Starting the new month with a fresh tarot forecast of Angela Pearl for all zodiac signs
The last few discussions from Angela Pearl have repeatedly emphasized that in April, all the signs of the zodiac have serious changes in life. This is primarily indicated by some clues in the forecast of Mercury retrograde in April. In it, the famous astrologer hinted that many are waiting for a move, long roads and a change of status. However, the full Tarot forecast for April 2024 The year is just now!
Learn about the features of the April Mercury retrograde will be useful for everyone. But Capricorns in particular. Period retrogradeThe struggle, change and victory will last from April 1 to April 25. Do not forget about the solar eclipse on the 8th. To give useful clues, the stargazer spread the tarot forecast on five decks. Find out your fate, the fate of your loved ones or your enemies - such information is not superfluous.
Tarot forecast for April 2024
It’s not the first time we’ve talked about it, but it’s important to repeat it. Remember. conduct During Mercury retrograde? First, do not waste money or invest in new projects – change your mind. Secondly, do not make radical changes in the body and appearance - you will not like it! Thirdly, do not enter into new contracts and do not fall into new hobbies – be trouble.
Instead, it is better to focus on things that are familiar. In retrograde April, something is best. alterRestoring or remodeling.
Tarot layout for April: Aries and Taurus Dear Aries will have a very special month. First of all, congratulations to all representatives of this sign on their birthday! I would like to remind you that April is very busy for them this year. And Mercury will be retrograde, and Venus will enter the sign of Aries, and the solar eclipse will be on the 8th. This means that Aries life will turn abruptly, if not 180, then at least 90 degrees. Those Aries that celebrate 7, 8 and 9th. These changes will affect the whole year. For the rest of the representatives of this sign, the eclipse will make changes in life for three months.
Unsplash Aries in April falls Four bowls, so it is worth waiting for new offers, maybe you are waiting for you new. The second card is the Magus card, which indicates that in April Aries will know exactly what they are doing and what they are capable of. The nine wands also hint that a new stage is beginning for Aries. Perhaps it is time to finish the old project and take stock? If Aries decide to change in April, Angela Pearl. It predicts that they will definitely lead to the best. This was told to her by the Six Wands - the winner's card, as well as the Star card - the achievement of the goal. In general, Aries fell out a lot of wands in April, so the month will fly by in one breath.
Taurus is also a birthday party in April, and they are slightly smaller, but also fall under the heading of Venus. Angela Pearl predicts that former admirers and lovers longing in the distance may appear on the horizon. Mercury retrograde will try to bring back to life the previous relationship or at least remind you of them.
The first cards that open the tarot forecast for April 2024 for Taurus, fall eight and four swords. This speaks to something that Taurus is strongly attached to and that is constrained, perhaps by health. The next card is the Emperor, symbolizing the superior. It can be a father, boss, a person with a strong energy (usually Aries), who will try to seriously affect the life of Taurus in April. And the Chariot map that follows indicates that Taurus will take control of the situation with the help or even against the Emperor. In general, the tarot forecast says that Taurus will try hard to change their lives and not without difficulties to achieve the desired.
Tarot forecast for April 2024: Gemini and Cancer Gemini open their prediction with Nine and Seven Pentacles! Excellent cards for financial transactions and profit. But do not forget that in Mercury retrograde it is better to avoid signing new contracts. Five swords go next, you'll probably get envious. And this is not surprising, because after the Nine bowls, which speaks of holiday and prosperity! In April, Gemini should be cautious only with secret detractors and the desire to take on more responsibility. There will be a temptation to take on more responsibilities in the background. triumphBut it's not worth it.
For Cancers, Tarot cards have prepared a pleasant surprise in the form of the Four Wands. A good time to look for a new property, but don’t rush to buy – wait until the end of April. The hierophant who follows says that it will be useful to ask the advice of the sage. Cancer's decision-making will be driven by the Eight of Wands, which is a good thing, because the Ace of Bowls is in front of Cancer. fateOne that can only be dreamed of. A lot of opportunities, good news, but also a lot of haste. Cancers will need to be quicker to collect all the gifts of fate in April.
Tarot forecast for April 2024: Lions and Virgins The Knight of Pentacles falls first for Lions, which means that everything will be fine in the financial sphere. In addition, there are nine and ten bowls, which means that the Lions in April will have something to boast about. The threat may lie in wait for health, a visit to the hospital or rest. But this will not stop Leo on the way to new beginnings, especially in the love field! After all, the Lovers card and the Princess of Wands card fall out - expect pleasant meetings or profitable deals.
But Virgo is scheduled for a very ambiguous and diverse April. Ten wands open it, which means someone has taken over. too much. A lot of work and responsibilities are waiting for Virgo in April. In doing so, they are supported by a map of the Sun, a map that says Virgo is on horseback in April and seeks glory and breakthrough. Important is the influence of the card of the High Priestess, who can send a prophetic dream or the disclosure of some mystery to help the Virgos. Listening to intelligent people in the environment is also advised by the Hierophant card.
Unsplash Prediction of Tarot cards for April for Libra and Scorpions If we talk about a spectacular appearance in April, then this is about Libra. Representatives of this sign will open the month with a Star card, a wish fulfillment card. Ahead of Libra is waiting for the Three Wands and the Wheel of Fortune, which means it is time to prepare for the road and try your luck. You don’t have to worry about money, they will be taken care of by the Knight of Pentacles, the Ten Pentacles and the Queen of Pentacles. In April, you will be really lucky! Here and the map of the Sun, and Chariots, and even the High Priestess will give good intuition. So Libra should grab luck by the tail and give yourself to adventure, travel and search for yourself.
For Scorpios, April begins with the Page of Swords - it's time to learn something new or wait newsletter. Life will be full of important little things that need to be paid special attention - in the future this will play a big role. Do not be lazy to make a couple of check-up calls, make inquiries or find out additional information. It is worth paying special attention to your physical and mental health, the Four of Swords hints at this.
However, it can be said that Scorpios in April will not be stopped: a lot of thoughts, a lot of hard work, but everything will be rewarded with a Ten Cups. Emotional content It will bring long-awaited relief and give strength to go on a new path. There will be a change of goals and priorities, a new road and new achievements. Scorpio will enlist the support of the King of Pentacles and the King of Wands. And the final card is the Ace of Cups! Abundance and reward for labor are the best and cannot be desired.
Tarot forecast for Sagittarius and Capricorn for April Excellent beginning of April for Sagittarius - the map of the Sun falls out! This means that the start will be bright and triumphant. This is confirmed by the Ace of Wands and the Six Wands, which symbolize strength, victory and self-confidence. In April, there will also be holidays and gifts, as indicated by the Three, Nine and Two Cups. Angela Pearl advises Sagittarius not to waste money in April, since the Four Pentacles appeared in the scenario. She also warns that dizzying success will be slightly overshadowed by resolving an old conflict that could hurt.
Capricorns are planning a very balanced month, full of both stability and change. Of course, it will shake, but the general course will remain! There is stability in finance and self-development, this is indicated by the map of the Sage and the Four Pentacles. At some point, Capricorns can feel themselves. bound (Eight swords) But the falling Wheel of Fortune suggests that there is no need to be afraid - the risk of undertakings will be justified.
Tarot forecast for April 2024 for Aquarius and Pisces And Aquarius the beginning of the month will be difficult, it will begin with competitions and minor conflicts. Plus, the Pentacle Five, the self-pity card, crept up. But do not be upset, as the Page of the bowl and the Wheel of Fortune go further. This means that there is an opportunity to get a lot of joy if you try yourself in a new business. Do not be afraid to ask advice from loved ones, this reminds the card of the Sage. Financially, everything will be stable, a lot of pentacles have fallen. However, the Aquarius also fell devil's cardYou have to watch your temptations so you don’t let yourself be tempted.
Unsplash Pisces deck gives a powerful sign and throws two powerful cards at once - the Chariot and the Emperor. This may be a signal that urges Pisces to urgently take life into their own hands and take the initiative. The Knight Bowl blesses for advancement up the career ladder and in relationships. Fish are waiting. rainfall, financial harvest. In addition, Pisces got the Cup of Plenty, one of the best possible cards! So the message to all Pisces is this: if you take control of your life and decide your own destiny, fortune will reward you with generous gifts.
Tarot forecast for April 2024 The year for all zodiac signs turned out to be very positive and promising. No wonder the astrologer decided to share it! It is full of pleasant hints and some surprises, which are better to know in advance. We hope you've benefited from this analysis. You probably know who to send it to.
Learn about the features of the April Mercury retrograde will be useful for everyone. But Capricorns in particular. Period retrogradeThe struggle, change and victory will last from April 1 to April 25. Do not forget about the solar eclipse on the 8th. To give useful clues, the stargazer spread the tarot forecast on five decks. Find out your fate, the fate of your loved ones or your enemies - such information is not superfluous.
Tarot forecast for April 2024

It’s not the first time we’ve talked about it, but it’s important to repeat it. Remember. conduct During Mercury retrograde? First, do not waste money or invest in new projects – change your mind. Secondly, do not make radical changes in the body and appearance - you will not like it! Thirdly, do not enter into new contracts and do not fall into new hobbies – be trouble.
Instead, it is better to focus on things that are familiar. In retrograde April, something is best. alterRestoring or remodeling.
Tarot layout for April: Aries and Taurus Dear Aries will have a very special month. First of all, congratulations to all representatives of this sign on their birthday! I would like to remind you that April is very busy for them this year. And Mercury will be retrograde, and Venus will enter the sign of Aries, and the solar eclipse will be on the 8th. This means that Aries life will turn abruptly, if not 180, then at least 90 degrees. Those Aries that celebrate 7, 8 and 9th. These changes will affect the whole year. For the rest of the representatives of this sign, the eclipse will make changes in life for three months.

Unsplash Aries in April falls Four bowls, so it is worth waiting for new offers, maybe you are waiting for you new. The second card is the Magus card, which indicates that in April Aries will know exactly what they are doing and what they are capable of. The nine wands also hint that a new stage is beginning for Aries. Perhaps it is time to finish the old project and take stock? If Aries decide to change in April, Angela Pearl. It predicts that they will definitely lead to the best. This was told to her by the Six Wands - the winner's card, as well as the Star card - the achievement of the goal. In general, Aries fell out a lot of wands in April, so the month will fly by in one breath.
Taurus is also a birthday party in April, and they are slightly smaller, but also fall under the heading of Venus. Angela Pearl predicts that former admirers and lovers longing in the distance may appear on the horizon. Mercury retrograde will try to bring back to life the previous relationship or at least remind you of them.

The first cards that open the tarot forecast for April 2024 for Taurus, fall eight and four swords. This speaks to something that Taurus is strongly attached to and that is constrained, perhaps by health. The next card is the Emperor, symbolizing the superior. It can be a father, boss, a person with a strong energy (usually Aries), who will try to seriously affect the life of Taurus in April. And the Chariot map that follows indicates that Taurus will take control of the situation with the help or even against the Emperor. In general, the tarot forecast says that Taurus will try hard to change their lives and not without difficulties to achieve the desired.
Tarot forecast for April 2024: Gemini and Cancer Gemini open their prediction with Nine and Seven Pentacles! Excellent cards for financial transactions and profit. But do not forget that in Mercury retrograde it is better to avoid signing new contracts. Five swords go next, you'll probably get envious. And this is not surprising, because after the Nine bowls, which speaks of holiday and prosperity! In April, Gemini should be cautious only with secret detractors and the desire to take on more responsibility. There will be a temptation to take on more responsibilities in the background. triumphBut it's not worth it.

For Cancers, Tarot cards have prepared a pleasant surprise in the form of the Four Wands. A good time to look for a new property, but don’t rush to buy – wait until the end of April. The hierophant who follows says that it will be useful to ask the advice of the sage. Cancer's decision-making will be driven by the Eight of Wands, which is a good thing, because the Ace of Bowls is in front of Cancer. fateOne that can only be dreamed of. A lot of opportunities, good news, but also a lot of haste. Cancers will need to be quicker to collect all the gifts of fate in April.
Tarot forecast for April 2024: Lions and Virgins The Knight of Pentacles falls first for Lions, which means that everything will be fine in the financial sphere. In addition, there are nine and ten bowls, which means that the Lions in April will have something to boast about. The threat may lie in wait for health, a visit to the hospital or rest. But this will not stop Leo on the way to new beginnings, especially in the love field! After all, the Lovers card and the Princess of Wands card fall out - expect pleasant meetings or profitable deals.
But Virgo is scheduled for a very ambiguous and diverse April. Ten wands open it, which means someone has taken over. too much. A lot of work and responsibilities are waiting for Virgo in April. In doing so, they are supported by a map of the Sun, a map that says Virgo is on horseback in April and seeks glory and breakthrough. Important is the influence of the card of the High Priestess, who can send a prophetic dream or the disclosure of some mystery to help the Virgos. Listening to intelligent people in the environment is also advised by the Hierophant card.

Unsplash Prediction of Tarot cards for April for Libra and Scorpions If we talk about a spectacular appearance in April, then this is about Libra. Representatives of this sign will open the month with a Star card, a wish fulfillment card. Ahead of Libra is waiting for the Three Wands and the Wheel of Fortune, which means it is time to prepare for the road and try your luck. You don’t have to worry about money, they will be taken care of by the Knight of Pentacles, the Ten Pentacles and the Queen of Pentacles. In April, you will be really lucky! Here and the map of the Sun, and Chariots, and even the High Priestess will give good intuition. So Libra should grab luck by the tail and give yourself to adventure, travel and search for yourself.
For Scorpios, April begins with the Page of Swords - it's time to learn something new or wait newsletter. Life will be full of important little things that need to be paid special attention - in the future this will play a big role. Do not be lazy to make a couple of check-up calls, make inquiries or find out additional information. It is worth paying special attention to your physical and mental health, the Four of Swords hints at this.

However, it can be said that Scorpios in April will not be stopped: a lot of thoughts, a lot of hard work, but everything will be rewarded with a Ten Cups. Emotional content It will bring long-awaited relief and give strength to go on a new path. There will be a change of goals and priorities, a new road and new achievements. Scorpio will enlist the support of the King of Pentacles and the King of Wands. And the final card is the Ace of Cups! Abundance and reward for labor are the best and cannot be desired.
Tarot forecast for Sagittarius and Capricorn for April Excellent beginning of April for Sagittarius - the map of the Sun falls out! This means that the start will be bright and triumphant. This is confirmed by the Ace of Wands and the Six Wands, which symbolize strength, victory and self-confidence. In April, there will also be holidays and gifts, as indicated by the Three, Nine and Two Cups. Angela Pearl advises Sagittarius not to waste money in April, since the Four Pentacles appeared in the scenario. She also warns that dizzying success will be slightly overshadowed by resolving an old conflict that could hurt.

Capricorns are planning a very balanced month, full of both stability and change. Of course, it will shake, but the general course will remain! There is stability in finance and self-development, this is indicated by the map of the Sage and the Four Pentacles. At some point, Capricorns can feel themselves. bound (Eight swords) But the falling Wheel of Fortune suggests that there is no need to be afraid - the risk of undertakings will be justified.
Tarot forecast for April 2024 for Aquarius and Pisces And Aquarius the beginning of the month will be difficult, it will begin with competitions and minor conflicts. Plus, the Pentacle Five, the self-pity card, crept up. But do not be upset, as the Page of the bowl and the Wheel of Fortune go further. This means that there is an opportunity to get a lot of joy if you try yourself in a new business. Do not be afraid to ask advice from loved ones, this reminds the card of the Sage. Financially, everything will be stable, a lot of pentacles have fallen. However, the Aquarius also fell devil's cardYou have to watch your temptations so you don’t let yourself be tempted.

Unsplash Pisces deck gives a powerful sign and throws two powerful cards at once - the Chariot and the Emperor. This may be a signal that urges Pisces to urgently take life into their own hands and take the initiative. The Knight Bowl blesses for advancement up the career ladder and in relationships. Fish are waiting. rainfall, financial harvest. In addition, Pisces got the Cup of Plenty, one of the best possible cards! So the message to all Pisces is this: if you take control of your life and decide your own destiny, fortune will reward you with generous gifts.
Tarot forecast for April 2024 The year for all zodiac signs turned out to be very positive and promising. No wonder the astrologer decided to share it! It is full of pleasant hints and some surprises, which are better to know in advance. We hope you've benefited from this analysis. You probably know who to send it to.
Tamara Globa told in detail what will be April for all zodiac signs, a new forecast
Take it to the toilet, so that, along with the unpleasant smell, damage, swearing and other evil leave the house.