10 of the world's most unusual school
1. Underground shkola
Terraset Elementary School PTA (USA)
Address: 11411 Ridge Heights Road, Reston, VA em>
Students of the American school Terraset - almost children dungeon. The school was built in the mid-1970s, when the United States shocked the energy crisis. The country has entered a power saving mode that was used, including for heating schools. The city built a school Reston Terraset: leveled the hill, erected a building on the site, and then filled it with earth. Natural earthy coating gave warmth and conserve energy.
Before designers was another difficult task: the room had to be not only warm, but cool. This required new energy costs. The problem was solved solar collectors. Today Terraset - it is not only the most energy-efficient school in the country, but also one of the main tourist attractions in Reston.
In contrast to the history of Terraset learning process in the school is hardly original. This junior school with a traditional set of items for the US. However, from time to time, the school holds events for children and parents like the family of the race through the streets of the city or an evening of bingo.
2. School without distsipliny
ALPHA Alternative School (Canada)
Address: 20 Brant Street, Toronto, Ontario em>
At school, ALPHA, opened its doors in 1972, is in a perpetual feast of disobedience. There were no estimates, no strict schedules or homework. No one will punish for writing with chalk on the blackboard and profanity will not stand over. Students decide for themselves how to spend the school day and what classes to visit. Classes are formed not by age, but by interests: along with math and spelling lessons are provided for modeling, cooking and even elementary philosophy. The task of teachers - just not to disturb.
If the school there is some kind of conflict situation, it convened a special committee consisting of students and teachers. Parties allow express and justify their views, after which the Commission offers solutions to problems. The main thing - to find a solution that will appeal to all.
Another tradition ALPHA - to hold meetings, during which the children as adults have the right to speak out about the need for changes in the net objects and system of school management.
3. Nomadic shkola
«Keneleken" (Russia)
Address: Oleneksky Evenki national region, Yakutia em>
In the past, children of nomadic herders or did not receive formal education or were forced to stay in boarding schools and for months to see relatives. Today this problem is solved with the help of nomadic schools, which in Russia every year becomes more and more. In Yakutia, these schools have more than a dozen.
One of these nomadic schools - "Keneleken." It is a branch of high school Olenek Haryyalahskoy Evenk National District. On every new parking nomads addition to the usual facilities now appears even school tent. Pupils can be counted on the fingers. However, despite the small numbers, then they are not enough in what will be inferior to their peers, who were lucky to learn in a more stable environment. Children are engaged by special schedule. Homework and control is obtained over the Internet - all of the schools for the children of reindeer herders in the framework of the national project have access to satellite internet. After doing - send them back for review.
4. School of seeking common yazyka
Busan International Foreign School (South Korea)
Address: 798 Nae-ri, Gijang-eup, Gijang-gun, Busan em>
Students of schools for foreigners in South Korean Pusan working hard all year. Here, children learn to immigrants or those who came to Korea to work for longer, as well as boys and girls who have been translated at the exchange in one of the Korean schools and need to be adapted. Intensive treatment is necessary in order to quickly adapt to the new conditions of life and successfully enroll in one of the Korean universities.
Young immigrants is not easy to make friends with new classmates in a regular school. Ignorance of local traditions is often a cause for ridicule, which are able to cause the child psychological trauma. Many teachers Busan School for the education of foreigners - psychologists. They teach their students to find a common language with each other, despite the fact that many of them have never heard of the existence of the country from which came their new classmate.
Most children learn just three languages: Korean, English, Spanish. The program also provides case studies that do not allow to forget the culture of his native country.
Multicultural schools exist in many countries. In Moscow school number 1650, which specifically recruited children of different nationalities in order to foster in students a tolerant attitude towards those who are something different from them, but also help to learn more about the traditions of other nations.
5. School of pleasant interaction with mirom
Mountain Mahogany Community School (US)
Address: 5014 4th Street NW, Albuquerque, NM em>
To get to school Mountain Mahogany, you need to win the lottery. From the official site of the school need to download a special form, fill it out, send it by fax or mail and wait for the draw will take place and will be announced on the list of the lucky ones.
The approach to learning in the school of not less than the original. The three principles on which to build a school policy - fun, safety and emotional development. The program is based on the latest neurological research, according to which the guarantee of a good learning environment is positive and active involvement. The school has a standard general education, but above all it teaches children interact with the world and domestic skills: sewing, cooking, gardening. Master's students jokingly called "little gardeners." And no wonder: on school grounds planted hundreds of trees, which must be taken care of. Children eat organic fruit, which themselves have grown.
6. The school of knowledge in just muzyku
Choir Academy of Harlem (USA)
Address: 2005 Madison Avenue, New York em>
Giving a child in the Choir Academy of Harlem, parents provide them not only to exercise the vocal cords, the tour and introduction to spiritual values, but also basic education with a humanitarian bias.
The mission of the teachers of this school - contribute to the development in the child of his hidden talents. Therefore, the main program consists of different types of performing arts: singing, dancing, playing musical instruments. During the introductory interview potential student test for a sense of rhythm, orientation in time and concentration. However, the primary still is the love child of music. If parents can not afford to buy a musical instrument, the school will give it to the child for temporary use.
Without the attention remains and physical development of pupils at school have baseball and football teams and, of course, a group of cheerleaders.
7. School for refugees and nelegalov
«Byalik-Rogozin" (Israel)
Address: HaAliya, Tel Aviv em>
In February 2011, the "Oscar" for best documentary short film went to "There are no strangers" Karen Goodman and Kirk Simon. Forty-minute film tells the story of the Israeli school "Byalik-Rogozin," where children of refugees and illegal immigrants. They come from all corners of the earth, come from different families and worshiped different gods, but a short life of each of them took many tests. Many have lost family and exhausted, both physically and emotionally. Some children have never attended school.
"Byalik-Rogozin 'gives children not only the necessary basic knowledge. Pupils there are fed, watered and clothed. And most importantly, that the students receive from their mentors - sincere interest and concern. Here children do not find it strange or unnecessary, since they all became Israelis.
8. Floating shkola
School Kompong Luong (Cambodia)
Address: Tonle Sap Lake, the village of Kompong Luong em>
Cambodian Tonle Sap lake, near which is the famous temple complex of Angkor Wat is considered to be the largest freshwater bodies of Indochina. He was even called "inland sea." On the surface of the lake is the famous tourist attraction of Cambodia - Kompong Luong floating village: houses, cafes, shops and a school.
For pupils floating school became a second home in the truest sense of the word - learn it mostly orphans. Here they live. The parents of many of them were killed during fishing: in the rainy season the water level in the lake rises significantly and walk on it in boats becomes quite dangerous.
Provide children help tourists: each new group buys all products from the shelves of local stores and literally floods school toys, stationery and sweets.
9. The school on the principle of open space
Ørestad Gymnasium (Denmark)
Address: Ørestads Boulevard 75 2300 Copenhagen em>
Building Gymnasium Ørestad in Copenhagen, designed by 3XN, a real piece of modern art, both inside and outside. In 2007 a gymnasium was named best building in Scandinavia. This is the first school opened in Denmark as part of the national educational reform.
Students Ørestad - high school students who intend to pursue higher education in the field of media. The word "communication" sounds at every step. Audiences schools are separated by very tentatively - almost all of the classes involved in one huge room. The entire building is wireless internet, so seniors are constantly interacting not only real, but also in the virtual space.
Magnificent spiral staircase that connects the four levels of school, the students called the heart of the building. In times of change, they are lying on colorful pillows and looking at the ceiling decorated with circular lights resembling a starry sky.
10. The school adventure Watershed School (US)
Address: 1661 Alpine Avenue, Boulder, Colorado em>
The decline of the farming culture in the United States are concerned, not only the farmers and the government, and school employees. How else to explain the fact that the school introduced the program Watershed Farm to Table, in which students are sent to one of six local farms and learn how to work the farm.
In general, training in Watershed resembles a grand adventure of a few years. Of course, children are engaged in and the usual subjects like math and English, but these activities can endure for the sake of learning expeditions, which are considered the most productive method of education. So, architecture, children learn not in stuffy classrooms and on the streets. Instead, the lessons of geography and biology - are fused canoeing on the nearby river and wander through the woods.
Master Watershed helps students to write songs, to create a rock band, collect robots and come up with scripts for video games. In addition to traditional sports like football, students practice yoga, mountain biking and playing Frisbee.
Source: www.forbes.ru
via factroom.ru

Terraset Elementary School PTA (USA)
Address: 11411 Ridge Heights Road, Reston, VA em>
Students of the American school Terraset - almost children dungeon. The school was built in the mid-1970s, when the United States shocked the energy crisis. The country has entered a power saving mode that was used, including for heating schools. The city built a school Reston Terraset: leveled the hill, erected a building on the site, and then filled it with earth. Natural earthy coating gave warmth and conserve energy.

Before designers was another difficult task: the room had to be not only warm, but cool. This required new energy costs. The problem was solved solar collectors. Today Terraset - it is not only the most energy-efficient school in the country, but also one of the main tourist attractions in Reston.

In contrast to the history of Terraset learning process in the school is hardly original. This junior school with a traditional set of items for the US. However, from time to time, the school holds events for children and parents like the family of the race through the streets of the city or an evening of bingo.
2. School without distsipliny

ALPHA Alternative School (Canada)
Address: 20 Brant Street, Toronto, Ontario em>
At school, ALPHA, opened its doors in 1972, is in a perpetual feast of disobedience. There were no estimates, no strict schedules or homework. No one will punish for writing with chalk on the blackboard and profanity will not stand over. Students decide for themselves how to spend the school day and what classes to visit. Classes are formed not by age, but by interests: along with math and spelling lessons are provided for modeling, cooking and even elementary philosophy. The task of teachers - just not to disturb.

If the school there is some kind of conflict situation, it convened a special committee consisting of students and teachers. Parties allow express and justify their views, after which the Commission offers solutions to problems. The main thing - to find a solution that will appeal to all.

Another tradition ALPHA - to hold meetings, during which the children as adults have the right to speak out about the need for changes in the net objects and system of school management.
3. Nomadic shkola

«Keneleken" (Russia)
Address: Oleneksky Evenki national region, Yakutia em>
In the past, children of nomadic herders or did not receive formal education or were forced to stay in boarding schools and for months to see relatives. Today this problem is solved with the help of nomadic schools, which in Russia every year becomes more and more. In Yakutia, these schools have more than a dozen.

One of these nomadic schools - "Keneleken." It is a branch of high school Olenek Haryyalahskoy Evenk National District. On every new parking nomads addition to the usual facilities now appears even school tent. Pupils can be counted on the fingers. However, despite the small numbers, then they are not enough in what will be inferior to their peers, who were lucky to learn in a more stable environment. Children are engaged by special schedule. Homework and control is obtained over the Internet - all of the schools for the children of reindeer herders in the framework of the national project have access to satellite internet. After doing - send them back for review.

4. School of seeking common yazyka

Busan International Foreign School (South Korea)
Address: 798 Nae-ri, Gijang-eup, Gijang-gun, Busan em>
Students of schools for foreigners in South Korean Pusan working hard all year. Here, children learn to immigrants or those who came to Korea to work for longer, as well as boys and girls who have been translated at the exchange in one of the Korean schools and need to be adapted. Intensive treatment is necessary in order to quickly adapt to the new conditions of life and successfully enroll in one of the Korean universities.
Young immigrants is not easy to make friends with new classmates in a regular school. Ignorance of local traditions is often a cause for ridicule, which are able to cause the child psychological trauma. Many teachers Busan School for the education of foreigners - psychologists. They teach their students to find a common language with each other, despite the fact that many of them have never heard of the existence of the country from which came their new classmate.
Most children learn just three languages: Korean, English, Spanish. The program also provides case studies that do not allow to forget the culture of his native country.
Multicultural schools exist in many countries. In Moscow school number 1650, which specifically recruited children of different nationalities in order to foster in students a tolerant attitude towards those who are something different from them, but also help to learn more about the traditions of other nations.
5. School of pleasant interaction with mirom

Mountain Mahogany Community School (US)
Address: 5014 4th Street NW, Albuquerque, NM em>
To get to school Mountain Mahogany, you need to win the lottery. From the official site of the school need to download a special form, fill it out, send it by fax or mail and wait for the draw will take place and will be announced on the list of the lucky ones.
The approach to learning in the school of not less than the original. The three principles on which to build a school policy - fun, safety and emotional development. The program is based on the latest neurological research, according to which the guarantee of a good learning environment is positive and active involvement. The school has a standard general education, but above all it teaches children interact with the world and domestic skills: sewing, cooking, gardening. Master's students jokingly called "little gardeners." And no wonder: on school grounds planted hundreds of trees, which must be taken care of. Children eat organic fruit, which themselves have grown.
6. The school of knowledge in just muzyku

Choir Academy of Harlem (USA)
Address: 2005 Madison Avenue, New York em>
Giving a child in the Choir Academy of Harlem, parents provide them not only to exercise the vocal cords, the tour and introduction to spiritual values, but also basic education with a humanitarian bias.

The mission of the teachers of this school - contribute to the development in the child of his hidden talents. Therefore, the main program consists of different types of performing arts: singing, dancing, playing musical instruments. During the introductory interview potential student test for a sense of rhythm, orientation in time and concentration. However, the primary still is the love child of music. If parents can not afford to buy a musical instrument, the school will give it to the child for temporary use.
Without the attention remains and physical development of pupils at school have baseball and football teams and, of course, a group of cheerleaders.
7. School for refugees and nelegalov

«Byalik-Rogozin" (Israel)
Address: HaAliya, Tel Aviv em>
In February 2011, the "Oscar" for best documentary short film went to "There are no strangers" Karen Goodman and Kirk Simon. Forty-minute film tells the story of the Israeli school "Byalik-Rogozin," where children of refugees and illegal immigrants. They come from all corners of the earth, come from different families and worshiped different gods, but a short life of each of them took many tests. Many have lost family and exhausted, both physically and emotionally. Some children have never attended school.

"Byalik-Rogozin 'gives children not only the necessary basic knowledge. Pupils there are fed, watered and clothed. And most importantly, that the students receive from their mentors - sincere interest and concern. Here children do not find it strange or unnecessary, since they all became Israelis.
8. Floating shkola

School Kompong Luong (Cambodia)
Address: Tonle Sap Lake, the village of Kompong Luong em>
Cambodian Tonle Sap lake, near which is the famous temple complex of Angkor Wat is considered to be the largest freshwater bodies of Indochina. He was even called "inland sea." On the surface of the lake is the famous tourist attraction of Cambodia - Kompong Luong floating village: houses, cafes, shops and a school.
For pupils floating school became a second home in the truest sense of the word - learn it mostly orphans. Here they live. The parents of many of them were killed during fishing: in the rainy season the water level in the lake rises significantly and walk on it in boats becomes quite dangerous.

Provide children help tourists: each new group buys all products from the shelves of local stores and literally floods school toys, stationery and sweets.
9. The school on the principle of open space

Ørestad Gymnasium (Denmark)
Address: Ørestads Boulevard 75 2300 Copenhagen em>
Building Gymnasium Ørestad in Copenhagen, designed by 3XN, a real piece of modern art, both inside and outside. In 2007 a gymnasium was named best building in Scandinavia. This is the first school opened in Denmark as part of the national educational reform.

Students Ørestad - high school students who intend to pursue higher education in the field of media. The word "communication" sounds at every step. Audiences schools are separated by very tentatively - almost all of the classes involved in one huge room. The entire building is wireless internet, so seniors are constantly interacting not only real, but also in the virtual space.

Magnificent spiral staircase that connects the four levels of school, the students called the heart of the building. In times of change, they are lying on colorful pillows and looking at the ceiling decorated with circular lights resembling a starry sky.
10. The school adventure Watershed School (US)
Address: 1661 Alpine Avenue, Boulder, Colorado em>

The decline of the farming culture in the United States are concerned, not only the farmers and the government, and school employees. How else to explain the fact that the school introduced the program Watershed Farm to Table, in which students are sent to one of six local farms and learn how to work the farm.
In general, training in Watershed resembles a grand adventure of a few years. Of course, children are engaged in and the usual subjects like math and English, but these activities can endure for the sake of learning expeditions, which are considered the most productive method of education. So, architecture, children learn not in stuffy classrooms and on the streets. Instead, the lessons of geography and biology - are fused canoeing on the nearby river and wander through the woods.

Master Watershed helps students to write songs, to create a rock band, collect robots and come up with scripts for video games. In addition to traditional sports like football, students practice yoga, mountain biking and playing Frisbee.
Source: www.forbes.ru
via factroom.ru
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