Evapolar first effective mini air conditioner
Today we would like to invite you to discuss new product from Russian developers Vladimir Levitin and Eugene Oak – mini-air Evapolar, capable, according to the authors of the invention, to create an effective individual comfort zone in a radius of 2-3 meters. The project was announced on IndieGoGo, where demonstrates impressive growth dynamics.
Russian projects on crowdfunding platforms can be rather rarely met. The more attractive seems the story of a startup Evapolar managed to collect from September 2015 on the platform IndieGoGo, almost S300, 000 dollars. The authors argue that the level of efficiency of their mini-air conditioner exceeds all existing analogs operating on the same principle principle and not inferior to wall, floor and window climatic cooling systems.
Why do we need mini-air conditioners, when there is a multifunctional complete system?
The urgency of the problem of the lack of local air-conditioning confirmed the preliminary polls conducted by the authors. They note that about 30% of users of standard HVAC systems are not satisfied with the opportunities they have bought or installed in the offices equipment. In large business centers, multizone equipment is included in the beginning of the working day from 9 am and off at 6 PM, when some of the staff still sat at work, the opinion of each individual employee and the administration, as a rule, interested in moderately. Acutely the problem of individual climatic comfort is in the home, especially where there are children, weak and sick people.
On the other hand, a really effective and economical alternative to existing domestic air conditioning systems for General use in the market today to offer not ready. ”... On the one hand there are a lot of manufacturers offering fully-featured systems that control the climate of the entire room or building with other fans and humidifiers that do not support a cooling function, or cope with the function of conditioning, but a mediocre level.” Thus was born the idea of creating a device that effectively cools the air to a limited extent, performing simultaneously the functions of the humidifier.
Surveys were able to confirm: individual comfort zone people must create for himself. This premise formed the basis of the concept development mini-air conditioner Evapolar.
From idea to implementation
His appearance in the light Evapolar owes a lot to the father of one of the founders of the project, proposed back in 2000, ”nanobiology”, in which instead of the usual cellulose was used the basalt.
Being 1,000 times thinner than cellulose, basalt fiber has a diameter of 40 nanometers, which allows the material of nanofibers to incorporate into existing voids weight of the liquid is much greater than its own weight of the fibers. It is from such fibers of Eugene Dubovoy Vladimir Levitin has created a volatile plate, providing uniform and intense hydration cooling of the cartridge and, as a consequence, energy efficient air conditioning at the radius of the individual comfort zone of 2-3 meters.
Investments or crowdfunding? The complexity of the rise of hardware startups in Russia – a good reason for skepticism by investors. According to Vladimir and Eugene ”... For a start-up that develops a web service or mobile application, ”seed” round is $300-500 thousand, for “iron” – it is at least $1 million, while in the West at this stage, even get to $3-4 million” Attempts to find understanding in the environment of Russian venture investors are invariably faced with doubt and distrust, and the establishment of a pilot batch for the purpose of the sale was pretty risky. The way out of the situation the team Levitin and Eugene Oak saw in the platform of crowdfunding.
KickStarter or IndieGoGo? Quite conservative, living by strict rules platform KickStarter – the “big brother” IndieGoGo, originally to command more interest as the philosophy of the project and on organic traffic. Unfortunately, due to the complexity of peer review of proposals and the large number of “fakes” platform ceased to announce products related to HVAC equipment. Unlike KickStarter, IndieGoGo platform is much more liberal here manufacturer interested in an additional sales channel can represent at least the original jacket, which does not contain any major innovations. In the end, a detailed analysis of the capabilities of the two platforms led to the choice in favor of IndieGoGo.
As a rule, up to 70% of the funds on crowdfunding platforms come from backers of the United States. In the case of Evapolar a greater interest in the device showed the Asian market, where the new system was perceived not as another curious gadget, but as energy-efficient air conditioner that can solve the problem of creating individual climatic zones of comfort.
The corresponding trend can be seen in the statistics of pre-orders. Their total number today crossed the mark of 1200 devices, totaling more than $170 thousand of them — orders from companies and distributors who want to buy Evapolar for installation in the workplaces of its employees or as corporate gifts. The company at the site was begun in September, when the activity of the audience interested in the topic of cooling rushes to its minimum.
Given the demand has already been confirmed the actual pre-orders, the team got a great chance to dialogue with investors, both in Russia and abroad. Negotiate, starting from round $500 thousand, Vladimir and Eugene are very interested in the “smart” investment with a focus on examination of production and organization of distribution network.
Evapolar — plus
The weight of the device can not only cool the air but also work as a humidifier, only 1.68 kg. the rate of evaporation, which determines the temperature of the air is regulated automatically. Efficient water distribution across the entire surface of the cooling cartridge allows for an intense local cooling and moistening at the lowest cost of electricity, 12 times less than those that occur in typical floor and wall air conditioners. The probability of a cold, high for a traditional large cooling systems by creating a directed chilled air flow in the case of Evapolar tends to zero.
Ecology One of the advantages of mini-air conditioner Evapolar – no need in filling the system with freon, or any other highly toxic coolant. Cooled to a comfortable temperature evaporation is not only not harmful, but useful for hair, skin, and respiratory system. The assurances of the authors of the development, details of construction and the materials used allowed us to exclude the effect of the characteristic odor, which is accompanied by the existing ”swamp air conditioners” due to bacteria generated during operation.
Cost and efficiency the Cost of installation on pre-order with shipping is $ 179 US. Upon start of serial production is scheduled for June 2016, the value of the delivered devices is estimated at $ 250. The level of energy consumption – 10 watts/hour. The capacity for water storage is 710 ml which allows you to provide 6-8 hours of continuous operation.
Today's latest energy-efficient evaporative coolers – large-size system, used mainly for industrial purposes, are quite expensive. In contrast to existing systems Evapolar is a personal source of optimal microclimate, affordable and no less effective than the alternative of large wall and floor options use liquid refrigerant.
An example of an industrial conditioning of the new generation. Environmentally friendly process of energy transformation without using CO2 and freon, a compressor. The cost of installation without installation $16500
Comparative diagram of the efficiency of standard household and mini-air conditioner Evapolar
Compactness and minimal weight of the device allow you to install it on your desktop or on the nightstand next to the bed. The level of energy consumption at 6-8 hourly interval usage is only 10 watts, providing the cooling capacity in the local comfort zone to 500 watts.
About the constraints of devices within the announcement of the project say it is not accepted, so in the presentation of material on this no nothing. Share your thoughts.
Limitations, which are not reported, the authors Mention the advantages of the mini air conditioning system Evopolar working on the classical principle of evaporation, it should be noted that the efficiency of the device largely depends on the humidity of the surrounding air. In hot climates, and a relative humidity of just over 50% of the system works flawlessly. The efficiency of the installation is reduced proportionally to the increase in humidity, so even if the temperature has exceeded 40C, with relative humidity of 80% the resulting effect is considerably reduced. This is why the development Leonid and Vladimir has a bright future, for example, in the countries of the Middle East, in Mexico and in the southern United States or dry regions in Asia, where Evopolar can provide high efficiency with minimum energy costs. It uses a replacement cartridge for $20, the replacement of which is required to carry out 1 time per year.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: geektimes.ru/company/icover/blog/265104/

Russian projects on crowdfunding platforms can be rather rarely met. The more attractive seems the story of a startup Evapolar managed to collect from September 2015 on the platform IndieGoGo, almost S300, 000 dollars. The authors argue that the level of efficiency of their mini-air conditioner exceeds all existing analogs operating on the same principle principle and not inferior to wall, floor and window climatic cooling systems.
Why do we need mini-air conditioners, when there is a multifunctional complete system?
The urgency of the problem of the lack of local air-conditioning confirmed the preliminary polls conducted by the authors. They note that about 30% of users of standard HVAC systems are not satisfied with the opportunities they have bought or installed in the offices equipment. In large business centers, multizone equipment is included in the beginning of the working day from 9 am and off at 6 PM, when some of the staff still sat at work, the opinion of each individual employee and the administration, as a rule, interested in moderately. Acutely the problem of individual climatic comfort is in the home, especially where there are children, weak and sick people.
On the other hand, a really effective and economical alternative to existing domestic air conditioning systems for General use in the market today to offer not ready. ”... On the one hand there are a lot of manufacturers offering fully-featured systems that control the climate of the entire room or building with other fans and humidifiers that do not support a cooling function, or cope with the function of conditioning, but a mediocre level.” Thus was born the idea of creating a device that effectively cools the air to a limited extent, performing simultaneously the functions of the humidifier.
Surveys were able to confirm: individual comfort zone people must create for himself. This premise formed the basis of the concept development mini-air conditioner Evapolar.
From idea to implementation
His appearance in the light Evapolar owes a lot to the father of one of the founders of the project, proposed back in 2000, ”nanobiology”, in which instead of the usual cellulose was used the basalt.

Being 1,000 times thinner than cellulose, basalt fiber has a diameter of 40 nanometers, which allows the material of nanofibers to incorporate into existing voids weight of the liquid is much greater than its own weight of the fibers. It is from such fibers of Eugene Dubovoy Vladimir Levitin has created a volatile plate, providing uniform and intense hydration cooling of the cartridge and, as a consequence, energy efficient air conditioning at the radius of the individual comfort zone of 2-3 meters.
Investments or crowdfunding? The complexity of the rise of hardware startups in Russia – a good reason for skepticism by investors. According to Vladimir and Eugene ”... For a start-up that develops a web service or mobile application, ”seed” round is $300-500 thousand, for “iron” – it is at least $1 million, while in the West at this stage, even get to $3-4 million” Attempts to find understanding in the environment of Russian venture investors are invariably faced with doubt and distrust, and the establishment of a pilot batch for the purpose of the sale was pretty risky. The way out of the situation the team Levitin and Eugene Oak saw in the platform of crowdfunding.
KickStarter or IndieGoGo? Quite conservative, living by strict rules platform KickStarter – the “big brother” IndieGoGo, originally to command more interest as the philosophy of the project and on organic traffic. Unfortunately, due to the complexity of peer review of proposals and the large number of “fakes” platform ceased to announce products related to HVAC equipment. Unlike KickStarter, IndieGoGo platform is much more liberal here manufacturer interested in an additional sales channel can represent at least the original jacket, which does not contain any major innovations. In the end, a detailed analysis of the capabilities of the two platforms led to the choice in favor of IndieGoGo.
As a rule, up to 70% of the funds on crowdfunding platforms come from backers of the United States. In the case of Evapolar a greater interest in the device showed the Asian market, where the new system was perceived not as another curious gadget, but as energy-efficient air conditioner that can solve the problem of creating individual climatic zones of comfort.

The corresponding trend can be seen in the statistics of pre-orders. Their total number today crossed the mark of 1200 devices, totaling more than $170 thousand of them — orders from companies and distributors who want to buy Evapolar for installation in the workplaces of its employees or as corporate gifts. The company at the site was begun in September, when the activity of the audience interested in the topic of cooling rushes to its minimum.
Given the demand has already been confirmed the actual pre-orders, the team got a great chance to dialogue with investors, both in Russia and abroad. Negotiate, starting from round $500 thousand, Vladimir and Eugene are very interested in the “smart” investment with a focus on examination of production and organization of distribution network.
Evapolar — plus
The weight of the device can not only cool the air but also work as a humidifier, only 1.68 kg. the rate of evaporation, which determines the temperature of the air is regulated automatically. Efficient water distribution across the entire surface of the cooling cartridge allows for an intense local cooling and moistening at the lowest cost of electricity, 12 times less than those that occur in typical floor and wall air conditioners. The probability of a cold, high for a traditional large cooling systems by creating a directed chilled air flow in the case of Evapolar tends to zero.

Ecology One of the advantages of mini-air conditioner Evapolar – no need in filling the system with freon, or any other highly toxic coolant. Cooled to a comfortable temperature evaporation is not only not harmful, but useful for hair, skin, and respiratory system. The assurances of the authors of the development, details of construction and the materials used allowed us to exclude the effect of the characteristic odor, which is accompanied by the existing ”swamp air conditioners” due to bacteria generated during operation.

Cost and efficiency the Cost of installation on pre-order with shipping is $ 179 US. Upon start of serial production is scheduled for June 2016, the value of the delivered devices is estimated at $ 250. The level of energy consumption – 10 watts/hour. The capacity for water storage is 710 ml which allows you to provide 6-8 hours of continuous operation.
Today's latest energy-efficient evaporative coolers – large-size system, used mainly for industrial purposes, are quite expensive. In contrast to existing systems Evapolar is a personal source of optimal microclimate, affordable and no less effective than the alternative of large wall and floor options use liquid refrigerant.

An example of an industrial conditioning of the new generation. Environmentally friendly process of energy transformation without using CO2 and freon, a compressor. The cost of installation without installation $16500

Comparative diagram of the efficiency of standard household and mini-air conditioner Evapolar
Compactness and minimal weight of the device allow you to install it on your desktop or on the nightstand next to the bed. The level of energy consumption at 6-8 hourly interval usage is only 10 watts, providing the cooling capacity in the local comfort zone to 500 watts.
About the constraints of devices within the announcement of the project say it is not accepted, so in the presentation of material on this no nothing. Share your thoughts.
Limitations, which are not reported, the authors Mention the advantages of the mini air conditioning system Evopolar working on the classical principle of evaporation, it should be noted that the efficiency of the device largely depends on the humidity of the surrounding air. In hot climates, and a relative humidity of just over 50% of the system works flawlessly. The efficiency of the installation is reduced proportionally to the increase in humidity, so even if the temperature has exceeded 40C, with relative humidity of 80% the resulting effect is considerably reduced. This is why the development Leonid and Vladimir has a bright future, for example, in the countries of the Middle East, in Mexico and in the southern United States or dry regions in Asia, where Evopolar can provide high efficiency with minimum energy costs. It uses a replacement cartridge for $20, the replacement of which is required to carry out 1 time per year.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: geektimes.ru/company/icover/blog/265104/
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