Toronto parents: No new sex education program!
A 16-year-old boy recently attended a book fair hosted by the Toronto School Board of Education. I found a book called “How to Safely Have Strange Sex.” The book talks about ways to satisfy sexual desires through sadism, masochism and other “isms”.
It caused a scandal. Now officials from education allegedly deal with this case. . .
Why do I write “scandal” and not “scandal”? There are many such cases in Toronto. They come out here and there. Thanks to parents who care.
One of the most egregious cases occurred in 2013, when a seven-month (!) poster featuring two men hung on a classroom wall in one of the schools, which I hesitate to show on this website.
The poster was discovered by one of the parents. It hit the media. There was a scandal again. The poster was removed. But just imagine: for seven months, not a single teacher of the school was outraged, not surprised by a poster displayed in a classroom where children aged 12-14 studied. .
All this is very similar to the probing of society on “lice”. And an attentive inhuman look: will they notice or not, and if they notice - what will happen? Will they be silent for fear of being called “homophobes” or will they be outraged?
To the credit of Toronto parents: they resent. In May, 35,000 children failed to attend Toronto schools. Parents left them at home to protest a new sex education program that will teach children in first grade what “vagina”, “vulva”, “penis” and “sexual consent”, third-graders will be told in a positive way about homosexuality and same-sex “families”, sixth-graders will be told about masturbation as “a pleasant way to know your body”, and seven-eighth-graders – about oral and anal sex. It is also planned to introduce children to the “theory of sexes”, according to which there are not two, but many. And you're not necessarily a boy or a girl, but who you feel you are. . .
By the way, a year earlier, Vancouver schools offered a program under which a boy, if he feels like a girl, can play in a girl’s sports team and go to the girls’ toilet. The same goes for girls who feel like boys. Vancouver also allowed children to change into the clothes of their chosen sex, and the school must not notify parents of such behavior of their child.
Vancouver's huge Chinese community protested. According to polls, only 20% of Chinese people have a positive attitude towards homosexuals. Among Canadians, 80% are tolerant.
In Toronto, everyone came out to protest: Anglo-Saxons, Chinese, Muslims of different nationalities, Russians, Greeks, immigrants from Africa. In mid-April of this year, a rally was held against the new sexual education program, at which about five thousand people expressed their opinion. “We say ‘No!’” was the slogan of the campaign against sex education.
The rally was held in front of the Ontario Parliament building, where Kathleen Wynn, the provincial prime minister, is an open lesbian who is planning to introduce a horrifying program in primary schools from September.
She didn't hear her parents. I didn't want to hear it. At first, she called the crowd “homophobes”, then newspapers wrote that they were “religious”, then Education Minister Liz Sandals said that the parents are controlled by the opposition. . .
And then there were several more rallies in different parts of the city, and then came the largest in the history of Canada parental strike. Some schools did not have up to 90% of children.
The authorities were visibly worried. The newspapers, which had hitherto been neutral, but had repeatedly given information about the coming strike, from which it could be concluded that they shared the convictions of their parents, had changed their views. And they are explanatory work that allegedly some attackers misinterpreted the new sex education program, deliberately misled parents, but in fact its purpose is to prevent early pregnancy, as well as protect children from online pedophiles, protect homosexual or transgender schoolchildren from teasing. And also... There is much to enumerate about what the Ontario government says in defense of its program.
But my parents read it. Moreover, it has been familiar to them since 2010, when it was first tried. Then the fight sex education gave Christian organizations. There is an evangelical pastor in Canada, Charles McViti. This is a well-known man who heads the organization of thousands of “Christian College”. Other Christian groups also participated in the battle. It was they who informed the public that the Ontario government was quietly going to introduce a new sex education program in schools. After the publication of some of its items in the media began a scandal. The parents protested and the authorities backed down. . .
And now, you might ask. .
The strike is over. In some media there is agitation work for a new sex education. They started collecting signatures on the Internet to introduce it (following the example of parents who collected about 70 thousand votes against sex education). They run polls through newspapers all the time. Yes, only they give the same results: where 72% of parents are against, where all 80% are against. The newspapers hint that, they say, the Canadians themselves are for sex education, it is immigrants who muddy the water, mainly Muslims.
Both rallies and strikes were organized by indigenous Canadians. In 2010 and now, it is the Christian organizations of Canada that raise the noise. And emigrants and, of course, Muslims are the ones who respond the most to the call to stop the corruption of children.
If a new sex program is introduced in schools, it will become unsafe to go to them. In primary schools, children study from the preparatory class to the 8th (4-13 years). And if teenagers in the period of their puberty endlessly taunted in the lessons about different types of sex with the display of videos and photos, then where is the guarantee that excited in this way a teenager does not abuse a classmate or baby in the school toilet?
Parents are particularly angry that when the sex education program was created in 2010, Ontario’s undersecretary of education was Ben Levine. He was arrested in 2013 on child pornography charges. He's on trial now. He was found guilty of creating a porn story about a child, but the main thing is that on sites where incest lovers gather, he advised mothers how to corrupt their children and have sex with them.
There have long been rumors in North American society that pedophiles want to follow the path of homosexuals in asserting their rights. And the first bells have long been ringing... At meetings of the American Association of Psychiatrists, it has been repeatedly said that pedophilia is not a mental illness, but an orientation. And where there is orientation, as you know, there is no discrimination. Also, all sorts of “researchers” stated that “the negative impact on children of sex with adults is exaggerated”, and that allegedly conducted studies that showed that children who experienced violence in childhood, quite themselves in adulthood occurred. There are organizations in North America that write that “no one should be deprived of pleasure because of age.” As you can see, this is not about old people. They are equal in rights with all other adults. . .
Let’s assume for a moment that pedophiles are legalized. But where do you get the kids? Who will? But such parents who will grow up on the new program of sex education – on the stories that “stereotypes interfere with life”, that same-sex “families” are equal to ordinary, that “for love there is no gender”, that is, today you can with a man, tomorrow with a woman, today you can be a boy, and tomorrow a girl. So then just inform that children just need an adult mentor who will professionally introduce them to sexual life, and they will agree. . .
Ontario's parents keep fighting. New sex education authorities promise to introduce in schools in the autumn. Catholics also addressed the Pope through his representative in Canada. The Catholic Church is no longer in Canada. Because some battles have long been lost. Well, the most important thing at the moment is the weapon of moms and dads - an indefinite strike. It probably won't be avoided.
Prepared by Evelina Azaeva P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
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Source: www.pravoslavie.ru/jurnal/79233.htm
It caused a scandal. Now officials from education allegedly deal with this case. . .
Why do I write “scandal” and not “scandal”? There are many such cases in Toronto. They come out here and there. Thanks to parents who care.
One of the most egregious cases occurred in 2013, when a seven-month (!) poster featuring two men hung on a classroom wall in one of the schools, which I hesitate to show on this website.
The poster was discovered by one of the parents. It hit the media. There was a scandal again. The poster was removed. But just imagine: for seven months, not a single teacher of the school was outraged, not surprised by a poster displayed in a classroom where children aged 12-14 studied. .

All this is very similar to the probing of society on “lice”. And an attentive inhuman look: will they notice or not, and if they notice - what will happen? Will they be silent for fear of being called “homophobes” or will they be outraged?
To the credit of Toronto parents: they resent. In May, 35,000 children failed to attend Toronto schools. Parents left them at home to protest a new sex education program that will teach children in first grade what “vagina”, “vulva”, “penis” and “sexual consent”, third-graders will be told in a positive way about homosexuality and same-sex “families”, sixth-graders will be told about masturbation as “a pleasant way to know your body”, and seven-eighth-graders – about oral and anal sex. It is also planned to introduce children to the “theory of sexes”, according to which there are not two, but many. And you're not necessarily a boy or a girl, but who you feel you are. . .
By the way, a year earlier, Vancouver schools offered a program under which a boy, if he feels like a girl, can play in a girl’s sports team and go to the girls’ toilet. The same goes for girls who feel like boys. Vancouver also allowed children to change into the clothes of their chosen sex, and the school must not notify parents of such behavior of their child.
Vancouver's huge Chinese community protested. According to polls, only 20% of Chinese people have a positive attitude towards homosexuals. Among Canadians, 80% are tolerant.
In Toronto, everyone came out to protest: Anglo-Saxons, Chinese, Muslims of different nationalities, Russians, Greeks, immigrants from Africa. In mid-April of this year, a rally was held against the new sexual education program, at which about five thousand people expressed their opinion. “We say ‘No!’” was the slogan of the campaign against sex education.
The rally was held in front of the Ontario Parliament building, where Kathleen Wynn, the provincial prime minister, is an open lesbian who is planning to introduce a horrifying program in primary schools from September.
She didn't hear her parents. I didn't want to hear it. At first, she called the crowd “homophobes”, then newspapers wrote that they were “religious”, then Education Minister Liz Sandals said that the parents are controlled by the opposition. . .
And then there were several more rallies in different parts of the city, and then came the largest in the history of Canada parental strike. Some schools did not have up to 90% of children.
The authorities were visibly worried. The newspapers, which had hitherto been neutral, but had repeatedly given information about the coming strike, from which it could be concluded that they shared the convictions of their parents, had changed their views. And they are explanatory work that allegedly some attackers misinterpreted the new sex education program, deliberately misled parents, but in fact its purpose is to prevent early pregnancy, as well as protect children from online pedophiles, protect homosexual or transgender schoolchildren from teasing. And also... There is much to enumerate about what the Ontario government says in defense of its program.
But my parents read it. Moreover, it has been familiar to them since 2010, when it was first tried. Then the fight sex education gave Christian organizations. There is an evangelical pastor in Canada, Charles McViti. This is a well-known man who heads the organization of thousands of “Christian College”. Other Christian groups also participated in the battle. It was they who informed the public that the Ontario government was quietly going to introduce a new sex education program in schools. After the publication of some of its items in the media began a scandal. The parents protested and the authorities backed down. . .
And now, you might ask. .
The strike is over. In some media there is agitation work for a new sex education. They started collecting signatures on the Internet to introduce it (following the example of parents who collected about 70 thousand votes against sex education). They run polls through newspapers all the time. Yes, only they give the same results: where 72% of parents are against, where all 80% are against. The newspapers hint that, they say, the Canadians themselves are for sex education, it is immigrants who muddy the water, mainly Muslims.
Both rallies and strikes were organized by indigenous Canadians. In 2010 and now, it is the Christian organizations of Canada that raise the noise. And emigrants and, of course, Muslims are the ones who respond the most to the call to stop the corruption of children.
If a new sex program is introduced in schools, it will become unsafe to go to them. In primary schools, children study from the preparatory class to the 8th (4-13 years). And if teenagers in the period of their puberty endlessly taunted in the lessons about different types of sex with the display of videos and photos, then where is the guarantee that excited in this way a teenager does not abuse a classmate or baby in the school toilet?
Parents are particularly angry that when the sex education program was created in 2010, Ontario’s undersecretary of education was Ben Levine. He was arrested in 2013 on child pornography charges. He's on trial now. He was found guilty of creating a porn story about a child, but the main thing is that on sites where incest lovers gather, he advised mothers how to corrupt their children and have sex with them.
There have long been rumors in North American society that pedophiles want to follow the path of homosexuals in asserting their rights. And the first bells have long been ringing... At meetings of the American Association of Psychiatrists, it has been repeatedly said that pedophilia is not a mental illness, but an orientation. And where there is orientation, as you know, there is no discrimination. Also, all sorts of “researchers” stated that “the negative impact on children of sex with adults is exaggerated”, and that allegedly conducted studies that showed that children who experienced violence in childhood, quite themselves in adulthood occurred. There are organizations in North America that write that “no one should be deprived of pleasure because of age.” As you can see, this is not about old people. They are equal in rights with all other adults. . .
Let’s assume for a moment that pedophiles are legalized. But where do you get the kids? Who will? But such parents who will grow up on the new program of sex education – on the stories that “stereotypes interfere with life”, that same-sex “families” are equal to ordinary, that “for love there is no gender”, that is, today you can with a man, tomorrow with a woman, today you can be a boy, and tomorrow a girl. So then just inform that children just need an adult mentor who will professionally introduce them to sexual life, and they will agree. . .
Ontario's parents keep fighting. New sex education authorities promise to introduce in schools in the autumn. Catholics also addressed the Pope through his representative in Canada. The Catholic Church is no longer in Canada. Because some battles have long been lost. Well, the most important thing at the moment is the weapon of moms and dads - an indefinite strike. It probably won't be avoided.
Prepared by Evelina Azaeva P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Join us on Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.pravoslavie.ru/jurnal/79233.htm
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