Genuine attempts to make contact with aliens (16 photos + video)
For hundreds, if not thousands, of years, people are trying to get acquainted with the Alien, but, alas, still our cosmic messages remain unanswered. And judging by the originality, if not oddities, many of them, it's a good thing, because nobody knows what will think about humanity aliens, catching the signals. We present our ten most original attempts to establish contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.
1. Crop Circles
Today, the appearance of intricate geometric pattern of polёgshey in the fields of grass is often credited with the case hands of aliens, but initially it was thought that, on the contrary, so people can get in touch with the "green men": so, in 1820, the year the German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss, Hooked on geodesy, decided to aliens noticed our messages, they should be clearly visible from the bird's-eye view, so he offered to cut down a significant portion of the Siberian taiga in the form of a huge triangle and sow his rye.
Carl Friedrich Gauss
Gauss also invented a special device which transmits light signals over long distances - helioscope, whose main function is geodetic measurements, but also "the father of mathematics" by the reflected sunlight was trying to "reach out" to distant planets.
Two decades later, the Austrian astronomer Joseph von Littrow, we believe that there is life on the moon, offered to dig in the Sahara desert gigantic 30-kilometer circular trench, fill it with kerosene and set on fire at night to "lunatics" noticed us. Both scientists - and Gauss, and Littrow - considered at the same time that the geometric shapes - the perfect message for extraterrestrials, as the whole universe is subject to mathematical laws.
2. The concentrated light
Seeing the lights faded once on the surface of Mars and Venus (is probably in any weather phenomena), French inventor and poet Charles Cros decided that it was nothing more than a light alien cities. Therefore, in 1867 Cro published "Review of possible links with the planets," and two years later, in 1869, proposed the use of a parabolic mirror to "collect" the electric light and direct it toward Mars and Venus. At the same time, in his opinion, the beams should flash (a kind of light Morse code) that the aliens understand that this coded message, rather than simply glow of a star.
Cro doubted that little mirror to cope with such an easy task, so appealed to the French government to set somewhere in the desert, a huge parabolic reflector. Unfortunately, the inventor of the application was rejected, and his poetic dream of reuniting with extraterrestrial intelligence did not come true.
3. Plates "Pioneers»
In the early 1970s, NASA launched two unmanned spacecraft - "Pioneer 10" and "Pioneer 11" - to study Jupiter and Saturn, respectively. In addition to the easy technical "stuffing" On board the ship were attached an unusual plate of anodized aluminum. What for? According to the famous astronomer Carl Sagan and Frank Drake, they would help the aliens to understand where and why profits "Pioneers." On the plates attached to the hull of the ship, it has been shown schematically a man, a woman, the solar system with an indication of the distance from the main light to the earth, and hydrogen atoms.
Unfortunately, in 2003, NASA lost contact with the "Pioneer 10" and in 2005 - with the "Pioneer 11", and as a result we have not received an answer to the question of whether the aliens understand the human figures . Skeptics are still arguing about what was this action - an important scientific research or a waste of money?
4. Arecibo Message
At about the same time with the launch of a "pioneer" among astronomers actively discussed the possibility of establishing contact with extraterrestrials through radio signals, because they are smaller than the light affected by cosmic dust and have a longer wavelength. Therefore, all the same Drake and Sagan came up with a message from the 1679-year-digits, encoded in a DNA formula, the atomic number of oxygen, hydrogen and other elements, as well as numbers from one to ten in the binary system.
Carl Sagan
November 16, 1974, the year the scientists gave 169-second radio signal from the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico toward the globular star cluster M13, at a distance of 25 thousand light years from Earth, and everything would be fine, that's just, even if the aliens get our message , we will have to wait for an answer no less than 40 thousand years.
5. Gold album "Voyager»
In 1977, the US space agency launched two other apparatus for the study of distant planets of the solar system - "Voyager 1" and "Voyager 2", equipping them this time gold records with sounds of nature, different languages, music and and images that tell about the life of earthlings. As planned by the indefatigable Carl Sagan on the aluminum case records were engraved diagram of the apparatus of the needle to play the message, a way to convert video to image and playback speed.
Currently, "Voyager 1" and "Voyager 2" located on the edge of the solar system and is the most distant planet from man-made objects. Surprisingly, they are still sending signals back to Earth, it is a pity that so far none of them has been the return of aliens News.
6. "Vaginal poetics»
Although many believed the image of men and women on the plates "Pioneers" too outspoken artist Joe Davis believed that people drawn without sexual organs, can not "talk" aliens of Homo Sapiens and its method of propagation, so in 1986 he decided to write a letter to the aliens, which consists of the sounds of vaginal contractions.
Joe Davis
It is not clear how, but Davis has persuaded several dancers to allow him to write "poetry" of their sheaths, which the artist has invented a special device with a sensitive pressure sensor. Then rented at MIT radar "Milestone, County Tipperary Hill," he sent his 20-minute message into space, but soon this strange experiment learned the US Air Force and banned it. However, Davis' message was longer than the radio, which was started with the Arecibo, in connection with which it has already reached two distant stars - Epsilon Eridani and Tau Ceti.
7. "Cosmic Call" and children's radio messages
Russian physicist, radar specialist in asteroids Alexander Leonidovich Zaytsev has sent at least five interstellar radio messages, including multipage.
Alexander Zaitsev
The first "Space calling" was sent to them in 1999, as part of the state of the project "Team" and is addressed directly to four stars - a multi interstellar radio message Zaitseva contained what ufologists called the Rosetta stone, that is a bitmap with an encyclopedia of human knowledge about the world. The second "Space calling" was cast in the year 2003, its content is almost identical to the first, but it contains more data about the people themselves. Both radio messages were sent using the planetary radar in Yalta (Ukraine).
But that Zaitsev did not stop, and in 2001, the scientist and his team sent into space another radio message, for which he attracted students from several cities - Moscow, Kaluga, Voronezh, and Zheleznogorsk. The content of the message was a lot easier - no mathematics and other complex things, and sheer art: teens helped physics pick the music for the aliens, who in turn sent a radio wave in the direction of the Big Dipper and the other five stars with solar systems like our . And if the universe we are not alone, then in 2047, the year "green men" will be able to enjoy the immortal works of Beethoven, Vivaldi and Gershwin.
8. Advertisement «Doritos»
In 2008, the Research Institute «EISCAT» within six hours of broadcast advertising space crisps «Doritos». It's funny that such a large-scale campaign aimed at attracting the attention not only of aliens, many earthlings as the European Science Association sharply cut funding and is in dire need of funds.
Advertising broadcast by a radar in the MPEG video code, its target audience - potential residents of a dwarf galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major, located at a distance of only 42 light years from Earth. It turned out that the movie «Doritos» not the only one in the universe - and other advertising falls into interstellar space, but it signals "drowning" in outer noise. «Doritos» is broadcast on UHF 500 MHz, so she can get on the blue screens "green men" if they exist.
9. Recent photos
As promised at the end of last year and the end of the world did not come, the name of this cosmic message - "Latest Photos" - sounds like something is wrong. However, the capsule with the images of the Earth and its inhabitants plows somewhere in the Universe, to tell strangers about our existence, when suddenly life on our planet ever cut short.
Trevor Paglen
Author of the project - the artist Trevor Paglen who successfully exploited the universal excitement about the apocalypse, to present to the world their photos. But be that as it may, the work Paglia delicious - they are all our life as it is: a photographer for five years has consulted with leading scientists and philosophers of our time, to make the picture as realistic as possible, and then burn them to ultra-archive disk and sent into space.
10. Telepathy
Most attempts to establish contact with extraterrestrial civilizations associated with the use of advanced technology, but there are people who say that to communicate with the aliens they do not need any equipment.
Among them - Dr. Steven Greer, known for his documentary film about aliens "Sirius": a few times a year, he gathers a group of volunteers, and then took them away in a secluded corner for meditation sessions with extraterrestrial beings. According to Greer, the "expedition to establish contact" are to cheer - they people go to a higher level of consciousness, so that can not only talk to the newcomers, but also to remember their past lives. One can only hope that Greer and his followers not to frighten once aliens really willing to join with us in touch.
1. Crop Circles

Today, the appearance of intricate geometric pattern of polёgshey in the fields of grass is often credited with the case hands of aliens, but initially it was thought that, on the contrary, so people can get in touch with the "green men": so, in 1820, the year the German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss, Hooked on geodesy, decided to aliens noticed our messages, they should be clearly visible from the bird's-eye view, so he offered to cut down a significant portion of the Siberian taiga in the form of a huge triangle and sow his rye.

Carl Friedrich Gauss
Gauss also invented a special device which transmits light signals over long distances - helioscope, whose main function is geodetic measurements, but also "the father of mathematics" by the reflected sunlight was trying to "reach out" to distant planets.
Two decades later, the Austrian astronomer Joseph von Littrow, we believe that there is life on the moon, offered to dig in the Sahara desert gigantic 30-kilometer circular trench, fill it with kerosene and set on fire at night to "lunatics" noticed us. Both scientists - and Gauss, and Littrow - considered at the same time that the geometric shapes - the perfect message for extraterrestrials, as the whole universe is subject to mathematical laws.
2. The concentrated light

Seeing the lights faded once on the surface of Mars and Venus (is probably in any weather phenomena), French inventor and poet Charles Cros decided that it was nothing more than a light alien cities. Therefore, in 1867 Cro published "Review of possible links with the planets," and two years later, in 1869, proposed the use of a parabolic mirror to "collect" the electric light and direct it toward Mars and Venus. At the same time, in his opinion, the beams should flash (a kind of light Morse code) that the aliens understand that this coded message, rather than simply glow of a star.
Cro doubted that little mirror to cope with such an easy task, so appealed to the French government to set somewhere in the desert, a huge parabolic reflector. Unfortunately, the inventor of the application was rejected, and his poetic dream of reuniting with extraterrestrial intelligence did not come true.
3. Plates "Pioneers»

In the early 1970s, NASA launched two unmanned spacecraft - "Pioneer 10" and "Pioneer 11" - to study Jupiter and Saturn, respectively. In addition to the easy technical "stuffing" On board the ship were attached an unusual plate of anodized aluminum. What for? According to the famous astronomer Carl Sagan and Frank Drake, they would help the aliens to understand where and why profits "Pioneers." On the plates attached to the hull of the ship, it has been shown schematically a man, a woman, the solar system with an indication of the distance from the main light to the earth, and hydrogen atoms.
Unfortunately, in 2003, NASA lost contact with the "Pioneer 10" and in 2005 - with the "Pioneer 11", and as a result we have not received an answer to the question of whether the aliens understand the human figures . Skeptics are still arguing about what was this action - an important scientific research or a waste of money?
4. Arecibo Message

At about the same time with the launch of a "pioneer" among astronomers actively discussed the possibility of establishing contact with extraterrestrials through radio signals, because they are smaller than the light affected by cosmic dust and have a longer wavelength. Therefore, all the same Drake and Sagan came up with a message from the 1679-year-digits, encoded in a DNA formula, the atomic number of oxygen, hydrogen and other elements, as well as numbers from one to ten in the binary system.

Carl Sagan
November 16, 1974, the year the scientists gave 169-second radio signal from the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico toward the globular star cluster M13, at a distance of 25 thousand light years from Earth, and everything would be fine, that's just, even if the aliens get our message , we will have to wait for an answer no less than 40 thousand years.
5. Gold album "Voyager»

In 1977, the US space agency launched two other apparatus for the study of distant planets of the solar system - "Voyager 1" and "Voyager 2", equipping them this time gold records with sounds of nature, different languages, music and and images that tell about the life of earthlings. As planned by the indefatigable Carl Sagan on the aluminum case records were engraved diagram of the apparatus of the needle to play the message, a way to convert video to image and playback speed.
Currently, "Voyager 1" and "Voyager 2" located on the edge of the solar system and is the most distant planet from man-made objects. Surprisingly, they are still sending signals back to Earth, it is a pity that so far none of them has been the return of aliens News.
6. "Vaginal poetics»

Although many believed the image of men and women on the plates "Pioneers" too outspoken artist Joe Davis believed that people drawn without sexual organs, can not "talk" aliens of Homo Sapiens and its method of propagation, so in 1986 he decided to write a letter to the aliens, which consists of the sounds of vaginal contractions.

Joe Davis
It is not clear how, but Davis has persuaded several dancers to allow him to write "poetry" of their sheaths, which the artist has invented a special device with a sensitive pressure sensor. Then rented at MIT radar "Milestone, County Tipperary Hill," he sent his 20-minute message into space, but soon this strange experiment learned the US Air Force and banned it. However, Davis' message was longer than the radio, which was started with the Arecibo, in connection with which it has already reached two distant stars - Epsilon Eridani and Tau Ceti.
7. "Cosmic Call" and children's radio messages

Russian physicist, radar specialist in asteroids Alexander Leonidovich Zaytsev has sent at least five interstellar radio messages, including multipage.

Alexander Zaitsev
The first "Space calling" was sent to them in 1999, as part of the state of the project "Team" and is addressed directly to four stars - a multi interstellar radio message Zaitseva contained what ufologists called the Rosetta stone, that is a bitmap with an encyclopedia of human knowledge about the world. The second "Space calling" was cast in the year 2003, its content is almost identical to the first, but it contains more data about the people themselves. Both radio messages were sent using the planetary radar in Yalta (Ukraine).
But that Zaitsev did not stop, and in 2001, the scientist and his team sent into space another radio message, for which he attracted students from several cities - Moscow, Kaluga, Voronezh, and Zheleznogorsk. The content of the message was a lot easier - no mathematics and other complex things, and sheer art: teens helped physics pick the music for the aliens, who in turn sent a radio wave in the direction of the Big Dipper and the other five stars with solar systems like our . And if the universe we are not alone, then in 2047, the year "green men" will be able to enjoy the immortal works of Beethoven, Vivaldi and Gershwin.
8. Advertisement «Doritos»

In 2008, the Research Institute «EISCAT» within six hours of broadcast advertising space crisps «Doritos». It's funny that such a large-scale campaign aimed at attracting the attention not only of aliens, many earthlings as the European Science Association sharply cut funding and is in dire need of funds.

Advertising broadcast by a radar in the MPEG video code, its target audience - potential residents of a dwarf galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major, located at a distance of only 42 light years from Earth. It turned out that the movie «Doritos» not the only one in the universe - and other advertising falls into interstellar space, but it signals "drowning" in outer noise. «Doritos» is broadcast on UHF 500 MHz, so she can get on the blue screens "green men" if they exist.
9. Recent photos

As promised at the end of last year and the end of the world did not come, the name of this cosmic message - "Latest Photos" - sounds like something is wrong. However, the capsule with the images of the Earth and its inhabitants plows somewhere in the Universe, to tell strangers about our existence, when suddenly life on our planet ever cut short.

Trevor Paglen
Author of the project - the artist Trevor Paglen who successfully exploited the universal excitement about the apocalypse, to present to the world their photos. But be that as it may, the work Paglia delicious - they are all our life as it is: a photographer for five years has consulted with leading scientists and philosophers of our time, to make the picture as realistic as possible, and then burn them to ultra-archive disk and sent into space.
10. Telepathy

Most attempts to establish contact with extraterrestrial civilizations associated with the use of advanced technology, but there are people who say that to communicate with the aliens they do not need any equipment.
Among them - Dr. Steven Greer, known for his documentary film about aliens "Sirius": a few times a year, he gathers a group of volunteers, and then took them away in a secluded corner for meditation sessions with extraterrestrial beings. According to Greer, the "expedition to establish contact" are to cheer - they people go to a higher level of consciousness, so that can not only talk to the newcomers, but also to remember their past lives. One can only hope that Greer and his followers not to frighten once aliens really willing to join with us in touch.
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