Kinolyapy in our cinema
In the first series, Alexander Belov, resigned from frontier troops, with friends drinking beer on the Sparrow Hills. We show the view from the Sparrow Hills and the football stadium "Luzhniki" with the roof, which was built in 1999, but the film goes in 1989 ...
8-Series. White plays in Quake2. Do not forget that the action of the story takes place in the 95th year, before the release of the game a few more years. At the first level at the outset in a single game, he tries to shoot from RailGun, which, as we know, there is only in the middle of the game, but certainly not at the beginning. Or are we just wanted to show how Sasha gaining secret codes ??? & lt;
The film begins with a scene in which explodes "Mercedes". Many people know that during the filming of this episode, "Merce" blew up twice. But does anyone know anything and "Mercedes", too, there were two? This can be seen by comparing the writing on the trunk (the second picture she double) and rear bumpers (gray instead of black).
"Merce" not only blew twice, but he filmed the episode with the explosion in two different places. This can be seen by comparing the background. Furthermore, it is seen as "Meares' leaves little to the left. Probably, in order to avoid a collision with a truck and "live" to the next stage. :)
Next we see that the "Merc" soars special flooring, it flies through the glass explodes and falls ... in the direction opposite to that which flew :)))
Night Watch
"Petrified" apartment owners still sit near the TV. Employee "Night Watch" and decides to make waves his hand in front of their faces. Very cool that one person (with a fork near the mouth) Morgan! Perky caught!
There are two points, confirming the fact that the conversion of employee's "Night Watch" in the animal and back to the man's clothing is superfluous element: the words of Yegor in conversation with Bear ("... when you are turning on you will tear clothing, and you'll stay naked ... "), the conversion of Owls in naked Olga. Why, then, when detaining grandmother-fortunetellers Tiger turns into a beast (and back into a human) being dressed?
During the shower should pay particular attention to large drops running down the edge of the protective hood of the camera.
At the end of the film Egor, running away from the tiger cub with a bear jumping on the fire escape. When the camera shows the boy on top (at a time when it is hanging on the staircase), you can see that its shadow comes over the wall to the ground. When shown the same point from a different angle - the shadow is already high from the ground!
Advertising in the film - "the most important part of the film!" And how could it be otherwise? After all, if the film does not show the sponsor's logo, kind uncles sponsors offended and will not give denyuzhek the second part! But all the same there is a limit! NOKIA phones glimpses here and there in the city at every turn billboards, neon signs and NOKIA MTS! Anton NOKIA Phone ... certainly connected to the MTS.
In the metro Anton looks at the underground circuit, leads to a finger, here. Then she reached out a hand to advertising MTS JEANS. And in an apartment where the whole family supposedly frozen, television showed advertising MTS Jeans-Tonic. If a search engine - it will certainly RAMBLER, if the TV channel - there is no doubt the first! Heroes fed exclusively dumplings Sam Samich and drink them only coffee NESCAFE, only mugs NESCAFE.
In order to make the viewer a lasting impression, the director goes to unusual step as the heating up between the warriors of light and darkness (in the episode on the bridge), this is the bridge increases in the eyes of the bridge through the hole to the grand crossing the incredible gorge !
Meeting warriors of light and dark place during the day, and only at nightfall is a battle (with torches). Where does this number of torches, with so quickly?
The venue can not be changed
The first frame of film - Jeep "Willys" leaves from the Tretyakov passage Marx Avenue (present. Theatre Way). In the front room there "14-74MN" sample 1959-1982 years glued to the tape of the last letter.
In the background, at the hotel "Metropol" appears parked white "penny" from the roof rack (available since 1970).
At the same background at the hotel "Metropol" is seen draped posters kiosk "Sojuzpechat" unlikely-looking this way in 1945.
Sharapov goes up along the avenue Marx and suddenly finds himself in the park (Sokolniki), where he cleaned his boots. The next moment he was as if nothing had happened continued to go to the same place Marx Avenue.
In the foreground, rides a big black passenger car, which included wonderful reflected lighting fixture (soffit).
The scene on Clean Ponds with Vekshina. The gunman who killed Vekshina, leaving the tram, - is clearly visible on the left phone booth sample 70s. Traffic is blocked for filming and to the right you can see a lot of cars GAZ-24 (produced since 1970) awaiting permission to travel. There's also seen a crowd of curious.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson
In "Introduction" (in the story "The Adventure of the Speckled Band") Helen Stoner shows the main characters of his stepfather Roylott house, lighting the way kerosene lamp. A few frames can be seen the electric wire, which stretches from under the girl's dress along the corridor. Interestingly, when the perspective of the front wire in sight. He probably passed through the sleeve and then under her dress.
A series of "Meeting". In an instant, changing the landscape behind the characters - instead of grass there are dense bushes, and the sun shines perfectly with the other hand!
A series of "Meeting". Watching the house, the detectives are simultaneously in two locations: one tree there, and the other - no. Showing us the scene from different angles, director finally trying to confuse us!
A series of "Meeting". Pay attention to which side of the house are suitable Sherlock Holmes and Watson! Remember, where there was an ambush! Why were so many bypass? To be sure to "light up"? :)
A series of "Meeting". Holmes, Watson shows pictures of criminals: they are extremely ugly, besides all - men! If this were indeed the case - the police would lose their job!
Interesting fact. The second photo on the first screenshot - Mr. Hyde of Robert Mamoulian film "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (1931.), The first photo in the second screenshot - Phantom of the Opera from the same film in 1925. There are suspicions that the other "criminals" also heroes horror 20x-30s., Taken from the collection of "Lenfilm" or the State Film Fund. :)
A series of "Bloody inscription." Great (!) Detective left unattended valuable evidence, knowing that the golden ring could be the one you want! Oh no no no!
A series of "Bloody inscription." Many questions arise at this point. He then removed from the site, then reappeared ... Killed E.Drebber was really an American (from Cleveland). And it is understandable in the wallet are dollars. BUT, Inspector Gregson listing found in the pockets of the killed, clearly says: "... seven pounds thirty shillings ...". However, he gives Lestrade ... American dollars! Exchanged at the rate ???
Guest from the Future
EPISODE door. Start of the 1st series. Kohl and Fima for the first time come to an abandoned house where hidden time machine. See what it looks like outside the front door. To her diagonally nailed boards. In all the remaining episodes of its reason is not, and the door is painted the figure "8". All this, by the way, takes place April 13. Listen to what is said at the beginning of the second set, when there is "the previous series." It is strange that around everything is green and flies poplar fluff. (???)
EPISODE distracted. Robot Werther. Lord, why he walks like a paralytic, if he had pain in one place? He Biorobot! It is interesting that so it does not always walk. In the episode where Werther depicts a "robot guitar" (1st Series, middle), he jumps very briskly (get accustomed to the reflection in the glass). But the most striking that Werther sweeping the floor with a broom, grass mowing scythe, and writes with a quill pen. And it is at the end of the XXI century! Horror! Although biorobot with a broom probably a symbol of the "Russian automation": button pressed - and a log on his shoulder! But the lyrics - this, of course, incorruptible, "Aristophanes or Arestofan?".
The episode with Werther. When Werther and Kohl pass "institute time" (1st Series, middle), they are clearly visible reflection in the glass cylinders, which indicates that the layout of "Institute of time" just hanging in front of the camera. P.S. Remember where the shadow falls from the tree (lower right corner of the image). It is more useful.
EPISODE door. This is probably the worst LNP in the entire movie. Werther says Cole, "Prospect Mira to get there, and there flipnesh Spaceport." So, Kohl did not go anywhere. He immediately turned on Prospekt Mira. Do not believe? Read what is written on the labels that are attached to the door of the flat red bus "Prospekt Mira - Pushkin Square", "Prospect Mira - Kosmozoo", "Prospekt Mira - Moscow Sea", etc. In addition, Kohl's surprise when considering the flat bus in the background clearly visible to the hotel "Cosmos" (for those who have not been in Moscow Hotel "Cosmos" is located on Prospekt Mira). It will still appear in the background, when Nick has moved to "Prospekt Mira-2." Farther. Look again at the plate. Remember what is written on the plate with the number "4" (the best it can be seen when Kohl sends children to Alpha Centauri on Pushkin Square). Remember Me? Now find the episode where Kohl opens the door and goes far away from the already mentioned missile. What opens the door to Nick? That's right, the number "4", the figure itself is not visible, but next door to number "3". Accordingly, on the door ... And the number "4" means ... "Gorky Street." Nestykovochka!
EPISODE hairdo. By the way! In the same place is clearly visible neck Koli. Hair virtually closed neck. But ... a miracle! Kohl's' out of missiles "have cropped! It must be the hair fell out on the road. Apparently, the bus of the future is not secure in the sense of radiation. In general, summing up, we can say that Nick was driving from Prospect Mira Prospect Mira on the same. Besides lost half hairstyles. Poor. Perhaps it was a bad joke biorobot.
Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath
Myagkova charged to a IL-62 (based on the cabin), flying in the clouds of the Tu-134, and in Leningrad landing of Tu-154 ...
By landing the plane, passengers are not allowed in a drunken state, and even in such a condition. In addition, tickets for the plane - registered, so that instead of Eugene Pavlik could not fly. To do this it was necessary to have, at least, the appearance of the passport and in whose name the ticket is issued.
Over two-thirds of the film where the action takes place in the apartment Nadi, you can trace the appearance and disappearance of certain items, such as: Coffee Maker (from which poured Zhenyu), a bucket, a telephone and more. Apparently, we have not shown how the heroes of the film using the above household items, put them in their place, then again taken, etc. etc.
At the beginning of the film when Shirvindt comes home to Myagkova together to go to the bath, it opens the door to my mother. In the hands of a bottle of champagne Shirvindt that this is the mother somehow it takes twice (greedy Ma).
And then, in the Leningrad apartment had Nadenka, champagne is something wrong. Nadia saved up a bottle, another girlfriend brought. And if you count, that can be found in the apartment at least (!) Four bottles.
Notice how Nadia set the table for the arrival of Hippolyte. All products and items brazenly walk across the table, then find themselves at one edge to the other, then the middle, then disappear completely for some time.
It is evident that a blizzard sweeps, and generally very cold, and St. Isaac's Cathedral there is no snow. Himself Ryazanov said that during the filming (February-March) of snow in Leningrad was not to simulate all the stocks were bought wool in nearby pharmacies. And all the streets, hit the shot, sprinkled foam.
Barbara Brylska getting into a taxi to go to the station. Pay attention to the appearance of the driver. This brunette with a bushy sideburns. When the vehicle arrives at the station, we see that the driver is already quite different - and without the blond sideburns.
When Hippolytus in a fit of rage racing car and takes off on the frozen Neva, then at him out of the truck roll in the snow. The question is: who would it be and cleaned the snow at night, and even a New Year? 10.Sadyas in a taxi, the driver calls Nadia place where it should be delivered, - Moscow railway station. But buying a ticket (for Zhenya Lukashin) for some reason ... in the central railroad station on the channel Griboyedov. Although the driver brought it to the Moscow station.
Wait for it!
First issue. When Wolf shoots a harpoon, trident is the horizontal, the vertical position. Not released harpoon cuts horizontally stretched rope!
First issue. Cut the rope, swimming Wolf catches the hare and catches the goose that swimming is clearly in the same direction (seen from the tabs). But when the wolf pulls it under water, it turns out that the goose was swimming TOWARDS Wolf.
First issue. Hare shoots stones from cherries, accidentally falling into the Wolf. The very first bone from the hands of the rope kicks Wolf, but when he falls, the rope is tied to a tree.
First issue. Get accustomed to the laundry that is drying on a rope. After Wolf expropriated rope, fall to the ground completely different things!
The second issue. Hare (laughter in the room) to the horn stabs sleeping Rhinoceros ticket. When the wolf for the switch grabs rhino horn, a single ticket for him there, although Rhino never wake up! Note also that the third card on the nose appears more Rhino before hare chopped his ticket!
Operation "Y" and other adventures Shurik
At the beginning of the film Shura falls under the rain. But in spite of this, when it is shown in the bus, DRY jacket on it ... because a friend!
Brawl in the bus between the "disabled" (Smirnov) and "blind" (Demyanenko). The fly box book Shurika cap and Fyodor, however, at the police station things are at their masters!
The famous and very conspicuous gaffe, met repeatedly in Soviet films - from old duplicates. In this case, when at a construction site Shura met with his partner and sits in a barrel with astonishment - his pants visible Chalk Circle from previous takes.
Heroes Smirnov Demyanenko gathered for lunch. In his left hand he is holding a half loaf Smirnov. After asking a policeman (Basov): "... wash hands? 'Partner goes to wash their hands. When he returned, he takes the bread in his hand: he added significantly in size and become crispy.
Very interesting point. Though take and the contest is held on the topic "Guess said Fyodor." Here is the point: the chef wants Fede enjoy your meal, and the man with a mouth full of answers ...
In the story "mate" when Shura, escaping from marauders, rides up on a lift, a hero Smirnova catches him and hits bales ... Shurik face. In the next frame you can see that the right leg at the Shurika covered in whitewash. The chase continues, but the pants, oddly enough, became completely clean!
Shura tears railings and Fyodor rides on a metal fixture on the abdomen. In the next frame on the pants at the Hoosier found two (!) Hole high on the buttocks, and away from each other, although there should be one and ... (even to think terribly where!), And, not only in his trousers ... Maybe that's why he He turned to bewilderment as regards these holes after his landing?
If we carefully look closely during the film to holes in the pants Fyodor, we can see that they are constantly changing! It is safe to say that when filming spoiled more than one pair of pants!
Cap Hoosier lives its own life - despite the best efforts of Fyodor, and she tries to get out of his pocket!
In a scene where the hero gets out of the bulldozer Smirnova and wipe your face, spattered with whitewash, his hand visible clock on the strap. When he comes out of the shower and saw that all the things were gone and there were only sandals and watches, are already bracelet !!!
When the King is going to deal with the big boys on the license plate had written h410os and regional code - 99. When the show result of these fights (the corpse next to the car), the car is the same, but the number is quite different, and the city code - 00 !!! What does it mean?
At the very beginning of the film, Fox attempted in a prison toilet. During the fight, take care to prisoners, whom Fox zashib first. He rolled back to the far wall and stretches along it - black overalls along the body;
In the first series, Alexander Belov, resigned from frontier troops, with friends drinking beer on the Sparrow Hills. We show the view from the Sparrow Hills and the football stadium "Luzhniki" with the roof, which was built in 1999, but the film goes in 1989 ...

8-Series. White plays in Quake2. Do not forget that the action of the story takes place in the 95th year, before the release of the game a few more years. At the first level at the outset in a single game, he tries to shoot from RailGun, which, as we know, there is only in the middle of the game, but certainly not at the beginning. Or are we just wanted to show how Sasha gaining secret codes ??? & lt;

The film begins with a scene in which explodes "Mercedes". Many people know that during the filming of this episode, "Merce" blew up twice. But does anyone know anything and "Mercedes", too, there were two? This can be seen by comparing the writing on the trunk (the second picture she double) and rear bumpers (gray instead of black).

"Merce" not only blew twice, but he filmed the episode with the explosion in two different places. This can be seen by comparing the background. Furthermore, it is seen as "Meares' leaves little to the left. Probably, in order to avoid a collision with a truck and "live" to the next stage. :)

Next we see that the "Merc" soars special flooring, it flies through the glass explodes and falls ... in the direction opposite to that which flew :)))

Night Watch
"Petrified" apartment owners still sit near the TV. Employee "Night Watch" and decides to make waves his hand in front of their faces. Very cool that one person (with a fork near the mouth) Morgan! Perky caught!
There are two points, confirming the fact that the conversion of employee's "Night Watch" in the animal and back to the man's clothing is superfluous element: the words of Yegor in conversation with Bear ("... when you are turning on you will tear clothing, and you'll stay naked ... "), the conversion of Owls in naked Olga. Why, then, when detaining grandmother-fortunetellers Tiger turns into a beast (and back into a human) being dressed?
During the shower should pay particular attention to large drops running down the edge of the protective hood of the camera.
At the end of the film Egor, running away from the tiger cub with a bear jumping on the fire escape. When the camera shows the boy on top (at a time when it is hanging on the staircase), you can see that its shadow comes over the wall to the ground. When shown the same point from a different angle - the shadow is already high from the ground!
Advertising in the film - "the most important part of the film!" And how could it be otherwise? After all, if the film does not show the sponsor's logo, kind uncles sponsors offended and will not give denyuzhek the second part! But all the same there is a limit! NOKIA phones glimpses here and there in the city at every turn billboards, neon signs and NOKIA MTS! Anton NOKIA Phone ... certainly connected to the MTS.

In the metro Anton looks at the underground circuit, leads to a finger, here. Then she reached out a hand to advertising MTS JEANS. And in an apartment where the whole family supposedly frozen, television showed advertising MTS Jeans-Tonic. If a search engine - it will certainly RAMBLER, if the TV channel - there is no doubt the first! Heroes fed exclusively dumplings Sam Samich and drink them only coffee NESCAFE, only mugs NESCAFE.

In order to make the viewer a lasting impression, the director goes to unusual step as the heating up between the warriors of light and darkness (in the episode on the bridge), this is the bridge increases in the eyes of the bridge through the hole to the grand crossing the incredible gorge !

Meeting warriors of light and dark place during the day, and only at nightfall is a battle (with torches). Where does this number of torches, with so quickly?

The venue can not be changed
The first frame of film - Jeep "Willys" leaves from the Tretyakov passage Marx Avenue (present. Theatre Way). In the front room there "14-74MN" sample 1959-1982 years glued to the tape of the last letter.

In the background, at the hotel "Metropol" appears parked white "penny" from the roof rack (available since 1970).

At the same background at the hotel "Metropol" is seen draped posters kiosk "Sojuzpechat" unlikely-looking this way in 1945.

Sharapov goes up along the avenue Marx and suddenly finds himself in the park (Sokolniki), where he cleaned his boots. The next moment he was as if nothing had happened continued to go to the same place Marx Avenue.
In the foreground, rides a big black passenger car, which included wonderful reflected lighting fixture (soffit).

The scene on Clean Ponds with Vekshina. The gunman who killed Vekshina, leaving the tram, - is clearly visible on the left phone booth sample 70s. Traffic is blocked for filming and to the right you can see a lot of cars GAZ-24 (produced since 1970) awaiting permission to travel. There's also seen a crowd of curious.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson
In "Introduction" (in the story "The Adventure of the Speckled Band") Helen Stoner shows the main characters of his stepfather Roylott house, lighting the way kerosene lamp. A few frames can be seen the electric wire, which stretches from under the girl's dress along the corridor. Interestingly, when the perspective of the front wire in sight. He probably passed through the sleeve and then under her dress.

A series of "Meeting". In an instant, changing the landscape behind the characters - instead of grass there are dense bushes, and the sun shines perfectly with the other hand!

A series of "Meeting". Watching the house, the detectives are simultaneously in two locations: one tree there, and the other - no. Showing us the scene from different angles, director finally trying to confuse us!

A series of "Meeting". Pay attention to which side of the house are suitable Sherlock Holmes and Watson! Remember, where there was an ambush! Why were so many bypass? To be sure to "light up"? :)

A series of "Meeting". Holmes, Watson shows pictures of criminals: they are extremely ugly, besides all - men! If this were indeed the case - the police would lose their job!

Interesting fact. The second photo on the first screenshot - Mr. Hyde of Robert Mamoulian film "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (1931.), The first photo in the second screenshot - Phantom of the Opera from the same film in 1925. There are suspicions that the other "criminals" also heroes horror 20x-30s., Taken from the collection of "Lenfilm" or the State Film Fund. :)
A series of "Bloody inscription." Great (!) Detective left unattended valuable evidence, knowing that the golden ring could be the one you want! Oh no no no!

A series of "Bloody inscription." Many questions arise at this point. He then removed from the site, then reappeared ... Killed E.Drebber was really an American (from Cleveland). And it is understandable in the wallet are dollars. BUT, Inspector Gregson listing found in the pockets of the killed, clearly says: "... seven pounds thirty shillings ...". However, he gives Lestrade ... American dollars! Exchanged at the rate ???

Guest from the Future
EPISODE door. Start of the 1st series. Kohl and Fima for the first time come to an abandoned house where hidden time machine. See what it looks like outside the front door. To her diagonally nailed boards. In all the remaining episodes of its reason is not, and the door is painted the figure "8". All this, by the way, takes place April 13. Listen to what is said at the beginning of the second set, when there is "the previous series." It is strange that around everything is green and flies poplar fluff. (???)

EPISODE distracted. Robot Werther. Lord, why he walks like a paralytic, if he had pain in one place? He Biorobot! It is interesting that so it does not always walk. In the episode where Werther depicts a "robot guitar" (1st Series, middle), he jumps very briskly (get accustomed to the reflection in the glass). But the most striking that Werther sweeping the floor with a broom, grass mowing scythe, and writes with a quill pen. And it is at the end of the XXI century! Horror! Although biorobot with a broom probably a symbol of the "Russian automation": button pressed - and a log on his shoulder! But the lyrics - this, of course, incorruptible, "Aristophanes or Arestofan?".

The episode with Werther. When Werther and Kohl pass "institute time" (1st Series, middle), they are clearly visible reflection in the glass cylinders, which indicates that the layout of "Institute of time" just hanging in front of the camera. P.S. Remember where the shadow falls from the tree (lower right corner of the image). It is more useful.

EPISODE door. This is probably the worst LNP in the entire movie. Werther says Cole, "Prospect Mira to get there, and there flipnesh Spaceport." So, Kohl did not go anywhere. He immediately turned on Prospekt Mira. Do not believe? Read what is written on the labels that are attached to the door of the flat red bus "Prospekt Mira - Pushkin Square", "Prospect Mira - Kosmozoo", "Prospekt Mira - Moscow Sea", etc. In addition, Kohl's surprise when considering the flat bus in the background clearly visible to the hotel "Cosmos" (for those who have not been in Moscow Hotel "Cosmos" is located on Prospekt Mira). It will still appear in the background, when Nick has moved to "Prospekt Mira-2." Farther. Look again at the plate. Remember what is written on the plate with the number "4" (the best it can be seen when Kohl sends children to Alpha Centauri on Pushkin Square). Remember Me? Now find the episode where Kohl opens the door and goes far away from the already mentioned missile. What opens the door to Nick? That's right, the number "4", the figure itself is not visible, but next door to number "3". Accordingly, on the door ... And the number "4" means ... "Gorky Street." Nestykovochka!

EPISODE hairdo. By the way! In the same place is clearly visible neck Koli. Hair virtually closed neck. But ... a miracle! Kohl's' out of missiles "have cropped! It must be the hair fell out on the road. Apparently, the bus of the future is not secure in the sense of radiation. In general, summing up, we can say that Nick was driving from Prospect Mira Prospect Mira on the same. Besides lost half hairstyles. Poor. Perhaps it was a bad joke biorobot.

Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath
Myagkova charged to a IL-62 (based on the cabin), flying in the clouds of the Tu-134, and in Leningrad landing of Tu-154 ...
By landing the plane, passengers are not allowed in a drunken state, and even in such a condition. In addition, tickets for the plane - registered, so that instead of Eugene Pavlik could not fly. To do this it was necessary to have, at least, the appearance of the passport and in whose name the ticket is issued.
Over two-thirds of the film where the action takes place in the apartment Nadi, you can trace the appearance and disappearance of certain items, such as: Coffee Maker (from which poured Zhenyu), a bucket, a telephone and more. Apparently, we have not shown how the heroes of the film using the above household items, put them in their place, then again taken, etc. etc.
At the beginning of the film when Shirvindt comes home to Myagkova together to go to the bath, it opens the door to my mother. In the hands of a bottle of champagne Shirvindt that this is the mother somehow it takes twice (greedy Ma).
And then, in the Leningrad apartment had Nadenka, champagne is something wrong. Nadia saved up a bottle, another girlfriend brought. And if you count, that can be found in the apartment at least (!) Four bottles.
Notice how Nadia set the table for the arrival of Hippolyte. All products and items brazenly walk across the table, then find themselves at one edge to the other, then the middle, then disappear completely for some time.
It is evident that a blizzard sweeps, and generally very cold, and St. Isaac's Cathedral there is no snow. Himself Ryazanov said that during the filming (February-March) of snow in Leningrad was not to simulate all the stocks were bought wool in nearby pharmacies. And all the streets, hit the shot, sprinkled foam.
Barbara Brylska getting into a taxi to go to the station. Pay attention to the appearance of the driver. This brunette with a bushy sideburns. When the vehicle arrives at the station, we see that the driver is already quite different - and without the blond sideburns.

When Hippolytus in a fit of rage racing car and takes off on the frozen Neva, then at him out of the truck roll in the snow. The question is: who would it be and cleaned the snow at night, and even a New Year? 10.Sadyas in a taxi, the driver calls Nadia place where it should be delivered, - Moscow railway station. But buying a ticket (for Zhenya Lukashin) for some reason ... in the central railroad station on the channel Griboyedov. Although the driver brought it to the Moscow station.

Wait for it!
First issue. When Wolf shoots a harpoon, trident is the horizontal, the vertical position. Not released harpoon cuts horizontally stretched rope!

First issue. Cut the rope, swimming Wolf catches the hare and catches the goose that swimming is clearly in the same direction (seen from the tabs). But when the wolf pulls it under water, it turns out that the goose was swimming TOWARDS Wolf.

First issue. Hare shoots stones from cherries, accidentally falling into the Wolf. The very first bone from the hands of the rope kicks Wolf, but when he falls, the rope is tied to a tree.

First issue. Get accustomed to the laundry that is drying on a rope. After Wolf expropriated rope, fall to the ground completely different things!

The second issue. Hare (laughter in the room) to the horn stabs sleeping Rhinoceros ticket. When the wolf for the switch grabs rhino horn, a single ticket for him there, although Rhino never wake up! Note also that the third card on the nose appears more Rhino before hare chopped his ticket!

Operation "Y" and other adventures Shurik
At the beginning of the film Shura falls under the rain. But in spite of this, when it is shown in the bus, DRY jacket on it ... because a friend!

Brawl in the bus between the "disabled" (Smirnov) and "blind" (Demyanenko). The fly box book Shurika cap and Fyodor, however, at the police station things are at their masters!

The famous and very conspicuous gaffe, met repeatedly in Soviet films - from old duplicates. In this case, when at a construction site Shura met with his partner and sits in a barrel with astonishment - his pants visible Chalk Circle from previous takes.

Heroes Smirnov Demyanenko gathered for lunch. In his left hand he is holding a half loaf Smirnov. After asking a policeman (Basov): "... wash hands? 'Partner goes to wash their hands. When he returned, he takes the bread in his hand: he added significantly in size and become crispy.

Very interesting point. Though take and the contest is held on the topic "Guess said Fyodor." Here is the point: the chef wants Fede enjoy your meal, and the man with a mouth full of answers ...

In the story "mate" when Shura, escaping from marauders, rides up on a lift, a hero Smirnova catches him and hits bales ... Shurik face. In the next frame you can see that the right leg at the Shurika covered in whitewash. The chase continues, but the pants, oddly enough, became completely clean!

Shura tears railings and Fyodor rides on a metal fixture on the abdomen. In the next frame on the pants at the Hoosier found two (!) Hole high on the buttocks, and away from each other, although there should be one and ... (even to think terribly where!), And, not only in his trousers ... Maybe that's why he He turned to bewilderment as regards these holes after his landing?

If we carefully look closely during the film to holes in the pants Fyodor, we can see that they are constantly changing! It is safe to say that when filming spoiled more than one pair of pants!

Cap Hoosier lives its own life - despite the best efforts of Fyodor, and she tries to get out of his pocket!

In a scene where the hero gets out of the bulldozer Smirnova and wipe your face, spattered with whitewash, his hand visible clock on the strap. When he comes out of the shower and saw that all the things were gone and there were only sandals and watches, are already bracelet !!!

When the King is going to deal with the big boys on the license plate had written h410os and regional code - 99. When the show result of these fights (the corpse next to the car), the car is the same, but the number is quite different, and the city code - 00 !!! What does it mean?

At the very beginning of the film, Fox attempted in a prison toilet. During the fight, take care to prisoners, whom Fox zashib first. He rolled back to the far wall and stretches along it - black overalls along the body;