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Unusual city

What is a city? The city is considered any settlement that exceeds the size of the village. The city has its own management, name and boundaries. The town also has marketplaces and sleeping areas, where people live. However, some cities are very unique. Some of them look like ordinary city, but are not, and there are those that have not been settled after the end of its construction. In some cities can live only one person, while in another city all the people living under one roof.

< 10. The Villages (The Villages)

The Villages is a city in Florida, which was built specifically for people who retired. It covers an area greater than the area of ​​Manhattan, and has more than 100,000 inhabitants, most of whom moved to the golf cart. In fact, the city was in the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest golf cart parade in the world. This parade was in 3321 golf cart. This city, where the entrance vospreschёn young children, full of scandals and gossip. Older women and men are often caught kissing in a golf cart, and older men often quarrel over women. In addition, there is a black market Viagra, which costs about $ 12 per pill.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the city, which is necessary for every man to ten women, rampant disease, transmitted by * ovym way. In 2006, the gynecologist said she was cured more cases of n * Sand and HPV in The Villages, than all the time when she was working in Miami. Residents also sit behind the wheel of golf cart in a state of intoxication ogolnogo al * take * banned on seals and enter into a fight in a bar.

9. Büsingen am Hohrayn (Busingen Am Hochrhein)

Büsingen am Hohrayn a German city in Switzerland. The city is separated from Germany narrow strip of land that reaches a width of 700 meters at the narrowest part. Given its unusual location, Büsingen am Hohrayn is more Swiss city than German. It also provided public services as Switzerland and Germany. His Swiss postal code is "8238 Busingen», and the German "78266 Busingen». The town also has two phone code: 49 7734 (Germany) and 41 52 (for Switzerland).

In the event of an emergency, you can call the Swiss and German police, though the Swiss usually arrives faster. All residents of the city Büsingen am Hohrayn can work and own property in Switzerland, despite the fact that they do not have Swiss citizenship. If a German citizen living in Büsingen am Hohrayn more than a decade, he gets a special status similar to Swiss citizenship. The football team of the city under the name «FC Busingen» also played in the Swiss Football League.

However, the city has not always been that way. In the 14th century it was part of Austria. After Büsingen Lord (Lord of Busingen) was killed by members of the nearby Swiss town, Austria has decided not to give the city of Switzerland. Later, Austria annexed the town to the nearby German city, and later he was a part of Germany. In 1919, 96 percent of local residents voted to secede from Germany and Switzerland to join, but Switzerland has offered nothing in exchange for Germany, so Germany became restive and gave the city of Switzerland.

8. Whittier (Whittier)

Almost all of the two hundred and twenty residents of Whittier, Alaska live in one 14-storey building called «Begich Towers». Others live in their cars, boats or other similar building. The building «Begich Towers» was built in 1956 - then it served as a military barracks, but today it is a city where there is a police station, a post office, a shop, a church, a movie rental shop, children's playground and a medical center - and they are all in the building «Begich Towers».

In the city can be reached either by water or by 4-kilometer tunnel with a one-way street in which the door opens every hour, inlet or outlet cars. The tunnel is closed at night and does not open until the next day. Until 2001, the tunnel would not fit vehicles and get into the city could only be done 100 km journey by train. While trains run a few times a week. In the summer months the sun shines in Whittier 22 hours out of 24, while in winter the city can be buried under a layer of snow as thick as 6, 35 meters.

7. Colm (Colma)

In the town of Colma, California, is more dead people than living. Here live 1,500 people and buried alive more than half a million dead. The city's history can be traced back to the gold rush of 1849, through which hundreds of thousands of people have migrated to the neighboring city of San Francisco. They brought with them disease and, as a consequence, death. By 1880, twenty-six urban cemeteries were almost overwhelmed and at the end of 1880 the owners of cemeteries began to build a cemetery in the southern city of Colma, because before it was easy to get.

In March 1900 the government of San Francisco banned the new burial within the city. They said that it was necessary, because the land was too valuable to be used as cemeteries. Later, in January 1914, the owners of the cemetery was ordered to remove all the bodies buried in San Francisco. Politicians said that the cemetery spread of the disease, but the owners of cemeteries believed that the decision was due to an increase in property values. Nevertheless, workers removed the body of the deceased cemeteries people and move them to Colm, because of what the city is full of cemeteries. Currently, more than 73 percent of the city Colm brought to the cemetery.

6. Mon (Monowi)

City Mon, located in the northeast Nebraska, was founded by immigrants from the Czech Republic. It lives only one man: 77-year-old Elsie Eiler (Elsie Eller). In terms of population is the most sparsely populated Mon city in the US. Elsie runs the urban tavern and a library, which includes about 5,000 books belonging to her late husband, Rudy. It also works the mayor of the city, a postman and a treasurer. She is the head of the city council. In the 1930s, the township population was about 150 people, but by 2000 there remained only two residents: Elsie and her husband Rudy. Elsie's husband died in 2004, leaving only Elsie residents. Elsie annually pays taxes the city to street lights were included and the service did not disable it needs facilities. Several abandoned buildings in the city are covered with grass, while others simply collapsed.

5. Ordos (Ordos)

Ordos City, located in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (Inner Mongolia), China is considered the largest ghost town in China. It was built with the expectation that there will be living more than a million people, but for all the time people are held only two percent of the city. The rest of the building, in which no one has ever lived, were abandoned to their fate. Its history goes back more than 20 years ago with the coal rush in Mongolia. Investors soon began to build houses here, hoping eventually to lease them. However, the demand for the building was not a lot of investors have cast construction projects before the end of their construction.

To date, the city's streets are full of unfinished buildings. Even finished building are semi-employed because of high prices. Many residents of the city and move to another town. In just five years, the price per square meter dropped from $ 1,100 to 470. In order to attract people to the city, investors have reduced prices. University graduates coming into the city, free office space available to the Internet and some other amenities.

4. Longyearbyen (Longyearbyen)

City Longyearbyen, located on Svalbard in Norway, is the northernmost settlement in the world. The town has a church, located just north of the world, an ATM, a museum, a post office, the airport, and even university. In Longyearbyen is forbidden to die. If someone is ill or near death, his or her immediately sent by plane to another part of Norway before he or she dies. If someone still dies in the city, then this person is not buried here.

Die in the city is prohibited because the body does not decompose because of the extreme cold weather. Recently, scientists have discovered a frozen man, who died many years ago. Analysis of its tissue has helped scientists to identify traces of the deadly virus that caused the epidemic in 1917. Apart from the fact that the inhabitants of the city did not have to die, they should always carry with them high-powered rifles from 3000 polar bears that live in the area. Residents can not even make cats, as they may pose a threat to populations of rare birds.

3. Training Center to conduct asymmetric warfare (Asymmetric Warfare Training Center)

Training center to conduct asymmetric warfare in Virginia is uninhabited city built by the US Army to train soldiers. The city has a school, a church, a mosque, a railway station and a five-storey building of the embassy, ​​which is likely, is the tallest building in the district of Caroline (Caroline County), where the center is located. The town also has a gas station, a football pitch, bank, subway and bridge. The school is built to resemble a school in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the underground like a subway, located in Washington, DC. Trains even painted the same logo as the train to Washington. For the construction of the city took 90, $ 1 million. It is located in the statements of the Group in preparation for conducting asymmetric warfare of the US Army (US Army Asymmetric Warfare Group).

Another similar to it is called the city Yodavil (Yodaville). It was built in the middle of the desert in Arizona Air Force United States. This is uninhabited town, built in the style of cities in Iraq and Afghanistan, designed to train pilots of the Air Force US how to carry out the bombing.

2. Marloth Park (Marloth Park)
South Africa

Marloth Park is located close to the Kruger National Park (Kruger National Park), which is full of wild animals, including lions, hippos and crocodiles. The city is unique because, despite the danger of living close to wildlife, residents are not allowed to build fences around their homes. The height of a single fence that separates the residents of the park, is 1, 2 meters, and it was built more to keep people from invading the territory of the park than to keep wild animals in it.

Wild animals often come to the territory of the city. Baboons run into the house through the window and steal food from the fridge, and giraffes and elephants blocking the road. There is also not uncommon lions attacking humans. Residents of the city were very surprised only when the lion attacked, killed and ate a thief who was selected with stolen property from the house. He is survived by a head and leg. Even after the deadly attack, most residents want to stay near the lions. Some say that the thief was shot dead during a robbery, and his body was then eaten by lions. Others believe that the lions are a kind of form of crime control in the city, whose residents suffer from the increased level of theft.

Victims of attacks are most often cyclists. This is fueling the already obvious racial strife in the city, as most white residents have a good wealth and cars, while the poor and black residents commute to work by bicycle. One rider managed to avoid the attack of four lions that were lying in ambush. The inhabitants of the city even appeared nickname for people who ride bikes at night, they call them "meals on wheels».

1. Hallstatt (Hallstat)

This town of Hallstatt is a UNESCO world heritage site in Austria. Chinese town of Hallstatt is like a city built in the Chinese province of Guangdong (Guangdong). Construction of the city at a cost of $ 940 million. It looks exactly the same as the real Hallstatt, including its roads, the church tower and wooden houses. City Building funded by the Chinese millionaire. City caused a stir among the residents of the Hallstatt, who were not aware of the project.

Residents of the Austrian Hallstatt (including the mayor) later visited the Chinese Hallstatt. They told us that are proud that their city has been copied (they still could not do anything about it), but they did not like the way it did the Chinese. Austrians felt that the Chinese were to meet with the owners of the houses, which they copied and ask them for permission to recreate their buildings elsewhere, and not just to build them, no one is asking. A company called «Minmetals», which built the town up, sent some of its employees in Austria Hallstatt, where they made a lot of photos of the city, which they subsequently recreated.

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