"Kin-Dza-Dza", "Prisoner of the Caucasus" and other great movies. Opinion foreigners
The site IMDb our movies are discussing a large number of foreigners and refute the myth that the Soviet cinema is completely unknown to residents of other countries. I suggest you look at the comments moviegoers around the cult films of the Soviet Union. Kin-Dza-Dza (1986)
Gceomer (Brussels, Belgium):
I just can not believe that the film was made 20 years ago and no one in the United States did not even hear about it. I hope that the studio that owns the rights to the film, finally release it to DVD and allow the Americans to enjoy a variety of great Russian masterpiece. Now this film is extremely difficult to find, so have patience.
DV (San Jose, CA):
Not as deadly serious as the "Blade Runner." Not as neon and conditioned as "Brazil". It is not the earth, man. It Plyuk. Dust, rust, dirt. Definitely worth a look. Say out this movie with subtitles? I have not the slightest idea on this matter.
Joalogon (Spain):
The film is virtually unknown outside Russia, and I sometimes think: Am I the only Spaniard that it ever looked. I hope that is not so! The film has gained cult status in Russia, and even penetrated into the local language, so do not be surprised if you walk the streets of Moscow, and suddenly see two friends who greet each other shouting "boo." Or - if someone bothers someone - another phrase: "Fiddler! They do not need us ».
Justicerulesok (United Kingdom):
Best ever make a movie. He's just not in English - that's all. I laughed like crazy. I was amazed at what turned out to be able to Russian. The relationship between the main characters and aliens who can only say "Ku-ku" - a perfect illustration of how much we are missing when the film does not look at his mother tongue.
Sadgeezer (Preston, UK):
Truly a great film! The only pity is that in order to really enjoy it, I had to marry a Russian. The film's budget is negligible, and the visuals of shit, though the scenario and the game is just great. This little-known Russian fantastic picture, which should be in every serious collector of science fiction. If you like the advanced fiction movies - it should definitely be in your collection. I would have given this film 47, 452 from 10.
Operatsiya Y i drugiye priklyucheniya Shurika (1965)
Jacknisen-2 (United States):
I love this movie, and the guy who plays Shurik, great. Much funnier than Jim Carrey. I really want to see his other films. So it is a pity that he lived on the other side of the curtain all these years. And pitiful that (like all good people), he died young. Perhaps he should be like Ted Kennedy (one of the oldest US senators. - Esquire). His companions also excellent! My friend said that it is all well-known Russian actors. It's funny, easy and simple! Whether you speak Russian or not - you should definitely see this comedy. This is a fantastic opportunity to join the Russian sense of humor. By the way, the film is popular not only in the countries of the former Eastern bloc, but (if you look at the reviews of American viewers), and here, too.
Kavkazskaya plennitsa, ili novye priklyucheniya Shurika (1966)
Alienbychoice (New 3elandiya):
The first scene of the film was supposed to look like this: «Morgunov suitable for the wall and wrote most of the letter" x "(pronounced« h »). He leaves appear Nikulin and wrote the second letter «y» (pronounced «u»). Of this sum the beginning of the famous Russian curses. Nikulin runs suitable Vitzin and wrote on the wall «dozhestvennyi film», which is obtained from a phrase meaning roughly the same as the motion picture in English. This scene was cut out by activists of the Communist Party.
Pro Krasnuyu Shapochku (1977)
Exciter-2 (Los Angeles, CA):
It is - in my opinion - the best children's foreign language film of all time. But in fact, even adults will find it a lot of opportunities to laugh. Say whatever you like about this movie, but do not call it primitive. The plot is intricate, funny and rhythmic. Actors are simply stunning. Music is simply gorgeous. (Interestingly, by the way, they produced ever soundtrack?) The plot twists at once: the Wolf Clan Wolf hires an outsider, that he tracked down and killed the Little Red Riding Hood (most, however, cap - in Russian interpretation). But the clan of wolves there is no unity. Little cub learns human book! Secretly! And he is no longer a primitive predator. A charismatic Wolf - he was just full of wisdom Battle! And his shy companion, which should take care of the wolf? A cowardly betrayal of a man who calls himself a hunter? Eh! The plot is very intricate. Always worth a look.
Priklyucheniya Toma Soyera i Geklberri Finna (1981)
Ricknorwood (Mountain Home, United States):
Of course, not fair to judge the 225-minute film on the barbaric, Myasnikovskaya way abridged version, but I managed to see the movie for a delightful stupid rewiring and raunchy sound arrangement. Hopefully, one day, the entire film is available on DVD! It's hard to say what makes this film better than the Hollywood version of the famous story. I think that the main secret of the fact that the children are here as children and not as a fucking movie star trying to look on the screen and charmingly cute. Needless to say, reinstalling adheres to our moral standards and all the scenes with bathing naked children are removed, except for one second stage, which is deliberately removed out of focus.
Brilliantovaya ruka (1968)
Avalsonline (US):
Do not know if anyone where to find the lyrics of the song Nikulin sang in the restaurant when drunk. The song is sung about rabbits that haircut magical herb. If someone knows a site where you can find these lines (preferably in Russian), please let me know. And if anyone knows the artist of the song - to me it also can be very helpful. The great Russian cinema, a true classic, and that strange - no slap at the United States, although at that time was a feud between the two countries. Some knowledge of Russian as well as the general situation of the time absolutely necessary for viewing.
Priklyucheniya Buratino (1975)
Bobs-9 (Chicago, IL):
It seems that the fairy-tale movies were the most important genre for the Soviet film industry as a studio isolated on them a lot of money, and some directors (eg, Alexander Row) specialized only in fairy tales. I bought this movie on a single website dedicated to Russian DVD. Select this film was not easy. And when the film finally sent me, I was not prepared for how stupid and at the same time he was serious. It was as strange and even much more strange than the "5000 Finger Doctor T" (fairytale fantasy in 1953 based on the tale of Dr. Seuss. - Esquire). Buratino (ie Pinocchio) plays a prominent boy-actor, whose funny baby figure turned into a maniacal, terrifying beast, achieving this strange and monstrous costume makeup. His high-pitched voice and laughter make your ears ring, unless of course you are not accustomed to this, but he plays accurately and charmingly. Most of the young actors in the film played by traditional puppets (Pierrot, Harlequin, etc.). A couple of scenes appeared to me to play live scenes from Japanese anime: funny little kids in strange costumes, acting unimaginable, surreal scenery. In the film, there are several of these dolls, including one that shows cricket, playing the violin and there was a good advice - member left from the original story about Pinocchio. Sly fox and the cat, who are constantly trying to fool Buratino, played by adult actors whose costumes and makeup only vaguely reminiscent of the fact that they still allowed.
Vokzal dlya dvoikh (1982)
Ajigasawa (Japan):
We always look at all the Russian films with Japanese subtitles, but there was not any subtitles. So I was very disappointed, because in no way can not judge what is going on. But you know, it has to be just an incredible movie! Because five people who do not know a word in Russian (one of which does and hates the language), watched the film without subtitles, and not once, but three!
Mesto vstrechi izmenit nelzya (1979)
Jorge Reyes (Quebec, Canada):
Movies - just brilliant. I was amazed at the development of the story: at first slowly, and sometimes - the ramp-up, and sometimes - in a spiral, and so as long as you do not get trapped by endless suspense. And what is there young Sharapov? If I was told to select a decisive stage, I would say that this is the moment when the newcomer from Moscow Criminal Police forced to eat lunch at the same table with the most dangerous gangster Moscow! When you watch this movie, it seems that every writer, assistant, each team member is carefully put all his talent in this masterpiece. Not long ago I watched other East European films - Polish "Decalogue" (TV movie desyatiseriyny Krzysztof Kislevskogo. - Esquire) and Ironiya sudby, ili s lyogkim parom! From my experience I can conclude that Soviet television could produce the highest quality products.
Gostya iz budushchego (1985)
John Costello (Peabody, United States):
While I was able to buy only three series of that of a five television movie, which is based on the novel by Kir Bulychev (note that his name is pronounced through the "e" that you already know, if you speak Russian, and that does not matter to you if you tell them I do not own). For the Russian film means nothing less than the "Back to the Future" for us - it is a cult classic. Natasha Gromova became a star (tons of letters addressed to "Alice in Moscow," the heap of fans). She starred in three other films and cast the actor's craft, when she offered to shoot nude. She is now married, engaged in biology, appearing on the Russian conference devoted to science fiction, which presents the prize for the best work for children. Now, even as adults, she's gorgeous.
Poona Kan Ng (Hong Kong):
Several outdated by today's standards Guests of the Future - it's still a wonderful children's cinema. I think Pavel Arsenov - a Russian Leydzi Matsumoto (a famous Japanese cartoonist.). The plot is centered on the 11-year-old Kolya Gerasimov, who finds a time machine in the basement of an old house in Moscow. In it, he transferred to the XXI century! There Kolya says the two space pirates who came from Saturn and are now trying to steal a device called Mielofon (which reads the thoughts), from Alisa Seleznyova - a young girl who talks to animals and robots. We have sold the film for a short time - in Russian, with Chinese subtitles. I very much hope that they will release it again and it will be available again!
Svoy sredi chuzhikh, chuzhoy sredi svoikh (1974)
A.Khalip (Sao Paulo, Brazil):
It should be considered a classic westerns or the best in the world Eastern - Mikhalkov follows the laws of the genre impeccably easily twisting Russian reality of the 1920s, revolutionary romanticism, cool and charismatic bad guys - a rarity in the Soviet cinema. A set of actors is great - probably the best young artists of all decades, including in the role of himself Mikhalkov Yesaul.
Beloe solntse pustyni (1970)
Monty Python-3 (Sofia, Bulgaria):
Just wanted to remind you that this film is famous not only in Russia and the Russian-speaking world. This is one of the few truly beloved Soviet films in Bulgaria. My favorite episode is when Vereshchagin getting tired of the fact that the house had nothing to eat except caviar!
Tayna tretey planety (1981)
Govarian (United Kingdom):
It is the most stunning cartoon that I saw. Great graphics, an incredible imagination. If you think about it, you can even look for the music alone. The film tells about a little girl Alice and her dad, with whom she flies through space, where he meets a huge number of strange characters and creatures unimaginable. All this looks like a psychedelic dream, like a strange fi movie from the 1970s. I came across a Russian version, so I do not fucking understand what was going on, but in fact this film is made even more mysterious. What Russian cartoon, confirms a very special style of animation. I know that he has been completely renovated and is redubbed here in the US Hollywood star; It was written even new music. This version was published in the series "Stories from My Childhood" (and I would advise everyone to avoid it as death, because she was a disgusting way "disneefitsirovana"). By the way, on DVD, which I bought on e-bay, there were other Russian cartoons, which are a hundred times I have paid money for them.
Zhestokiy romans (1984)
Jorge Reyes (Quebec, Canada):
The film director Eldar Ryazanov has surpassed all my expectations. It is an incredible experience - watch how life develops Larissa, her importune different men, young and old, rich and poor. And all these troubles do not cause her nothing but bitterness. It looks like tears - is a hallmark of Russian women, or in other words, no woman would dare to call themselves Russian, never tasted the bitterness of life. Ryazanov instantly became my favorite director. However, here I was a little late, since its main successes occurred in the Soviet era. But anyway - Zhestokij Romans, or A Cruel Romance, tells a story that, in my opinion, is immortal. Zhestokij Romans - a synonym for the drama itself: just look at the final scene, a powerful, multi-valued, and poetic. I especially liked the scenes with the Gypsies. All of these dances, fun and vodka is very relevant in the film. As at the time the Yugoslav director Emir Kusturica immortalized Gypsies (I mean "Underground"), as well Zhestokij shows and cheerful people everywhere who brings these melodies, melancholy and cheerful at the same time. While they are having fun, a tragedy is unfolding. They never say the happiness of one person - it is the suffering of another. That's why I think this film is immortal. That's why I think the last scene of the pinnacle of cinema. Our favorite Larissa went to the endless quest for true love and boundless affection.
Yozhik v tumane (1975)
Theo Robertson (Isle of Bute, Scotland):
With the rating that is assigned here for Hedgehog in the fog, it seems, it is the most significant animated film in history. But if you talk about me, I could not understand why such a fuss about him. A large number of people claim that history is full of different ideas, but I have not tried much, I could not detect any subtext. For me, everything I saw - this is another animated film, which are humanized, anthropomorphic animals. I believe that, as in all Soviet films, there is a vague message that all need to do together (at least, all the animals here - friends), but this is a long conversation. Note, however, that I watched the English version, so it is possible that something very important was lost in translation.
Beloe solntse pustyni (1970)
Hannu22 (Finland):
Very useful film. I see him from time to time to maintain their Russian at a decent level. It's really a movie that you can watch again and again. This movie can be found a few classic aphorisms. For example, when Vereshagin says: I feel sorry for the superpower. This phrase has become very important after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Sukhov letters to his wife - another gem of a film. Scale Sukhov also impressive - from the soldier to the lyrical romanticism through a simple guy with vodka.
Proster (United Kingdom):
The White Sun of The Desert, probably the best Soviet film ever to sell us. Red Sukhov officer travels to Russian Asia, it is a connoisseur of these places, do not forget, however, and that the East is quite a place. I thought he had the Russian edakii Indiana Jones with a huge heart, which is owned by Ekaterina Matveevna, his wife, who remained in Russia and is looking forward to Sukhov home. The film is replete with dramatic moments, good action scenes and a great sense of humor. However, it is more likely for Russian audiences, or to those who are fluent in Russian. On the other hand, I am sure that the film is fairly easy to understand, unlike Russian paintings such as Kin-Dza-Dza and many others, where the knowledge of the Soviet context is necessary. If you've never watched Russian movies begin with this film.
Brat (1997)
Val Baur (Chicago, USA):
I watched this movie, and he deprived me speechless. How the hell could create it? If you know anything about the movie, you will be surprised that in a film could break all the laws of cinema - and not, as in "Pulp Fiction." I do not understand Russian dudes who constantly say something about the Russian soul, understood only Russian ... But the most important thing - it's the idiotic alternative rock band - it is just for me * Ball. The film begins with an idiotic music alternative rock band. For the first 30 minutes of the film the main character comes into the store three times and each time asked CD idiotic alternative rock band. Fast. The main character gets shot, hanging out with ugly zhopovidnoy girl, trying to save his brother, but at the crucial moment goes to look at the idiotic alternative rock band. Fast.
Source: esquire.ru
Gceomer (Brussels, Belgium):
I just can not believe that the film was made 20 years ago and no one in the United States did not even hear about it. I hope that the studio that owns the rights to the film, finally release it to DVD and allow the Americans to enjoy a variety of great Russian masterpiece. Now this film is extremely difficult to find, so have patience.
DV (San Jose, CA):
Not as deadly serious as the "Blade Runner." Not as neon and conditioned as "Brazil". It is not the earth, man. It Plyuk. Dust, rust, dirt. Definitely worth a look. Say out this movie with subtitles? I have not the slightest idea on this matter.
Joalogon (Spain):
The film is virtually unknown outside Russia, and I sometimes think: Am I the only Spaniard that it ever looked. I hope that is not so! The film has gained cult status in Russia, and even penetrated into the local language, so do not be surprised if you walk the streets of Moscow, and suddenly see two friends who greet each other shouting "boo." Or - if someone bothers someone - another phrase: "Fiddler! They do not need us ».
Justicerulesok (United Kingdom):
Best ever make a movie. He's just not in English - that's all. I laughed like crazy. I was amazed at what turned out to be able to Russian. The relationship between the main characters and aliens who can only say "Ku-ku" - a perfect illustration of how much we are missing when the film does not look at his mother tongue.
Sadgeezer (Preston, UK):
Truly a great film! The only pity is that in order to really enjoy it, I had to marry a Russian. The film's budget is negligible, and the visuals of shit, though the scenario and the game is just great. This little-known Russian fantastic picture, which should be in every serious collector of science fiction. If you like the advanced fiction movies - it should definitely be in your collection. I would have given this film 47, 452 from 10.
Operatsiya Y i drugiye priklyucheniya Shurika (1965)
Jacknisen-2 (United States):
I love this movie, and the guy who plays Shurik, great. Much funnier than Jim Carrey. I really want to see his other films. So it is a pity that he lived on the other side of the curtain all these years. And pitiful that (like all good people), he died young. Perhaps he should be like Ted Kennedy (one of the oldest US senators. - Esquire). His companions also excellent! My friend said that it is all well-known Russian actors. It's funny, easy and simple! Whether you speak Russian or not - you should definitely see this comedy. This is a fantastic opportunity to join the Russian sense of humor. By the way, the film is popular not only in the countries of the former Eastern bloc, but (if you look at the reviews of American viewers), and here, too.

Kavkazskaya plennitsa, ili novye priklyucheniya Shurika (1966)
Alienbychoice (New 3elandiya):
The first scene of the film was supposed to look like this: «Morgunov suitable for the wall and wrote most of the letter" x "(pronounced« h »). He leaves appear Nikulin and wrote the second letter «y» (pronounced «u»). Of this sum the beginning of the famous Russian curses. Nikulin runs suitable Vitzin and wrote on the wall «dozhestvennyi film», which is obtained from a phrase meaning roughly the same as the motion picture in English. This scene was cut out by activists of the Communist Party.
Pro Krasnuyu Shapochku (1977)
Exciter-2 (Los Angeles, CA):
It is - in my opinion - the best children's foreign language film of all time. But in fact, even adults will find it a lot of opportunities to laugh. Say whatever you like about this movie, but do not call it primitive. The plot is intricate, funny and rhythmic. Actors are simply stunning. Music is simply gorgeous. (Interestingly, by the way, they produced ever soundtrack?) The plot twists at once: the Wolf Clan Wolf hires an outsider, that he tracked down and killed the Little Red Riding Hood (most, however, cap - in Russian interpretation). But the clan of wolves there is no unity. Little cub learns human book! Secretly! And he is no longer a primitive predator. A charismatic Wolf - he was just full of wisdom Battle! And his shy companion, which should take care of the wolf? A cowardly betrayal of a man who calls himself a hunter? Eh! The plot is very intricate. Always worth a look.
Priklyucheniya Toma Soyera i Geklberri Finna (1981)
Ricknorwood (Mountain Home, United States):
Of course, not fair to judge the 225-minute film on the barbaric, Myasnikovskaya way abridged version, but I managed to see the movie for a delightful stupid rewiring and raunchy sound arrangement. Hopefully, one day, the entire film is available on DVD! It's hard to say what makes this film better than the Hollywood version of the famous story. I think that the main secret of the fact that the children are here as children and not as a fucking movie star trying to look on the screen and charmingly cute. Needless to say, reinstalling adheres to our moral standards and all the scenes with bathing naked children are removed, except for one second stage, which is deliberately removed out of focus.
Brilliantovaya ruka (1968)
Avalsonline (US):
Do not know if anyone where to find the lyrics of the song Nikulin sang in the restaurant when drunk. The song is sung about rabbits that haircut magical herb. If someone knows a site where you can find these lines (preferably in Russian), please let me know. And if anyone knows the artist of the song - to me it also can be very helpful. The great Russian cinema, a true classic, and that strange - no slap at the United States, although at that time was a feud between the two countries. Some knowledge of Russian as well as the general situation of the time absolutely necessary for viewing.
Priklyucheniya Buratino (1975)
Bobs-9 (Chicago, IL):
It seems that the fairy-tale movies were the most important genre for the Soviet film industry as a studio isolated on them a lot of money, and some directors (eg, Alexander Row) specialized only in fairy tales. I bought this movie on a single website dedicated to Russian DVD. Select this film was not easy. And when the film finally sent me, I was not prepared for how stupid and at the same time he was serious. It was as strange and even much more strange than the "5000 Finger Doctor T" (fairytale fantasy in 1953 based on the tale of Dr. Seuss. - Esquire). Buratino (ie Pinocchio) plays a prominent boy-actor, whose funny baby figure turned into a maniacal, terrifying beast, achieving this strange and monstrous costume makeup. His high-pitched voice and laughter make your ears ring, unless of course you are not accustomed to this, but he plays accurately and charmingly. Most of the young actors in the film played by traditional puppets (Pierrot, Harlequin, etc.). A couple of scenes appeared to me to play live scenes from Japanese anime: funny little kids in strange costumes, acting unimaginable, surreal scenery. In the film, there are several of these dolls, including one that shows cricket, playing the violin and there was a good advice - member left from the original story about Pinocchio. Sly fox and the cat, who are constantly trying to fool Buratino, played by adult actors whose costumes and makeup only vaguely reminiscent of the fact that they still allowed.
Vokzal dlya dvoikh (1982)
Ajigasawa (Japan):
We always look at all the Russian films with Japanese subtitles, but there was not any subtitles. So I was very disappointed, because in no way can not judge what is going on. But you know, it has to be just an incredible movie! Because five people who do not know a word in Russian (one of which does and hates the language), watched the film without subtitles, and not once, but three!
Mesto vstrechi izmenit nelzya (1979)
Jorge Reyes (Quebec, Canada):
Movies - just brilliant. I was amazed at the development of the story: at first slowly, and sometimes - the ramp-up, and sometimes - in a spiral, and so as long as you do not get trapped by endless suspense. And what is there young Sharapov? If I was told to select a decisive stage, I would say that this is the moment when the newcomer from Moscow Criminal Police forced to eat lunch at the same table with the most dangerous gangster Moscow! When you watch this movie, it seems that every writer, assistant, each team member is carefully put all his talent in this masterpiece. Not long ago I watched other East European films - Polish "Decalogue" (TV movie desyatiseriyny Krzysztof Kislevskogo. - Esquire) and Ironiya sudby, ili s lyogkim parom! From my experience I can conclude that Soviet television could produce the highest quality products.
Gostya iz budushchego (1985)
John Costello (Peabody, United States):
While I was able to buy only three series of that of a five television movie, which is based on the novel by Kir Bulychev (note that his name is pronounced through the "e" that you already know, if you speak Russian, and that does not matter to you if you tell them I do not own). For the Russian film means nothing less than the "Back to the Future" for us - it is a cult classic. Natasha Gromova became a star (tons of letters addressed to "Alice in Moscow," the heap of fans). She starred in three other films and cast the actor's craft, when she offered to shoot nude. She is now married, engaged in biology, appearing on the Russian conference devoted to science fiction, which presents the prize for the best work for children. Now, even as adults, she's gorgeous.
Poona Kan Ng (Hong Kong):
Several outdated by today's standards Guests of the Future - it's still a wonderful children's cinema. I think Pavel Arsenov - a Russian Leydzi Matsumoto (a famous Japanese cartoonist.). The plot is centered on the 11-year-old Kolya Gerasimov, who finds a time machine in the basement of an old house in Moscow. In it, he transferred to the XXI century! There Kolya says the two space pirates who came from Saturn and are now trying to steal a device called Mielofon (which reads the thoughts), from Alisa Seleznyova - a young girl who talks to animals and robots. We have sold the film for a short time - in Russian, with Chinese subtitles. I very much hope that they will release it again and it will be available again!

Svoy sredi chuzhikh, chuzhoy sredi svoikh (1974)
A.Khalip (Sao Paulo, Brazil):
It should be considered a classic westerns or the best in the world Eastern - Mikhalkov follows the laws of the genre impeccably easily twisting Russian reality of the 1920s, revolutionary romanticism, cool and charismatic bad guys - a rarity in the Soviet cinema. A set of actors is great - probably the best young artists of all decades, including in the role of himself Mikhalkov Yesaul.
Beloe solntse pustyni (1970)
Monty Python-3 (Sofia, Bulgaria):
Just wanted to remind you that this film is famous not only in Russia and the Russian-speaking world. This is one of the few truly beloved Soviet films in Bulgaria. My favorite episode is when Vereshchagin getting tired of the fact that the house had nothing to eat except caviar!
Tayna tretey planety (1981)
Govarian (United Kingdom):
It is the most stunning cartoon that I saw. Great graphics, an incredible imagination. If you think about it, you can even look for the music alone. The film tells about a little girl Alice and her dad, with whom she flies through space, where he meets a huge number of strange characters and creatures unimaginable. All this looks like a psychedelic dream, like a strange fi movie from the 1970s. I came across a Russian version, so I do not fucking understand what was going on, but in fact this film is made even more mysterious. What Russian cartoon, confirms a very special style of animation. I know that he has been completely renovated and is redubbed here in the US Hollywood star; It was written even new music. This version was published in the series "Stories from My Childhood" (and I would advise everyone to avoid it as death, because she was a disgusting way "disneefitsirovana"). By the way, on DVD, which I bought on e-bay, there were other Russian cartoons, which are a hundred times I have paid money for them.

Zhestokiy romans (1984)
Jorge Reyes (Quebec, Canada):
The film director Eldar Ryazanov has surpassed all my expectations. It is an incredible experience - watch how life develops Larissa, her importune different men, young and old, rich and poor. And all these troubles do not cause her nothing but bitterness. It looks like tears - is a hallmark of Russian women, or in other words, no woman would dare to call themselves Russian, never tasted the bitterness of life. Ryazanov instantly became my favorite director. However, here I was a little late, since its main successes occurred in the Soviet era. But anyway - Zhestokij Romans, or A Cruel Romance, tells a story that, in my opinion, is immortal. Zhestokij Romans - a synonym for the drama itself: just look at the final scene, a powerful, multi-valued, and poetic. I especially liked the scenes with the Gypsies. All of these dances, fun and vodka is very relevant in the film. As at the time the Yugoslav director Emir Kusturica immortalized Gypsies (I mean "Underground"), as well Zhestokij shows and cheerful people everywhere who brings these melodies, melancholy and cheerful at the same time. While they are having fun, a tragedy is unfolding. They never say the happiness of one person - it is the suffering of another. That's why I think this film is immortal. That's why I think the last scene of the pinnacle of cinema. Our favorite Larissa went to the endless quest for true love and boundless affection.
Yozhik v tumane (1975)
Theo Robertson (Isle of Bute, Scotland):
With the rating that is assigned here for Hedgehog in the fog, it seems, it is the most significant animated film in history. But if you talk about me, I could not understand why such a fuss about him. A large number of people claim that history is full of different ideas, but I have not tried much, I could not detect any subtext. For me, everything I saw - this is another animated film, which are humanized, anthropomorphic animals. I believe that, as in all Soviet films, there is a vague message that all need to do together (at least, all the animals here - friends), but this is a long conversation. Note, however, that I watched the English version, so it is possible that something very important was lost in translation.
Beloe solntse pustyni (1970)
Hannu22 (Finland):
Very useful film. I see him from time to time to maintain their Russian at a decent level. It's really a movie that you can watch again and again. This movie can be found a few classic aphorisms. For example, when Vereshagin says: I feel sorry for the superpower. This phrase has become very important after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Sukhov letters to his wife - another gem of a film. Scale Sukhov also impressive - from the soldier to the lyrical romanticism through a simple guy with vodka.
Proster (United Kingdom):
The White Sun of The Desert, probably the best Soviet film ever to sell us. Red Sukhov officer travels to Russian Asia, it is a connoisseur of these places, do not forget, however, and that the East is quite a place. I thought he had the Russian edakii Indiana Jones with a huge heart, which is owned by Ekaterina Matveevna, his wife, who remained in Russia and is looking forward to Sukhov home. The film is replete with dramatic moments, good action scenes and a great sense of humor. However, it is more likely for Russian audiences, or to those who are fluent in Russian. On the other hand, I am sure that the film is fairly easy to understand, unlike Russian paintings such as Kin-Dza-Dza and many others, where the knowledge of the Soviet context is necessary. If you've never watched Russian movies begin with this film.
Brat (1997)
Val Baur (Chicago, USA):
I watched this movie, and he deprived me speechless. How the hell could create it? If you know anything about the movie, you will be surprised that in a film could break all the laws of cinema - and not, as in "Pulp Fiction." I do not understand Russian dudes who constantly say something about the Russian soul, understood only Russian ... But the most important thing - it's the idiotic alternative rock band - it is just for me * Ball. The film begins with an idiotic music alternative rock band. For the first 30 minutes of the film the main character comes into the store three times and each time asked CD idiotic alternative rock band. Fast. The main character gets shot, hanging out with ugly zhopovidnoy girl, trying to save his brother, but at the crucial moment goes to look at the idiotic alternative rock band. Fast.
Source: esquire.ru