Tamara Globa told in detail what awaits us in 2024 and what it will be for the whole world
The whole world with a sinking heart was waiting for the forecast of Tamara Globa for 2024. Her predictions on the eve of January are already traditional and once again fall into the top ten. Most of the events that the popular astrologer talked about came true, especially in the political and financial sphere. She is a specialist at the national level, she is approached for advice by politicians and businessmen. Now it is time for us to find out what Tamara Globa has prepared a horoscope for 2024.
On the channel Hope Sagittarius stargazer told about the ambiguity of the coming period. We remind you that the seer herself was born under the sign of Pisces, which means that she herself expects pleasant changes in life. Let’s see what surprises to expect from the coming era, which, according to the expert, will last for 19 long years.
Tamara Globa: horoscope for 2024 Compared to 2023, the coming will be more dynamic and partly easier, since the intensity of passions will not subside, but will become more familiar. A large number of technical failures are expected not only from old equipment, but also from banking systems. Slowly, the physical currency will begin to lose ground before the digital, but finally this process will not end soon. Tamara Globa suggests that the final transition will have to wait until 2030.
It will be a good year for people who are quick to navigate the changing environment. Especially in terms of investment. Those businessmen who are able to invest in various promising projects and withdraw money from them on time will have great success. It will be more difficult for those who, on the contrary, decide to wait for more stable times - there is a risk of losing everything.
In the first half of the year, peacemakers and innovators will win special recognition. Those who seek to unite and those who create new ways of communication. This category includes politicians, teachers and IT specialists.
Unsplash should be very sensitive to the institution of family. The astrologer reminds that the symbol of the coming year is a dragon, and its element is a tree. Unification, harmony, strengthening relations and finding allies are all about him. A good year to start a family.
Tamara Globa also told which periods of the year will be the most difficult. These are the first few days of January (the Mercury retrograde ends), the second half of April, the first days of June, the third decade of August (in this period, airplane flights are very dangerous), the beginning of December and the last 5 days of the year.
Great astrological forecast for Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer An interesting and rich year will be for people born under the sign of Aries. Tamara Globa recommends that projects and ideas that will appear in 2024 can and should be started with special zeal. They will be successful, even if at first some of them do not seem to have much success. “How much Aries will earn this year, so much will receive,” the astrologer emphasizes.
Unsplash is not only a year of achievement, but also a year of profit. Unlike 2023, when the Aries had to tighten their belts, the new year will bring a monetary reward for their patience. Aries should be careful during March and October, when family disagreements may arise. Also in 2024, it is useful for representatives of this sign to learn something, especially a good year for working with a word. This includes journalism, foreign languages, and public relations.
For Taurus, the year is extraordinary, because all their bright dreams will begin to come true. The astrologer predicts great success and even some idealization of the environment: in the first half of the year, Taurus may generally think that the world revolves around them, that everything around is harmonious and beautiful. This is especially true for the summer period.
Life in 2024 will save Taurus from failure. So if they don’t do what they planned, that’s good. This fate saved from some serious mistakes. The second half of the year is good for intellectual activity. Taurus should treat friends with special thrift, because there is a possibility of losing some of them during an argument. Tamara beckons Taurus to look ahead and try not to be led by the appearance of old partners and old projects. Autumn may be rich in such surprises, but they will not bring enough success.
Unsplash Tamara Globa: horoscope for 2024 for Gemini Gemini will face a number of pleasant surprises. Finally, the period of stagnation will end, from which Gemini will be forced by relatives and friends. In addition, Gemini should remember about children. This year they will need special support and assistance. The first half of the year is good for buying property. Twins are also waiting for recognition. Especially appreciated will be their inquisitive mind, ability to quickly switch from one idea to another.
Loving Cancers have been preparing for 2024 for a long time, hatching ideas and dreams, but we will have to wait a little longer. The Year of the Green Dragon will be a springboard for future achievements. However, by the end of it you will notice that life is moving in the direction of global changes. Cancers will have new patrons and friends, most likely they will change their place of residence or work. But the main achievements are waiting for representatives of this sign in 2025. Dangers should be expected from the health, but not your own, but parents. Be attentive to them in autumn and spring.
Unsplash Horoscope for 2024 for Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio For those born under the sign of Leo, the year will be decisive in career matters. And luck awaits Lviv away from home, where, it would seem, they did not expect anything worthwhile. Closer to autumn, they will develop unprecedented activity for themselves and will feel a powerful return and support from friends. Dangers will await the Lion on the road and may be related to the loss of a vehicle or an emergency.
Tamara Globa: horoscope for 2024 for Virgo will experience not the most pleasant period in life. 2024 will be a time of emotional turmoil and anxiety. It can be spiritual or financial worries. Devam Tamara Globa advises not to hang up and focus on those areas of life that are away from home. In them, Virgos can succeed. In addition, representatives of this sign are simply vital in the coming year not to give up the outstretched hand of help.
Wide activity will capture Libra, starting in the summer. Until then, they will have to sway a little between the extremes. The year begins with stagnation, perhaps for some time there will be no profit. Then a light lift in the spring and stagnation again. Libra is waiting for betrayal and deception, they can lose some very important for themselves leaders thoughts. Or lose a big deal to some bigger shark business.
But do not despair, because from the second half of the year justice will prevail. There is a flood of opportunities that will bear fruit over the next year and a half. There is no need to be afraid of these prospects. However, such contrasting events can introduce Libra in a period of mental torment and even depression. The astrologer advises not to despair, carefully monitor your physical and mental health, give yourself moments of respite. Then the year will end on a good note.
Tamara Globa: horoscope for 2024 for Scorpions Scorpios will begin a stormy business activity - they are waiting for professional renewal, expansion and great intellectual opportunities. At the beginning of the year, in the region of March, there may be losses of some business partners, but they should be treated calmly. Because in general, 2024 will be rich for Scorpions for juicy offers. They must have the courage and courage to take advantage of it.
Astrological forecast for Sagittarius, Capricorns, Aquarius and Pisces New colleagues and professional growth will also affect Sagittarius, but big surprises should not be expected. The new year will be more family-friendly for them. At this time, Sagittarius will actively build the future of their children. This is a favorable year for meeting a reliable partner, and the most important thing for representatives of this sign is not to rely only on yourself. Only together, with family and friends, this year will be harmonious.
Unsplash Capricorns are very lucky in the love sphere, perhaps in the family should wait for replenishment. In 2024, there will be an active growth of creative activity, so those Capricorns who chose photography, writing or dancing as their professional activity will be very lucky. The only thing they should not be in a hurry with is a change of specialty or workplace. Tamara advises to expand and improve what is already there. In early October, Capricorns may begin to have minor difficulties, but they will pass quickly.
Tamara Globa: horoscope for 2024 for Aquarius For the rarest sign of the zodiac - Aquarius - the year of the Green Wooden Dragon will be in popularity. People will be willing to listen to Aquarius, as their high intellectual abilities will be very useful in the coming year. This is a period of investment that will pay off in the intellectual sphere in the future. Perhaps the Aquarius are the only ones who will be lucky next year with travel. But beware of planes and trains in the following periods: April-March, September-October.
For Pisces, 2024 will be favorable for teaching, speaking to the public and buying real estate. For creative Pisces, it will be especially important to prove yourself, but do not forget that human resources are limited - carefully monitor your health. Difficulties can arise in the autumn, both in the family and in the work sphere. But in general, the coming year will throw a lot of business ideas and good financial offers to the watermark.
Summarizing all the above, Tamara Globa asks you to pay attention to the fact that 2023 and 2024 are like a pair. This is a period of disruption, dividing life into before and after for the entire world community. This is the collapse of old laws and stereotypes, a huge technological leap, a new geopolitical map of the world and new ways of communication. “As it was, it will no longer be,” the astrologer draws a line. What do you think about that? Ready for the predicted changes?

On the channel Hope Sagittarius stargazer told about the ambiguity of the coming period. We remind you that the seer herself was born under the sign of Pisces, which means that she herself expects pleasant changes in life. Let’s see what surprises to expect from the coming era, which, according to the expert, will last for 19 long years.
Tamara Globa: horoscope for 2024 Compared to 2023, the coming will be more dynamic and partly easier, since the intensity of passions will not subside, but will become more familiar. A large number of technical failures are expected not only from old equipment, but also from banking systems. Slowly, the physical currency will begin to lose ground before the digital, but finally this process will not end soon. Tamara Globa suggests that the final transition will have to wait until 2030.
It will be a good year for people who are quick to navigate the changing environment. Especially in terms of investment. Those businessmen who are able to invest in various promising projects and withdraw money from them on time will have great success. It will be more difficult for those who, on the contrary, decide to wait for more stable times - there is a risk of losing everything.
In the first half of the year, peacemakers and innovators will win special recognition. Those who seek to unite and those who create new ways of communication. This category includes politicians, teachers and IT specialists.

Unsplash should be very sensitive to the institution of family. The astrologer reminds that the symbol of the coming year is a dragon, and its element is a tree. Unification, harmony, strengthening relations and finding allies are all about him. A good year to start a family.
Tamara Globa also told which periods of the year will be the most difficult. These are the first few days of January (the Mercury retrograde ends), the second half of April, the first days of June, the third decade of August (in this period, airplane flights are very dangerous), the beginning of December and the last 5 days of the year.
Great astrological forecast for Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer An interesting and rich year will be for people born under the sign of Aries. Tamara Globa recommends that projects and ideas that will appear in 2024 can and should be started with special zeal. They will be successful, even if at first some of them do not seem to have much success. “How much Aries will earn this year, so much will receive,” the astrologer emphasizes.

Unsplash is not only a year of achievement, but also a year of profit. Unlike 2023, when the Aries had to tighten their belts, the new year will bring a monetary reward for their patience. Aries should be careful during March and October, when family disagreements may arise. Also in 2024, it is useful for representatives of this sign to learn something, especially a good year for working with a word. This includes journalism, foreign languages, and public relations.
For Taurus, the year is extraordinary, because all their bright dreams will begin to come true. The astrologer predicts great success and even some idealization of the environment: in the first half of the year, Taurus may generally think that the world revolves around them, that everything around is harmonious and beautiful. This is especially true for the summer period.
Life in 2024 will save Taurus from failure. So if they don’t do what they planned, that’s good. This fate saved from some serious mistakes. The second half of the year is good for intellectual activity. Taurus should treat friends with special thrift, because there is a possibility of losing some of them during an argument. Tamara beckons Taurus to look ahead and try not to be led by the appearance of old partners and old projects. Autumn may be rich in such surprises, but they will not bring enough success.

Unsplash Tamara Globa: horoscope for 2024 for Gemini Gemini will face a number of pleasant surprises. Finally, the period of stagnation will end, from which Gemini will be forced by relatives and friends. In addition, Gemini should remember about children. This year they will need special support and assistance. The first half of the year is good for buying property. Twins are also waiting for recognition. Especially appreciated will be their inquisitive mind, ability to quickly switch from one idea to another.
Loving Cancers have been preparing for 2024 for a long time, hatching ideas and dreams, but we will have to wait a little longer. The Year of the Green Dragon will be a springboard for future achievements. However, by the end of it you will notice that life is moving in the direction of global changes. Cancers will have new patrons and friends, most likely they will change their place of residence or work. But the main achievements are waiting for representatives of this sign in 2025. Dangers should be expected from the health, but not your own, but parents. Be attentive to them in autumn and spring.

Unsplash Horoscope for 2024 for Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio For those born under the sign of Leo, the year will be decisive in career matters. And luck awaits Lviv away from home, where, it would seem, they did not expect anything worthwhile. Closer to autumn, they will develop unprecedented activity for themselves and will feel a powerful return and support from friends. Dangers will await the Lion on the road and may be related to the loss of a vehicle or an emergency.
Tamara Globa: horoscope for 2024 for Virgo will experience not the most pleasant period in life. 2024 will be a time of emotional turmoil and anxiety. It can be spiritual or financial worries. Devam Tamara Globa advises not to hang up and focus on those areas of life that are away from home. In them, Virgos can succeed. In addition, representatives of this sign are simply vital in the coming year not to give up the outstretched hand of help.
Wide activity will capture Libra, starting in the summer. Until then, they will have to sway a little between the extremes. The year begins with stagnation, perhaps for some time there will be no profit. Then a light lift in the spring and stagnation again. Libra is waiting for betrayal and deception, they can lose some very important for themselves leaders thoughts. Or lose a big deal to some bigger shark business.

But do not despair, because from the second half of the year justice will prevail. There is a flood of opportunities that will bear fruit over the next year and a half. There is no need to be afraid of these prospects. However, such contrasting events can introduce Libra in a period of mental torment and even depression. The astrologer advises not to despair, carefully monitor your physical and mental health, give yourself moments of respite. Then the year will end on a good note.
Tamara Globa: horoscope for 2024 for Scorpions Scorpios will begin a stormy business activity - they are waiting for professional renewal, expansion and great intellectual opportunities. At the beginning of the year, in the region of March, there may be losses of some business partners, but they should be treated calmly. Because in general, 2024 will be rich for Scorpions for juicy offers. They must have the courage and courage to take advantage of it.
Astrological forecast for Sagittarius, Capricorns, Aquarius and Pisces New colleagues and professional growth will also affect Sagittarius, but big surprises should not be expected. The new year will be more family-friendly for them. At this time, Sagittarius will actively build the future of their children. This is a favorable year for meeting a reliable partner, and the most important thing for representatives of this sign is not to rely only on yourself. Only together, with family and friends, this year will be harmonious.

Unsplash Capricorns are very lucky in the love sphere, perhaps in the family should wait for replenishment. In 2024, there will be an active growth of creative activity, so those Capricorns who chose photography, writing or dancing as their professional activity will be very lucky. The only thing they should not be in a hurry with is a change of specialty or workplace. Tamara advises to expand and improve what is already there. In early October, Capricorns may begin to have minor difficulties, but they will pass quickly.
Tamara Globa: horoscope for 2024 for Aquarius For the rarest sign of the zodiac - Aquarius - the year of the Green Wooden Dragon will be in popularity. People will be willing to listen to Aquarius, as their high intellectual abilities will be very useful in the coming year. This is a period of investment that will pay off in the intellectual sphere in the future. Perhaps the Aquarius are the only ones who will be lucky next year with travel. But beware of planes and trains in the following periods: April-March, September-October.
For Pisces, 2024 will be favorable for teaching, speaking to the public and buying real estate. For creative Pisces, it will be especially important to prove yourself, but do not forget that human resources are limited - carefully monitor your health. Difficulties can arise in the autumn, both in the family and in the work sphere. But in general, the coming year will throw a lot of business ideas and good financial offers to the watermark.

Summarizing all the above, Tamara Globa asks you to pay attention to the fact that 2023 and 2024 are like a pair. This is a period of disruption, dividing life into before and after for the entire world community. This is the collapse of old laws and stereotypes, a huge technological leap, a new geopolitical map of the world and new ways of communication. “As it was, it will no longer be,” the astrologer draws a line. What do you think about that? Ready for the predicted changes?
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