Rare photos of Afghanistan 1960's years, still untouched by war
Hard to believe, but only some fifty years ago in Afghanistan was dominated by other orders. In the country there was peace and order on the streets driving expensive cars, and a local girl flaunted in a mini.
The website shows the reader the amazing photos of Afghanistan and its inhabitants, made during peacetime.
The author is Professor bill Podlich who came to Kabul in 1967 with his family. There he spent two years taught in an organized UNESCO Higher Pedagogical College, and in his spare time took to the streets and photographed.
Girls in the gardens of Paghman
All photos in post © Dr Bill PodlichУчащиеся MIC, where he taught bill Podlich
Passengers of the local bus
Students of Junior school for boys and girls
Due to the heat sometimes the lessons were conducted outdoors
The lesson of music and dance in kindergarten
Kabul Schoolgirls coming back from classes
Big sister leads the younger by the hand
A real Afghan hound
Boy decorates cakes national patterns
Plug in Kabul
Local men during a tea party
American international school in Kabul
Trader of scarves on the market
The reaction of Afghans to the blonde
Parking of cars near the house
A local resident prepares traditional Afghan dessert
The path through the gorge between Jalalabad and Kabul
The driver of a public bus
Mountain tunnel "Salang"
Friendly locals
Exhibition at one of the schools
The Afghans have a rest in the shade of the trees
A man reading afternoon prayers
The Bamiyan valley
The younger students during a lesson on the street
Store fruits and vegetables
Gas station
Students returning from the lectures
Men on the outskirts of Kabul
View of Kabul from the surrounding mountains
A boy sells balloons on the waterfront
Entry in the annual exhibition of the best student work
The car of one of local officials
Well dressed Afghan men in the sixties
A lesson in high school
Family coming to visit
Arch is one of the many arches in Kabul
Hotel "Inter Continental"
Street Barber
The endless steppes of Afghanistan
Men go on foot to a nearby village
Views of the mountains surrounding Kabul
Professor bill Podlich surrounded by his colleagues and friends
Kabul airport
Channel, where locals wash clothes
Local military band
Carved into the rock statue of Buddha, Bamiyan valley. During the hostilities it was destroyed
Decorated in traditional style bus
Shop, sell products and canned
Dancing in kindergarten
Traditional masquerade procession during one of the holidays
The main street of Kabul
A man prepares a kebab in the street
Children and adults swimming in the Kabul river
Algebra class in high school
The drivers boast a capacity of its buses
Street with hotels and shops
Students after school
The participants of the peace March
Post a guard around the Royal Palace, Kabul
King's hill in Paghman gardens
Road builders
Kabul mosque located in the city centre
People during New year celebrations
Protesters at the demonstration
Military parade on the streets of Kabul
via www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-3404803/Life-Taliban-Fascinating-photographs-idyllic-Afghanistan-1960s-residents-free-enjoy-outdoor-picnics-colourful-markets.html?ito=social-facebook