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Harmony time — the theory of the 4 Ashrams of life

Twenty eight million nine hundred eighty four thousand three hundred seventy eight

Seasonal and daily rhythm.

Each person is responsible for his life, should set conditions for itself corresponding to its Constitution. This will be a more harmonious life than if people went with the flow, not thinking of what is happening. Living in the rhythms of each of your Dosha, you will be more productive to expend your energy and will give complete relaxation to your body, enjoying and rejoicing in life. If you have serious health problems, by drawing mode should also be taken seriously – to write a “program”, to hang in a prominent place and to constantly check their actions with the agreed plan. To tag yourself in what state you started a “new life”. Take the time to report on the achievements. In Ayurvedic recovery is all happening slowly but surely.

The average tidying herself – 1 month strict adherence to the mode of lowering your Dosha, post balance sheet within 1 year of the disease (or problem). Ie if you have some 10-year disease – in 10 months you will be in good condition. If someone does seem long, then you need to go back to the official medicine there or something cut off or pills will be discharged. But I guess all these 10 years you had the doctors and is treated.

These calculations – 1 month per 1 year of illness relate only to the acquisition of the current life in our dense ignorance of the disease. If this is a karmic disease (all rojdenie disease, not amenable to any treatment, deformities, defects of the body) – any Ayurveda or conventional medicine they are not treated. Karmic illness lies at the genetic level. Karma only need to survive, then at least in the next life will be easier. And this is only possible relief by various methods, but not cure.

Ayurvedic mode is absolutely simple, he does not enter into any contradiction with the lifestyle of the majority, is not contrary to any official treatment. If you are taking any medications and treatments you don't need to drop everything and start to “live according to Ayurveda”. Simply type in your new life rules. For small problems you will have enough Shamans (Light relief), while the more serious – Panchakarma. Many of the body is under stress from excessive “treatment” for prescription drugs, vitamins, biologically active additives “grandma's” recipes. Our body just doesn't know which way to run to be treated. If you do lifestyle according to Ayurveda, remove secondary drugs, leaving the necessary (over time, many lost the need to accept them, or dose significantly reduced).

So how do the Doshas are distributed in time?

The calendar year is divided into 3 time:

January – April – late winter and early spring is the time of Kapha
May – August is late spring and summer is a Pitta time
September – December autumn and early winter – time Watts

In these times almost everything is more or less balanced people should adhere to anti-Dosha mode, applying his knowledge about the nature of the Doshas. Knowing that Kapha is cold and wet and the winter and early spring have the same qualities, it is clear that at this time everything should be warming and drying, especially for Kapha, and to a lesser extent for Wool and Pitta. In the hot season (Pitta time) specifically for Pitta should be all the cooling, Kapha and Vata – that is necessary. During Vata (fall), with windy and cold weather Cotton should be warm and moist (in different ways – wet steam room, moistening the air in the home, use warming spices), and protected from the wind, Pitta will be very comfortable, and Kapha are only good warm wind (it does not have the element of Air), and cold it also brings bad. The heat and once again heat.

After reading all this, you probably already understand the absurdity of the statements “All need to toughen up!”. Promote is just the Pitta, which is very cooling leads to normal. Wool and Kapha hate the cold and hardening with every fiber of his soul and after the first procedure can take a long time to get the flu. Exactly the same as calls to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. Vata and Pitta is suitable, and Kapha so add fluid and mucus in the body that it drinking will only harm. Kapha generally need to limit fluids.

The day also there is a strict separation:

24 hours are divided into six 4-hour periods:
from 6 am to 10 am and from 6 PM to 10 PM is the Kapha time
from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and from 10 p.m. till 2 a.m. – Pitta time
with 2 days until 6 PM and 2 am to 6 am – the time Wool

Speaking of time, you need to have due to local astronomical time and not the time on the home clock. In connection with any transfers to summer and winter time is very difficult to understand – what is now “real” time. Well, with the help of Internet you can easily find for your location.

By the way, in Canada it has long been talk – as an experiment, go to schools on the new schedule. The classes will start from 10 am. Years of research activity of pupils at lessons showed that at 8 in the morning almost all “sleeping” though and sit at their desks and begin to react about 10. No explanation for watching this experiment not found and just decided to move the time. But we, with their knowledge about Ayurveda can confidently say that from 6 am until 10 am time of Kapha, the body is sleeping, if he wakes up before 6 a.m. when he completed the period of Vata (mobility). So simple.

Using the last table, you can navigate the auspicious time for each Dosha, especially for a meal:

Wool should regularly eat. Without regular intakes she starts to get nervous. Breakfast should be warm, semi-liquid state, in any case, neither dry and cold (like cereal with cold milk or cold juice). Best suited milk porridge with the addition of melted oil Ghee. A full meal is better to eat at noon (Pitta time). Even if the food isn't hot or warm, at this time Wool tolerates everything. Dinner is best to eat before the beginning of time Kapha – 6pm, so after that there is the influence of Kapha with its slow metabolism). Dinner should be warm and not very dry.

Pitt can eat hearty Breakfast, unless she has no serious gastrointestinal disease. And normal Agni Pitta is high, so that the time of Kapha (6-10am) it does not interfere. In the period from 10 am to 2 PM (Pitta time) Pitta should eat light, cooling lunch. All hot, heavy and fatty at this time is not suitable. Dinner can be from 5 to 8 PM (Vata or Kapha). At this time (more coolness on energy than Pitta), Pitta person can even use a hot, slightly spiced food without fear of overheating of the body.

Kapha. Her time in the morning from 6 to 10. At this time, Kapha manifests itself and acts on the environment the most. Its action is to slow things down, first and foremost metabolism. This is why Kapha is recommended to skip Breakfast, no sense from it will not, and will be in the stomach until better times – Pitta time (10 a.m.-2 p.m.) when pitt will throw Agni (digestive Fire). Kapha is best to take the first meal during Pitta when the metabolism is strengthened. A light dinner should be at least 6 hours (before Kapha time).

By the way, on the evening of the 6-hour ban on food is a commonplace, in all the interviews about diets, but nobody really can explain why after 6 PM. And Ayurveda explained everything to us – this is the time of Kapha, the body's metabolism decreases and food is a harm. And of course, no one is recommended to eat before sleep for a whopping 3 hours before sexual activity 1 hour.

When selecting the mode suitable to its Constitution, must take into account climatic and geographical features of the place of residence, to correct and adjust your activity and food conditions. “Charaka Samhita” says: “it would be Good to observe such mode, in which there is properties, the opposite region of residence and own diseases.” Several times in previous articles we have already discussed this – the Cotton bad in cold and windy climate, pitt bad in a hot climate, Kapha – cold and wet (i.e. in those States, which are identical with the characteristics of the Doshas.)

Our whole life also podchinyaetsya Doshas. In ancient India the division of life was on 25 year cycles. Only gets 4 in the circle of the Ashram. It was believed that a person lives 100 years, hence the division. In more modern books, the authors do not venture to write about 100 years of life, especially in some countries, so these shorter periods are specified. I will follow the ancient authors, and you have yourself put on yourself – I feel that I will live a 100 years – use these layouts. Don't feel – shorten the term, and then divide by 4 to get “their” Ashrams. So:

from birth to 25 years – childhood, adolescence – a time of Kapha (the time of Apprenticeship)
from 25 to 50 years – the time of Pitta (Family time)
from 50 to 75 years – the time of Pitta/Vata (time Hermit)
from 75 to 100 years – the time of the Wool (the time of the Abdication)

With the first Ashram to 25 years – a time of Discipleship, it is clear without explanation. Kapha dominates with its ability to the formation where you want it, including Knowledge. Physically Kapha gives a strong mucus in the body – hence all the colds and flu that caring mother and grandmother treated milk, adding more mucus in the body. Milk children need only properly cooked – cooled after boiling with cinnamon and nutmeg (a pinch), and a bit of old honey. All of this removes slideshowmenudw the milk-based and dries excess mucus. Goat's milk is less slidestory than cow.

The second Ashram from 25 to 50 years – time family Man - the most active time for a career, build a family and raise children. This time, the Pitta, which encourages, gives energy to action. This time is the main period in making money, acquiring material possessions. At this time, a person of extremely high internal responsibility for the family, for younger children. Spiritual quest at this time do one. The bulk enjoys the acquisition of material wealth.

The third Ashram from 50 to 75 years – is a departure from the cares of the house, the savings, thinking about their place in life and often reinforced spiritual practices. In Vedic terminology this is called the Ashram of Hermit because in ancient India the aging parents were separated from children and gave them their reins. Sometimes they went near the village to be within reach if the kids need their advice. More often, the parents went to the back half of the house into the small room and the children and grandchildren helped them to maintain their very modest economy. This Ashram is a transition period between the time of Pitta and Vata time of respect, a gradual replacement of material wealth with spiritual truths.

The fourth Ashram from 75 to 100 years – the time of Renunciation, preparing for the death of the physical body and to transition into the next life, the search for liberation from the wheel of rebirth. This time simply Wool, which usually brings destruction and death. This time the search of Liberation. At this age, most lose interest in the outer life and become like traveler, ready to move to the next step of the journey.

It is clear that this is a General picture on the distribution of the life cycle of the Doshas. Some advanced souls with a huge baggage of spirituality from past lives as if “skips” the first 3 of the Ashram and once born somewhere in the Himalayas, sitting in the Lotus position (well, it's exaggerated). Most are stuck in the 2nd Ashram and I can not get rid of the passion for hoarding material wealth.

The wisdom of the Vedic culture, which adheres to Ayurveda is that each Ashram corresponds to a certain lifestyle. Unfortunately, modern culture is far from these concepts, and not considering 3 and 4 Ashrams. Modern consumer society is doing all it can to not think, but only consumed and enjoyed it. Massive attack producers and advertisers are able to make only wise man who does not watch TV or read Newspapers. For a person in old age is not natural to think about acquisitions, to enjoy another new blouse or a car, delicious food, and on the other it often is not accustomed to think. For society as a whole turns a sad result, but a specific person can lead to mental imbalance. A strong desire for hoarding creates blocks to spiritual development. People do not “come down” to 3 and 4 Agrachov one of the most miserable in my old age, because I can not understand – what lived and what will happen next. Spiritual quest was not, and without them you can not understand, why are we Here. A lot of work for a joke: “To some, with age comes wisdom. Most – sclerosis.”

The theory about the 4 Ashrams of life is a good model of social health of society. And as sad as it is to admit our society is not very great, but even on the contrary.

Source: aayurveda.ca/basics/time-our-life/6/