Why bake cake "Medovic" without honey and what is its beauty
Hi, mistresses! Today we are going to make a cake. According to the statistics of search queries, recipe for cooking "Medovica" Favorite among homemade pastries. This dessert is considered the national delicacy of our country, and the technology of honey baking is as old as the world.
Honey in the dough for "Medovik" plays a decisive role and adds a certain stinginess, saturating the pastry with aroma and color. But when heated above 55 degrees, honey begins to release many harmful substances and loses its useful properties. So in this recipe, we replace honey with molasses. With it, the dough will retain useful properties, and the cake - honey taste. This is how we cook!
Cake "Medovic" with sour cream Ingredients for molasses
Test ingredients
Cream ingredients
Delicious Medovic cake. Sour cream ready. Leave to insist for 1 hour, and then put in a cold place for another 2 hours. When the cake cools, you can serve guests on the table. Especially tasty children will like because of its original design: each individual piece is like a house with a bee. Bon appetit!
Honey in the dough for "Medovik" plays a decisive role and adds a certain stinginess, saturating the pastry with aroma and color. But when heated above 55 degrees, honey begins to release many harmful substances and loses its useful properties. So in this recipe, we replace honey with molasses. With it, the dough will retain useful properties, and the cake - honey taste. This is how we cook!

Cake "Medovic" with sour cream Ingredients for molasses
- 175g of sugar
- 125 ml of water
- soda (at the tip of a spoon)
- lemon acid (at the tip of a spoon)
Test ingredients
- 100g butter
- 200g sugar
- 3 eggs
- 3 tbsp molasses
- powderer
- 350g flour
Cream ingredients
- 900 ml of sour cream (fat content of at least 25 percent)
- 4 tbsp sugar
- lemon juice
- 4 tbsp honey

- We'll replace honey with molasses. We will prepare home molasses that cannot be stored and must be used immediately. We measure 125 ml of water and 175 g of sugar. Dissolve sugar: do not interfere with a spoon, otherwise the molasses will sugar. Then 10-15 minutes boil on a high heat until the syrup is formed. Add soda, citric acid and stir, foam should form.
- Let's do the test. We'll cook it for him. steam-bathAt 55 degrees. In the bowl, melt the oil and pour sugar. At a fast pace, we mix the mass with a fork. One egg and 3 tbsp molasses. Add half the norm of flour mixed with baking powder. We remove the bowl from the steam bath so that the flour does not brew, and pour out the rest of the flour. The dough should stretch like gum, but at the same time keep in shape.
- The finished dough is divided into 8 parts. Then it must be rolled into cakes, putting a towel under the baking paper. Thus, the dough is well aligned and will not break. The diameter of the cakes should be about 22 cm, and the thickness is 1-2 mm. Put in the oven and bake at a temperature of 200 degrees, 3-4 minutes.
- Take out the crusts and let it cool. While the cakes are cooling, we prepare the cream. Take sour cream with a fat content of at least 25 percent, add sugar and whip with a mixer. First at small turns, and then gradually increase to a maximum. Drip lemon juice and stir again. Still, honey can be added to the cream, but not to "Medovic". Thus, it is not subjected to heat treatment and retains useful properties.
- Packing cake. The plate on which we will form a cake, smear with cream. We also smear the cakes and lay them on top. For decoration, you can use a stencil in the form of cells. With the help of a sieve, sprinkle the top of the cake with a small crumb, and sprinkle a large side. To the honeycombs, you can add bees - sweets with almonds. Wings to bees can be made from pumpkin seeds or almond flakes.
Delicious Medovic cake. Sour cream ready. Leave to insist for 1 hour, and then put in a cold place for another 2 hours. When the cake cools, you can serve guests on the table. Especially tasty children will like because of its original design: each individual piece is like a house with a bee. Bon appetit!
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