Change it for the better.

The people of this sign are as ambiguous as the wind itself. They have a primitive unbridled energy, but at the same time it is not a blind element, but a force conscious of itself. The brain of the Wind man is like an indomitable mountain stream, which knows no obstacles. He sweeps everything in his path if he needs anything.

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#Wind (#Iic) 17.03, 22.03, 11.04, 1.05, 21.05, 10.06, 30.06, 20.07, 9.08, 29.08, 18.09, 8.10, 28.10, 17.11, 7.12, 27.12, 16.01, 5.02, 25.02 #HoroscopeMaya Nature of the Wind People of this sign are as ambiguous as the wind itself. They have a primitive unbridled energy, but at the same time it is not a blind element, but a force conscious of itself. The main feature of the Wind sign is that under it the deep, primary instincts do not act by themselves, but give a powerful impetus to the awakening of the mind. The Wind man has a very strong consciousness, including the consciousness of his self. His thought never stops. He is rarely characterized by a state of happy thoughtless contemplation, on the contrary, his brain is always busy with something. This does not mean that he is constantly preoccupied with important problems - just like others, he tends to think about everything in the world, including trifles, but the thing is that even trifling thoughts reach a very significant power in his head. For people of other signs, such a force could acquire the character of an obsession, but for the Wind it is a natural element to which he is accustomed and therefore quite easily knows how to cope with the powerful flow of his consciousness. The wind is not the brain of a sober scientist, who has everything laid out in shelves and each thing has its own, strictly defined place. His mind is more like an indomitable mountain stream, which knows no obstacles. This stream can sweep away huge boulders and uproot age-old trees in its path, but it can also be channeled into the creative channel, powering powerful turbines of an electric generator.

Posting from Nina Alexandrovna (@madam_nina08) February 15, 2020 at 1:10 PST

Night Dates of birth: 8 or 23 March, 12 April, 2 or 22 May, 11 June, 1 or 21 July, 20 or 30 August, 19 September, 9 or 29 October, 18 November, 8 or 28 December, 17 January, 6 or 26 February.

People of the Night are mysterious and secretive. They're also tactful, listening. Often in their souls boiling passions, they are easy to hurt and offend. But you're unlikely to know.

Stability is important in their careers. Those born on these dates never conflict with colleagues, and due to their diligence can achieve a high position in society.

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#Night, #Sleep #Darkness (#Akbal) 18.03, 23.03, 12.04, 2.05, 22.05, 11.06,1.07, 21.07, 10.08, 30.08, 19.09, 9.10, 29.10,18.11, 8.12, 28.12, 17.01, 6.02, 26.02 #Horoscope Maya The nature of the Night Sign is an amazing sign. The main thing that distinguishes a person born on this day is his deep concentration on his own problems, thoughts, feelings and experiences. Night endows a person with such features as a very strong ego, touchiness and a tendency to inner isolation, but at the same time, oddly enough, in the modern world this sign is one of the most successful for life and career. That is his paradox. First, people of the Night have a developed imagination and the ability to concentrate, and secondly, the habit of experiencing their resentments within themselves gives them such a valuable quality as patience. And thirdly, the character of most European peoples has developed under this sign, and therefore the man of the Night falls into resonance with the entire European civilization, which today is the leading in the world. In short, despite the fact that the Mayan “Book of Signs of Days” talks about the difficult fate of the people of this sign, it also says that they are “hunters”, that is, taking into account the imagery of the Mayan language, they are able to achieve their goal. Luck indeed often accompanies these people, but this is not because of blind luck, but because of their ability to patiently and focused to go to their goal. Perhaps the most striking feature of the Night man is his restrained independence. Unlike representatives of many other signs, he rarely tries to flaunt his independence, does not seek to emphasize it and prove anything to others. He is simply focused on his own affairs, and he is, by and large, not interested in anything else, including the opinions of others. He does not like when others climb into his soul, and prefers not to climb into the soul of others. In other words, the nature of the Night is typical of the average European.

Posting from Nina Alexandrovna (@madam_nina08) February 15, 2020 at 1:10 PST

Dates of birth: March 19 or 24, April 13, May 3 or 23, June 12, July 2 or 22, August 11 or 31, September 20, October 10 or 30, November 19, December 9 or 29, January 18, February 7 or 27.

Representatives of this sign are distinguished by high efficiency and energy. They are not in the clouds and dreaming. These people are able to clearly set goals and achieve them on time.

They are very observant, do not lose sight of the little things and are able to grasp the very essence of things on the fly, which helps them in life.

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#Grain, #Lizard, #Iguana, #Seed (#Kan) 19.03, 24.03, 13.04, 3.05, 23.05, 12.06, 2.07, 22.07, 11.08, 31.08, 20.09, 10.10, 30.10, 19.11, 9.12, 29.12, 18.01, 7.02, 27.02 #HoroscopeMaia Character of the Grain People born under the sign of the Grain, most of all the forces and resources of the body is aimed at growth and maturation. At the level of the body, this means increased activity of all physiological processes, and at the level of behavior - his thirst for activity, the thirst for the realization of his ideas. Thanks to this, the person of the grain is distinguished by increased efficiency and energy. He doesn’t want to invent something completely new and original. His main goal is to make the most of his existing resources for success, and here Nature herself helps him find moves that are completely unexpected for everyone else. Where others do not see the potential, the Grain man is able to discover hidden resources and brilliantly implement his idea. Sometimes it seems that he, like a wizard, is able to create something useful from literally nothing, taking a rabbit out of an empty hat, but this is not quite true. It’s just that his talent is to bring a live stream into things that others may seem hopeless. The person of Grain is very observant, does not lose sight of the little things and knows how to grasp the very essence on the fly. In the "Book of Signs of Days" about the people of this sign it is said that their talent grows out of the "Red World Tree", that is, the abilities of the man of the Grain come not so much from training or experience, but from nature itself.

Posting from Nina Alexandrovna (@madam_nina08) February 15, 2020 at 1:09 PST

Dates of birth: 20 or 25 March, 14 April, 4 or 24 May, 13 June, 3 or 23 July, 12 August, 1 or 21 September, 11 or 31 October, 20 November, 10 or 30 December, 19 January, 8 or 28 February.

Representatives of this sign seem to others calm and balanced, and only relatives know that this is not so. They have a highly developed intuition.

U Maya Snake people are one of the most beloved and respected signs. According to their observations, it is under it that the strongest shamans and spiritualists are born. For example, the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, whose prophetic gift was repeatedly confirmed by heads of state and many authoritative scientists, was also born on the day of the Snake.

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#Snake (#Chikchan) 20.03, 25.03, 14.04, 4.05, 24.05, 13.06, 3.07, 23.07, 12.08, 1.09, 21.09, 11.10, 31.10, 20.11, 10.12, 30.12, 19.01, 8.02, 28.02 #Maya Horoscope The nature of the Serpent in the Maya Indians is one of the most beloved and respected signs. According to their observations, it is under it that the strongest shamans and spiritualists are born. Interestingly, the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, whose prophetic gift was repeatedly confirmed by heads of state and many authoritative scientists, was also born on the day of the Snake. Of course, not everyone born on this day receives such a prophetic gift, but there is always a special connection with the Divine in their lives. In a Snake person, this special connection can be expressed in different ways, for example in the form of unusual, vivid dreams or premonitions. Thanks to an unconscious intuition, he is sometimes able to perform actions that seem illogical to others and the reason for which even he himself cannot always understand. Strange events often take place around the Snake; it happens that life unexpectedly lifts him to unimaginable heights, but with the same ease it can throw him into the abyss itself. All this is all the more unexpected that in ordinary life Snake, as a rule, gives the impression of a calm and balanced person, perhaps even lazy. The Book of Signs of Days speaks of the drowsiness inherent in the person of this sign, but despite this, the same book says that fire burns in his heart and there are moments when this fire bursts out with incredible energy. Similarly, looking at a grenade, it is not always possible to imagine what a formidable force lurks under its shell until someone pulls a safety check. In life, this is usually expressed in the fact that emotions can capture the Snake unexpectedly and violently, which is characteristic of him both in love and in deeds. Thanks to this combination of calm and unexpectedly flashing stormy feelings, the character of the Snake is very peculiar and remarkable.

Posting from Nina Alexandrovna (@madam_nina08) February 15, 2020 at 1:09 PST

Dates of birth: 1 or 26 March, 15 April, 5 or 25 May, 14 June, 4 or 24 July, 13 August, 2 or 22 September, 12 October, 1 or 21 November, 11 or 31 December, 20 January, 9 or 29 February.

Such people are simply called to lead the struggle between good and evil. They have spent their lives trying to change our world for the better. It is not always possible, but the attempt itself is already beautiful.

Such people are prone to depressive states and autumn melancholy. In love, representatives of this sign are looking for perfection, girls tend to wait for the prince on a white horse.

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#Skull, #Fog, #Grass, #Man (#Eb) 7.03, 1.04, 21.04, 11.05, 31.05, 20.06, 10.07, 30.07, 19.08, 8.09, 28.09, 18.10, 7.11, 27.11, 17.12, 6.01, 26.01, 15.02 #Maia The main feature of a person born under the sign of the Skull is its internal organization. He belongs to that rare breed of people who, going fishing, never forget to take fishing rods with them. Such organization is manifested in him in all possible areas: he is logical, does not like unnecessary fuss, and his views are usually constancy. Perhaps there is no perfect order in his things, but the Skull man always knows exactly where and what he has. All these qualities in our chaotic world can hardly be called useless. Moreover, it is the organization of the Skull that often helps him to succeed in various fields. He is a natural organizer and leader who is able not only to give commands to others, but is ready to obey the established rules. It is not for nothing that it is said that only the one who knows how to execute other people's orders is really good at command. It is not surprising that on Skull Day two of the most famous and famous Soviet marshals were born: Georgy Zhukov and Konstantin Rokossovsky, under whose command in 1945 the capital of Nazi Germany Berlin was taken. Skull’s inherent clarity of thought and logic can help him make a career in many areas. At the same time, he can not be called a boring cracker - on the contrary, he is quite emotional and can well find himself even in creative professions. The paradox is that his deep emotions do not prevent him from thinking soberly and analyzing the situation.

Posting from Nina Alexandrovna (@madam_nina08) February 15, 2020 at 1:04 PST

Dates of birth: 2 or 27 March, 16 April, 6 or 26 May, 15 June, 5 or 25 July, 14 August, 3 or 23 September, 13 October, 2 or 22 November, 12 December, 1 or 21 January, 10 February.

The energy of these people is the key. They are naturally endowed with good physical strength, as well as dexterity and speed of reaction. These representatives are able to make decisions literally lightning fast.

Such people always know what they want, thanks to their persistence, their desires are always fulfilled in the shortest possible time. Employability is what your boss loves you for. In relationships, though they are not prone to excessive romance, but reliable as a rock.

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#Deer, #Hand (#Manic) 2.03, 27.03, 16.04, 6.05, 26.05, 15.06, 5.07, 25.07, 14.08, 3.09, 23.09, 13.10, 2.11, 22.11, 12.12, 1.01, 21.01, 10.02 #Horoscope Maya Character Deer In the Mayan book "Signs of the Days" about Deer it is said: "In the blood of his claws", but if for the European ear such an expression sounds bloodthirsty, then for the Maya themselves this imagery means first of all achievement. In addition, the Maya endowed a person born under this sign with such qualities of character as pride and freedom-loving and the desire for pleasures and blessings of life. Distinctive features of the Deer man are independence and the desire to live with his mind: he knows exactly what he wants from life and does not tolerate interference in his affairs, while he is quite willful and knows how to achieve his own. Interesting fact: the Russian expression “the catcher and the beast runs” perfectly fits the character of the Deer. Due to some hidden mechanisms of Nature, his clear knowledge of what he wants from life disposes people to him. They really begin to meet him unconsciously, helping in business or making any profitable offers. Where another will have to show remarkable abilities to interest a potential partner with their projects, the Deer can easily talk to him. It seems that in business nature itself gives him a head start. However, the reindeer should take into account that the unconscious sympathies of people are an advance, which later he will have to justify his deeds. However, even if this does not happen, due to the same hidden mechanisms of Nature, even the obvious mistakes of the Deer rarely cause excessive irritation among others. As a rule, his failures end in the fact that the project simply closes, and the Deer begins to look for a new goal.

Posting from Nina Alexandrovna (@madam_nina08) February 15, 2020 at 1:07 PST

Dates of birth: 3 or 28 March, 17 April, 7 or 27 May, 16 June, 6 or 26 July, 15 August, 4 or 24 September, 14 October, 2 or 23 November, 13 December, 2 or 22 January, 11 February.

Those born under this sign are attracted to everything mysterious. They are often fond of occult sciences, are engaged in herbal medicine. People of this sign are cunning and quirky, can trick anyone around the finger.

At the same time, they are kind to their loved ones, trying to create a cozy and calm atmosphere for them. They are excellent cooks and confectioners, because they cook with love and heart.

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#Moon, #Rabbit, #ShiningStar, #Sunrise (#Lamat) 3.03, 28.03, 17.04, 7.05, 27.05, 16.06, 6.07, 26.07, 15.08, 4.09, 24.09, 14.10, 3.11, 23.11, 13.12, 2.01, 22.01, 11.02 #Horoscope Maya The nature of the Sunrise is the best embodied character of our modern civilization, with all its advantages and disadvantages. No matter where he is and no matter what situation he finds himself in, he will always be a modern man in the full sense of the word. The person of the Sunrise is not peculiar to sit idly by – Nature herself determined so that in his soul there is always a thirst for activity. This thirst is so great that when, for one reason or another, he cannot realize it, he risks falling into pessimism or depression. However, much more often the person of the Sunrise still finds its active nature application. Perhaps the main feature of his character is practicality and specificity. The man of Sunrise is not inclined to abstract philosophies, he does not like ambiguity and unfinished business. His formula is “time is money”, according to which he tries to build his life. All this leads to the fact that the person of the Sunrise is always looking for the simplest and shortest ways to implement their ideas. He does not like to complicate the situation, because for him, first of all, efficiency is important, for which he is ready to sacrifice a lot. The person of the Sunrise is set to get the maximum result at minimal cost, even at the expense of quality. He does not want to leave his mark for centuries. But here’s the interesting thing: although the things he takes on are not always as perfect as Swiss watches, but because of their simplicity and efficiency, they often look no less attractive than the outstanding works of great masters.

Posting from Nina Alexandrovna (@madam_nina08) February 15, 2020 at 1:07 PST

Dates of birth: 4 or 29 March, 18 April, 8 or 28 May, 17 June, 7 or 27 July, 16 August, 5 or 25 September, 15 October, 4 or 24 November, 14 December, 3 or 23 January, 12 February.

The Mayans are called These people are enlightened, because the mind of the representatives of Water is clear and bright. Water people are able to think clearly, they see everything as it really is. The truths of life are revealed to them, and at the same time they never lose optimism, positive attitude.

Having communicated with such a person, you feel like after confession, purified and ready to do good.

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#Rain, #Water (#Muluk) 4.03, 29.03, 18.04, 8.05, 28.05, 17.06, 7.07, 27.07, 16.08, 5.09, 25.09, 15.10, 4.11, 24.11, 14.12, 3.01, 23.01, 12.02 #HoroscopeMaya The nature of Water is one of the most controversial, and therefore misinterpreted signs. Indeed, a person born on this day has such an unusual character that his behavior often seems strange and illogical to others. But this is only at first glance. The bottom line is that nature itself has endowed a person with very large internal resources, but these resources are extremely difficult for him to use in everyday life - they are included only in critical moments. All this leads to the fact that in ordinary life the Water person often looks slow, slow, even lazy. However, in difficult periods of life, the person of Water suddenly wakes up surprisingly powerful energy that helps him find a way out. This is usually where the Water Man’s advantage over all others is manifested. Remember the tale of Ilya Muromets, who lay on the stove for thirty years and three years? Only when it became tight and Rus was under the yoke of the invaders, he suddenly filled with heroic power and how by magic he managed to cleanse the entire Russian land from enemies. So is the character of the Water Man. His life is always full of difficulties, but heavy karma has nothing to do with it. Nature has defined for these people the role of an inviolable reserve of humanity, so that in difficult times they solve problems that others cannot solve.

Posting by Nina Alexandrovna (@madam_nina08) February 14, 2020 at 11:49 PST

Dates of birth: 5 or 30 March, 19 April, 9 or 29 May, 18 June, 8 or 28 July, 17 August, 6 or 26 September, 16 October, 5 or 25 November, 15 December, 4 or 24 January, 13 February.

These people. May forecast They are both loyal and loyal. They can be trusted in everything, they are reliable and hard as a rock. Strongly attached to close and family.

Family is always in the forefront for them, although they can succeed in the field of business, as they can create a good reputation for themselves. They are the owners of excellent intuition. In love, they completely give their heart to the chosen one, but they are very jealous.

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#Dog (#Oka ) 5.03, 30.03, 19.04, 9.05, 29.05, 18.06, 8.07, 28.07, 17.08, 6.09, 26.09, 16.10, 5.11, 25.11, 15.12, 4.01, 24.01, 13.02 #HoroscopeMaya Character Dog The main feature of a person born on the Day of the Dog is the special brightness and strength of his emotions. He has such a strong emotionality that it determines his entire character, behavior and lifestyle. This does not mean that he is alien to such a concept as logic. On the contrary, the Dog has a very mobile mind, learns quickly and has a good memory. His very thinking is emotional. He is alien to dry dispassionate reasoning, and often trusts his inner sense more than his logical calculations. A good example of this is one of the greatest chess players in the world, Robert Fisher, born under the sign of the Dog. No one was able to beat him. Nevertheless, despite his intellectual abilities, Fisher was extremely emotional, becoming the center of various scandals. Due to this inherent increased emotionality, the Dogs often remain childlike traits for life. Often he does not lose his sincere ability to be surprised and enjoy life until he is old. At heart, he is a romantic, who is difficult to sit still and whom life constantly calls for new adventures. Such cravings can manifest in all areas of his life.

Posting from Nina Alexandrovna (@madam_nina08) February 15, 2020 at 1:06 PST

Dates of birth: March 6 or 31, April 20, May 10 or 30, June 19, July 9 or 29, August 18, September 7 or 27, October 17, November 6 or 26, December 16, January 5 or 25, February 14.

That's who likes to demonstrate their merits and knows how to show themselves in all its glory! Humility and shyness are not about them.

All Monkeys are distinguished by either artistic abilities, or dexterous skillful hands, or bright appearance. They also make excellent lawyers. If misfortunes happen in the life of Monkeys, they keep the pain within themselves, hiding behind irony and sarcasm.

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#Monkey, #Master (#Chuen ) 6.03, 31.03, 20.04, 10.05, 30.05, 19.06, 9.07, 29.07, 18.08, 7.09, 27.09, 17.10, 6.11, 26.11, 16.12, 5.01, 25.01, 14.02 #HoroscopeMayya The nature of the Master Man born under the sign of the Master, Nature has generously endowed talents and abilities in various fields. It is easy and easy to give those things to which others have to go patiently. He knows how to think quickly, grasps the essence of the issue on the fly, is very insightful, and the conclusions he makes are usually distinguished by amazing accuracy. But in the same ease lurks a catch: such ease relaxes. Often, a person born under this sign simply has no incentive to realize his many talents. It is a paradox that, having more powers than others from Nature, the Master has less desire to realize them. A person of this sign is often characterized by such a trait as self-satisfaction. Deep down, the Master is well aware or at least aware of his extraordinary abilities and even his superiority over others. He sees that much in life is given to him without much difficulty, and often this alone is enough for him. And it's a shame, because any talent without application can die out. Just as muscles without regular training gradually lose strength, so over time the Master can lose his talents or waste them on trifles.

Posting from Nina Alexandrovna (@madam_nina08) February 15, 2020 at 1:05 PST

Dates of birth: March 7, April 1 or 21, May 11 or 31, June 20, July 10 or 30, August 19, September 8 or 28, October 18, November 7 or 27, December 17, January 6 or 26, February 15.

People of this sign are well organized and collected. They stick to the schedule and always follow the regime. But if things don't go according to plan, they're always very upset.

Nature has given them the strength to endure the blows of fate, so they quickly recover. They make excellent husbands and wives, experiencing sincere joy in communicating with their relatives.

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#Road, #Wanderer (#Kimi ) 1.03, 26.03, 15.04, 5.05, 25.05, 14.06, 4.07, 24.07, 13.08, 2.09, 22.09, 12.10, 1.11, 21.11, 11.12, 31.12, 20.01, 9.02, 29.02 #HoroscopeMaia The Wanderer character You can often hear that the best defense is an attack, but this dubious thesis has nothing to do with a person born under the sign of the Wanderer. Nature has determined that the best defense for him is calm inner firmness, caution and restraint. By his nature, the Wanderer is not at all inclined to aggression. Moreover, from the outside he often gives the impression of a soft man, but it should never be forgotten that behind this external softness, perhaps even infantilism, he has a great inner strength and strong will. If, when communicating with a Wanderer person, it seems to you that he is ready to give in or go against his inner convictions, do not be fooled by his calmness - he is not going to make any compromises and is certainly not inclined to give in to brute pressure. Of course, like any other, the Wanderer can temporarily retreat, but for him this is by no means an admission of defeat. It is just a tactic that leads him to his goal. And believe me, he will be able to make it so that even a forced step back will eventually turn out to be a step towards future victory. In this sense, the Wanderer’s attitude is very similar to the ancient Chinese philosophy, which states: “The strong can defeat the weaker.” The soft conquers all.” The fact is that the Chinese statehood, and indeed the Chinese people itself, began to take shape in the first half of the II millennium BC, when, according to the Mayan calendar, the Great Wanderer era took place on Earth. Apparently, this is what left a characteristic imprint on the whole Chinese culture, which differs sharply from the European one in its isolation and seeming conservatism, but at the same time it is China that is famous for its amazing strength and effectiveness of politics.

Posting from Nina Alexandrovna (@madam_nina08) February 15, 2020 at 1:08 PST

Dates of birth: March 8, April 2 or 22, May 12, June 21, July 11 or 31, August 20, September 9 or 29, October 19, November 8 or 28, December 18, January 7 or 27, February 16.

If you find yourself on this list, then you are not used to stopping there. Concepts like “enough” or “a little bit of good” aren’t for you, and often the word “better” means “more.” Fundamental to you is the idea of growing and increasing everything you do.

One of the main traits of character is extreme perseverance in achieving the goal. In the end, nothing is impossible for you!

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#Mais, #Shaman, #Heavenly Wanderer, #Reed (#Ben) 8.03, 2.04, 22.04, 12.05, 1.06, 21.06, 11.07, 31.07, 20.08, 9.09, 29.09, 19.10, 8.11, 28.11, 18.12, 7.01, 27.01, 16.02 #HoroscopeMaya The character of the Cane is not used to stopping there. Concepts like “enough” or “a little bit of good” are not for him, and often the word “better” means “more.” Nature has determined that the main thing for him is the very idea of growth and increase of everything, for whatever he took up One of the main features that distinguishes the Reed man is his extreme tenacity in achieving the goal. There are no obstacles for him, he is ready to go forward, even if he has to confront the whole world. Thorns don't scare him on this road. Just as the grass in its unrestrained growth is able to break through powerful asphalt and concrete, so the Reed man is used to getting his way, despite the difficulties. Such qualities can only be envied. Thanks to his patience and penetrating abilities, Reed can make an excellent career in almost any field, but for this he, like no one else, must choose the right path for himself from the very beginning. The fact is that once choosing a direction, this person is not inclined to retreat, and therefore, if the direction was chosen incorrectly, he risks spending his life on fruitless attempts, as they say, to break through an impenetrable wall with his forehead. As much as he strives for his goal, he can persist in his own mistakes. At the same time, it cannot be said that the Reed is not at all characterized by such a quality as flexibility. On the contrary, he can be very inventive, finding unexpected paths and loopholes where others don’t even notice them. Often these people are very flexible, even quirky mind. The consistency and constancy of the Reed is manifested in the fact that all this takes place within the framework of one general direction, which he has chosen and from which he does not intend to deviate.

Posting from Nina Alexandrovna (@madam_nina08) February 15, 2020 at 1:03 PST

Dates of birth: March 9, April 3 or 23, May 13, June 1 or 21, July 12, August 1 or 20, September 10 or 30, October 20, November 9 or 29, December 19, January 8 or 28, February 17.

This is the one who truly knows how to achieve it at any cost! Nature generously endowed representatives of this sign with such features as a sharp observational mind and determination.

They are logical, consistent, their judgments are always distinguished by clarity and clarity. Often, these people do not need to study for a long time in any business - they have the ability to grasp on the fly and, most importantly, not only understand the essence, but also know how to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

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#Jaguar (#Yisha) 9.03, 3.04, 23.04, 13.05, 2.06, 22.06, 12.07, 1.08, 21.08, 10.09, 30.09, 20.10, 9.11, 29.11, 19.12, 8.01, 28.01, 17.02 #Maya character Jaguar Horoscope is a person who knows how to achieve his. Nature generously dissipated it with such traits as sharp observational mind and determination. In the Mayan “Book of Signs of Days” about the Jaguar it is said: “Blood on its mouth, blood on its claws”, but given the imagery of the language and the peculiarities of thinking of the Indians, all this should be understood primarily as a symbol of luck in hunting and in general in achieving the goal. To better understand this sign, you need to turn to the nature of the animal, after which it got its name. The fact is that the jaguar, being the most powerful and agile predator in Central America, is by nature completely non-aggressive. He is a hunter, and in relation to people rather curious and playful. Often the jaguar plays with a person, chasing him without showing any hostile intentions - unless, of course, provoke him. All these habits were well known to the Mayans, who perceived the jaguar as a noble lord of the forest, giving him every respect. Perhaps the main feature of a person born on the day of the Jaguar is his specificity. He does not like vague wording, in his mouth “yes” always means “yes”, and “no” always means “no”. He has strong emotions, but his thinking is not emotional. He knows how to control his feelings and has a very sober, practical mind. As a rule, this person is surprisingly logical, consistent, and his judgments are always clear and clear. Often, these people do not need to study for a long time in any business - they have the ability to grasp on the fly and, most importantly, not only understand the essence, but also know how to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

Posting from Nina Alexandrovna (@madam_nina08) February 15, 2020 at 1:02 PST

Dates of birth: 10 March, 4 or 24 April, 14 May, 3 or 23 June, 13 July, 2 or 22 August, 11 September, 1 or 21 October, 10 or 30 November, 20 December, 9 or 29 January, 18 February.

People of the Eagle sign already literally from the diapers show leadership qualities. They're smart and reasonable. They are able to organize other people and manage them intelligently.

Only in relationships, such people rarely show deep feelings, often they need a partner not for love, but as a complement to their successful life.

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#Eagle (#Men ) 10.03, 4.04, 24.04, 14.05, 3.06, 23.06, 13.07, 2.08, 22.08, 11.09, 1.10, 21.10, 10.11, 30.11, 20.12, 9.01, 29.01, 18.02 #HoroscopeMaya Character of the Eagle The person born on the day of the Eagle is a natural logician. This does not mean that he should be particularly quick of mind, just that his mental potential is extremely high, and in any case his logic prevails over his feelings and emotions. Moreover, the Eagle can often look slower than others, because he prefers to think carefully about the situation first, and only then make his decision. He does not like to rely on intuition and does not believe in instant insights, but like no other, he knows how to carefully and deeply analyze the situation before coming to any conclusion. All this makes the character of the Eagle quite balanced and calm. From an early age, he, as a rule, makes a very favorable impression on others - he does not like to argue, is quite compliant, rarely goes to conflict, especially with parents and teachers (and in adulthood with superiors), and also not only learns well, but also sincerely loves this process. Learning, unlike many other signs, is easy. Often, the judgment inherent in the Eagle looks in the eyes of others as a sign of weakness or indecision. This is especially evident in adolescence, when others exhibit youthful recklessness and maximalism. However, this does not mean that the Eagle is really weak in character and is ready to concede - just because of his intelligence, he prefers not to go on a collision in the forehead, but calmly seeks ways that will allow him to achieve the desired result with the least losses for himself. In other words, one should not think that if the Eagle yielded to someone’s brute pressure, he thereby admitted defeat. This impression is deceptive, because for him a step back is just a tactic, in fact the Eagle will never give up his interests and at the first opportunity will certainly do everything to turn the situation in his favor.

Posting from Nina Alexandrovna (@madam_nina08) February 15, 2020 at 1:02 PST

Dates of birth: 11 March, 5 or 25 April, 15 May, 4 or 24 June, 14 July, 3 or 23 August, 12 September, 2 or 22 October, 11 November, 1 or 21 December, 10 or 30 January, 19 February.

Vulture people are not without talent. Nature has endowed them with great mental abilities, but at the same time they are absolutely not characteristic of dry, dispassionate reasoning.

From them come super successful businessmen and owners of large corporations. In relations People of this sign value independence and equality.

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#Gif #Owl, #Wask, #Warrior (#Kiib) 11. 03, 5.04, 25.04, 15.05, 4.06, 24.06, 14.07, 3.08, 23.08, 12.09, 2.10, 22.10, 11.11, 1.12, 21.12, 10.01, 30.01, 19.02 #HoroscopeMayah The character of Grief is a person with sensory intelligence. Nature has endowed him with great mental abilities, but at the same time he is absolutely not characteristic of dry, dispassionate reasoning. His feelings are so deep and powerful that they inevitably imprint his thoughts. One can say with certainty that a cold-headed analyst is not his style. Griff’s inherent depth of feeling manifests itself in all possible areas of his life. On the one hand, by its very nature, it is disposed to sensual pleasures, loves tasty food, is not alien to earthly joys and bodily pleasures. On the other hand, he tends to think deeply about moral and ethical issues. Reflections on such concepts as good and evil, right and wrong, are characteristic of Griff from a very young age. In other words, the intellect of Griff is not the intellect of a learned breadcrumb, but rather of a poet with a fiery heart. Another striking feature of Grief’s character is his tendency to directness, which is often perceived by others as excessive harshness of judgment. In short, Grief does not suffer from excessive diplomacy, but rather from the lack of diplomacy. The psychology of Grief Grief is often characterized by intolerance. They react very sharply to what is wrong or unnecessary from their point of view, but at the same time they are not inclined to make hasty conclusions, and certainly not indiscriminately judge anything. On the contrary, Nature has bestowed upon the Vultures a very meticulous, meticulous mind. In everything, in every issue, they just need to get to the bottom of it, analyzing the situation on the bones. That is why Grief’s opinion on all issues is very reasonable, and it is extremely difficult to dispute.

Posting from Nina Alexandrovna (@madam_nina08) February 15, 2020 at 1:01 PST

Land Dates of birth: March 12, April 6 or 26, May 16, June 5 or 25, July 15, August 4 or 24, September 13, October 2 or 23, November 12, December 2 or 22, January 11 or 31, February 20.

Mayan predictions for the people of the Earth, they say that the representatives of this sign are cheerful disposition and optimism. They are always ready to help others.

They love life and all earthly pleasures. It is their wardrobe breaks with beautiful clothes, and the refrigerator is always filled to the dump with various goodies. They love everything beautiful and attractive. Those aesthetes and hedonists!

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#Earth, #Movement, #Incense, #Earthquake (#Kaaban) 12.03, 6.04, 26.04, 16.05, 5.06, 25.06, 15.07, 4.08, 24.08, 13.09, 3.10, 23.10, 12.11, 2.12, 22.12, 11.01, 20.02 #HoroscopeMaya Nature of the Earthquake The person born on the day of the Earthquake is a natural visionary and a dreamer. He loves life and all earthly pleasures, is very indifferent to beautiful things, tasty food, good clothes and pretty faces of the opposite sex, but here is what is interesting: in order to be happy, he does not need to have all these things. The very consciousness that he can or could theoretically possess them already fills him with a feeling close to euphoria. In other words, the very dreams and fantasies often satisfy a person Earthquake is not worse, and often even better than their implementation. This is similar to how many women go shopping not to make a specific purchase, but for what is called “feeding their eyes.” Earthquake people often behave in this way, and in this they are certainly right, because they know the supreme secret of the human soul: if you want to be happy, be one. In fact, you can have everything and not be happy, or you can be happy, even without having almost nothing – it all depends on the strength of the feelings that we experience, and in an Earthquake man the power of his sensations and fantasies is so great that it is able to satisfy him completely. Earthquake people love to travel, and for this they do not need to go to exotic countries, they are quite able to get full pleasure even from the usual rest in nature. They like to “feed their eyes” in the first place, but they more than fill the rest with their powerful imagination.

Posting from Nina Alexandrovna (@madam_nina08) February 15, 2020 at 1:00 PST

Dates of birth: 13 March, 7 or 27 April, 17 May, 6 or 26 June, 16 July, 5 or 25 August, 14 September, 4 or 24 October, 13 November, 3 or 23 December, 12 January, 1 or 21 February.

From a young age, they show their desire for freedom and independence. Nature has endowed these people with considerable strength of character and a powerful charge of self-confidence.

Work is chosen stable and that there was comfortable and cozy, without stress. In a relationship, they are guided only by their feelings, turning off logic.

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#Stream, #Sword, #Knife, #Spearl, #Mirror, #Tip (#Etznab ) 13.03, 7.04, 27.04, 17.05, 6.06, 26.06, 16.07, 5.08, 25.08, 14.09, 4.10, 24.10, 13.11, 3.12, 23.12, 12.01, 1.02, 21.02 #HoroscopeMaia The main thing that distinguishes a person born on the day of Silicon is his constant desire for independence and independence. Nature has endowed these people with considerable strength of character and a powerful charge of self-confidence. They are fully characterized by such features as concreteness, clarity of thinking, and the habit of always and in everything to rely only on their own strength leads to the fact that in life they, as a rule, can do a lot and often achieve significant success even without assistance. Thanks to this, many talented and bright personalities were born on the day of Kremnya, who left a deep mark. In addition to all these qualities, the flint usually has a large margin of patience. If he has outlined any goals for himself, turning him off the path is practically useless, sooner or later he will still achieve his goal and will not give up his ideas. It is not that he is not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, he just tries not to pay attention to them, doing his job and arranging his life based on what he considers necessary himself. This approach can create many problems. He often lacks flexibility, and his words and actions are often too straightforward. Such qualities as diplomacy and even more flattering politics are not only alien to him, but most often unacceptable to him. The flint would rather be silent than say what it does not think, although it can be very, very difficult for him to keep silent - he considers the most correct position in life to speak the truth in the eyes, without hiding it behind ornate formulations. However, all this does not mean at all that in communicating with others Kremen will always show sharpness and rigidity. On the contrary, this person can look very calm and balanced, even polite. Aggressiveness is not inherent in its nature. Rather, his principle boils down to a simple formulation: “do not touch, do not touch”, but just try to press him or just raise his voice, and his harsh, hard answer will not slow to wait.

Posting by Nina Alexandrovna (@madam_nina08) February 15, 2020 at 12:59 PST

Dates of birth: 14 March, 8 or 28 April, 18 May, 7 or 27 June, 17 July, 6 or 26 August, 15 September, 5 or 25 October, 14 November, 4 or 24 December, 13 January, 2 or 22 February.

Representatives of this sign are delicate and vulnerable natures. Those born on these dates are sensitive to any circumstance that does not go as they would like. And they are very creative, they are better suited professions related to the creative beginning.

In love, Thunderstorm people are distinguished by power and intolerance. It is difficult for them to compromise, in a dispute there is only their opinion and the wrong.

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#Thunderstorm, #storm, #Nastie (#Kawak ) 14.03, 8.04, 28.04, 18.05, 7.06, 27.06,17.07, 6.08, 26.08, 15.09, 5.10, 25.10, 14.11, 4.12, 24.12, 13.01, 2.02, 22.02 #Horoscope Maya The nature of the Thunderstorm People born on the day of the Thunderstorm, had a difficult fate. They react acutely to everything that happens, their nerves are always on edge, and although they get used to their constant nervous tension, as to the background that accompanies them all their lives, it often breaks out in them. On the other hand, under no other sign was born so many celebrities who left behind such a bright, deep trace. In this sense, the storm is far superior to all other Mayan signs. The man of the storm is an extremely emotional nature. Even when he looks calm, in his behavior, and primarily in his eyes, there is a great strength of his feelings and inner tension. It is like a stormy sky, which at any moment can be poured on the ground by unstoppable rain or illuminated by flashes of lightning. However, this applies to any feelings of the storm – both positive and negative. His feelings can change incredibly quickly. If they say that from love to hatred is one step, then a person of Thunderstorms is not even a step, but a half step, so quickly he is able to move from violent joy to violent indignation, and vice versa. However, all this does not mean that the people of the storm in everyday life are completely uncontrollable. On the contrary, they are well aware of their deep emotionality and are well aware of the possible consequences of this. As a rule, from an early age, they are convinced by their own experience of the need to restrain their powerful, unbridled feelings and try their best to keep themselves in hand. Another thing is that with their temperament it is not always possible to restrain themselves, and from time to time their emotions still break out. This is their nature that they cannot change.

Posting by Nina Alexandrovna (@madam_nina08) February 15, 2020 at 12:58 PST

Sun Dates of birth: March 15, April 9 or 29, May 19, June 8 or 28, July 18, August 7 or 27, September 16, October 6 or 26, November 15, December 5 or 25, January 14, February 3 or 23.

If that's your sign, you've definitely got the soul of the company. Representatives of this sign are sociable, cheerful and confident.

Nature rewarded them with activity and good organizational skills. They feel great in leadership positions of any level, are able to organize an independent business. But most importantly, the people of the Sun are not prone to undue risk, and therefore rarely make serious mistakes.

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#Sun, #Lord, #Vladyka, #Flower (#Achau) 15.03, 9.04, 29.04, 19.05, 8.06, 28.06,18.07, 7.08, 27.08, 16.09, 6.10, 26.10, 15.11,5.12, 25.12, 14.01, 3.02, 23.02 #HoroscopeMaya Character People born on the day of the Vladyka have the secret of incomprehensible magnetism. They are almost never alone, people are drawn to them, companies are formed around them. The Lord is characterized by such features as increased self-confidence, cheerfulness and sociability, which attracts people to him. At the same time, Vladyka’s inner balance does not imply passivity – on the contrary, he is a very active person whose emotions are extremely strong, but he masterfully knows how to manipulate them. In other words, the Lord’s balance is the balance of active movement. He's like a motorcyclist who stays steady on the road only when he's moving, but when he stops, the motorcycle falls on its side. But the Lord never stops: Nature has rewarded him with a powerful reserve of active, active energy, thanks to which a person born on this day can achieve very much. The Lord’s career is usually quite successful. He feels good in managerial positions of any level, knows how to organize an independent business, is not prone to unnecessary risk, and therefore rarely makes serious mistakes. Moreover, even having made some significant blunder, he has the ability, as they say, to get away with it. In the Mayan books, people of this sign are called “abundant”, which indicates their luck in business, and the key to this is primarily their life-friendly character. As a rule, Vladyka is characterized by such a feature as authoritarianism, however, unlike many other signs, this quality is not striking and does not cause hostility in others. He can be very demanding, persistent and even tough, but he knows how to do it carefully enough without causing active opposition.

Posting by Nina Alexandrovna (@madam_nina08) February 15, 2020 at 12:57 PST

I also want you to know why you need to be positive. The universe sends us signals that everything will be fine, the main thing is to recognize these signals in time.

What about the Mayan prediction? Personally, according to my feelings, coincidence There are, but in order to analyze them, you need to be able to perceive images. After all, the description itself is not so literal to perceive.

It is useless to argue with the inevitability or is it possible, do you think?