"Dad, how do I become a genius?"

do not often see a situation where the Pope give advice daughters. But if that happens, the father always practical recommendations, pooled and merits.
Today Website offers a look at the education of her daughter look Dmitry Chernyshev - known blogger, designer and author of books.
The daughter came up with the question, "Dad, how do I become a genius?" Good question. Like many children of naive questions, most of which adults respond like this: "You need to study hard and obey your parents." Although, to be a genius, neither that nor another not so sure.
And to answer such questions can only be serious for children. Adults mostly stupid, lazy, incurious, narcissistic and unable to withstand a normal dialogue. They are not as willing to listen and discuss heard many waiting for their turn to tell his story - "But with me once was the case." In addition, rarely of the adults are able to change their own point of view - they snatch from the general background information only what confirms their beliefs, and the rest simply ignored. They are too crowded.
If a child wants to be a genius - too late to tell him about heredity.
What is grown, it has grown. But this can work. Become a genius can only be by Baron Karl Friedrich Hieronymus von Munchausen - constantly pulling itself out of the swamp by the hair. From swamp "be all" and "what are you - the most intelligent?».
Geniuses are springing up like mushrooms. Very heap in a suitable medium. Geniuses are geniuses pull. Genius was a small Greek city of Athens, Pushkin Lyceum artistic environment in Paris of the early twentieth century, the school of Max Born, Russian Silver Age ... With a relatively small number of participants - an amazing number of talented people. But now every man himself is able to create around himself a talented medium. The Internet was created for this.
The main and almost the only resource available to the child, - the time. and need to dispose of them properly. We must refuse to communicate with fools, from dumb computer games, watching TV - all this is done to kill time. We need to surround yourself with only the best things - books, films, photographs, music and people (no matter - living or dead).
It is important not to lower the bar. Anyone watching a stupid movie, the political transfer to the central television or dispute with an idiot on the Internet dramatically throws man back. In the swamp. It is absolutely necessary mental hygiene - not to take over the Cuckoo.
So Japanese antiquarians taught apprentices: they surrounded their only truly valuable things. And the student who grew up in such an environment could immediately identify a fake. And idiots is not very difficult to determine. There are some sure-fire signs: anger, egotism, lack of self-irony, self-confidence, telling nasty things about former friends and loved ones, the desire to humiliate the interlocutor. Do not try to alter these people. They just need to avoid.
There is another good technique
Do not be afraid to doubt yourself. I do not know any normal person who does not like to tormented by his own imperfections. If only it did not drive it himself. Because genius not only absorbs the best of the environment. He must give something back. No matter what the field, no matter how much. First, a little. By a little. But trying to make it a little "full-length". No kidding.
Try it, you will.
via www.loft3photography.com/blog/