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Masters cameo

Leo Perfilov born February 13, 1933 in the town of Kolomna, Moscow Region. School years, the boy went to the fire of the Great Patriotic War. But a big dream to become an actor, to go on stage, and helped inspire the youth to go through all the hardships of this hard life. After graduating from the famous "Pike" in 1956, Leo Perfilov became an actor in Kiev theater.
Leo Perfilov one of the most interesting actor of the national cinema. He had an unusual tone of voice hoarse.
From the first movie roles he has proved himself an actor temperamental, bright. His debut in Franz Klavicek heroic and romantic drama "Pavel Korchagin" Alexander Alov and Vladimir Naumov drew sincerity, freshness image.
A new step in the same biography of the artist began shooting the director Ada Neretnietsy in the heroic adventure films about the Great Patriotic War "Cyclone starts at night." After the execution of Leo Perfilov role fascist Woldemar, all the newspapers in unison notes: "Finally, a performer, so convincingly playing villains." Artist brilliantly created a "small" image that is not jammed, but rather was a bright spot against the background of the main characters, played by renowned actors: Anatoly Romashin, Peter Gorin and Velta Lina.

Then, in the cinematic piggy Leo Perfilova spilled countless thieves, murderers, drunkards, spies, pirates and other "all unrighteousness." Such a "genre" demanded from the actor entirely new playing techniques. Perfilov was very glad that it happened because we believe these roles far more interesting than the faceless workers, miners and Pahari.
Creative same vertex in the movie Lion Perfilova was the role of the photographer Grisha "six-to-nine" in the series Stanislav Govorukhin "The Meeting Place Can not Be Changed", which revealed new facets of talent actor, earned him a new surge in popularity nationwide. In-depth immersion in the role of an actor helped create the image of man of ideas, enthusiasm, a true friend, does not accept falsehood, which has a keen sense of justice, goodness and truth open. At the same time, the hero Perfilova not devoid of ordinary human weaknesses, he could easily brag to your friends.
All this combined to make the image perfilovskogo Grisha alive and full-blooded. Perfilov managed not to get lost near extraordinary actor, Vladimir Konkin, Vladimir Vysotsky and Sergey Jurassic.
Unfortunately, these roles Leo Perfilov no longer received, he gradually moved to the accountants and petty officials. But these images were subject to outstanding talent Perfilova.
Actor died January 24, 2000 from severe, prolonged illness.

Born August 26, 1912 in the village of Gorki Sergeev Vladimir province.
His family was dispossessed; He began his career as a worker. He graduated from drama school at the Moscow Soviet Theatre (1935). In 1935-1989 years - an actor Academic Theater Mossovet. In the movie, Nikolai Parfenov began acting in 1946; his first role, Gorbunov, sang in the movie "The Tinder Box».
Nicholas Parfenova teachers were not only luminaries of stage and screen, but also ordinary passers-service workers, salesmen - he absorbed the life of the human characters. "School" for him was Cheremushkinskiy market, not far from where he lived. Nikolai went there all the time, wandered around the mall and watched people.
The actor became a favorite of newsreel "wick" and its permanent chief editor Sergei Mikhalkov. Once the script characters appear parfenovskogo profile of any other actor did not even think. "Lit up" it in another newsreel - "Jumble", where he played, including - and Dostoevsky.

Nikolai Parfenov one of the most filmed the actors of the national cinema and the real king of the episode. To his credit more than 130 roles in movies. He was a typical household actor, but in his craft, he was an unsurpassed master.
Nikolai Parfenov played on stage two thousand concerts. He traveled all over the country and was even abroad. He did not drink, did not smoke. Main hobby Nicholas Parfenova lifetime were poems and sports. As a young man was busy, well-played tennis. Fond of fishing and hunting. Parfenov stopped filming when he was 80 years old.
Nikolai Ivanovich was married twice. Young, charming, like Esenina student Nick Parfenov married actress Olga Vasilyeva. From this marriage a daughter, Irina. But the marriage was short-lived and, as he himself said, not very happy. Then Nikolai became part of the woman and did not want to meet. But friends introduced him once with an employee of the Moscow Soviet, sophisticated and refined Ms. Ivshyna with which they have lived together for 47 years. Common children they had, and Nikolai Ivanovich gave his attention to his son and daughter Irina Larisa Alekseevny.
The crisis of 1992 has played a cruel joke on the financial well-being Parfenova. Contributions are impaired. After the death of his wife, Larissa Alekseevny, which Parfenov lived 47 years, he wanted to get into a boarding house for the elderly at the House of the actor. It is there that eventually moved some of his colleagues, and almost the same age. But instead of living in a boarding house was required to give the apartment to the state. Parfenov and was going to do. However, it turned out that the wife in secret from her husband in the apartment in Via Garibaldi her granddaughter. As a result, Nikolai Ivanovich refused.
Relatives from time to time looked to the old man only, only to take something from your valuables. TV and so disappeared almost all the furniture. Nikolai Ivanovich left only the failed old sofa on which he slept. People close to the old actor were only daughter Irina and sister Antonina Ivanovna. Only Cheremushkinskaya park, where an elderly actor often walked, he often heard warm words from passers-by recognized him.
Nikolai Ivanovich quietly died in the arms of her sister Antonia Orthodox Christmas on January 7, 1999 at the eighty-seventh year.
The death of the popular actor went unnoticed. Knew nothing about it, not only in the theater, but even his housemates. Buried actor sister, who lived on a pension.

Born February 12, 1916, German troops occupied the city of Vilna (now - Vilnius, Lithuania).
After the family moved from Vilna to Moscow in the early 20's, my father had disappeared from his wife and son, and mother brought Gosha one. Money always lacked, and Roninson early went to work, not even finished the ten-year.
15 years old boy, in parallel with the work, he entered the Children's Choir of the Bolshoi Theater - teachers hoped that as a result of breaking a teenage voice will be able to get a beautiful tenor. But, as often happens, operatic voice "did not work out", but left it mimansa soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. True, and in this field, his career ended quickly - too bright appearance were dumb actor in the crowd and always caused laughter.
Young was an avid theater-goer Gottlieb, never missed a metropolitan premiere. Very often he went to the Moscow Art Theater, which was his favorite theater. Gosh knew by name not only the whole troupe of Art, but memorized his entire repertoire. There he met with Mikhail Bulgakov, who at the time he wrote his plays for the Moscow Art Theater.
When the war began, Gottlieb Roninson not taken to the front for health reasons. But the dream to give life to the theater did not leave Roninson and returned after being evacuated to Moscow, he entered the Theater School. BV Shchukin.
At the end of the famous "Pike", the young actor admitted to the troupe of the Moscow Drama and Comedy Theatre on Taganka, where he worked all his life. On the great stage for her theatrical life, the actor has played a variety of roles - men, women, comic, tragic.
And when he came to the theater a new director Yuri Lyubimov, Gotlib Roninson was one of only three actors who were listed in the company before the arrival of Yuri Lyubimov and remained there under new leadership. For Taganka began a new era: Vladimir Vysotsky, Alla Demidova, Valery Zolotukhin, Leonid Filatov, Igor Kvasha ...

Of course, Gottlieb M. suited them fathers, but in this updated brilliant theater, he settled down, found its niche. His colleagues sincerely loved. In the first performance of a new Taganka, "Ten Days That Shook the World", the actor, together with all involved in the crowd: pops up on the street with an accordion, seeing nothing wrong with this. Rather, these actors enough to say one or two words to be noticed. This is called "presence effect". Here Gottlieb Roninson always been evident in the scene. The actor just participated in such famous productions as "The Master and Margarita", "The Dawns Here Are Quiet ...».
The first part, we can say and invisible, Gottlieb Roninson in the film - it's a pirate Cypriots in historical and biographical kinodilogii "Admiral Ushakov" directed by Mikhail Romm as much as in 1953.
But then, in the late fifties Roninson the first time on stage Taganka, before the arrival of Lyubimov, saw himself Eldar Ryazanov. Theatre at that time did not enjoy popularity, Muscovites did not specifically complain. There was some discreet comedies. Roninson played lifter-stammering, which the doctor has advised to sing, to get rid of stuttering - and so the whole play this wonderful lifter sang. And for dramatic actor M. Gottlieb sang just fine, and indeed was able to keep the room. So remember him Ryazanov and decided to invite the actor in his comedy.
So with Riasanovsky "Beware of the Car" - a replica of the famous chief George Detochkin: "And you do not know, and be silent!" Was a big debut of the actor in the movie. This was followed by the role of the husband of Lydia Sergeevny in "zigzag luck." Then the greatest film director Eldar Ryazanov found Roninson role in almost all his comedies: it is the doctor in "The Old Man and robbers" and the passenger at the airport, "The Irony of Fate," and, of course, Mark Y. Mamzon in the immortal comedy "About the poor hussar say a word».
Master grotesque mimicry owned Roninson amazing, and it gave it a little stuttering heroes unique charm. Heroes Gottlieb Roninson always caused laughter. The very same actor was infinitely devoted to art and as infinitely lonely. Family he was not, and were just friends. M. Gottlieb always got a funny story, it seemed all a bit absurd and eccentric, but colleagues appreciated his kindness and willingness to help everyone.
Roninson worked until the last day, despite the fact that his memory began to fail and go on stage is becoming increasingly difficult.
In recent years, M. Gottlieb lot and often sick. He underwent several operations and every step was to him with great difficulty. Actor died alone 25 December 1991.

Born June 24, 1912 in Saratov in a simple working-class family. His father was a mechanic, and his mother a seamstress. In school Sergei Filippov studied whether and in high school, even reputed bully. One of his favorite subjects (such was only two - Literature and Chemistry) and summed him once in the absence of a teacher he mixed hydrochloric acid with iron filings, added a couple of reagents. After such an experiment has spread throughout the school terribly pungent smell. Classes were disrupted, and Sergei Filippov expelled from school.
After exclusion of a pupil from the school got a baker in a private bakery. But this work he was interested in a little, and over the following months he tried several professions, from Turner to the carpenter, while the case is not brought him to the ballet studio. Classes are so captivated by Sergei, a few weeks, he was considered the best student in front of him and opened a bright future in the ballet. In 1929, on the advice of teachers Philip went to Moscow to enter the ballet school at the Bolshoi Theater.
Arriving in the capital, he learned that entrance examinations have been completed, and on the advice of knowledgeable people went to Leningrad, the ballet school. But these exams he was late and filed documents in the newly opened pop-circus college, which was accepted. Teachers predicted a bright future for gifted student and after graduating from college in 1933, Sergey Filippov He joined the Opera and Ballet Theatre.

Career ballet dancer was too short - during the next play Philippi became ill. Arrived doctors pronounced him a heart attack and was advised to leave the ballet. Filippov entered the pop theater studio. He has performed at venues variety of Leningrad and during one of his concerts noticed Nikolay Akimov, who offered the young actors go to the Comedy Theatre. At the legendary director Philip played mostly comedic roles. And in the role of a comedian, he felt like a fish in water. The actor was immensely happy that he said only one replica, it can make the whole room laugh.
In the movie the first time the actor began filming in early 1937. And debut became fatal in the works of Sergei Filippov. He was invited to a wordless and, it seemed, at that moment, light role-shyutskorovtsa Finn in the movie about the civil war in Karelia directors Musicians "For the Soviet Motherland", but the book Gennady Fish "Falling Kimas-lake". Only needed skill, dexterity, boldness that Philippi did not have to borrow.
Hero actor had to jump out of the ambush, run a log thrown over an ice-skating rink between two lakes, and shoot the Red Army. Feeling that his feet grenade exploded, he should immediately collapse into the water. One bad: the shooting took place in the winter and fall had into ice water. Credits movie cruelly treated debutant.
Had to repeat the episode again and again, and again. Four times Filippov fell into the water, four times, completely numb, Man removed from the water, rubbed with alcohol and changed clothes. It would seem that all these ordeals were able to discourage anyone hunting in the movies. But Sergei Filippov remained undaunted, and the desire to act grew with every take!
After the "ice debut" actor noticed and directors willingly was invited to shoot. Role followed the role.

In 1939, the actor appeared on the screen in three films. In the film "A member of the government" and directors Zarkhi Heifits as arrogant and cruel man, a loafer and a saboteur. One of those who will soon begin to kill because of the angle of the builders of the new collective farm life. With such enemies Sergei Filippov had at the time to get acquainted. As a member of the Komsomol, he participated in the units are selected grain surpluses from the kulaks. He well remembered bestial hatred of the enemies of Soviet power and bright suffered seen in the life of the screen.
The originality of talent of the actor, it's easy emotional excitability, brightness and sharpness of comedic techniques surprisingly organic existence involve the directors. Actor hit its rich mimicry and plasticity. His face could transmit complex psychological state, facial cues. Noteworthy and his incredible physical endurance. It was hard to keep from dangerous stunts and experiments.
Long string of comic characters created by Sergei Nikolaevich in subsequent years, allows us to understand the peculiarity of his creativity. He's really no one else was like. He had a favorite comedians, but admiring them, their work, he never wanted to repeat their techniques did not copy their masks. Sergei Nikolaevich audience recognized immediately, and he did not try to hide under a mask. In each, even the smallest role he sought, above all, character.
In 1965, Sergei Filippov suffered a serious operation to remove a brain tumor. But the disease did not seem to impact on his performance - he continued to appear in many films. That there is only Jon Dough in a comedy directed by Leonid Gaidai "The Twelve Chairs".

In the last years of his life, Sergei Filippov was very lonely. After the death of his wife in 1989, he was all alone, without a livelihood. Helpless old man visited a friend Constantine and actress Lyubov Tishchenko. They cleaned the apartment, fed him.
A few days before the death of the actor told Lyubov Tishchenko about his dream. "You know, I wanted all my life to play a positive role tragic and battered me some nasty types - Filippov sighed. - I even cried when I found out that the main role in the film "When the trees were big" went to Yuri Nikulin. " Sergey Filippov died April 19, 1990.
Yevgeny Morgunov recalled funeral Filippov: "He died alone in his apartment, and for a long time about it, no one knew. Neighbors turned on "thumbnail", but refused to fund studio funeral. Only Sasha Demyanenko, our wonderful Shura, collected pennies money from actors who knew Filippova, made the coffin and buried.