"The beauty of mixed blood": 16 pictures of children from parents of different nationalities
«Most often children take the best from each nation, and I was always very curious to watch for this: some of the eyes, hair color and shape of the nose child will inherit. And nature knows how to surprise each time.
I've been wearing this idea in my head, and then in one minute, just took it and wrote an ad in a parent group, I was looking for children of different national project. I responded, to my surprise, more than 200 parents.
It was very difficult to select, for all children in their own adorable, so I set myself certain restrictions and tried to follow them. For example, age - I needed the kids aged 6-9 years, not least because they can sit still. Or I tried not to take children with the same "mixture", even though the temptation was great and I even once could not resist. »
Blockquote> Website invites its readers to take a look, what do Naira was the result.
Maya 5 years. Dad - Russian, mother - an Armenian h3>
Daniel 6.5 years. Dad - Nigerian mother - Russian h3>
Lucian, 5 years. Dad - Ukrainian / Russian, mother - Turkmen / Tatar h3>
Xenia, 9 years. The Pope - a German Jew, my mother - Russian / Tatar h3>
Vagif, 9 years. Dad - Azeri / Russian, my mother - an Armenian / Russian h3>
Timur, 7 years. Dad - Azerbaijani, mother - Russian h3>
Eva, 5 years. Dad - Korean, mother - Russian / Ukrainian / Jewish h3>
Lucas, 5 years. Dad - Belgian mother - Russian h3>
Salma, 4, 5 years. Dad - Uzbek, mother - an Armenian h3>
Daniel, 7 years. Dad - Tatar, mother - Georgian h3>
Anna, 8 years old. Pope - Armenian, mother - Russian h3>
Leon, 5 years. The exact nationality is unknown h3>
Alice, 5 years. Dad - Russian, mother - Uzbek / Tatar h3>
Dominic, 6 years. Dad - Georgian / Tatar Mom - Ossetian h3>
Eliza, 5 years. Pope - Armenian / Georgian mother - Russian h3>
< See also: The unique beauty of women from different countries in a photo project "Atlas of beauty»
via zefirka.net/2016/02/11/krasota-detej-smeshannyx-krovej/