10 anomalous phenomena that will be given a scientific explanation in the next 100 years
Many people believe that anomalous phenomena in nature are a common fantasy or hoax. However, the attitude towards them in modern science is not as unambiguously negative as, for example, 50 years ago. More recently, a group of American and British scientists compiled a list of 10 anomalous phenomena that will be given a scientific explanation in the next 100 years. Will we ever be able to unravel the great mysteries of Earth?
• Life after death. Such a concept as the human soul should be considered in conjunction with the manifestations of the existence of the subtle world of matter. If there are ghosts and spirits, there must be a soul. At the moment, the main evidence that the soul really exists is the testimony of people who survived clinical death. Indeed, their stories have much in common. In many countries of the world, research is already underway in this direction, experiments are being conducted. It must be assumed that scientists will experimentally confirm or disprove the existence of the soul, and therefore the existence of the subtle world.
• Clairvoyance, intuition, telepathy, psychic perception, telekinesis, levitation. At present, mankind has accumulated a huge amount of convincing evidence for the existence of all these phenomena. Especially, familiar to almost everyone – intuition.
• Ghosts, spirits, poltergeist. Such phenomena have been known since very ancient times. These concepts are very difficult to understand, like everything related to the subtle world. According to many scientists, humanity will begin to reveal these secrets of the planet only by the end of the 21st century. Many fundamental scientific truths will need to be revised. In this matter, there is great hope that the enelonauts with whom we will come into contact will want to share their knowledge with us.
• Aliens and UFOs. Aliens from other planets are not at all eager to declare themselves officially, especially in the presence of reporters, governments, UN delegates. So in the sense of establishing relations with alien civilizations, we can only count on the future exploration of the moon, which, as scientists believe, is much more “habited” by aliens than our planet Earth. In any case, it is much easier to find alien bases on this desert planet. The intergalactic visitors themselves understand this. It is believed that the famous Apollo program, which was carried out in the 1970s, suddenly ceased to exist as a result of hostile actions against American astronauts.
Very strange phenomena were recorded on the moon for many years of observation. Almost the entire surface of the Moon is dotted with formations (according to the photos), which are very difficult to call natural. Many countries are currently planning to fly to the moon and establish research bases there. Manned flights are planned to resume in the 20s of this century, and bases on the Earth's satellite will appear by the middle of the century. Alien guests who have thoroughly and long ago settled on the moon, there is nothing left but to make contact with earthlings. Even if there is a conflict over the possession of the moon between aliens and us, it will also be a kind of contact!
• Sudden spontaneous combustion of people. It is not known for what reasons, suddenly a very powerful focus of abnormal heat appears inside a person. The temperature, rapidly rising, can exceed 1000 degrees Celsius. As a result, the human body instantly turns into ashes. A lot of these facts have been recorded. Apparently, this phenomenon is associated with as yet unknown manifestations of the human subconscious.
• Body-mind connection. It has long been known, and it is no secret to anyone, that the human mind and thoughts can influence the body. Many non-traditional medical schools are based on this fact. The well-known placebo effect, when a person thinks that he is taking medicine, but actually taking a pacifier, recovers.
• Ball lightning. First of all, this issue needs to be clarified. What is ball lightning? Either it is a clot of atmospheric phenomena, a product of inanimate nature, or it is one of the manifestations of subtle matter. Researchers of this phenomenon have established many cases of quite reasonable behavior of ball lightning.
• Quicksand. Very interesting phenomenon. It is still unknown what causes the ability of quicksands to pull objects into themselves and keep them in their thickness. None of the proposed hypothesis has been experimentally confirmed.
• Bigfoot. A huge amount of fairly reliable evidence, very clear traces, with authenticity confirmed by experts, after all, a video that was shot in 1967 by Bob Gimlin and Roger Patterson in the forests of California. All this once again proves the existence of apes (in science – hominoid) in the secluded corners of the planet Earth. It is believed that snow people may well be Neanderthals. About 24,000 years ago, they lived in parallel with humans on the planet, but suddenly disappeared. Neanderthals are called intermediate between humans and higher primates: orangutan, gorilla and chimpanzee. At the moment, the vast majority of world zoologists are inclined to agree with the hypothesis that the Neanderthal could well survive. And catching him is just a matter of chance. Being a very intelligent, cunning and cautious creature, perfectly adapted to the harsh environment, Bigfoot for thousands of years learned to hide from people. There are fewer and fewer virgin places on the planet where Bigfoot can live, and it is possible that he will soon appear before scientists alive or dead.
Brontides or Barisal sounds. So it is customary to call sounds that occur in different parts of the world. Sounds of different duration, intensity and volume, the source of which can not be determined. Naturalist G.B. Scott first described these sounds in the early 20th century, hearing them on the banks of the Ganges, near the village of Borisal (the name of which this phenomenon got its name). Mysterious sounds can be like roaring, crackling, humming, humming, whistling, humming, or a roar-like sound that resembles the sound of exploding gun shells (as Scott has heard). These sounds are heard both in the upper atmospheric layers, even in very clear weather (these sounds are sometimes heard by pilots), so they can be heard directly above the ground. It is absolutely impossible to determine not only the source of these sounds, but even the side from which these sounds are transmitted.
The Brontids (Barisal sounds) subside on their own after a while. However, there is a place on earth where these sounds have not subsided for many years. This is a small town of Taos, located in the state of New Mexico (USA). These sounds stop for a while, then resume again. Currently, a research station is being built in this place, which will be equipped with high-precision equipment, sensors and locators, which are planned to be placed throughout the surrounding area. It is possible that this station will be able to find an explanation for this mystery of the planet. Scientists are allocating 40-50 years to the final disclosure of this mystery.
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