To hell, I'm out of the comfort zone

We all have internal boundaries within which we feel warm, cozy and safe - the same comfort zone. It is these internal frame forcing us to hold on to relationships that have outlived their usefulness, for a job that does not bring us satisfaction, and even the usual way of thinking. But life goes on, and I want fresh emotion, new developments change.
Website motivating publishes an article that will finally gather the courage to take a step towards something new.
It would seem, what's wrong with comfort and security? Nothing, except the fact that they greatly impede the development and mastering of new.
Outside the comfort zone is an area of risk. Intelligent going beyond the comfort zone at risk - a necessary condition for the development of the person. As a general rule, the younger a person is, the easier and more likely it expands the comfort zone.
Understand that you are stuck in a comfort zone, it is possible for the reaction to any new situation faced by, or even just thinking about it. It can be totally different - excitement, curiosity, interest, concern, but the fear is the clearest indication that out of the comfort zone would not be desirable.
How to get out of your comfort zone? The most important condition for the output can be regarded as the realization that we are stuck in it. Not recognizing ourselves that we are stuck in a comfort zone, we can not get the ball rolling.
It is important to take for themselves the idea that we're stuck here and we need to move beyond the current situation, identifying the area of your comfort zone. It is our job, our business, the established, but do not suit our relationship, the city, the apartment where we live - all this can be our comfort zone that we have not satisfied, but we are afraid of change and do nothing in order to change their lives.
Bear in a small cage h3> In a small zoo bear long kept in a small cage, so he could only make 4 steps in one direction and turn around and make the 4 steps back. So he walked for days in a cage and back. Visitors spared the bear and said, "What he probably would have been happy if he could be free».
As time went on, the zoo began to repair, and all the animals made large spacious cages. They had a lot of greenery, and in the paddock of a bear even a swimming pool. Zoo workers anticipated as a huge beast would be delighted when he moved from a small cage in a spacious enclosure.
And the long-awaited day has come. Bear distilled into a tiny cage for transportation and transported to a new location. Even in the transport cage, the bear managed to make their mandatory 4 steps fro.
Finally, he was released in a new spacious enclosure. Bear looked around cautiously took a step, then another, third, fourth ... And then he turned and again made the 4 steps back. He could not understand that now the bars of the cage that limited his freedom, exist only in his imagination. But these bars in the memory of the beast turned out to be stronger than this. Since bear and still walks in the huge aviary: 4 steps and 4 to step back.
That's why it is important stage of the realization that there are borders.
The main condition for the release of their comfort zone - to learn to cease to feel fear when meeting with a new and be able to take a step toward him. Here are some simple tips to help you with this:
1. Change the usual stuff. h3> You can try to go to work the other way, to change the usual routine and go not in the store, which along the way, and one that is on the other streets, buy unfamiliar foods.
2. Get introduced to someone. h3> This is a very good way to get out of your comfort zone. It does not matter where and how, the main thing - that the person was new to you.
3. Sign up for courses or training. H3> Maybe you've always wanted to learn a foreign language, or to go to acting classes. Next, the right time - right now!
4. Learn something new. H3> to play the balalaika, do rolls, cross stitching - all excellent trainers to expand the comfort zone.
5. Read a book, watch a movie or listen to music in an unusual genre. H3> Love Rock - listen to jazz, love melodrama - watch a thriller, I love detective stories - try to read poetry. Expand your horizons - this will help not only to get out of your comfort zone as to fill knowledge and interests.
6. Go on an unplanned trip. h3> Do not plan ahead, to decide all on the go. It may not be the easiest exercise, and someone does not immediately have to shoulder, but the mass of fresh impressions are guaranteed!
7. Visit the new unfamiliar place. h3> Why not dine in an unfamiliar restaurant or a walk in an unknown place of the city? Interesting experiences are always close at hand - should only make them step forward.
8. Dress unusual. H3> Change the familiar face and style - a great option to exit the comfort zone. Any girl can not hurt sometimes to delay and dilute favorite jeans wardrobe skirts and dresses, and boys can be very familiar to the person to replace the sweater on a strict shirt. Experiment, it's so refreshing!
9. Make permutation. h3> Take a look at my room with fresh eyes and try to arrange at least a small rearrangement. Or add bright accents.
In conclusion, a perfect metaphor from psychologist Gennadiy Pavlenko, it illustrates our behavior when we cling to their comfort zone or, as in this case, with the usual perception of the world:
Imagine that you are in the tank. Coming forward in life, watching what is happening in the narrow viewing slit. The very fact that you are a tanker, has said that life for you - the war. At the same time slot because it is evident that people walking around. Just go. Do not fight. Fall in love, quarrel, work, lazy, resting, reading.
As a tank, these people look like? How foolish, right? And if a sniper from the roof? Or infantry attack? What will they do in their shirt colors painted ?! Therefore, it is better in the tank. Yes, it's hot. Yes, shakes. Yes, a bit crowded, but no sniper will not reach! And that is not even close to it, so it's only a matter of time.
And time, by the way, takes place, and the tanker ends its way of life, and not having it start. Some of the end of life, when he has nothing to lose, yet recruited the courage to look out out of the hatch , but as the time is still there, dive back into your tank. There's more familiar.
But just as there is for a reliable armor! Yes, strange. Yes, it is terrible. Yes, all within shouting - not! But we have to. Why should we? Why is it necessary? Then, it is a pity that such a cool life in the tank to hold. Because there, for the armor, it's interesting!
Author: Ekaterina Pavlova
Preview: universe-beauty