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Evolution of the aliens in the movie

will text and photos (about 15), please do not break. I think interesting

Toothy and fanged, loggerhead and webbed, oozing slime and incorporeal, green and pale, fierce and good-natured. The film industry in full force used by the ancient human fear of the unknown, to bring them to the big screen. Aliens from outer space - a fertile and which really must admit, profitable theme in the movie. It's always wondering who this time decided to enslave our blue ball or intermarry with humans.

Today will discuss the ten religious, the most memorable alien creatures, that have the most significant impact on the genre of science fiction in film. How evolved "alien" with the development of the film industry, to what tricks resorted directors to revitalize the aliens as frightened, surprised and moved by spectators stuffed and computer effects - all in today's article.

Selenites, 1902. Do you think that in the epoch of cinema Lumière brothers only frightened spectators arriving at the train station of La Ciotat, and rare comic, Charlie Chaplin's predecessors, amused by their antics? In fact, at the beginning of XX century, cinema was presented a full bouquet of assorted genres and subgenres, familiar to us today. Here you and the drama and comedy, and the detective, thriller and horror, and, God forgive me, pornography. And so fantastic and did become perhaps the most popular genre.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaAvdgPcQj0...player_embedded The author of the video if you want one of the first famous kinoinoplanetyan was the Frenchman Georges Méliès. Fragments of his paintings "Journey to the Moon" is still used in various art projects, and the frame of the moon, which is stuck in the eye of the bottle-type spacecraft shell ever seen, even those who are not interested in cinema. Today, the film looks naive, but then the quantity and quality of special effects so far ahead of his time that laid the foundation in their methods actively used more than a dozen years.

The famous frame with Moon

Local aliens selenites look like humanoid crab. In the film, the role of professional acrobats performed, cheerfully jumping in an attempt to catch up with the earthlings arrived on the moon. Image aliens Georges Méliès created using improvised props and costumes. Subsequently, "costume" humanoid aliens and monsters such as could be seen during the subsequent centuries, up to the present time. As examples tape "Enemy Mine", "Through thorns to the stars", "dune", "Kin-dza-za," "Star Trek," "Superman» ...
Group selenites missed earthlings

It's not a tramp, and patsaks and chatlanin of "Kin-dza-dza»

The gallant crew of "Star Trek»

Most of the work in such films falls on dressers and make-up artists. Sorry, but the craft of the past while constantly improving, but now virtually supplanted computer special effects and expensive dolls.

The Martians of "War of the Worlds" in 1953. Metal skates with retractable eye and weak pyrotechnics - such memorable aliens in "War of the Worlds" in 1953. The eponymous novel was written by HG Wells in 1898, and in 1938 a radio show based on the book aroused a good half of US residents believe that the present attack of the Martians.
Martians incinerate the city sparklers

Rare shot with "live" Martian

Adaptation of the novel had to wait another 15 years. The film turned out a very mediocre, and the local aliens would not be anything interesting or unusual if they did not cause a sudden stream of wild and unbridled thrash. "Earth vs. Flying Saucers," "Devil on Mars," "Warning from Space", "Terrible red planet", "It is! Horror from space "," green slime "," killer clowns from outer space. " What's the name - the song, delight the ear and the eye of every lover of half a century and more recent trash. Or, for example, is not pricked frames of the painting "The Killers from Space»?

Purposeful miners

"War of the Worlds" - a phenomenon in the world of cinema. The film, which could not boast of any special effects nor memorable aliens, but, nevertheless, gave birth to an entire era zhutchajshih in terms of quality tapes.

Phasing extraterrestrial intelligence, 1968. Painting "2001: A Space Odyssey" marked the advent of cinema in extraterrestrial intelligence, is the divine mighty civilization, capable to turn the tide of the entire planet and give impetus to the evolution of quality. Stanley Kubrick film is extremely versatile and complex, but it cost the aliens is very simple - they just do not (except of mysterious black monoliths), although the presence of something alien to constantly feel the atmosphere due to the tape.

Black monolith seen the sunrise and watch the sunset of mankind

Invisible presence of "outsiders" in the film - a characteristic sign of serious, often psychological and ostrosotsialnyh works. On the one hand, in such cases, the crew is less than one task - no need to work on the external appearance of stellar wanderers. On the other - you have to focus on the scenery and psychology, which is not that often.
Smarter Planet-ocean rages

In addition to the "Odyssey" of such films include "Stalker" and "Solaris" by Andrei Tarkovsky. Recently, such a tape is rare. First, make a good psychological film about aliens, but has never showed them difficult and expensive. Secondly, today, this movie is not popular among the audience. Ten years ago, both confirmed the reasons Steven Soderbergh. His remake of "Solaris" failed at the box office and did not find any response from the audience or critics.

"Menagerie" from "Star Wars" in 1977. That happened in 1977, every film fan should know, and the more a fan of science fiction. This year, George Lucas has finally and irrevocably changed the genre, releasing the "Star Wars". Worthy, even with today's perspective effects, classic Space opera on the big screen and, of course, a "zoo" of aliens - a real feast for the eyes.
A bunch of freaks for every taste

Mafioso Jabba the Hutt, the Wookiee Chewbacca patlatogo, dwarf-JAVA-eyed, yellow, green, purple, gray-brown-crimson, like elephants, rhinos and Drosophila-age - a concentration of alien characters in the cinema unit timing is not yet known. Subsequent series only expanded the universe of "Star Wars" Jedi Master Yoda, hairy "gnomes" from the planet Endor, and so on. D.

The filmmakers had to make great efforts and to resort to a variety of methods to populate the "Star Wars" as a colorful menagerie. Secondary characters are treated the masks and fantastic costumes, but some images have to spend huge sums.
This should be a real intergalactic gangster

So, for the sake of Jabba the Hutt's built one of the largest in the history of cinema puppet-ton, which ran just six people, three of whom were hiding inside zhaboobraznoy carcasses. One was responsible for the movement of your left hand and the head, the other - the language and the right hand, and the third, the dwarf, moved the tail head galactic mafia. Another person remotely control the doll's eyes, the fifth breathing simulated design and sixth brilliantly lighting his pipe and blew smoke Jabba.

Lucas was a strange dog

"The dark side of the force do not need you!»

"Star Wars" like today

Scene from "Star Wars» ...

... And this - from the "Fifth Element»

Alien, 1979. The 1970s were rich in cinematic space monsters. However, if George Lucas entertained the audience of "Star Wars," Steven Spielberg touches «ET», the Ridley Scott planned to scare everyone to death. And he did it perfectly. Since the release of the movie about the evil Alien term "alien" has actually become synonymous with a particularly aggressive form of life from other planets.

The first Friday of October is World Smile Day

The secret to creating a terrible alien is simple: take the clay, parts of the engine Rolls Royce, rubber, part of a human skull, and do all of this ugly suit the height of a two and a half meters. The prototype of a "foreign" was the real-life animal - fronima. This tiny crustacean 2-4 cm long, living on the bottom of the seas and oceans.

You will find details of the engine Rolls Royce?

First I wanted to make big-eyed Alien creature, but then from the visual organs refused - decided without them "alien" looks more intimidating. Also, "under the knife" I went to the body of an alien idea to make a translucent, like a cocoon with feyskhaggerami.

"Alien" and to this day serves as an inspiration for the creators of the horror films of the unfriendly aliens. "Something", "Pandorum", "Event Horizon," "Independence Day" recently "Prometheus" - all these and many other films are a bit of a nightmare, created by Ridley Scott for more than 30 years ago.


E.T., 1982. After a terrible Alien film community needed a catharsis that all the suffering has given Steven Spielberg. His "Alien" was the first good-natured puppet from outer space, aliens, which showed in a whole new light. Before there were "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and other even less famous paintings, but it has become a cult tape made in 1982.

On the creation of the famous ET, in appearance which many know Albert Einstein (as in the image of Master Yoda), left enormous for that time of $ 700 thousand. This amount covered the development of four separate heads alien to shoot close-ups and three animatronic puppets made of rubber , fiberglass and stuffed with electronics.
The true image of Albert Einstein?

Thus was born the general theory of relativity

One could make a doll of 30 different movements of the face and body parts. Another model used in more dynamic scenes - it can simulate the 86 movements. Third, unlike the previous two, can move around the pavilion, but the stock movements she was much more modest - only about a dozen. In some episodes had to resort to the help of dwarfs and legless 12-year-old boy, who wore a suit ET
"Critters" are not as good, but pretty much the same

Consider that since all the good aliens, made in the form of puppets or dolls, owe their existence ET "Alf" and even "Critters" (kind of, however, did not name, but funny and cute - it is) - just a few of these films.

Transformers, 1984. Down with organic life and disembodied mind! Let aliens are robots! So in 1984 there was the saga of the Autobots and Decepticons. US-Japanese animated series about Transformers loved around the world - the audience liked the extrapolation of human behavior in the world of robots.

Five years ago, a cartoon was transferred to the "large format", removing one of the most entertaining films of recent times. Transformers Michael Bay films - entirely the result of the work of computer graphics. In the rendering of each frame CGI-animation in the first film about warring robots spent almost two days, the deposit of the footage took 20 TB of disk space, and the second film - is 150 TB.

The film is a film, but cult status still remained for almost a cartoon 30 years ago. For a long time because of the technical limitations of trying to repeat his success only in animation (remember the "War Goboto"?). But with the development of computer animation came in and "Iron Man" and "Real Steel" and "I, Robot" and "Artificial Intelligence." Robots in these films, however, is not of extraterrestrial origin.
 - "Predator", 1987. "Predator" - another kinodostizhenie 1980. It would seem that the enemy hero Schwarzenegger's so much to do with the "other", because both are obsessed with a passion for killing. Yet the character of many even called sympathy. We alien "predator" is something like Code Hunter, anthropomorphic body structure and high-tech device - this is quite enough to please the public.

The most memorable movie special effects - invisibility "predator." It was created by using the camera lens and the broader technology "hromakey". First, such episodes filmed the actor, dressed in a bright red suit. This color is a good contrast to green jungle so well subsequently removed from the frame. Another double was shot without the participation of "predator". Jungle of the resulting frames filled contours of an alien.

The long-awaited meeting of the "alien" and "Predator»

"Predator" did not become as strong a franchise like "Star Wars" and "Transformers." Yet for 20 years the topic of alien-hunter operated with varying degrees of success in the cinema. In addition, it received its logical embodiment of the idea to bring in a movie "Predator" and "foreign».

 - "Grey", 1993-2002. The series "The X-Files" although showing all sorts of mysterious things, but the central storyline is still focused on newcomers, meetings with which so desperately sought agent Fox Mulder. Due to its size the series became the quintessence of all that is connected with the so-called "government conspiracy" with the aliens authorities.
Mr. "Gray" is not often found himself on the screen

Floor of the "Secret materialchik" more fun
 - The X Files film received slightly reinterpreted and further popularized the classic image of the alien in the form serokozhih shorties with puny calves, disproportionate heads and big black eyes. This "sub-species" is still popular in modern cinema, however, more to the humorous side. Suffice it to recall the comedy "Sex: Secret materialchik", and among the major belts - "Artificial Intelligence" by Steven Spielberg.

Na'vi, 2009. The effect on the cinema "Avatar" James Cameron is difficult to assess, although the film has done a lot of noise. Blue faces of the indigenous inhabitants of Pandora suddenly became recognizable, even the children who began to sculpt their images on the diaries and notebooks. Will the Cameron in the wake of the rest of the creators of science fiction films? Will they use the elements of the image of the Na'vi, or will prefer the classic embodiment of aliens, has long operated "dream factory"? Time will tell, but I do not think that the caudate and improved version of the root in Indian cinema. However, a beautiful attempt to let the "Avatar" will also be on our list.

Elusive resemblance to Na'vi there
More than half - computer animation. Na'vi also not escaped the fate of digitized. At first the film crew recording the movement of the actors, and then superimposed on the characters needed texture. Most of the problems were with the digitization of facial expressions. For each actor created special devices with cameras. They were worn on the head and eye movements were recorded and every muscle on his face. The information obtained was processed on computers, and the result is assigned to a particular Na'vi. The total storage materials of the film James Cameron took 1000 TB disk space.

In the "board" article was a host of alien creatures, many of which are also worthy of mention. And what fantastic films would you include in the list of iconic and important to you personally?
