Tamara Globa's first forecast this year, preparing for change in January
I've seen the airwaves with this woman more than once! 3 years ago, I began to notice that a new star appeared in astronomical circles. At first I remembered her for her love of large and heavy jewelry, despite her very soft facial features. And then on her phenomenally accurate predictions, which come true almost verbatim. You know, not as it usually is, in general terms, but frighteningly accurate. So this time I start the year with a traditional interview for me: Tamara Globa: January 2024.
Someone will say that this is all nonsense, and I will even have to agree in part. I am not the type of person who reads horoscopes on the back page of a newspaper or magazine. But I listen to Tamara Globe in almost everything, like most influential people in the country: politicians, economists, businessmen. Some even call her the chief astrologer of the CIS. She predicted the horrors of 2022, the Israeli conflict, and the many cataclysms of 2023. What can we say about how subtly she feels the fate of the zodiac signs?
Tamara Globa: January 2024 Tamara Globa calls this month Saint Januarius - the master of the doors. He opens the door to the future and sees the events of the past, so you should treat him with special respect. The forecast for the month begins with a detailed description of the sign that refers to it. It is for his representatives that the month will be especially important.
January is the month of Capricorn, and during this period people are born extremely persistent and curious. They need more attention to everything they do. Capricorns, like all earth signs, are very pragmatic. But that doesn’t mean there’s no romance. On the contrary, representatives of this sign are deeply sensitive inside and take everything to heart.
Capricorns can achieve a lot, among them there are a large number of careerists. The astrologer calls them very economical and hardworking: “Capricorns can build their lives, their possessions from almost nothing.” That is why they respect those who have achieved success on their own.
Last year, Tamara Globa warned that January, at the junction of 2023 and 2024, would be a watershed moment. Literally a change of eras. Therefore, everyone will need to hold tighter, not only Capricorns. But this month is notable for the fact that it will bring a lot of important negotiations. This is the moment to seize the opportunity to build the right relationships at work and in the family.
The forecast for January 2024 for Aries and Taurus January for Aries will be marked by events of first importance. The first sign of the zodiac should prepare for travel. There will be many situations involving people from afar: relatives, friends and new acquaintances. Immediately after the first two or three days of January, the doors associated with career and creative growth will open for Aries. Tamara Globa predicts this could be the start of a good profit.
Aries in January should spend more time with their loved ones, as in the second half of January it is friends who will bring new proposals and ideas to the life of Aries. Those who cherished grandiose plans will have many chances to implement them or begin their implementation in January of the new 2024. They need to be careful only in the field of health, especially in the first days of the month.
Unsplash Taurus will also have a career leap. It will be associated with recognition from persons superior: most likely, the superiors or parents. This will be a good opportunity to smooth out sharp corners with the help of rising authority. Many working moments will become easier and easier.
After January 1, people born under the sign of Taurus may have new partners from distant lands. These transactions and communication will be successful in the future. What does Tamara Globa warn against Taurus? First, she asks to look after the health of loved ones and be careful when traveling. Avoid spending too much in the first half of January. Otherwise, this month for Taurus will be a period of love and success.
Tamara Globa: January 2024 for Gemini and Cancers Tamara Globa is in solidarity with other astrologers in the fact that in January Gemini is catastrophically necessary to establish relations with the family. In principle, this will apply to everything related to the home. In the first days of the month, it will be useful to pay attention to the house. Start 2024 with general cleaning.
Unsplash Predictor recommends that Gemini focus on perspectives in the distance. It is possible that in the second half of January there will be unexpected and promising offers from friends abroad. If you do, then you will be able to enjoy the fruits of the year. Geminis should tighten their belts in January and save money for the next months.
In crayfish January will be ambiguous – they are waiting for a lot of anxiety and fuss. This is the period when cancers will want to put their lives in order: to complete the business of 2023, to close the issues of health and work. To make this process successful, astrologer Tamara Globa recommends: do not rely only on yourself, try to work in a team and at the same time with your family. Cancers in January will need a lot of energy and strength to carry out all the plans.
January horoscope for Lions and Virgins Lviv January will be full of all sorts of interesting things. They will meet bright people and learn a lot. This is a good time for intellectual activity and public speaking. In the life of Leo there will be a lot of attention to his charisma, personal talents and achievements. At the same time, it will be useful for Leo to show his leadership qualities and take care not only of his success, but also of the success of his loved ones, especially children. By the way, January will be a great period for conception and planning of pregnancy.
Unsplash Lions only need to take a closer look at the second week of January, as this period may be frustrating. And the last days of January can bring changes in family relationships.
Virgos begin 2024 with health hazards. Be careful on vacation, watch your own health and well-being of your home. Do not ignore the problems and complaints of children. This month, especially the beginning of the month, can be a stressful one with your family. But for the sport, January will be good. Those Virgos who have chosen a sports career are sure to improve their skills at the beginning of the year. And even those who did not choose, will feel a great surge of strength and with pleasure switch to physical activity.
In the second half of January, the doors of travel will open before the Virgo. It is the roads that will bring this zodiac sign the desired success and inspiration.
Forecast for Libra and Scorpio Libra will be in high demand at the beginning of the year. Friends, relatives, people whom Libra trusts and those whom they admire will surround representatives of this sign at every turn. Therefore, we can say that in the family circle will come a time of love and understanding. Throughout the month, Libra will be shrouded in support and surrounded by help.
At the same time, for Libra, January will be the most important in terms of reassessment, analysis of its surroundings. You’ll see who you can trust and who you can’t.
Scorpions are waiting for a golden January. Even if the month itself may not be too profitable, be sure that the events of January will open a gold mine for you. In the work, it is worth paying attention to cooperation with family members and distant relatives, who will give all the opportunities to prove themselves well. In January, the Scorpios will begin some exciting projects, as well as luck in acquiring things they have long dreamed of.
But the second half of January for Scorpios will be a great opportunity to learn something. For example, it will be useful to acquire knowledge in the field of information technology.
Tamara Globa: January 2024 will be special for Sagittarius and Capricorns Sagittarius first of all should pay close attention to their relationship with their superiors and colleagues. The third week can bring problems in closing deals and contracts. But there will be many opportunities to shine your professional knowledge.
For Sagittarius, January will be remembered as a stage of emotional recovery. You break into 2024 with new powers, the case will argue in your hands. But do not rush to blindly follow your ambitions, as there is a high risk of losing loved ones. In general, the month will be favorable for working trips, you can safely plan a business trip.
Capricorns, under whose sign the first month of the coming year passes, should be very careful on the way. Dangers lie in wait on the road not only the representatives of this sign, but also those who are close to them. It can also mean that Capricorns will receive unpleasant news from afar. For example, distant relatives or childhood friends. But these news will not be critical, and Capricorns will definitely cope with them.
As the first part of this turbulent month passes, Capricorns will be rewarded for their patience. There will be a possibility of good earnings and even promotion. From the second half of January, we should expect promising projects and new partners to appear on the horizon.
Forecast for Aquarius and Pisces Aquarius also fell into the category of signs that should not be spent in January. In the first days of the month, they may face serious financial problems, but in the second, relatives and friends will come to the rescue. Ironically, it is in January that the doors of new opportunities and projects will open before the Aquarius. Therefore, Tamara Globa advises to spend less on holidays and friends to bring the necessary amount for a successful investment.
It is also interesting that for those Aquarius who gravitate to free relationships, the third decade of January will be especially successful for dating of this kind.
Only poor fish will have almost no time to rest. Despite the fact that for most signs, January will be a period of rest and inspiration, the fish will head to work. Many urgent matters await fish not only in the quarry, but also at home, in the family circle. After the first days of January, there will be many friends around Pisces. There will be those who ask for help and support - do not refuse it, even if you have to slightly postpone plans for rest.
Good opportunities await fish in the intellectual sphere. It will bring profit and pleasant surprises if it is already part of your professional activity.
In addition, Tamara Globa told which days of January circumstances may not develop in the most favorable way. At this time, you should be especially careful to drive, not to walk late at night down the street and watch what you eat: January 2 - afternoon; 5 - morning; night from 7th to 8th, 9th January; first half of the 10th and 12th; 13th, 18th - first half; The 19th is the second; the 20th, the 21st is the second; the night from 26th to 27th January and from 29th to 30th.
Stargazer wishes you a successful new year, because 2024 will be rich in achievements and beginnings for absolutely all signs of the zodiac. In January, there will be the first opportunities to change your life for the better!

Someone will say that this is all nonsense, and I will even have to agree in part. I am not the type of person who reads horoscopes on the back page of a newspaper or magazine. But I listen to Tamara Globe in almost everything, like most influential people in the country: politicians, economists, businessmen. Some even call her the chief astrologer of the CIS. She predicted the horrors of 2022, the Israeli conflict, and the many cataclysms of 2023. What can we say about how subtly she feels the fate of the zodiac signs?
Tamara Globa: January 2024 Tamara Globa calls this month Saint Januarius - the master of the doors. He opens the door to the future and sees the events of the past, so you should treat him with special respect. The forecast for the month begins with a detailed description of the sign that refers to it. It is for his representatives that the month will be especially important.
January is the month of Capricorn, and during this period people are born extremely persistent and curious. They need more attention to everything they do. Capricorns, like all earth signs, are very pragmatic. But that doesn’t mean there’s no romance. On the contrary, representatives of this sign are deeply sensitive inside and take everything to heart.
Capricorns can achieve a lot, among them there are a large number of careerists. The astrologer calls them very economical and hardworking: “Capricorns can build their lives, their possessions from almost nothing.” That is why they respect those who have achieved success on their own.

Last year, Tamara Globa warned that January, at the junction of 2023 and 2024, would be a watershed moment. Literally a change of eras. Therefore, everyone will need to hold tighter, not only Capricorns. But this month is notable for the fact that it will bring a lot of important negotiations. This is the moment to seize the opportunity to build the right relationships at work and in the family.
The forecast for January 2024 for Aries and Taurus January for Aries will be marked by events of first importance. The first sign of the zodiac should prepare for travel. There will be many situations involving people from afar: relatives, friends and new acquaintances. Immediately after the first two or three days of January, the doors associated with career and creative growth will open for Aries. Tamara Globa predicts this could be the start of a good profit.
Aries in January should spend more time with their loved ones, as in the second half of January it is friends who will bring new proposals and ideas to the life of Aries. Those who cherished grandiose plans will have many chances to implement them or begin their implementation in January of the new 2024. They need to be careful only in the field of health, especially in the first days of the month.
Unsplash Taurus will also have a career leap. It will be associated with recognition from persons superior: most likely, the superiors or parents. This will be a good opportunity to smooth out sharp corners with the help of rising authority. Many working moments will become easier and easier.
After January 1, people born under the sign of Taurus may have new partners from distant lands. These transactions and communication will be successful in the future. What does Tamara Globa warn against Taurus? First, she asks to look after the health of loved ones and be careful when traveling. Avoid spending too much in the first half of January. Otherwise, this month for Taurus will be a period of love and success.
Tamara Globa: January 2024 for Gemini and Cancers Tamara Globa is in solidarity with other astrologers in the fact that in January Gemini is catastrophically necessary to establish relations with the family. In principle, this will apply to everything related to the home. In the first days of the month, it will be useful to pay attention to the house. Start 2024 with general cleaning.

Unsplash Predictor recommends that Gemini focus on perspectives in the distance. It is possible that in the second half of January there will be unexpected and promising offers from friends abroad. If you do, then you will be able to enjoy the fruits of the year. Geminis should tighten their belts in January and save money for the next months.
In crayfish January will be ambiguous – they are waiting for a lot of anxiety and fuss. This is the period when cancers will want to put their lives in order: to complete the business of 2023, to close the issues of health and work. To make this process successful, astrologer Tamara Globa recommends: do not rely only on yourself, try to work in a team and at the same time with your family. Cancers in January will need a lot of energy and strength to carry out all the plans.
January horoscope for Lions and Virgins Lviv January will be full of all sorts of interesting things. They will meet bright people and learn a lot. This is a good time for intellectual activity and public speaking. In the life of Leo there will be a lot of attention to his charisma, personal talents and achievements. At the same time, it will be useful for Leo to show his leadership qualities and take care not only of his success, but also of the success of his loved ones, especially children. By the way, January will be a great period for conception and planning of pregnancy.

Unsplash Lions only need to take a closer look at the second week of January, as this period may be frustrating. And the last days of January can bring changes in family relationships.
Virgos begin 2024 with health hazards. Be careful on vacation, watch your own health and well-being of your home. Do not ignore the problems and complaints of children. This month, especially the beginning of the month, can be a stressful one with your family. But for the sport, January will be good. Those Virgos who have chosen a sports career are sure to improve their skills at the beginning of the year. And even those who did not choose, will feel a great surge of strength and with pleasure switch to physical activity.
In the second half of January, the doors of travel will open before the Virgo. It is the roads that will bring this zodiac sign the desired success and inspiration.
Forecast for Libra and Scorpio Libra will be in high demand at the beginning of the year. Friends, relatives, people whom Libra trusts and those whom they admire will surround representatives of this sign at every turn. Therefore, we can say that in the family circle will come a time of love and understanding. Throughout the month, Libra will be shrouded in support and surrounded by help.

At the same time, for Libra, January will be the most important in terms of reassessment, analysis of its surroundings. You’ll see who you can trust and who you can’t.
Scorpions are waiting for a golden January. Even if the month itself may not be too profitable, be sure that the events of January will open a gold mine for you. In the work, it is worth paying attention to cooperation with family members and distant relatives, who will give all the opportunities to prove themselves well. In January, the Scorpios will begin some exciting projects, as well as luck in acquiring things they have long dreamed of.
But the second half of January for Scorpios will be a great opportunity to learn something. For example, it will be useful to acquire knowledge in the field of information technology.
Tamara Globa: January 2024 will be special for Sagittarius and Capricorns Sagittarius first of all should pay close attention to their relationship with their superiors and colleagues. The third week can bring problems in closing deals and contracts. But there will be many opportunities to shine your professional knowledge.
For Sagittarius, January will be remembered as a stage of emotional recovery. You break into 2024 with new powers, the case will argue in your hands. But do not rush to blindly follow your ambitions, as there is a high risk of losing loved ones. In general, the month will be favorable for working trips, you can safely plan a business trip.

Capricorns, under whose sign the first month of the coming year passes, should be very careful on the way. Dangers lie in wait on the road not only the representatives of this sign, but also those who are close to them. It can also mean that Capricorns will receive unpleasant news from afar. For example, distant relatives or childhood friends. But these news will not be critical, and Capricorns will definitely cope with them.
As the first part of this turbulent month passes, Capricorns will be rewarded for their patience. There will be a possibility of good earnings and even promotion. From the second half of January, we should expect promising projects and new partners to appear on the horizon.
Forecast for Aquarius and Pisces Aquarius also fell into the category of signs that should not be spent in January. In the first days of the month, they may face serious financial problems, but in the second, relatives and friends will come to the rescue. Ironically, it is in January that the doors of new opportunities and projects will open before the Aquarius. Therefore, Tamara Globa advises to spend less on holidays and friends to bring the necessary amount for a successful investment.
It is also interesting that for those Aquarius who gravitate to free relationships, the third decade of January will be especially successful for dating of this kind.

Only poor fish will have almost no time to rest. Despite the fact that for most signs, January will be a period of rest and inspiration, the fish will head to work. Many urgent matters await fish not only in the quarry, but also at home, in the family circle. After the first days of January, there will be many friends around Pisces. There will be those who ask for help and support - do not refuse it, even if you have to slightly postpone plans for rest.
Good opportunities await fish in the intellectual sphere. It will bring profit and pleasant surprises if it is already part of your professional activity.
In addition, Tamara Globa told which days of January circumstances may not develop in the most favorable way. At this time, you should be especially careful to drive, not to walk late at night down the street and watch what you eat: January 2 - afternoon; 5 - morning; night from 7th to 8th, 9th January; first half of the 10th and 12th; 13th, 18th - first half; The 19th is the second; the 20th, the 21st is the second; the night from 26th to 27th January and from 29th to 30th.
Stargazer wishes you a successful new year, because 2024 will be rich in achievements and beginnings for absolutely all signs of the zodiac. In January, there will be the first opportunities to change your life for the better!
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Numerologists have told, under what date will be 2024 and what it means for all of us