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500 films that develop impeccable taste

film studies professor at the Faculty of Harvard did not weak job and made an impressive list of the most important and notable films that have influenced the history of world cinema. None of these films, they say, can not be considered a real connoisseur of cinema. They almost have to know modal film critics, which is prepared at Harvard.

Website publish this list, which consists of two parts: the key tape in the history of cinema and separately - the best Hollywood movies.

Part 1: The most important films in the history of
World Cinema h3> In the early days of cinema. 1895-1910

The arrival of the train at the station of La Ciotat / L'Arrivee d'un train en gare de la Ciotat, 1895. Auguste and Louis Lumiere. Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory / La Sortie de l'usine Lumiere a Lyon, 1895. Auguste and Louis Lumiere. L'Arroseur Arrosé / L'Arroseur arrose, 1895. Auguste and Louis Lumiere. Breakfast baby / Le Repas de beb , 1895. Auguste and Louis Lumiere. The disappearance of the ladies in the theater Robert Houdin / Escamotage d'une Dame chez Robert-Houdin, 1896. Journey Moon / Le Voyage dans la lune, 1902. In the realm of fairies / Le Royaume des fees, 1903. The Magic Lantern / La Lanterne magique 1903. Journey through the impossible / Le Voyage a travers l'impossibl, 1904. The Dance "Serpentine" Annabel / Annabelle Serpentine Danc, 1895. The Kiss / The Kiss, 1896. Mr. Edison at work in the chemical laboratory / Mr. Edison at Work in His Chemical Laboratory, 1897. The execution elephant / Electrocuting an Elephant, 1903. Patchwork Girl of Oz / The Patchwork Girl of Oz, 1914. Terrible Teddy King Grizzly / Terrible Teddy, the Grizzly King, 1901. The circular panorama Electric Tower / Circular Panorama of Electric Tower, 1901. Pan American Exhibition night / Pan-American Exposition by Night, 1901. Life of an American Fire / Life of an American Fireman, 1902. Uncle Josh at the Picture Show / Uncle Josh at the Moving Picture Show, 1902. Uncle Tom's Cabin / Uncle Tom's Cabin, 1903. Merry shoe salesman / The Gay Shoe Clerk, 1903. Romance of the Rails, 1903. < / The Great Train Robbery / The Great Train Robbery, 1903. teddy bears / The Teddy Bears, 1907. The Lonely Villa / The Lonely Villa, 1909. D . W. Griffith. Speculation wheat / Corner in Wheat, 1909. DW Griffith.

The heyday of the "great silent." 1910-1930

His devotion / His Trust, 1911. telegraph from Loundeyla / The Lonedale Operator, 1911. The New York Hat / The New York Hat, 1912. Musketeers Swine alley / The Musketeers of Pig Alley, 1912. The Battle of Elderbushskom Gorge / The Battle of Elderbush Gulch, 1913. The Cabbage Fairy / La Fee aux choux, 1896. Alice Guy A matter of honor / A House Divided, 1913. Alice Guy. Cabiria / Cabiria, 1914, Italy. Giovanni Pastrone. Fantomas / Fantomas, 1914, France. Louis Feuillade. Birth of a Nation / The Birth of a Nation, 1915, USA. DU Griffith. Vampires / Les Vampires, 1915, France. Louis Feuillade. Intolerance / Intolerance, 1916, USA. DU Griffith. Deception / The Cheat, 1916, USA. Cecil B. DeMille. An immigrant / The Immigrant, 1917, USA. Charlie Chaplin. Eivind Berg and his wife / Berg-Ejvind och hans hustru, 1917, Sweden. Victor Sjöström. Broken Blossoms / Broken Blossoms, 1919, USA. DW Griffith. Sunny side / Sunnyside, 1919, USA. Charles Chaplin. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari / Das Cabinet Des Dr. Caligari, 1920 Germany. Robert Wiene. The driver / Korkarlen, 1920, Sweden. B. Shёstrёm. Spot / The Blot, 1921, USA. Lois Weber. Nosferatu, symphony of horror / Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens, 1922 Germany. F. W. Murnau. According to the law, in 1926, the Soviet Union. Lev Kuleshov. The Witches / Haxan, 1922 Denmark. Benjamin Christensen. Stupid wife / Foolish Wives, 1922, USA. Erich von Stroheim. Finally safe! / Safety Last, 1923, USA. Fred S. Nyumeyer, Sam Taylor. Kino-eye, 1924, the Soviet Union. Dziga Vertov. The Last Man / Der Letzte Mann, in 1924, Germany. FW Murnau. Avarice / Greed, 1924, USA. E. von Stroheim. Sherlock Jr. / Sherlock Junior, 1924, USA. Buster Keaton. Gösta Berlings Saga / Gosta Berlings saga, in 1924, Sweden. Moritz Stiller. The atrocity / L'Inhumaine, 1924, France. Marcel L'Herbier. The Iron Horse / The Iron Horse, 1924, USA. John Ford. The Battleship "Potemkin" in 1925, the Soviet Union. Sergei Eisenstein. The Gold Rush / The Gold Rush, 1925, USA. Charles Chaplin. Body and Soul / Body and Soul, 1925, USA. Oscar Michaux. joyless lane / Die freudlose Gasse, 1925, Germany. Georg Wilhelm Pabst. The locomotive General / The General, 1926, USA. Clyde Bruckman, Buster Keaton. The tenant / The Lodger, 1926, UK. Alfred Hitchcock. The mother, in 1926, the Soviet Union. Vsevolod Pudovkin. Page of Madness / Kurutta ippeji, 1926, Japan. Teynoske Kinugasa. Metropolis / Metropolis, 1927, Germany. Fritz Lang. The End of St. Petersburg, in 1927, the Soviet Union. Pudovkin. Napoleon / Napoleon, in 1927, France. Abel Gance. Sunrise / Sunrise, 1927, USA. FW Murnau. in October 1927, the Soviet Union. Sergei Eisenstein. Money / L'Argent, 1928, France. M. L'Herbier. The crowd / The Crowd, 1928, USA. King Vidor. The descendant of Genghis Khan, in 1928, the Soviet Union. Pudovkin. The Passion of Joan of Arc / La passion de Jeanne d'Arc, 1928, France. Carl Theodor Dreyer. Earth 1930, the Soviet Union. Alexander Dovzhenko.

The end of the 1920s-1940. Movie "conspiracy»

The Jazz Singer / The Jazz Singer, 1927, USA. Alan Krosland. Under the roofs of Paris / Sous les toits de Paris, 1929, France. Rene Clair. Blue Angel / The Blue Angel, in 1930, Germany. Josef von Sternberg. The Golden Age / L'Age d'Or, in 1930, France. Luis Bunuel. The border / Borderline, 1930, UK. Kenneth Macpherson. Killer M / M, 1931, Germany. Fritz Lang. Exile / The Exile, 1931, USA. Oscar Michaux, Leonard Harper. I - an escaped convict / I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang, 1932, USA. Mervyn LeRoy. Zero for conduct / Zero de conduite: Jeunes diables au college, 1933, France. Jean Vigo. Strong Christopher / Christopher Strong, 1933, USA. Dorothy Arzner. Buddy Mendoza / El Compadre Mendoza, 1933, Mexico. Fernando de Fuentes, Juan Bustillo Oro. Atalanta / L'Atalante, 1934, France. Jean Vigo. Mr Lange Crime / Le crime de monsieur Lange, 1935, France. Jean Renoir. The 39 Steps / The 39 Steps, 1935, UK. A. Hitchcock. The New Times / Modern Times, 1935, USA. Charles Chaplin. Gionskie sister / Gion no shimai, 1936. Japan. Kenji Mizoguchi. Grand Illusion / La Grande Illusion, 1937, France. Jean Renoir. Alexander Nevsky, 1938, the Soviet Union. Sergei Eisenstein. The day starts / Le Jour se leve, 1939, France. Marcel Carne. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington / Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, 1939, USA. Frank Capra. How to Play / La Regle du jeu, 1939, France. Jean Renoir. The Thief of Bagdad / Thief of Bagdad, 1940, UK. Michael Powell and others. The Jew Suess / Jud Suss, 1940 Germany. Veit Harlan.


Citizen Kane / Citizen Kane, 1941 in the United States. Orson Welles. Day of Wrath / Vredens dag, 1943 in Denmark. KT Dreyer. The Raven / Le Corbeau, 1943 in France. Henri-Georges Clouzot. Ivan the Terrible, 1 Series, 1944, the Soviet Union. Sergei Eisenstein. Children of Paradise / Les Enfants du Paradis, 1945, France. M. Carne. Rome, Open City / Roma, citta aperta, 1945, Italy. Roberto Rossellini. Brief Encounter / Brief Encounter, 1945, UK. David Lean. Countryman / Paisa, 1946, Italy. R. Rossellini. The Murderers Among Us / Die Morder sind unter uns, 1946 Germany. Wolfgang Staudt. The earth trembles / La Terra Trema, 1948, Italy. Luchino Visconti. Red Shoes / The Red Shoes, 1948, UK. M. Powell, Emeric Pressburger. Bicycle Thieves / Ladri di biciclette, 1948, Italy. Vittorio De Sica. Diary of a Country Priest / Journal d'un cure de campagne, 1950, France. Robert Bresson. The Third Man / The Third Man, 1950, UK. Carol Reed. The Forgotten / Los Olvidados, 1950, Mexico. Luis Bunuel. Sunset Boulevard / Sunset Boulevard, 1950, USA. Billy Wilder. Rashomon / Rashomon, in 1950, Japan. Akira Kurosawa. The River / The River, 1951 France-Italy. Jean Renoir. Forbidden games / Les Jeux interdits, 1952, France. Rene Clement. Madame de ... / Madame De, 1953, France. Max Ophüls. Tokyo Story / Tokyo monogatari, 1953, Japan. Yasujiro Ozu. Fee for fear / Le Salaire de la peur, 1953, France. A.-ZH. Clouseau. Ugetsu / Ugetsu Monogatari, 1953, Japan. K. Mizoguchi. Monsieur Hulot's Holiday / Les Vacances de M. Hulot, 1953, France. Jacques Tati. Salt of the Earth / Salt of the Earth, 1953, USA. Herbert J.. Biberman. Journey to Italy / Viaggio in Italia, 1953, Italy. R. Rossellini. Little Fugitive / The Little Fugitive, 1953, USA. Ashley Ray and others. The Seven Samurai / Shichinin no samurai, 1954, Japan. A. Kurosawa. Sansho the Bailiff / Sansho dayu, 1954, Japan. K. Mizoguchi. In the port / On the Waterfront, 1954, USA. Elia Kazan. Word / Ordet, 1954 Denmark. KT Dreyer. Road / La Strada, 1954, Italy. Federico Fellini. Pather Panchali / Pather Panchali, 1955 India. Satyajit Ray. playboy Bob / Bob le Flambeur, 1955, France. Jean-Pierre Melville. The death of cyclist / Muerte de un ciclista, 1955 Spain. Juan Antonio Bardem. Channel / Kanal, 1956, Poland. Andrzej Wajda. The Red Balloon / Le Ballon rouge, 1956, France. Albert Lamorisse. The Burmese Harp / Biruma no tategoto, 1956. Japan. Kon Ichikawa. Wild Strawberries / Smultronstallet, 1957 Sweden. Ingmar Bergman. The Cranes Are Flying, 1957, the Soviet Union. Mikhail Kalatozov Nights of Cabiria / Le notti di Cabiria, 1957, Italy. F. Fellini. Ashes and Diamonds / Popiol i diament, 1958, Poland. A. Wajda. Dizziness / Vertigo, 1958, USA. A. Hitchcock. The Ballad of a Soldier, 1959, the Soviet Union. Gregory Chukhray. Breathless / A Bout de souffle, 1959, France. Jean-Luc Godard. Hiroshima, My Love / Hiroshima mon Amour, 1959, France. Alain Resnais. Four strokes / Les quatre cents coups, 1959, France. Francois Truffaut. Pickpocket / Pickpocket, 1959, France. Robert Bresson. Shadow / Shadows, 1959, USA. D. Cassavetes. World of Apu / Apur Sansar, 1959 India. S. Ray. The Adventure / L'Avventura, 1960, Italy. Michelangelo Antonioni. Maid / Hanyo, 1960, South Korea. Ki-Young Kim. Mother Joan of the Angels / Matka Joanna od aniolow, 1960, Poland. Jerzy Kawalerowicz. Rocco and His Brothers / Rocco e i suoi fratelli, 1960, Italy. L. Visconti. The star of the dark cloud / Meghe Dhaka Tara, in 1960, India. Rtvik Gatak. Peeping / Peeping Tom, 1960, UK. M. Powell.

1960-1980 years

Akkattone / Accattone, 1961, Italy. Pier Paolo Pasolini. Last Year at Marienbad / L'annee derniere a Marienbad, 1961, France. Alain Resnais. Naked Island / Hadaka no shima, 1960. Japan. Kaneto Shindo. Exile / The Exiles, 1961, USA. Kent MacKenzie. Viridiana / Viridiana, 1961 Spain. Luis Bunuel. Cleo from 5 to 7 / Cleo a 5 de 7, 1961, France. Agnes Varda. Messenger / The Connection, 1961, USA. Shirley Clark. The taste of saury / Sanma no aji, in 1962, Japan. Ya Ozu. Eclipse / L'eclisse, 1962, Italy. M. Antonioni. Runway / La Jetee, 1962, France. Chris Marker. Eight and a half / half 8, 1963, Italy. F. Fellini. Leopard / Il gattopardo, 1963, Italy. L. Visconti. ruined life / Vidas Secas, 1963 Brazil. Nelson Pereira dos Santos. Red Desert / Il deserto rosso, 1964, Italy. M. Antonioni. Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors, 1964, the Soviet Union. S. Parajanov. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb / Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, 1964, UK. Stanley Kubrick. Hard Day's Night / A Hard Day's Night, 1964, UK. Richard Lester. Matthew / Il vangelo secondo Matteo, 1964, Italy. PP Pasolini. The black out ... / La noire de ..., 1965, Senegal. Ousmane Sembene. Pierrot le fou / Pierrot le Fou, 1965 France-Italy. JL Godard. Without Hope / Szegenylegenyek, 1965, Hungary. Miklós Jancsó. The Shop on Main Street / Obchod na korze, 1965, Czechoslovakia. Jan Kadar, Elmar Klos. can not be reconciled, or where the rights of violence, the violence only helps / Nicht versohnt oder Es hilft nur Gewalt wo Gewalt herrscht, 1965 Germany. Jean-Marie Straub, Daniel Huillet. Happiness / Le Bonheur, 1965, France. A. Ward. The Battle of Algiers / La battaglia di Algeri, 1966, Italy. Gillo Pontecorvo. Young Girls of Rochefort / Les demoiselles de Rochefort, 1966, France. Jacques Demy. Father - Diary of a faith / Apa, 1966, Hungary. Istvan Szabo. Blow / Blow-up, 1966, UK. M. Antonioni. Daisies / Sedmikrasky, 1966, Czechoslovakia. Vera Chytilová. On the celebration and a party / O slavnosti a hostech, 1966, Czechoslovakia. Jan Nemec. Loves of a Blonde / Lasky jedne plavovlasky, 1965, Czechoslovakia. Milos Forman. Au Hasard Balthazar / Au Hasard, Balthazar, 1966, France, Sweden. Robert Bresson. Andrei Rublev, 1966, the Soviet Union. Andrei Tarkovsky Person / Persona, 1966, Sweden. I. Bergman. The Hawks and the Sparrows / Uccellacci e uccellini, 1966, Italy. PP Pasolini. Diary of David Holtzman / David Holzman's Diary, 1967, USA. Jim McBride. Two or Three Things I Know About Her / 2 ou 3 choses que je sais d'elle, 1967, France. JL Godard. Time Entertainment / Playtime, 1967, France. Jacques Tati. The weekend / Weeken, 1967, France. JL Godard. Belle de Jour / Belle de Jour, 1967, France. L. Bunuel. War and Peace, 1967, the Soviet Union. Sergei Bondarchuk. The Earth in a trance / Terra em Transe, 1967 Brazil. Glauber Rocha. Innocence without protection / Nevinost bez zastite, 1968, Yugoslavia. Dušan Makavejev. When / If, in 1968, Great Britain. Lindsay Anderson. My Night at Maud's / Ma Nuit chez Maude, 1968, France. Eric Rohmer. The death penalty by hanging / Koshikei, 1968. Japan. Nagisa Oshima. Once Upon a Time in the West / C'era una volta il West, 1968, Italy. Sergio Leone. Petula / Petulia, 1968, USA. Richard Lester. Memories of underdevelopment / Memorias del subdesarrollo, 1968 Cuba. Tomas Gutierrez Alea. The Conformist / Il conformista, 1969, Italy. Bernardo Bertolucci. Four nights dreamer / Quatre nuits d'un reveur, 1971, France. Robert Bresson. The mystery of the tribe Kharabat / Al-mummia, 1969, Egypt. Shadi Abdel Salam. The Color of Pomegranates, 1969, the Soviet Union. S. Parajanov. Easy Rider / Easy Rider, 1969, USA. Dennis Hopper. Blood of the Condor / Yawar mallku, 1969, Bolivia. Jorge Sanjines, comprising Wynne. The dragon of evil against the holy warrior / O Dragao da Maldade contra o Santo Guerreiro, 1969 Brazil. Glauber Rocha. Lucia / Lucia, in 1969, Cuba. Humberto Solas. King Lear, 1970, the Soviet Union. Grigori Kozintsev. Presentation / Performance, 1970, UK. Donald Cammell, Nicolas Roeg. Sweet Sweetback: Song bastard / Sweet Sweetback's Badasssss Song, 1971, USA. Melvin Van Peebles. My Uncle Antoine / Mon Oncle Antoine, 1971, Canada. Claude Zhyutra. Shaft / Shaft, 1971, USA. Gordon Parks. The Last Picture Show / The Last Picture Show, 1971, USA. Peter Bogdanovich. WR. The mystery of the body / W.R. - Misterije organizma, 1971, Yugoslavia. Dušan Makavejev. How tasty was my French / Como Era Gostoso o Meu Frances, in 1971, Brazil. Nelson Pereira dos Santos. The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie / Le Charme discret de la Bourgeoisie, 1972, France. L. Bunuel. Aguirre, the Wrath of God / Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes, 1972 Germany. Werner Herzog. Last Tango in Paris / Ultimo tango a Parigi, 1972 Italy-France. B. Bertolucci. The Spirit of the Beehive / El espiritu de la colmena, 1973 Spain. Victor Erice. Day for Night / La Nuit americaine, 1973, France. F. Truffaut. Mean Streets / Mean Streets, 1973, USA. M. Scorsese. Heath / Badlands, 1973, USA. Terrence Malick. The Mother and the Whore / La Maman et la putain, 1973, France. Jean Eustache. Song of India / India Song, 1974, France. Marguerite Duras. Ksala (impotence) / Xala, 1974 Senegal. Ousmane Sembene. Picnic at Hanging Rock / Picnic at Hanging Rock, in 1975, Australia. Peter Weir. Cria Cuervos / Cria Cuervos, 1975 Spain. Carlos Saura. It's all right / Tout va bien, 1975, France. Jean-Luc Godard, Jean-Pierre Gorin. Joan Dil'man, Commerce Quay, 23, Brussels 1080 / Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles, 1975 Belgium. Chantal Akerman. The Comedians / O thiasos, 1975, Greece. Theo Angelopoulos. Over time / Im Lauf der Zeit, 1976, Federal Republic of Germany. Wim Wenders. Nashville / Nashville, 1976, USA. Robert Altman. A taxi driver / Taxi Driver, 1976, USA. M. Scorsese. All the President's Men / All the President's Men, 1976, USA. Alan J. Pakula. Man of Marble / Czlowiek z marmuru, 1976, Poland. Andrzej Wajda. Climbing, 1976, the Soviet Union. Larisa Shepitko. Realm of the Senses / Ai no korida, 1976, Japan. N. Oshima. ion which is 25 years in 2000 / Jonas qui aura 25 ans en l'an 2000, 1976, Switzerland. Alain Tanner. miner sheep / Killer of Sheep, 1977, USA. Charles Burnett. Suspiria / Suspiria, 1977. Dario Argento. The hypothesis of a stolen painting / L'hypothese du tableau vole, 1978, France. Raul Ruiz. The Marriage of Maria Braun / Die Ehe der Maria Braun, 1978, Germany. Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Apocalypse Now / Apocalypse Now, 1979, USA. Francis Ford Coppola. patriot / Die Patriotin, 1979 Germany. Alexander Kluge. Vengeance is mine, I will repay / Fukushu suru wa ware ni ari, in 1979, Japan. Shohei Imamura. Raging Bull / Raging Bull, 1980, USA. M. Scorsese.


Lead times / Die bleierne Zeit, 1981, Federal Republic of Germany. Margarethe von Trotta. The Draughtsman's Contract / The Draftsman's Contract, 1982, UK. Peter Greenaway. The people in the boat / Tau ban no hoi, 1982, Hong Kong. Ann Hui. Silence around Christine M. / De stilte rond Christine M., 1981, The Netherlands. Marleen Gorris. Wind / Finye, 1982 Mali. Souleymane Cisse. Road / Yol, in 1982, Turkey. Yılmaz Güney. Videodrome / Videodrome, 1982 Canada. David Cronenberg. The Legend of Narayame / Narayama-bushi ko, in 1983, Japan. S. Imamura. Fanny and Alexander / Fanny och Alexander, 19832, Sweden. I. Bergman. Carmen / Carmen, 1983 Spain. K. Saura. Nostalgia 1983, Italy-USSR. Andrei Tarkovsky. The yellow earth / Huang tudi, 1984 China. Chen Kaige. Illusions / Illusions, 1982, USA. Julie Dash. Paris, Texas / Paris, Texas, in 1984, the United States. W. Wenders. Home and the World / Ghare-Baire, 1984 India. S. Ray. Camila / Camila, 1984, Argentina. Maria Luisa Bemberg. Run / Ran, 1985, Japan. A. Kurosawa. Blue Velvet / Blue Velvet, 1986, USA. David Lynch. Caravaggio / Caravaggio, 1986, UK. Derek Jarman. The bright light / Yeelen, 1987 Mali. Souleymane Cisse. Red Sorghum / Hong gao liang, 1987 China. Zhang Yimou. Wedding in Galilee / Urs al-jalil, 1987 Israel-Belgium-France. Michelle Hleifi. The sky over Berlin / Der Himmel uber Berlin, in 1987, West Germany.

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