Milk and dairy products in Ayurveda
Sixty seven million one hundred twenty one thousand three hundred seventy four
Ayurveda emphasizes the need for regular consumption of milk and, moreover, asserts: every healthy person should drink milk. The person is not able to digest milk, can be considered ill, in need of treatment that will allow him to eventually re-start to drink milk. The postulate of the benefits of milk in Āюрведе not subject to any doubt. Why is milk given such importance?
Milk and dairy products in Ayurveda
As justification it is possible to identify a number of reasons:
Source: ayurvedika.ru/blog/milk/
Ayurveda emphasizes the need for regular consumption of milk and, moreover, asserts: every healthy person should drink milk. The person is not able to digest milk, can be considered ill, in need of treatment that will allow him to eventually re-start to drink milk. The postulate of the benefits of milk in Āюрведе not subject to any doubt. Why is milk given such importance?
Milk and dairy products in Ayurveda
As justification it is possible to identify a number of reasons:
- blend in the milk of many health enhancing qualities:
- Frisia - is an aphrodisiac, nourishes the reproductive tissue (shukra-dhatu) immediately upon absorption;
- ocasia (ojasya): increases Ojas (essence of tissues);
- deepana (dīpana) — enhances the digestive fire;
- Diwaniya (jīvanīya) — supports life, it improves blood flow to bodily tissues;
- pinana (prīṇana) — satisfies, nourishes bodily tissues;
- manskar (manaskar) — improves activity of the mind;
- balia (balya) — gives strength;
- milk supports the body's defense mechanisms (vyādhikṣamatva, immunity) that manifests in strengthening the ability to resist the disease (vyādhi utpad pratibandhakatva), and also in active resistance to its development and in weakening the forces of disease (vyādhi bala virodhitvam);
- milk anekauṣadhi-rasaprasādaṃ prāṇadaṃ — is a gift, which is the essence of many drugs, the life giver (su su.45.48);
- milk belongs to the group of sarasamma (sarvasatmya) products useful to all (sarva-prāṇabhṛtāṃ — all living beings) that are useful at any age (jātisātmyāt — birth), this is stated in the Sushruta Samhita, Strathan, Chapter 45, 48-49.
Source: ayurvedika.ru/blog/milk/