January tarot forecast from Angela Pearl

The first month of the new year is like the first step towards realizing your big dream, your goal. And that's where a lot depends. The consummate Angela Pearl, a tarologist and astrologer with more than 20 years of experience, decided to shed light on what will be January 2019 for each of the zodiac signs.

Angela Pearl is a guest of honor at international astrological conferences in Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom. Her predictions are accurate and true, and they are full of positive and optimistic. Her wise advice has already helped so many people.

Tarot forecast for January


Today's edition. "Site" I will share with you, dear reader, Tarot forecast for January-2019 for all zodiac signs!

  1. Aries.
    Many meetings with relatives, a lot of information and various contacts. There will also be many trips that will bring positive emotions. Those looking for a job will find it. But with finances in the first month of the new year will not be as good as I would like, however, and special need for money you will not feel. There will be a lot of new opportunities, but to take advantage of them, you will need to look at everything from a different angle. Tarot cards advise Aries not to dwell on the past and boldly go forward. Personal life will be fine.


  2. Taurus
    The universe has prepared for Taurus a pleasant gift in the form of positive emotions and the opportunity to go where I have long dreamed. Your health and finances will be great. Definitely in January, Taurus will feel that the black stripe is over and you can exhale easily. There may be a shift in the positive direction in those cases that have long stood still.


  3. Twins.
    This is the perfect month for personal relationships. A lot of excitement and joy about it. Everything will be fast and intense. January 2019 will be the beginning of a new period, it is possible to change the old way of life and the previous way of life. Everything will change dramatically. It is possible to move and change work to a more promising one. And so that your health does not fail, you need to do sports and review your eating habits.


  4. Cancer
    Cancers in January-2019 are unlikely to achieve any new success in their careers, and obstacles and problems are not excluded in household affairs. It is best if you can dedicate this month to rest, do not start anything serious and shift at least part of your duties to those who always support you, whom you certainly trust. You are waiting for an unexpected turn of events that you do not need to be afraid of. Trust in the universe and everything will go well for you!


  5. Lev
    A good month in terms of prosperity. It is also possible to increase your career and a significant increase in income. It is very good to make large purchases, as well as to travel with the whole family on small trips. Don’t eat too much and drink too much! This month you will have a strong desire to be more active. Health is good.


  6. Virgo
    Virgos will finally find time for their loved ones. They can meditate in silence and find the right answer. It is good to take baths and visit spas. Changes for the better are possible due to changes in residence and income. At work, it is possible to start a new project that will require overtime and some actions that you have never done before. But these actions will open up magical prospects for Virgos and help build a strong career.


  7. Libra
    Everything that Libra did not pay due attention to in the second half of 2018 will go awry and force you to take some urgent measures. But if you do not brush off what is happening, and actively take up the correction of the situation, then once and for all deal with many troubles. It's a good time to learn something new. Learning new languages, cooking or driving courses, dancing – anything, everything will be accompanied by success and positive emotions. There will also be a lot of communication and short trips.


  8. Scorpio
    The whole of January will be an active time pushing you forward at a frantic pace. Some Scorpios can even get an interesting offer, and in any area of life. In addition, many wishes are expected to be fulfilled. Some of them will materialize the Scorpions themselves, spending a very impressive amount on this, but never regretting the costs, and something will be accomplished thanks to some influential person.


  9. Sagittarius
    The first month of winter will open up many opportunities for Sagittarius and turn on the green light in almost all important areas of life. Angela Pearl advises all representatives of this beautiful zodiac sign not to be lazy and make a wish card. Rest assured, most of them will undoubtedly come true during 2019, and January could be a good start for that. Review your finances and determine how satisfied you are with them. New ideas for making money will bring positive results.


  10. Capricorn
    In January, Capricorns will move a lot. Travel and travel to other countries are likely. The first month of the new year is especially favorable for those Capricorns whose activities are related to scientific research, teaching, advertising, insurance, television. The work will be fun, there may be cash bonuses from bosses or customers. At the end of January, some emotional problems are likely, and Capricorns may be a little stormy. Remember that you have a year of additional opportunities and unexpected luck ahead of you – don’t miss them, everything will be great!


  11. Aquarius
    If you’ve been wanting to change jobs for a long time, then January is a good month. Just don't tell your boss right after the holidays that you're leaving. No loud statements, scandals and screams. Maybe you won’t be able to find a new job quickly and will have to stay. Peace and faith in yourself will bring success! There will be a lot of energy to start something new. It is also a good time to understand yourself, spend time in nature, reflect. Try to listen to what your intuition says.


  12. Fish
    In the first half of January 2019, many Pisces will notice that New Year's feasts were not in vain. The main thing is not to be upset: you will quickly lose weight and even become slimmer than before, provided that you regularly exercise and observe moderation in eating. This is a good time to find your other half. And do not be afraid to dream, because in 2019 everything is possible for Pisces!


I also suggest you find out what 2019 will be like for each zodiac sign: a detailed and accurate horoscope from the delightful Angela Pearl. All about love and finance, health and career!

To January 2019 dreams come true, and plans are realized, Angela Pearl advises all zodiac signs Determine what they want and direct all their energy. Try to tune in to the positive, and in any difficult situations, you should smile and look at the sky. This is not easy, but by keeping your focus on your goal and positive attitude, you can achieve a lot.

Share this useful forecast with your loved ones. Be happy and have a good January!


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