The ex-wife of Pavel Globa told what to expect zodiac signs from the second half of 2017!
The fiery element and violent temper of the symbol of 2017 brought many unexpected surprises to all the signs of the zodiac. What do you expect in the remaining months of the year? Says the famous astrologer Tamara Globa!
Horoscope for the second half of the year from "Site" And Tamara Globa will tell you who can relax and which signs should work with double diligence.
Horoscope from Tamara Globa
Whatever the stars prophesy, much depends on yourself. Do not be discouraged, strive for more, and the final stage of 2017 will certainly be the most successful period of the year!
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Horoscope for the second half of the year from "Site" And Tamara Globa will tell you who can relax and which signs should work with double diligence.
Horoscope from Tamara Globa
- Aries.
In the second half of 2017, the Aries will succeed! But on one condition... This obstinate zodiac sign is waiting for a series of new achievements and pleasant discoveries. Those who do not reverence the soul in extreme sports, you need to be extremely careful, because there is a high probability of injuries. All vital energy should be directed to strengthening the family hearth and towards career growth. - Taurus
The first half of 2017 was very active for Taurus, but do not give slack in the second half of the year. You cannot wait for peace and tranquility, but do not despair. You will certainly achieve your goals, the main thing is not to give up and give yourself to cherished desires for 100! - Twins.
But Gemini in the second half of the year will be lucky a little more than Taurus, because everything they will succeed without much effort. The end of the year prepares for you new acquaintances and devoted people who will go with you through life. Positive changes are expected on the financial front. Geminis may think that money comes to them out of nowhere. In fact, this is not a gift of fate, but the result of long hard work. - Cancer
Worthy to end the year Cancer will help loved ones and relatives. Do not be afraid to ask for help, otherwise nothing will come of it. It is likely that responsible work will fall on the shoulders of this zodiac sign. But do not despair, because Cancers will do the best! - Lev
The year of the Fire Rooster became very active for the Lions, and not only its beginning, but also the second half of the year. Lions will have to work in the sweat of the face without a chance for the slightest rest. However, at the end of the year you can easily breathe out and go on a well-deserved vacation. The second half of 2017 will give Leos a reliable partner not only in work, but also in personal life. - Virgo
The wild desire to teach everyone will bring wayward Virgos to an increase in the number of conflict situations. Everyone has the right to their own opinion, and the sooner Virgos realize this, the sweeter the second half of the outgoing year will be for them. - Libra
Leaving, the Fire Rooster will give Libra a stunning rise not only in his career and business, but also on the love front. Libra will finally have the strength to complete both the accumulated cases and take on new large projects. Positive energy will attract new people, can form a strong friendship for years. - Scorpio
The second half of 2017 will be unpredictable and very successful for Scorpios. Boldly grab on to new things, the stars promise amazing success! However, it is worth observing a simple condition: perform tasks one at a time, and not all at once. Otherwise, there will be no success. - Sagittarius
Sagittarius are not afraid of changes, so the second half of the year has prepared a series of changes and bright events for this zodiac sign. Change of activity, place of residence and partner is likely. Everything will work out for those representatives of the zodiac sign who will open their heart to the new and will be ready for cardinal changes. Support and support of relatives during this period is the key to incredible success for Sagittarius. - Capricorn
The end of the year will give Capricorns new strong acquaintances. If desired and zeal Capricorns easily turn their skills into a good income. This sign is waiting for a considerable creative uplift, and there will be at least plenty of inspiration! Capricorns will noticeably establish relations with relatives and friends, strengthen family ties and gain long-awaited harmony. - Aquarius
The energy and strength of the Aquarius will be enough for ten! Whatever work Aquarius undertake during this period of life, everything will turn out in the best way. Don’t be afraid of change, it’s definitely for the better. Changing your job, place of residence or partner is a golden ticket for Aquarius. - Fish
The first half of the year may seem boring and routine. Fortunately, the stars promise this sign a lot of adventures and new experiences in the second half of 2017. Stop being afraid and open your heart to new adventures, everything will work out!
Whatever the stars prophesy, much depends on yourself. Do not be discouraged, strive for more, and the final stage of 2017 will certainly be the most successful period of the year!
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