Cake for the New Year - 5 main Soviet recipes
The legendary Soviet cake "Medovik". Photo: Domashniy.ru
It's been a while? Alas, but the real “Napoleon” or the same “Prague” you will not buy for any money. We’ve got old recipes, and now the legendary Soviet cakes will be on your table again.
We were overwhelmed by an indescribable New Year’s nostalgia. We suddenly wanted to taste “Kiev cake”, “Bird’s milk” and “Medovik”. Those, for which every Soviet citizen hunted, took a big hit, stood in endless queues. Our culinary expert Vladislav Nosik came to the rescue and prepared 5 legendary cakes from the Land of Soviets. Classic taste plus a touch of modern decorations - join us!
Napoleon cake.

Napoleon cake. Photo: Domashniy.ru
The real Napoleon, in fact, was inaccessible to mere mortals. The cake was sold only in those places where ordinary Soviet people were ordered to enter. For example, in the legendary cooking at the hotel "Moscow" or in the restaurant "Central". “Napoleon” was never sold as a whole cake – only in the form of cakes: and it was a divine light oil cream, the thinnest air puff dough, all this splendor and melted in his mouth. Soviet housewives, God knows where they got the recipe for beer cakes and passed it on from generation to generation, it was delicious, but still not the same.
I found that recipe for the real Napoleon, simplified it a little bit and modified it to avoid standing at the stove all day, and voila!
The recipe for the Napoleon cake What do you need?
4 tbsp flour
250g butter
1 tbsp. sour cream with fat content of 15-30%
2 eggs
3 eggs
1.5 tables of sugar
2-3 bags of vanilla sugar
4 tbsp starch (or flour)
1 L cream with 10% fat
200g butter
How to make Napoleon cake:
1. For the test, grind the flour with softened butter into a crumb. Separately mix sour cream with eggs and add to the flour mixture. Mix soft dough.
Divide into 7 equal parts and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours. 2. Heat the oven to 200°C. Cakes roll on the sprinkled flour surface to a very thin state.
Hit with a fork and bake 5-7 minutes before roaring. 3. For cream, whip eggs with sugar and vanilla sugar, then add starch and cream.
Put on a very weak fire and cook, vigorously stirring with a wreath, until thickening, 5-7 minutes. Cool and whip together with softened butter. 4. Cut the cakes on the edges (cuttings grind with hands), smear with cream, sprinkle the top with crushed crusts. Leave at room temperature for 1 hour, then put in the refrigerator for 7-8 hours.
5. Before serving the cake "Napoleon" cut into squares.
Bird's milk cake

The classic "Bird's Milk" can now be baked by anyone. Photo: Domashniy.ru
This grand cake was invented in the legendary pastry shop at the restaurant “Prague” on the Arbat in 1980. There seemed to be nothing easier than making a simple soufflé at home. Ahn no! The secret of Moscow confectioners was that the delicate, fluffy, airy structure of the Bird's Milk cake was obtained thanks to the overseas ingredient agar-agar. It was impossible to get it, so it was only necessary to chase a large deficit.
Today, buying agar-agar is not a particular problem, but not everyone has time to look for an unfamiliar ingredient, and then study and experiment. I offer a more affordable recipe with gelatin: I assure you, if you follow the recipe, you will get the same - the most tender "Bird's milk".
"Bird's Milk" cake recipe
What do you need?
100g butter
100g sugar
1 tsp vanilla sugar
2 eggs
1 tbsp flour
25g gelatin
140 ml of water
200g butter
100g condensed
1 tsp vanilla sugar
450g sugar
2 proteins
100g bitter chocolate
50g butter
coconut shavings, cranberries and rosemary - for decoration
How to Make a Bird's Milk Cake:
1. Heat the oven to 200°C.
2. For biscuit, whip the oil with sugar and vanilla sugar for 4-5 minutes, then add one egg, thoroughly whipping after each. At the end, inject flour and whip it again.
Bake 2 thin crusts of square or rectangular shape. Baking time is 10-15 minutes. Cool off the bars.
3. For soufflé, soak gelatin in 70 ml of cold water, following the instructions on the package.
Wash the oil with condensed and vanilla sugar to lushness, 3-4 minutes. Boil the syrup from sugar and the remaining water (readiness is easy to determine with a spoon - drop it in the syrup and immediately remove it, if the syrup will stretch like a thread, then it is ready).
4. Proteins beat with citric acid to increase volume and density. Without turning off the mixer, enter a very thin trickle of hot syrup.
Continue to whip until the volume increases. Inject whipped butter. Add gelatin at the end. 5. At the bottom of the detachable form, lay a crust, pour half a soufflé, cover with a second crust and lay out the remaining soufflé. Remove in the cold for 2-3 hours.
6. For glaze, melt the chocolate in a microwave or water bath, add oil and mix thoroughly. Pour the cake with icing and remove it in the cold for another 30 minutes.
If desired, decorate with coconut shavings, cranberries and rosemary. 7. Bird's Milk Cake is ready!
Medovic cake.

The famous Medovic cake. Photo: Domashniy.ru
Classic "Medovik" could be bought for a large blat in the famous confectionery near the Moscow Conservatory. There were many recipes for “Medovica” among the people, but none of them looked like the real cake.
I managed to get an old recipe: 6 lush honey cakes, sour cream - a classic of the genre. A few modern decorations plus two secret ingredients, and a luxurious old new "Medovik" will give you a range of enthusiastic reviews not only to those who managed to taste this cake in the USSR, but also to those who were born at a completely different time.
What do you need?
2 eggs
1 tbsp sugar
pinch of cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg (secret ingredient #1)
3 tbsp honey
3 tbsp flour
2 tsp soda (no slide!)
1 tbsp vinegar
1 tbsp. sour cream with a fat content of at least 20%
1 tbsp sugar
1 egg
1 tbsp rum or cognac (secret ingredient #2)
200g butter
ginger cookies, tangerines, cinnamon sticks, badyan - at will
How to make a cake "Medovic":
1. For the test, mix eggs and sugar in a bowl.
Put it in a water bath, spice it up. Cook for 3-5 minutes, stirring constantly until the mixture brightens. Add honey and mix well. 2. Constantly stirring, add 1 cup of flour, then sprinkle soda and another glass of flour.
Now add vinegar, stir (the dough will become porous) and the last glass of flour. Mix the dough and remove it from the water bath. Let's cool for 5-10 minutes. In the meantime, heat the oven to 180°C. 3. Divide the dough into 6 equal parts.
Roll on a sprinkled flour surface in thin round cakes, prick with a fork and bake 5-7 minutes until golden. 4. For cream, combine egg, sugar and sour cream in a pan. Put on a water bath and warm up well, without bringing to a boil.
Remove from the fire, let it cool down a little (10-15 minutes). 5. In the cooled sour cream, add softened oil, alcohol and beat well.
6. In order for the cakes to be round and identical, cut a circle from the parchment, put a stencil on the dough and trim the edges of each crust. Cut the crops to crumb.
7. Smear cakes with cream, sprinkle the top with crumb, decorate the sides with ginger cookies at will and remove them in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.
Before serving, decorate the cake "Medovic" with tangerines and spices.
Kiev Cake

That's the Kiev cake. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
Another legendary Soviet cake that needs no special introduction. Sweeteners from all over the Soviet Union came to Kiev to get this precious deficit. “Kievsky” was sold in one single pastry shop on Khreshchatyk, and those who managed to taste this masterpiece can be proudly called a true gourmet.
The unique recipe of this cake is still under seven seals, but I still managed to get it. Meet the cake of Kiev!
150g fried cashews (no cashews, take hazelnuts or peanuts)
1 tbsp sugar
1 bag of vanilla sugar
45g flour
4 room temperature proteins
4 yolks
200g sugar
1 bag of vanilla sugar
0.5 tbsp milk
200g butter
1-2 tsp cognac
1 tbsp cocoa powder
a handful of cashews, hazelnuts or peanuts - for sprinkling
How to make a cake "Kievsky":
1. Heat the oven to 160°C.
2. For the test, grind the nuts to the state of a large crumb.
Mix with 3/4 cup of sugar, vanilla sugar and flour. 3. The proteins are whipped into a strong foam, then add the remaining sugar and whip for 10-15 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved.
4. Pour the nut-meal mixture and, gently stirring the shoulder blade from the bottom up, knead the dough.
Bake 2 biscuits in a detachable form with a diameter of 21-22 cm, the bottom of which is covered with parchment for baking, 60-90 minutes. Make sure it doesn't burn! You can open the oven for reliability.
5. For the cream, mix the yolks with sugar, vanilla sugar and milk, put on a very weak fire. Constantly stirring, cook 5-7 minutes until light thickening. Take it off the fire and cool it down. Beat the butter for 1-2 minutes and, without turning off the mixer, pour the cooled yolk mass with a thin trickle. Blow to the top. Add cognac at the end.
Mix half the cream with cocoa powder. 6. Cakes smear with light cream, the top and sides - chocolate. Sprinkle the side with finely crushed nuts. I also decorated the cake with colorful flowers and petals, but this is not necessary.
Put the cake in the refrigerator, preferably overnight.
Prague Cake.

Epic Soviet cake "Prague". Photo: Domashniy.ru
This cake of all times and peoples was invented by Vladimir Mikhailovich Guralnik – an outstanding cook, head of the confectionery shop of the eponymous Moscow restaurant. It is believed that “Prague” is a variation on the theme of the world-famous Viennese cake “Sacher”. However, according to our diplomats and lucky few who have been behind the bush, the Soviet Prague was not inferior to the Austrian original, or even superior to it.
For me, it was the easiest cake to make (which is important on New Year’s Eve): you only need to bake one cake, cut it and fill it with cream, following the classic recipe. I recommend giving the cake a festive look with the help of the original presentation: improvise on the theme of Christmas trees with toys with the help of cream and pastry sprinkle. However, the classic version of the glossy chocolate surface will be no less spectacular.
What do you need?
150g sugar
6 eggs
115g flour
40g butter
25g cocoa powder
1 yolk
1 tbsp water
1 bag of vanilla sugar
120g condensed
200g butter
1 tbsp cocoa powder
50g lemon or orange marmalade (jam)
100g bitter chocolate
50g butter
green dye, confectionery sprinkle - if desired
How to make a cake "Prague":
1. Reheat the oven to 200°C.
2. For biscuits, separate the proteins from the yolks. The yolks are whipped with half the sugar in a viscous cream.
3. Separately beat the proteins with the remaining sugar into a strong foam.
4. Carefully mix both masses with a shoulder blade from the bottom up, add flour and mix.
At the end, enter the melted butter, having previously cooled it to room temperature, and then cocoa. Bake 35-40 minutes in a detachable form with a diameter of 20-23 cm. Cool and cut into 2-3 parts.
5. For cream in a pan, mix the yolk, water, vanilla sugar and condensed, put on a slow fire. Cook 5-7 minutes, constantly stirring with a wreath, until thickening. Cool off.
6. Butter to whip for 1-2 minutes.
Then put a thin trickle into the cream and beat again. Add cocoa at the end. 7. Smear the biscuits with cream (do not use all the cream, we will need some for decoration - if you intend to decorate Prague additionally), pour the top with melted marmalade (put in the microwave for 20-30 seconds) and remove it in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes.
8. For glaze, melt the chocolate in a microwave or water bath, add butter and mix thoroughly. Pour the cake with icing and put it back in the cold for 30-60 minutes.
9. For decoration, mix the remaining cream with green dye (purchased or spinach juice, parsley).
Cut the cake, decorate each piece with green cream and sprinkle, imitating a Christmas tree.
Source: domashniy.ru/
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