February 16 is Chinese New Year. Astrologer Kevin Fung said he prepared the Yellow Dog for each sign.
February 16 is Chinese New Year. This means that the Yellow Earth Dog became the hostess of this year. It is from this day that all signs will begin to change in life. eastern. And of course, no one is more accurate than a Chinese astrologer.
Kevin Fung is one of the most sought after Chinese astrologers, as well as the leading consul on feng shui. His predictions are guided by many celebrities and businessmen. Editorial "Site" I decided to find out what the Yellow Dog has prepared for each of the 12 animal signs of the Eastern Zodiac, according to a Chinese astrologer and tell you.
Eastern horoscope for 2018 Yellow Earth Dog - a creature faithful, economical, reasonable. She is not interested in intrigue and gossip, she is direct, honest and strong. The yellow color adds optimism and confidence to the Dog in the future, and the fact that it is also Earthy, indicates the firmness of character and mental stability. Despite all these qualities, she is also an enthusiast.
Chinese horoscope based on 12 animal signs Chinese astrologyIt is believed to be hidden in the heart of man. If you do not know which animal is your patron, then look at this in the table.
Tell us in the comments what year you were born. And also about whether you come true astrological predictions, or you do not believe in them at all.
The Yellow Dog should please everyone, which we believe in! Share the Eastern horoscope with your friends on social networks!

Kevin Fung is one of the most sought after Chinese astrologers, as well as the leading consul on feng shui. His predictions are guided by many celebrities and businessmen. Editorial "Site" I decided to find out what the Yellow Dog has prepared for each of the 12 animal signs of the Eastern Zodiac, according to a Chinese astrologer and tell you.
Eastern horoscope for 2018 Yellow Earth Dog - a creature faithful, economical, reasonable. She is not interested in intrigue and gossip, she is direct, honest and strong. The yellow color adds optimism and confidence to the Dog in the future, and the fact that it is also Earthy, indicates the firmness of character and mental stability. Despite all these qualities, she is also an enthusiast.

Chinese horoscope based on 12 animal signs Chinese astrologyIt is believed to be hidden in the heart of man. If you do not know which animal is your patron, then look at this in the table.

- Horoscope for the Rat
People born in the year of the Rat are charming, know how to win the favor of others. They have excellent intellectual abilities. In 2018, the Dog prepared them for success in amorous affairs. Stars promise love and understanding with a loved one. However, in the first half of the year there may be some financial difficulties, so you need to be wise about waste. You need to learn not to fuss about small things and find peace. Otherwise, conflicts at work and in personal life cannot be avoided. There are no health problems in the rat. But this does not mean that you can go to all serious. The usual rhythm of life and a little sport - both the body is beautiful and the nerves are not tense.
DepositPhotos - Horoscope for the Bull
Those born in the year of the Bull have all the qualities of this animal - strength, ability to overcome any difficulties, responsibility and methodicalness. The bull can sometimes be demanding and arrogant. In the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, the Bull needs to prepare for surprises. They will only be pleasant: new pleasant and useful acquaintances, events and the opportunity to establish a personal life. The dog is friendly, so the Bulls need to learn to compromise and become more restrained, because the working year will be quite stressful. But for these efforts, they are rewarded in the form of a promotion. You should not give up your career completely - you need to rest well. The Year of the Dog does not promise any problems with physical health, however, due to hard work, the nervous system can suffer. Yoga and quiet music are your best companions this year.
DepositPhotos - A horoscope for a Tiger
People born in the year of the Tiger are sensitive and in harmony with their emotions. They're very confident. In 2018, they are waiting for a well-deserved chic rest and new impressions. Tigers will make new acquaintances that will turn their lives upside down. Thanks to this, this sign will become calmer and more compliant. In the work of the Tigers waiting for career growth, which will positively affect their financial situation. Also, single representatives of the sign will finally be able to find a couple, but those who have an established personal life are waiting for replenishment in the family. The health of strong Tigers will not fail either. They'll be full of energy all year.
DepositPhotos - Horoscope for Rabbit (Hare)
Those born under this sign are made for love. They are gentle and pleasant in communication, polite and well-mannered. The dog will be the protector of Rabbits, so they will have a very successful year. There will only be growth in their careers, but only if they act according to the rules of the Dog: without cheating and with good intentions to make a living. The more generous a person born in the year of the Rabbit is, the more material benefits and pleasant impressions will return to him. Perhaps a stormy romance will end with an equally bright wedding. That's just the health of Rabbits should be protected, so that the strength and energy is enough for all achievements.
DepositPhotos - Horoscope for the Dragon
Dragons are charming and full of energy. They are distinguished by the presence of talent and intelligence. The disadvantage is excessive perfectionism. 2018 will be a test of durability – the work is waiting for important tasks and new challenges that the Dragon will cope with. Single representatives should not worry much and spend a lot of energy on the search for the second half - it is better to enjoy a bachelor life and open to the full, because there is not long left to run. In order for the year to bring joy and relationships with others not to suffer, it is worth paying attention to your own ability to self-organize and be more attentive to fulfilling your obligations. For those who have a couple, the Yellow Dog will give mutual understanding and calm. In the year of the Dog, Dragons should take care of their health - do not forget to go to preventive examinations so that no ailment is terrible.
DepositPhotos - Snake horoscope
Snakes are very wise. They are deep thinkers. Big changes for Snakes are not expected in 2018. But in their lives there will be so many pleasant little things that will please every day. A stable income, strong relationships, pleasant communication are true happiness. In the Year of the Dog, it is not recommended to implement grandiose career plans. It is better to keep at the level of existing merit. You can envy the health of snakes, but you should not forget about proper nutrition.
DepositPhotos - Horse horoscope
Horses are people who like to work but are bad team players. The dog is the horse’s companion, so 2018 should be a lucky year. If you put in a little effort in the work, which is not difficult for them, then they will pay off more than enough. All goals will be achieved and the financial situation will be... Anyway, buy a bigger wallet! You just need to spend more time with the relationship. Due to the excessive absorption of work, the other half could cool down due to lack of attention. No deterioration in health representatives of the sign do not need to be afraid.
DepositPhotos - Horoscope for the Goat (Sheep)
Goats are charming and cute people, although feelings are quite restrained and like to complain about life. As with all signs, the friendly Dog has prepared a lot of positive emotions. Just do not need to relax at work, envious colleagues and wait for where you can move the Goat from his place. Overall, the work will be very productive. There should be no health problems with this sign. But in the affairs of the Amorous, it is time to restore order. Stop restraining the impulse of your feelings and noticing the shortcomings of your half. More affectionate words, and in the relationship will reign harmony.
DepositPhotos - Horoscope for Monkey
Monkeys are able to attract attention. They are energetic, smart and talkative and have a good sense of humor. Year of Dogs for Monkeys will be very active: they will be effective in the professional sphere and very effective contact with partners and colleagues. The main task for the representatives of the sign will not lose the fuse and not be lazy ahead of time. Success will require some effort on their part. There will also be a lot of romantic dating. Therefore, those who are married, you need to keep yourself in control and do not think to exchange a strong relationship for a fleeting passion. Representatives of this sign should not be very nervous, so as not to spoil health.
DepositPhotos - Horoscope for the Rooster
Roosters are extremely hardworking and like to be the center of attention. In their society you feel easy and at ease. The recognition that the Roosters received in the outgoing year will leave them a good platform for development. 2018 will be a bright and successful year for them. However, do not relax: in order to hold positions and not reduce the growth rate, the Roosters will have to work hard, show persistence and self-discipline. But in the love life, the Roosters will have to pass a test of strength: their second half may not withstand such a frantic working pace of the Rooster and break up relations. However, do not despair - the year of the Dog will bring new acquaintances and contacts. To maintain health, you need to rest more.
DepositPhotos - Horoscope for the Dog
Dogs adhere strictly to their principles of honesty and fairness, and have creative problem-solving skills. This is a good time for them, because they will be under the patronage of stars. Happiness, joy, successes and successful coincidences - Dogs can count on real gifts from fate. Success awaits in financial affairs, and in personal life, and in purely everyday trifles. Representatives of creative professions will also be successful – they will gain long-awaited recognition and profit. Health does not even think to let the Dog down - it will grow stronger every day and give strength for new beginnings.
DepositPhotos - Horoscope for the Boar
These people are wonderful companions and partners. Calm and imposing Boars 2018 promises many gifts of fate. Everything will be added, no matter what the representatives of the sign undertake. Only laziness and indecision can play a cruel joke with them and deprive them of the many opportunities prepared for them in the coming year. Relationships are stable. The health of boars will also not deteriorate, but you need to rest and allow yourself the little joys of life.
Tell us in the comments what year you were born. And also about whether you come true astrological predictions, or you do not believe in them at all.
The Yellow Dog should please everyone, which we believe in! Share the Eastern horoscope with your friends on social networks!
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