The world's 10 best cities to live. If you work in the Internet...

Admit it, you asked this question not once, not twice...is There a city suitable for life better than yours? If you surf the Internet, it is not obligated to spend the rest of your life in noisy and dusty post-Soviet cities.
Usually from moving people keep business and children. But how about to live in a cheap and pleasant cities, where they children will get the opportunity to learn, and you live the life you always dreamed of?
Is it possible the combination of low cost of living with high quality? The world is full of cheap cities with good ecology and low criminality.
Here are 10 cities that fit the Internet better than others.
10. Alicante, Испания

It is unlikely that you heard something about this city. Nevertheless, it has all the best of what can offer you Spain. Yes, you can live for peanuts out here." But the quality of life in this fabulous town comparable to the quality of life in the top cities of the Old world.
Alicante is located just outside of Barcelona, but it fits much better. There is a very beautiful and safe beach, and beautiful architecture, climate, food, entertainment. Finally, it is possible to lead a quiet lifestyle that will not dampen the crowds.

For rent: one Bedroom apartment in downtown — $550 per month.
Public transport: $37 per month.
Dinner for two at the restaurant of the middle class: $37 for two.
A wine of good quality in the supermarket: $5.
Half-liter bottle of beer costs the store $1. And if your kids insist on dinner at McDonald's, you order a beer here you will be able in it.
9. Mendoza Province, Argentina.

Mendoza is the heart of the Argentine wine country. Here is everything you value in big cities: great food, exciting night life and General energetic atmosphere with a busy social life.
Local laws allow foreigners no problem to open a new enterprise. So if you would like to start a small business in Argentina, Mendoza is probably the most suitable city for it. It's also a place — a delightful ski resort.

Rent: one — Bedroom apartment in city centre - $380 per month.
Private housing: new apartment in the city center — $62 500.
Dinner for two at the restaurant of the middle class: $38.
A wine of good quality in the supermarket: $4.
Half-liter bottle of beer in the store: $1,40.
8. Bali Индонезия

If you dream of cheap living in a beautiful Asian town, then you should know a better place than the island of Bali. And not just because of his species, but also due to the fact that it is easier to feel the exotic Asian culture.

For rent: one Bedroom apartment in a beautiful location — $300 per month.
Dinner for two at the restaurant of the middle class — $22.
A wine of good quality in a supermarket for $12.
Half-liter bottle of beer in the store is us $1.6.
7. Chiang Mai, Thailand.

This city offers expats the best climate possible. Exotic Thai culture, amazing food, mild weather year round, friendly people — that's what love here the climate migrants. By the way, due to the fact that the latter are especially numerous, to integrate into the local community of expats will be very easy. Besides, it is very easy to make an Internet business or find a part time job as a tour guide.

Rent: one-Bedroom apartment in city center: $250 per month.
Dinner for two at the restaurant of the middle class — $15.
A wine of good quality in the supermarket: $13, bottle of beer — $1,30.
6. Corozal, Белиз

This tropical Paradise offers an ideal conditions for a relaxing Caribbean lifestyle. Here you will be able to do yoga or meditate right on the beach, enjoy incredible sunsets, drink the most delicious in the world of cocktails and all — to live in peace and tranquility. And yet, Belize offers a rich cultural life, so it is a Paradise not only for seniors.

For rent: one Bedroom apartment in downtown — $190 per month.
Private dwellings: New one bedroom apartment in downtown — $115 000.
Dinner for two at the restaurant of the middle class — $19.
A wine of good quality in a supermarket for $12, beer is $1,5.
5. Puerto Vallarta, Мексика

Vallarta — universal city for those who want to live away from areas where tourists. The city offers incredible natural beauty, a lot of romance, a rich cultural program and, of course, great prices.

For rent: one Bedroom apartment in downtown — $450 per month.
Private accommodation: Traditional house in city centre — $55 000.
Dinner for two at the restaurant of the middle class — $15.
A wine of good quality in a supermarket for a $7.50, beer $1,25.
4. Ozhen, Испания

If you ever dreamed about living in the South of Spain, here is your place. It is very close to a respectable beach resort of Marbella, surrounded by a huge number of multimillion-dollar villas. That's why it's never boring.

Rent: one — Bedroom apartment in city centre - $330 per month.
Private accommodation: Traditional house in the centre of the city — $100 000.
Dinner for two at the restaurant of the middle class — $28.
A wine of good quality in the supermarket — $4, beer — $1,25.
3. Prague, Czech республика

This city is the best choice for those who dreamed of living in a beautiful, old European city. And for those who are critical that his children received an excellent education in the international European school. Modern Prague is a beautiful and vibrant city with energetic people. With its cobbled streets look as if you were in a medieval fairy tale. It has everything: beauty, and plenty of entertainment, and awesome pubs, and amazing coffee shops, and a prestigious University. And... here is quite inexpensive.

For rent: one Bedroom apartment in downtown — $590 per month.
Public transport: $25 per month or $240 a year.
Dinner for two at the restaurant of the middle class — $27.
A wine of good quality in a supermarket for $5 beer and $0.75.
2. Bucharest, Румыния

This sixth largest city of the Old world called the "Paris of Eastern Europe". This city is bright, energetic, beautiful, and right now is undergoing a period of cultural and economic boom. However, he is still surprisingly cheap.
If you want to lead a rich Bohemian lifestyle in Europe, then this is your city. And to top it off, to reach the beautiful Black sea coast by car takes just 90 minutes.

For rent: one Bedroom apartment in downtown — $450 per month.
Public transport: $15 per month.
Dinner for two at the restaurant of the middle class — $22.
A wine of good quality in a supermarket for $7, beer — $0,80.
1. Chisinau, Молдова

Chisinau is the cheapest capital of Europe. Here is a real Outpost of European culture: take the national home of Opera and ballet. Or three of the national Museum, and 33 of the University. In addition, there is large shopping malls. And here is quite a rich nightlife.
As in most European cities, there are a friendly and nicely dressed people and free Wi-Fi at any cafe and in any public place. Local urban parks is another asset of Chisinau.

For rent: one Bedroom apartment in downtown — $270 per month. Public transportation: $6 per month.
Dinner for two at the restaurant of the middle class — $22.
A wine of good quality in a supermarket for $5, beer — $0,80.
Well, how attractive do you think life in your city? Something tells me that most of you probably would like to move. So maybe it's time to turn your dreams into reality? Start living the life you dream of is much easier than you think. At least if your work depends on your geographic location. published
Author: Konstantin Shiyan
Source: lifter.com.ua/10-luchshih-v-mire-gorodov-dlya-gizni-Esli-vi-rabotaete-v-internete#4794
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