Interesting facts about the Maya civilization.
Indian pyramids serve to define man's place in the universe, both in space and in time. The duties of the supreme leader, in the Mayan language "Halač Winick," which means "true man", includes nightly at midnight on the pyramid voskurivat copal resin after Canopus stars, Castor and Pollux. The priests watched the movement of the stars, especially during twilight, three in the morning and before dawn. Every time the battle was proclaimed the sounds of drums and pipes of the pyramids.
Many of the pyramid, and not only among the Maya, but also from the Toltecs, the Aztecs were focused on the constellation of the Pleiades. For the peoples of Mesoamerica from the Pleiades constellation Alcyone had the same value as for Egypt - Sirius. As in Egypt, the ascent of Sirius meant the tide of the Nile and the beginning of a new year and corrected by the priests with the solstice, and in Mesoamerica this role Alcyone - the star of the Pleiades - in the Mayan language "TSAB" - "rattle on the tail of a rattlesnake," only here the adjustment was to equinoxes, the adjustment was based on the calendar Muchuchu Mil - the prophetic calendar Pleiades, this calendar connects the solar calendar Haab and Tzolkin calendar star.
Another mystery architecture -toltekskaya pyramid at Chichen Itza. It is designed so that when the Pleiades are exactly in a straight line directly over the center of the pyramid on the equinoxes, the sun's rays, the play of light and shadow zastavlyut huge snake whose head is cut out at the foot of the steps, go up or down the stairs up and the spring and down -osenyu forming seven regular triangles, pattern of which bears a rattlesnake. The Pleiades are seven main stars, although in fact there are many more in this cluster, but is perfectly visible in the sky, only seven. The Indians knew about this and called the Pleiades cluster Pile of sun!
In Xochicalco huge pyramid has a vertical shaft, which is illuminated by the sun at its zenith twice a year. These double pyramid casts a circular shadow completely. Of course, the movement of the sun is also associated with the period of the Pleiades, or rather, treatment of the solar system around the Pleiades.
The famous pyramids City of the Gods - Teotihuacan are oriented east-west axis to the Pleiades. The Teotihuacan pyramids were used in conjunction with markers on the rocks in the hills and mountains surrounding the valley to observe the entire celestial mechanics, rising and setting of the stars - Sirius, Polaris, etc.
In general, all the buildings in the City of the Gods - a precise projection of the solar system with the size of the orbits of the planets and their distance from each other, etc. Maya cities are "stone computers" - observatories, where they are precisely calculated periods of the planets and stars, but the sacred knowledge is not based on astronomical cycles. The calendar by days spent in a distant past, billions of years before our solar system appeared as the galaxies, to the very point of the Big Bang. He discovered the secrets of eternity and the course of time. How high they soared when they were knows that our galaxy is a spiral shape? In the sacred texts of the Maya tells the story of how the Great Mother and the Great Father created the earth ... "... Like the mist, like a cloud, and like a cloud of dust was in the land of his creation, at the beginning of their physicality ...»
Sitting on the steps of the castle of El Castillo, known as El Castillo and located in the city of Chichen Itza, Mexico, one can hear unusual sounds. When other tourists climb the stairs to the top of the structure, sitting at the foot of the pyramid hear sounds similar to the sound of rain, reports New Scientist.
Scientists Jorge Cruz (Jorge Cruz) of the Professional School of Mechanics and Electrical Engineering (Professional School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering), Mexico, and Nico Declercq (Nico Declercq) Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Institute of Technology), the United States, decided to find out where the hidden the mystery of the mysterious sounds. They compared the frequency of the sounds produced when the ascent of El Castillo, with the same sounds of the pyramid of the moon in an abandoned city of Teotihuacan, north-east of Mehiko.Kak turned out, the rustle of falling drops in the steps of tourists quite similar in the two pyramids. According to researchers, the sound waves are reflected from the corrugated surface of steps, refracted and scattered by walking down the stairs.
According to scientists, the existence of "Rain Music" in various pyramid schemes suggests that these colossal structures were set up to communicate with the gods. That is Mexican pyramids can be called musical instruments of the Mayan civilization.
The origin and disappearance of the Mayan civilization, which existed in America, about 2 thousand. Years and extinct around 900 AD - one of the biggest mysteries in history. In order to explain the reasons for the Mayan people suddenly left their city, scientists put forward a variety of hypotheses from the epidemic to the depletion of resources, the endless wars to climate change caused by prolonged zasuhu.V 2008, NASA experts have discovered five ancient Mayan cities via spy satellite. The images made satellite, clearly highlighted the differences in vegetation. Maya building built of limestone and with the use of mortar. When abandoned structure decomposed chemicals of which penetrate into the soil and plant growth suppressing effect on their chemical composition.
With these images, scientists finally to solve the causes of death of the Mayan civilization. Perhaps the Indians left their towns because the giant reservoirs have dried up, Bajos (bajos), in which they collect water for agriculture. Such Bajos were near the cities identified by satellite. These could cause devastation of deforestation, which caused the increase in temperature and decrease in precipitation. Information on the causes of death of the ancient civilization of the modern community will help to avoid the mistakes of the past.
Personally, I most impressed with the departure of the Maya version of their cities, from the fantastic book "Twilight»
Here is an excerpt:
"That faith of the Indian people in the immutability of these foretold was perfect, and that all the cities and all the people and all the kings, lived in strict accordance with the prophecy. Day is designated in the book thereof, as a day of destruction of the world, according to the Indian calendar has already begun, and it happened for centuries before the arrival of the Spaniards in the Yucatan.
I had done that day was for him the end of the Indian people, at the same time as his most terrible secret, and the greatest disgrace. For the time was calculated incorrectly priests and prophecy did not materialize; but faith in the doom of the Maya world, and in the infallibility of the great prediction, and the rightness of sorcerers and astrologers were so huge that they fulfill the prophecy.
What marked the day they went out of the cities, and burned their homes, and wandered through the woods, and that there was more states and principalities, and become scattered tribes. That over the years have been forgotten, and the art of sculpture, construction and trade, in any Indians reached untold heights, and a diploma, and many of the customs service. And that was the day the damn end of the world, and death of people; Those who did not want to believe in the predicted, called apostates and diarrhea, and their ruined homes, and villages were burnt. »
One of the most interesting and mysterious gifts of the ancient Indians of modern civilization - is the Mayan calendar.
In the Mayan calendar was already 2 system. One calendar - it is often called civil - was used for household needs. Mayyantsy determined by him when they sow maize, when the harvest and do other things around the house. Year civilian Mayan calendar - "haab" - was 365 days, ie, It has been agreed with the solar cycle, which is very useful for farming. He is 18 months and 20 days and 5 days, called "days without a name" and is considered fatal. Priests know that a fraction of the day haab short of the true solar year and amend.
In addition, a ritual calendar - "Tzolkin". According to the Tzolkin Mayan priests determined when to hold religious ceremonies. Including the most terrible - his famous sacrifice. Year Tzolkin was much shorter - only 260 days - and divided by 13 months, which, as well as in Haab contained 20 days. Between '52 calendar haab fit as many as 73 Tzolkin. This relationship was the basis of the harmony of the Mayan calendar.
Many experts on the Mayan argue that these ancient Indians were well aware of the Universe. This allowed them to predict that the day December 21, 2012 in the world there will be a global event that abruptly changed the course of history. Details of the message did not reach us, and researchers are still trying to figure out what they meant clever Indians. Many tend to think that because the Mayans predicted "doomsday". Others believe that in the world a new era, the era of spiritual enlightenment. And what our astronomers?
First of all, it is the winter solstice. But it happens every year - did not seem a good idea for the space revolution. But other than that, December 21, 2012, our Earth and sun will be aligned with the center of our galaxy. But this is impressive. Imagine mayyantsy more than a thousand years have predicted a nontrivial cosmic phenomenon! But they did not even have lenses and telescopes. His observations of stars and planets, they were using a narrow slit. What we promise is the astronomical event, modern scientists do not know. As they say, we wait and see.
It turns out that the Maya had their horoscope birthday! Only there are not 12 characters as we used to, and 20! And everything is very unusual, funny or even scary ... Here they are:
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1259831680 [/ mergetime]
Want to know who you are on the Mayan calendar and its destiny? You here horo.ukr.net/horoscope/maya/
And now a little science.
Tzolkin or tzolkin (Tzolkin) - a ritual period of 260 days, which is a combination of periods of 20 and 13 days. Each day has a number from 1 to 13, in addition, the days have names, repeating with a period of 20 days each title has its own character, so-called Solar Print.
The rooms and the days of the change at the same time.
Names of days of the Tzolkin
Title number of the day symbol of the day (solar seal)
1 Imish Red Dragon
2 Eek White Wind
3 akbal Blue Night
4 Kan Yellow Seed
5 Chick-chan Red Serpent
6 Kimi White Worldbridger
7 Manik Blue Hand
8 Lamat yellow badge
9 Red Moon
Muluc 10 White Oak Dog
11 Chuen Blue Monkey
12 Ab Yellow Man
13 Ben Skywalker Red
14 Heesch White Wizard
15 Men Blue Eagle
16 Kib Yellow Warrior
17 Wild boar Red Earth
18 Etsnab White Mirror
Kavak 19 Blue Storm
20 Ahau Yellow Sun
Getting count of days:
* 1 - Imish (1);
* 2 - IR (2);
* 3 - akbal (3);
* 4 - Caen (4);
* 5 - Chick-chan (5);
* 6 - Kimi (6);
* 7 - Manic (7);
* 8 - Lamat (8);
* 9 - Muluc (9);
* 10 - Oak (10);
* 11 - Chuen (11);
12 * - Eb (12);
* 13 - Ben (13).
As soon as the number of the day reached the 13, account number of days begins anew, but continues a 20-day cycle days:
* 1 - Heesch (14);
* 2 - Man (15);
* 3 - Kib (16);
* 4 - Wild boar (17);
* 5 - Etsnab (18);
* 6 - Kawak (19);
* 7 - ahau (20).
After the 20-day cycle, going on the account numbers of days (until it reaches the 13), and the 20-day cycle begins anew:
* 8 - Imish (1);
* 9 - IR (2);
* 10 - akbal (3) and so on.
The combinations of numbers and names of days, days are repeated with a period of 260 days. Tzolkin is considered complete when the last day of the 20-day cycle (Ahau), will correspond to the number 13. It is not confused? It's amazing, all together three Mayan calendar prepare an accurate timing! Civil, or the solar year of the Maya had a length of 365 days in 2421, which more accurately corresponds to the period of turnover earth around the sun than the duration of the year in the Gregorian (modern) calendar - 365 days in 2425. CSO !!! The system of account of the ancient Mayan
The system account Maya was based not on the usual decimal system, and widespread in Mesoamerican cultures vigesimal. The origins lie in the method of counting, in which applied not only to the ten fingers, and ten toes. At the same time there was a structure in the form of four blocks of five figures, which corresponded to the five fingers of the hands and feet. Also interesting is the fact that the Mayan zero designation existed, which was schematically represented as an empty shell of oysters or snails. Designation of zero is also used to refer to infinity. Since zero is required in many mathematical operations, but at the same time in ancient Europe was unknown, scientists suggest today that the Maya had a highly developed culture with a good level of education.
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1259831758 [/ mergetime]
Many of the pyramid, and not only among the Maya, but also from the Toltecs, the Aztecs were focused on the constellation of the Pleiades. For the peoples of Mesoamerica from the Pleiades constellation Alcyone had the same value as for Egypt - Sirius. As in Egypt, the ascent of Sirius meant the tide of the Nile and the beginning of a new year and corrected by the priests with the solstice, and in Mesoamerica this role Alcyone - the star of the Pleiades - in the Mayan language "TSAB" - "rattle on the tail of a rattlesnake," only here the adjustment was to equinoxes, the adjustment was based on the calendar Muchuchu Mil - the prophetic calendar Pleiades, this calendar connects the solar calendar Haab and Tzolkin calendar star.

Another mystery architecture -toltekskaya pyramid at Chichen Itza. It is designed so that when the Pleiades are exactly in a straight line directly over the center of the pyramid on the equinoxes, the sun's rays, the play of light and shadow zastavlyut huge snake whose head is cut out at the foot of the steps, go up or down the stairs up and the spring and down -osenyu forming seven regular triangles, pattern of which bears a rattlesnake. The Pleiades are seven main stars, although in fact there are many more in this cluster, but is perfectly visible in the sky, only seven. The Indians knew about this and called the Pleiades cluster Pile of sun!

In Xochicalco huge pyramid has a vertical shaft, which is illuminated by the sun at its zenith twice a year. These double pyramid casts a circular shadow completely. Of course, the movement of the sun is also associated with the period of the Pleiades, or rather, treatment of the solar system around the Pleiades.
The famous pyramids City of the Gods - Teotihuacan are oriented east-west axis to the Pleiades. The Teotihuacan pyramids were used in conjunction with markers on the rocks in the hills and mountains surrounding the valley to observe the entire celestial mechanics, rising and setting of the stars - Sirius, Polaris, etc.
In general, all the buildings in the City of the Gods - a precise projection of the solar system with the size of the orbits of the planets and their distance from each other, etc. Maya cities are "stone computers" - observatories, where they are precisely calculated periods of the planets and stars, but the sacred knowledge is not based on astronomical cycles. The calendar by days spent in a distant past, billions of years before our solar system appeared as the galaxies, to the very point of the Big Bang. He discovered the secrets of eternity and the course of time. How high they soared when they were knows that our galaxy is a spiral shape? In the sacred texts of the Maya tells the story of how the Great Mother and the Great Father created the earth ... "... Like the mist, like a cloud, and like a cloud of dust was in the land of his creation, at the beginning of their physicality ...»

Sitting on the steps of the castle of El Castillo, known as El Castillo and located in the city of Chichen Itza, Mexico, one can hear unusual sounds. When other tourists climb the stairs to the top of the structure, sitting at the foot of the pyramid hear sounds similar to the sound of rain, reports New Scientist.
Scientists Jorge Cruz (Jorge Cruz) of the Professional School of Mechanics and Electrical Engineering (Professional School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering), Mexico, and Nico Declercq (Nico Declercq) Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Institute of Technology), the United States, decided to find out where the hidden the mystery of the mysterious sounds. They compared the frequency of the sounds produced when the ascent of El Castillo, with the same sounds of the pyramid of the moon in an abandoned city of Teotihuacan, north-east of Mehiko.Kak turned out, the rustle of falling drops in the steps of tourists quite similar in the two pyramids. According to researchers, the sound waves are reflected from the corrugated surface of steps, refracted and scattered by walking down the stairs.
According to scientists, the existence of "Rain Music" in various pyramid schemes suggests that these colossal structures were set up to communicate with the gods. That is Mexican pyramids can be called musical instruments of the Mayan civilization.

The origin and disappearance of the Mayan civilization, which existed in America, about 2 thousand. Years and extinct around 900 AD - one of the biggest mysteries in history. In order to explain the reasons for the Mayan people suddenly left their city, scientists put forward a variety of hypotheses from the epidemic to the depletion of resources, the endless wars to climate change caused by prolonged zasuhu.V 2008, NASA experts have discovered five ancient Mayan cities via spy satellite. The images made satellite, clearly highlighted the differences in vegetation. Maya building built of limestone and with the use of mortar. When abandoned structure decomposed chemicals of which penetrate into the soil and plant growth suppressing effect on their chemical composition.
With these images, scientists finally to solve the causes of death of the Mayan civilization. Perhaps the Indians left their towns because the giant reservoirs have dried up, Bajos (bajos), in which they collect water for agriculture. Such Bajos were near the cities identified by satellite. These could cause devastation of deforestation, which caused the increase in temperature and decrease in precipitation. Information on the causes of death of the ancient civilization of the modern community will help to avoid the mistakes of the past.

Personally, I most impressed with the departure of the Maya version of their cities, from the fantastic book "Twilight»
Here is an excerpt:
"That faith of the Indian people in the immutability of these foretold was perfect, and that all the cities and all the people and all the kings, lived in strict accordance with the prophecy. Day is designated in the book thereof, as a day of destruction of the world, according to the Indian calendar has already begun, and it happened for centuries before the arrival of the Spaniards in the Yucatan.
I had done that day was for him the end of the Indian people, at the same time as his most terrible secret, and the greatest disgrace. For the time was calculated incorrectly priests and prophecy did not materialize; but faith in the doom of the Maya world, and in the infallibility of the great prediction, and the rightness of sorcerers and astrologers were so huge that they fulfill the prophecy.
What marked the day they went out of the cities, and burned their homes, and wandered through the woods, and that there was more states and principalities, and become scattered tribes. That over the years have been forgotten, and the art of sculpture, construction and trade, in any Indians reached untold heights, and a diploma, and many of the customs service. And that was the day the damn end of the world, and death of people; Those who did not want to believe in the predicted, called apostates and diarrhea, and their ruined homes, and villages were burnt. »

One of the most interesting and mysterious gifts of the ancient Indians of modern civilization - is the Mayan calendar.
In the Mayan calendar was already 2 system. One calendar - it is often called civil - was used for household needs. Mayyantsy determined by him when they sow maize, when the harvest and do other things around the house. Year civilian Mayan calendar - "haab" - was 365 days, ie, It has been agreed with the solar cycle, which is very useful for farming. He is 18 months and 20 days and 5 days, called "days without a name" and is considered fatal. Priests know that a fraction of the day haab short of the true solar year and amend.
In addition, a ritual calendar - "Tzolkin". According to the Tzolkin Mayan priests determined when to hold religious ceremonies. Including the most terrible - his famous sacrifice. Year Tzolkin was much shorter - only 260 days - and divided by 13 months, which, as well as in Haab contained 20 days. Between '52 calendar haab fit as many as 73 Tzolkin. This relationship was the basis of the harmony of the Mayan calendar.

Many experts on the Mayan argue that these ancient Indians were well aware of the Universe. This allowed them to predict that the day December 21, 2012 in the world there will be a global event that abruptly changed the course of history. Details of the message did not reach us, and researchers are still trying to figure out what they meant clever Indians. Many tend to think that because the Mayans predicted "doomsday". Others believe that in the world a new era, the era of spiritual enlightenment. And what our astronomers?
First of all, it is the winter solstice. But it happens every year - did not seem a good idea for the space revolution. But other than that, December 21, 2012, our Earth and sun will be aligned with the center of our galaxy. But this is impressive. Imagine mayyantsy more than a thousand years have predicted a nontrivial cosmic phenomenon! But they did not even have lenses and telescopes. His observations of stars and planets, they were using a narrow slit. What we promise is the astronomical event, modern scientists do not know. As they say, we wait and see.

It turns out that the Maya had their horoscope birthday! Only there are not 12 characters as we used to, and 20! And everything is very unusual, funny or even scary ... Here they are:
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1259831680 [/ mergetime]
Want to know who you are on the Mayan calendar and its destiny? You here horo.ukr.net/horoscope/maya/

And now a little science.
Tzolkin or tzolkin (Tzolkin) - a ritual period of 260 days, which is a combination of periods of 20 and 13 days. Each day has a number from 1 to 13, in addition, the days have names, repeating with a period of 20 days each title has its own character, so-called Solar Print.
The rooms and the days of the change at the same time.
Names of days of the Tzolkin
Title number of the day symbol of the day (solar seal)
1 Imish Red Dragon
2 Eek White Wind
3 akbal Blue Night
4 Kan Yellow Seed
5 Chick-chan Red Serpent
6 Kimi White Worldbridger
7 Manik Blue Hand
8 Lamat yellow badge
9 Red Moon
Muluc 10 White Oak Dog
11 Chuen Blue Monkey
12 Ab Yellow Man
13 Ben Skywalker Red
14 Heesch White Wizard
15 Men Blue Eagle
16 Kib Yellow Warrior
17 Wild boar Red Earth
18 Etsnab White Mirror
Kavak 19 Blue Storm
20 Ahau Yellow Sun
Getting count of days:
* 1 - Imish (1);
* 2 - IR (2);
* 3 - akbal (3);
* 4 - Caen (4);
* 5 - Chick-chan (5);
* 6 - Kimi (6);
* 7 - Manic (7);
* 8 - Lamat (8);
* 9 - Muluc (9);
* 10 - Oak (10);
* 11 - Chuen (11);
12 * - Eb (12);
* 13 - Ben (13).
As soon as the number of the day reached the 13, account number of days begins anew, but continues a 20-day cycle days:
* 1 - Heesch (14);
* 2 - Man (15);
* 3 - Kib (16);
* 4 - Wild boar (17);
* 5 - Etsnab (18);
* 6 - Kawak (19);
* 7 - ahau (20).
After the 20-day cycle, going on the account numbers of days (until it reaches the 13), and the 20-day cycle begins anew:
* 8 - Imish (1);
* 9 - IR (2);
* 10 - akbal (3) and so on.
The combinations of numbers and names of days, days are repeated with a period of 260 days. Tzolkin is considered complete when the last day of the 20-day cycle (Ahau), will correspond to the number 13. It is not confused? It's amazing, all together three Mayan calendar prepare an accurate timing! Civil, or the solar year of the Maya had a length of 365 days in 2421, which more accurately corresponds to the period of turnover earth around the sun than the duration of the year in the Gregorian (modern) calendar - 365 days in 2425. CSO !!! The system of account of the ancient Mayan
The system account Maya was based not on the usual decimal system, and widespread in Mesoamerican cultures vigesimal. The origins lie in the method of counting, in which applied not only to the ten fingers, and ten toes. At the same time there was a structure in the form of four blocks of five figures, which corresponded to the five fingers of the hands and feet. Also interesting is the fact that the Mayan zero designation existed, which was schematically represented as an empty shell of oysters or snails. Designation of zero is also used to refer to infinity. Since zero is required in many mathematical operations, but at the same time in ancient Europe was unknown, scientists suggest today that the Maya had a highly developed culture with a good level of education.
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1259831758 [/ mergetime]
