Anomalous zones of Russia
1. Mountain of dead (Dyatlov Pass). Height 1079 (& lt; Holat Sjahyl & gt ;, the Northern Urals).
On that mountain in winter 1959 died under mysterious circumstances a group of nine experienced hikers. The mystery is still not disclosed ...
This tragedy took place Feb. 1, 1959. The purpose of the expedition was Dyatlova Climbing Mount dead. Staying overnight at the pass, at night all the members of the group were killed under mysterious circumstances.
Dyatlovtsev lost looking for a long time. The first two bodies were discovered from the air pilot Gennady Patrushev. As later investigation found, in panic, cutting knives inside the tent, tourists began to run down the hill. Some of them were scantily clad. Most died from the cold. However, as the investigation established that three people died from the terrible injuries: fractured ribs, a broken head, bleeding. One of the girls pulled language.
At the moment, none of the versions put forward the death is not considered accepted. Despite numerous attempts to find an explanation for the tragic incident, they remain a mystery as investigators of paranormal phenomena, and for law enforcement.
Within ten years after the tragedy of Dyatlov Pass crashed three planes. Including - manned Patrushev. On the corpses of the two groups of participants who died Dyatlov, as found in the wreckage of the plane piloted by Patrushev, were found traces of radiation
2. in_array (PERM anomalous zone).
IPB (on the border of Perm and Sverdlovsk regions) on the left bank of the Sylva.
Since 1989, the mysterious & lt; area & gt ;, or & lt; M-sky triangle & gt ;, named with a light hand journalist from Riga, Paul Muhortova, dominates the minds of many people. Every year thousands of pilgrims come here to & lt; join the unknown & gt; or, at worst, just talk to each other on the & lt; outrageous & gt; threads.
Peak area numerous visits amateur and professional expeditions came in the 1989 - 1991 years.
Further studies have shown the presence in the zone of high biolakatsionnoy anomalies. In the area observed a huge black figure, glowing orbs and other bodies, supposedly demonstrating the reasonableness of the conduct.
Location of the area is well known ufologists and tourists. In the early 1990s, when the number of visits by tourists exceeded its limits, to conduct any research in this area has become almost impossible (there were cases of fraud traces alleged UFO which in comic to do the tourists). In the press there were reports that the Permian anomalous zone ceased to exist, and in the mid-90s the tourism business in this place has declined significantly.
Manifests itself as & lt; area & gt; in our day? Continue to observe whether there & lt; Aliens & gt; and UFO landing? Still if there occur other strange and weird things? Or & lt; area & gt; & Lt; closed & gt; from contacts? These and other questions are tempted reader will find the answers by going himself in this mysterious & lt; zone & gt ;.
3. Black pole
Komyagin around the village, next to the city Ivanteyevka has a selection of holiday villages. Nice area with its historical monuments. But vacationers try not to let children out of the land. The local old-timers say that somewhere in the forest there is a stone pillar Black. Near the stop watches, compasses begin to lie. Meet such on the way - and all have to stray along the forest paths a few days. "He's probably playing with us - believe Komyagin residents. - People are afraid, and he is hiding. "
Local women who saw Black pole and still managed to get out of the forest, a few days felt noticeably rejuvenated. The situation is complicated by the fact that the exact location of the mysterious black column nobody knows at every full moon, he moved to a new location.
4. Protasovskaya anomalous zone
In Russia, a lot of not only historical and cultural attractions and monuments of nature, but also mysterious places. For example, in Shchelkovo district of Moscow region, between the villages Protasovo, Ogudnevo and Dushonovo, is the so-called Protasovskaya anomalous zone - a place that represents not only the local history, but also, I dare say, a space of interest.
The fact is that in the sky over Protasovo regularly appear flashing wheels, glowing balls, silver "cigar". Here at different times disappeared people and even whole groups. This has already been some publications, but here I would like to quote some of the results of their own research.
Let's start with the well-known "contact April 30, 1990". On that day, on the banks of r.Pruzhenka (coordinates of the place given in the beginning, but to go there I do not recommend) landed a small flying object quadrangular. Witnesses of this phenomenon were three mechanic, relaxing on the hill after work. Men remembered as from "metal hut" came two humanoid (which they first took for the astronauts) and passed them something rattling. At the landing site was a trace - the double helix, like a galaxy, and four holes on the supports. Interestingly, the earth, taken on the spot "spiral" is very different from the usual. If it is thrown into the water, it will not sink, but will pop up. In addition, decoction of herbs, grown on the spot, "spiral", causes aversion to alcohol, and attachment to the head stops hair loss.
But the evidence of local hunters. They claim to have seen in the Zone flashing colored lights "plate", which hangs 15 meters above them. At first they were frightened, and then someone suggested to shell object. Hunters fired at least 20 shots from three carbines, but not shot caused any significant damage to the object, which gradually soared upward and disappeared into the night sky.
A resident of Lviv Ogudnevo Love told how one day, returning home from Protasova, she noticed over the head light silver and quite large (25-30 meters), cigar-shaped object. It was in the early 90s. "It was flying above the trees a bit, but just over the road - says Lubov. - I suddenly feel that I was someone watching. Looked around: no one, all is quiet. Raise my head - and I see it! I opened her mouth and froze, and this ... [I omit some of the terms for ethical reasons - Sh.] Stopped me. Then I walked slowly forward, and it is - too. " Such "scrutiny" and subjected to other locals. However, if the objects were much smaller - no more than five meters in diameter - and took the form of "classic" dishes.
Amazing thing happened to a resident of the nearby village of Ivanovo Roman D. In May 1999, he was still a student of the State Agrarian University of correspondence, went for a walk in the woods. There he found a strange aircraft, similar to the flattened plane. Roman heard voices that called him on a journey, but refused, saying he had a defense of the course work. Then asked unknown topic work and told Roman to come at 6 o'clock in the morning and 32 minutes at the same place. Roman returned and found under birch finished already sewn course work on "Organization and economic efficiency of fertilizer use in Uchkhoz" Mikhailovskoye. "
5. Forest "jesters ports"
Strange name called by the locals forest located between the villages of Slotin and Putyatino - "jesters ports & quot ;. Jester in Russia surnamed ... Yes - yes, that's the devil. Pronounce the word "damn" our ancestors
afraid, you see, really trouble naklichish, will be unclean. Therefore, try to talk about
evil calling her all sorts of nicknames: anchutka, lame, horned, Kutsik, okayashka. Is on the list and nickname - Jester. Confirmation of this we find in our lexicon (often - frankly curse: "to hell with it," replaced by a mild form of "to hell with it").
But back to the forest. Fornication people in it. Lose their orientation. Apparently, he leads Goblin wanderer in the woods, having fun. Locals tried to circumvent the forest monastery host a party, and only once in the forest, before the beginning of fornication, removed all my clothes, turns inside out so again put it forward, but backwards - in advance, trying to enter the devil deceived and take a wraith. Well, as normal peasant could call such an unusual attire, so reminiscent of clothes mummers (during the celebration of Christmas Carols apparel clowns just writhed inside out) - but of course - witchcraft (hell) ... or "clown" (jesters).
They say that the local buffoonery applies to work GPS.
In the area of the poultry farm on the outskirts of Yekaterinburg (Russia, Sverdlovsk region) is an unfinished four-storey hospital, having the glory of bad, damned place. There on the heads of the curious, for no apparent reason falling bricks, falls under the feet of the floor, concrete stairs are threatening to collapse at any moment. Circle all the fray, the walls are destroyed, gaping holes in the floor ... The building is fanned by modern legends.
It turns out that the construction site is not more than 15 years. Her abandoned in connection with the mysterious death of the Director. But still in the process of building here permanently people were killed ... According to rumors, the hospital began construction on the site of the old cemetery. And over the years inside dark rooms goodbye to the lives of several children and adolescents.
Among other things here seen materialized ghosts, strange bluish flash of light in the window openings, as well as new and fresh brickwork podmazki cement, although resuming the construction nobody even thinks. Hell, in a word.
7. Gypsy rock and Thunder source of N 53 ° 36.413 'E 38 ° 42.829' (the coordinates geokeshingovskie with Google-mapovskimi they do not match)
Levin, "Stone Observatory»:
"Multi-ton stone with unknown times lies on the slope of the ravine Kurtz of Kulikovo, people nicknamed his Gypsy.
For casual travelers who stop at the Stone Giant, it is interesting because in it - a niche. There stuffing his arms, chocks, podlozhat bark, and three flame erect narrow, almost straight languages; and the smoke comes out in one long hole, which has a stone. Heated stone. Heat from it. Do you want to sleep - sleep; sing songs with a guitar - sing. Heated stone gives off heat broad waves. Towering stone circle tent with a stove in the middle of flaming coals in groups. Tourists ash rake, discarded.
The huge stone has, as it were smiling mouth, even visible remains of someone labeled lips. A stone is very strong, sunesh in the "mouth" stick, easy to break her of "teeth". Easy firewood ready.
But who could have carved a huge and sturdy stone stove, dryer and
space heater? Who and how to drill a hole? ..
Get the answer to that aim the telescope tube Stone Hollow Kurtz, now can be anyone. Enough to come to the Kulikovo Field in the summer at the summer solstice on June 10 until June 28. Put a tent near a spring with the nickname "Thunder" - source of clean drinking water may have therapeutic. For half an hour before sunrise walk to the Roma stone. A few minutes before sunrise, insert the head into the hole. Fix the chin in a special recess so that at the end of "pipe" tab to see the cold blue flame of a candle, as if the contracted right. At the time of sunrise shine like molten gold filled from the bottom up the blue hole, hit in the eye, and will continue minutupoltory
bestow extraordinary joy that you will remain in the rest of your future life. »
8. 35th kilometer tract Nylginskogo
Everyone has heard about the so-called "masters" who guard the place where they live, and are able to bring a lot of trouble to those who violate the rest of their possessions. This brownies, goblins, water, and other spirits, the scope of which is limited to a place of "residence". As a rule, they do not cause harm to humans, except that the thing which will be hidden in the house or into the woods zavedut, but in general, they even can not be called evil spirits. Domestic spirits even respected their "tenants", especially in the villages: they leave food and gifts under the threshold, to talk to them, they are a little afraid. Because, according to legend, if the house dislikes his "lodger" - certainly it out of the house will survive.
In Udmurtia, near Izhevsk, and to this day there are field "owners". The people in the old days like being referred to as field workers, - spirits guarding rye during mowing. First, who saw them said that it was strange people in large caps. Today, they are more likely to appear before witnessed in a woman's appearance. Dressed in a long white robe, like a nightgown, they talk with a man only a tete-a-tete, and always to something preventable. they do not materialize before each: with whom will be "negotiations", Polevik chooses. Partner "dialogue" is often easily vulnerable, sensitive, compassionate ... in other words, the weak-minded.
At the 35th kilometer Noelginskogo tract, between the villages of Norya and Postol, there is a log, a kind of break in the Earth's crust. This is where meetings take place with field workers. Their appearance begins during mowing and reaping rye - in August, after midnight and before the first cocks. Once removed from the field of rye, the hosts can not see and can not hear until the next harvest. In the surrounding villages almost every met them. After talking with many eyewitnesses, I summarized their stories and concluded that field workers exert their activity in different ways, and shows "spectators" in several different ways: sometimes as a ball of light (!), The dawn of the night, or the glow from forest fires ( daredevils went to check, but found nothing), sometimes out of the woods sparks fly and smoke coming, but no signs of fire, sometimes in calm windless night suddenly on the field like a little tornado begins to walk, hear the tramp, the ear, the average something between horse and men only "steps" heavier panting in the void ... and ears move, as if someone invisible is running on them, and very quickly. And, of course, many describe the mysterious "women in white" who ask passersby to retire in good time.
Here are a few stories of eyewitnesses:
... It was summer. We went with the guard by gardens, we see far rides a motorcycle. He himself is not visible - the night, and the spotlight can be seen swimming along the road. We hurried back - need to check who the rides. Ran to the road and see that there is no motorcycle, and the bright spot that we have taken over the spotlight, flies through the air just below the tops of the pine trees, without any sound of the engine ... glowing "eyes" like we saw on the road, he immediately dropped to the level of chest and flew straight at us. We scared a little, but the light suddenly turned and disappeared. In the morning we went to the place. I must say that the day before was the rain, the road was covered with sticky mud, and the place over which we have seen at night "spotlight" as if someone has dried up instantly - on the entire trajectory of the "flight" ran track dry dust.
... In the other night with the watchman see, from the log bright flash. We turned on the light, and then suddenly out of the undergrowth soared up into the sky bright lightning, direct such centimes 30 in diameter ... Reaching ray sky, "lightning" flowed over him like rings in the water ... We ran to the ravine. Caretaker grumbles supposedly catch bullies now! He thought that someone indulges in pyrotechnics. We get down to the log: silence. Anyone! Watchman shouts, "Hey! Who spoils here? "And then with a loud clatter of the side, as if running two two-legged horses, or people with very severe steps. Approach us closely, "two" split "run" in different directions. Was the sound of footsteps, but no one was visible, only a strong wind rushed after the fugitives invisible, moving and bending the branches.
& Quot; ... farmers, after a hard day, I decided to cut off the path, and went on a tractor in the field. Suddenly in front of him is a woman in white. And asks him to leave, they say, can not be here, there will be a wedding. A guy scared, drove back, that is urine. Went 3-4 kilometers, without turning around. But curiosity won. Turned around and saw a whirlwind or tornado in the place where he cut off the road. And the night was extremely quiet! ... & Quot;
... The woman went to pick mushrooms. When he reached the edge of the forest, when he sees a woman in white. That she says go, here played a wedding, and go do not look! ... Good morning was warm windless ... departed this woman a few feet, but could not resist the temptation and turned around. And there came to life field - the wind blows on it, and the little dust vortices ...
... Watched the flash and glow in the woods at night ... And once such a bright light, like a ship on the ... large UFO in such movies show ... I was scared and hid in a barn. And they say, went to look brave, to understand. And found nothing.

On that mountain in winter 1959 died under mysterious circumstances a group of nine experienced hikers. The mystery is still not disclosed ...
This tragedy took place Feb. 1, 1959. The purpose of the expedition was Dyatlova Climbing Mount dead. Staying overnight at the pass, at night all the members of the group were killed under mysterious circumstances.

Dyatlovtsev lost looking for a long time. The first two bodies were discovered from the air pilot Gennady Patrushev. As later investigation found, in panic, cutting knives inside the tent, tourists began to run down the hill. Some of them were scantily clad. Most died from the cold. However, as the investigation established that three people died from the terrible injuries: fractured ribs, a broken head, bleeding. One of the girls pulled language.

At the moment, none of the versions put forward the death is not considered accepted. Despite numerous attempts to find an explanation for the tragic incident, they remain a mystery as investigators of paranormal phenomena, and for law enforcement.

Within ten years after the tragedy of Dyatlov Pass crashed three planes. Including - manned Patrushev. On the corpses of the two groups of participants who died Dyatlov, as found in the wreckage of the plane piloted by Patrushev, were found traces of radiation
2. in_array (PERM anomalous zone).

IPB (on the border of Perm and Sverdlovsk regions) on the left bank of the Sylva.
Since 1989, the mysterious & lt; area & gt ;, or & lt; M-sky triangle & gt ;, named with a light hand journalist from Riga, Paul Muhortova, dominates the minds of many people. Every year thousands of pilgrims come here to & lt; join the unknown & gt; or, at worst, just talk to each other on the & lt; outrageous & gt; threads.

Peak area numerous visits amateur and professional expeditions came in the 1989 - 1991 years.
Further studies have shown the presence in the zone of high biolakatsionnoy anomalies. In the area observed a huge black figure, glowing orbs and other bodies, supposedly demonstrating the reasonableness of the conduct.

Location of the area is well known ufologists and tourists. In the early 1990s, when the number of visits by tourists exceeded its limits, to conduct any research in this area has become almost impossible (there were cases of fraud traces alleged UFO which in comic to do the tourists). In the press there were reports that the Permian anomalous zone ceased to exist, and in the mid-90s the tourism business in this place has declined significantly.

Manifests itself as & lt; area & gt; in our day? Continue to observe whether there & lt; Aliens & gt; and UFO landing? Still if there occur other strange and weird things? Or & lt; area & gt; & Lt; closed & gt; from contacts? These and other questions are tempted reader will find the answers by going himself in this mysterious & lt; zone & gt ;.
3. Black pole

Komyagin around the village, next to the city Ivanteyevka has a selection of holiday villages. Nice area with its historical monuments. But vacationers try not to let children out of the land. The local old-timers say that somewhere in the forest there is a stone pillar Black. Near the stop watches, compasses begin to lie. Meet such on the way - and all have to stray along the forest paths a few days. "He's probably playing with us - believe Komyagin residents. - People are afraid, and he is hiding. "
Local women who saw Black pole and still managed to get out of the forest, a few days felt noticeably rejuvenated. The situation is complicated by the fact that the exact location of the mysterious black column nobody knows at every full moon, he moved to a new location.

4. Protasovskaya anomalous zone

In Russia, a lot of not only historical and cultural attractions and monuments of nature, but also mysterious places. For example, in Shchelkovo district of Moscow region, between the villages Protasovo, Ogudnevo and Dushonovo, is the so-called Protasovskaya anomalous zone - a place that represents not only the local history, but also, I dare say, a space of interest.
The fact is that in the sky over Protasovo regularly appear flashing wheels, glowing balls, silver "cigar". Here at different times disappeared people and even whole groups. This has already been some publications, but here I would like to quote some of the results of their own research.

Let's start with the well-known "contact April 30, 1990". On that day, on the banks of r.Pruzhenka (coordinates of the place given in the beginning, but to go there I do not recommend) landed a small flying object quadrangular. Witnesses of this phenomenon were three mechanic, relaxing on the hill after work. Men remembered as from "metal hut" came two humanoid (which they first took for the astronauts) and passed them something rattling. At the landing site was a trace - the double helix, like a galaxy, and four holes on the supports. Interestingly, the earth, taken on the spot "spiral" is very different from the usual. If it is thrown into the water, it will not sink, but will pop up. In addition, decoction of herbs, grown on the spot, "spiral", causes aversion to alcohol, and attachment to the head stops hair loss.

But the evidence of local hunters. They claim to have seen in the Zone flashing colored lights "plate", which hangs 15 meters above them. At first they were frightened, and then someone suggested to shell object. Hunters fired at least 20 shots from three carbines, but not shot caused any significant damage to the object, which gradually soared upward and disappeared into the night sky.
A resident of Lviv Ogudnevo Love told how one day, returning home from Protasova, she noticed over the head light silver and quite large (25-30 meters), cigar-shaped object. It was in the early 90s. "It was flying above the trees a bit, but just over the road - says Lubov. - I suddenly feel that I was someone watching. Looked around: no one, all is quiet. Raise my head - and I see it! I opened her mouth and froze, and this ... [I omit some of the terms for ethical reasons - Sh.] Stopped me. Then I walked slowly forward, and it is - too. " Such "scrutiny" and subjected to other locals. However, if the objects were much smaller - no more than five meters in diameter - and took the form of "classic" dishes.

Amazing thing happened to a resident of the nearby village of Ivanovo Roman D. In May 1999, he was still a student of the State Agrarian University of correspondence, went for a walk in the woods. There he found a strange aircraft, similar to the flattened plane. Roman heard voices that called him on a journey, but refused, saying he had a defense of the course work. Then asked unknown topic work and told Roman to come at 6 o'clock in the morning and 32 minutes at the same place. Roman returned and found under birch finished already sewn course work on "Organization and economic efficiency of fertilizer use in Uchkhoz" Mikhailovskoye. "
5. Forest "jesters ports"

Strange name called by the locals forest located between the villages of Slotin and Putyatino - "jesters ports & quot ;. Jester in Russia surnamed ... Yes - yes, that's the devil. Pronounce the word "damn" our ancestors
afraid, you see, really trouble naklichish, will be unclean. Therefore, try to talk about
evil calling her all sorts of nicknames: anchutka, lame, horned, Kutsik, okayashka. Is on the list and nickname - Jester. Confirmation of this we find in our lexicon (often - frankly curse: "to hell with it," replaced by a mild form of "to hell with it").

But back to the forest. Fornication people in it. Lose their orientation. Apparently, he leads Goblin wanderer in the woods, having fun. Locals tried to circumvent the forest monastery host a party, and only once in the forest, before the beginning of fornication, removed all my clothes, turns inside out so again put it forward, but backwards - in advance, trying to enter the devil deceived and take a wraith. Well, as normal peasant could call such an unusual attire, so reminiscent of clothes mummers (during the celebration of Christmas Carols apparel clowns just writhed inside out) - but of course - witchcraft (hell) ... or "clown" (jesters).
They say that the local buffoonery applies to work GPS.

In the area of the poultry farm on the outskirts of Yekaterinburg (Russia, Sverdlovsk region) is an unfinished four-storey hospital, having the glory of bad, damned place. There on the heads of the curious, for no apparent reason falling bricks, falls under the feet of the floor, concrete stairs are threatening to collapse at any moment. Circle all the fray, the walls are destroyed, gaping holes in the floor ... The building is fanned by modern legends.

It turns out that the construction site is not more than 15 years. Her abandoned in connection with the mysterious death of the Director. But still in the process of building here permanently people were killed ... According to rumors, the hospital began construction on the site of the old cemetery. And over the years inside dark rooms goodbye to the lives of several children and adolescents.

Among other things here seen materialized ghosts, strange bluish flash of light in the window openings, as well as new and fresh brickwork podmazki cement, although resuming the construction nobody even thinks. Hell, in a word.
7. Gypsy rock and Thunder source of N 53 ° 36.413 'E 38 ° 42.829' (the coordinates geokeshingovskie with Google-mapovskimi they do not match)

Levin, "Stone Observatory»:
"Multi-ton stone with unknown times lies on the slope of the ravine Kurtz of Kulikovo, people nicknamed his Gypsy.
For casual travelers who stop at the Stone Giant, it is interesting because in it - a niche. There stuffing his arms, chocks, podlozhat bark, and three flame erect narrow, almost straight languages; and the smoke comes out in one long hole, which has a stone. Heated stone. Heat from it. Do you want to sleep - sleep; sing songs with a guitar - sing. Heated stone gives off heat broad waves. Towering stone circle tent with a stove in the middle of flaming coals in groups. Tourists ash rake, discarded.
The huge stone has, as it were smiling mouth, even visible remains of someone labeled lips. A stone is very strong, sunesh in the "mouth" stick, easy to break her of "teeth". Easy firewood ready.
But who could have carved a huge and sturdy stone stove, dryer and
space heater? Who and how to drill a hole? ..
Get the answer to that aim the telescope tube Stone Hollow Kurtz, now can be anyone. Enough to come to the Kulikovo Field in the summer at the summer solstice on June 10 until June 28. Put a tent near a spring with the nickname "Thunder" - source of clean drinking water may have therapeutic. For half an hour before sunrise walk to the Roma stone. A few minutes before sunrise, insert the head into the hole. Fix the chin in a special recess so that at the end of "pipe" tab to see the cold blue flame of a candle, as if the contracted right. At the time of sunrise shine like molten gold filled from the bottom up the blue hole, hit in the eye, and will continue minutupoltory
bestow extraordinary joy that you will remain in the rest of your future life. »
8. 35th kilometer tract Nylginskogo

Everyone has heard about the so-called "masters" who guard the place where they live, and are able to bring a lot of trouble to those who violate the rest of their possessions. This brownies, goblins, water, and other spirits, the scope of which is limited to a place of "residence". As a rule, they do not cause harm to humans, except that the thing which will be hidden in the house or into the woods zavedut, but in general, they even can not be called evil spirits. Domestic spirits even respected their "tenants", especially in the villages: they leave food and gifts under the threshold, to talk to them, they are a little afraid. Because, according to legend, if the house dislikes his "lodger" - certainly it out of the house will survive.
In Udmurtia, near Izhevsk, and to this day there are field "owners". The people in the old days like being referred to as field workers, - spirits guarding rye during mowing. First, who saw them said that it was strange people in large caps. Today, they are more likely to appear before witnessed in a woman's appearance. Dressed in a long white robe, like a nightgown, they talk with a man only a tete-a-tete, and always to something preventable. they do not materialize before each: with whom will be "negotiations", Polevik chooses. Partner "dialogue" is often easily vulnerable, sensitive, compassionate ... in other words, the weak-minded.

At the 35th kilometer Noelginskogo tract, between the villages of Norya and Postol, there is a log, a kind of break in the Earth's crust. This is where meetings take place with field workers. Their appearance begins during mowing and reaping rye - in August, after midnight and before the first cocks. Once removed from the field of rye, the hosts can not see and can not hear until the next harvest. In the surrounding villages almost every met them. After talking with many eyewitnesses, I summarized their stories and concluded that field workers exert their activity in different ways, and shows "spectators" in several different ways: sometimes as a ball of light (!), The dawn of the night, or the glow from forest fires ( daredevils went to check, but found nothing), sometimes out of the woods sparks fly and smoke coming, but no signs of fire, sometimes in calm windless night suddenly on the field like a little tornado begins to walk, hear the tramp, the ear, the average something between horse and men only "steps" heavier panting in the void ... and ears move, as if someone invisible is running on them, and very quickly. And, of course, many describe the mysterious "women in white" who ask passersby to retire in good time.

Here are a few stories of eyewitnesses:
... It was summer. We went with the guard by gardens, we see far rides a motorcycle. He himself is not visible - the night, and the spotlight can be seen swimming along the road. We hurried back - need to check who the rides. Ran to the road and see that there is no motorcycle, and the bright spot that we have taken over the spotlight, flies through the air just below the tops of the pine trees, without any sound of the engine ... glowing "eyes" like we saw on the road, he immediately dropped to the level of chest and flew straight at us. We scared a little, but the light suddenly turned and disappeared. In the morning we went to the place. I must say that the day before was the rain, the road was covered with sticky mud, and the place over which we have seen at night "spotlight" as if someone has dried up instantly - on the entire trajectory of the "flight" ran track dry dust.
... In the other night with the watchman see, from the log bright flash. We turned on the light, and then suddenly out of the undergrowth soared up into the sky bright lightning, direct such centimes 30 in diameter ... Reaching ray sky, "lightning" flowed over him like rings in the water ... We ran to the ravine. Caretaker grumbles supposedly catch bullies now! He thought that someone indulges in pyrotechnics. We get down to the log: silence. Anyone! Watchman shouts, "Hey! Who spoils here? "And then with a loud clatter of the side, as if running two two-legged horses, or people with very severe steps. Approach us closely, "two" split "run" in different directions. Was the sound of footsteps, but no one was visible, only a strong wind rushed after the fugitives invisible, moving and bending the branches.
& Quot; ... farmers, after a hard day, I decided to cut off the path, and went on a tractor in the field. Suddenly in front of him is a woman in white. And asks him to leave, they say, can not be here, there will be a wedding. A guy scared, drove back, that is urine. Went 3-4 kilometers, without turning around. But curiosity won. Turned around and saw a whirlwind or tornado in the place where he cut off the road. And the night was extremely quiet! ... & Quot;
... The woman went to pick mushrooms. When he reached the edge of the forest, when he sees a woman in white. That she says go, here played a wedding, and go do not look! ... Good morning was warm windless ... departed this woman a few feet, but could not resist the temptation and turned around. And there came to life field - the wind blows on it, and the little dust vortices ...
... Watched the flash and glow in the woods at night ... And once such a bright light, like a ship on the ... large UFO in such movies show ... I was scared and hid in a barn. And they say, went to look brave, to understand. And found nothing.