Seven types of marriage according to the Vedas
I want to tell you about the seven types of marriage (seven scenarios, as described in the Vedas).
The VEDAS (vEda – "teaching", "knowledge") is a collection of the most ancient sacred writings of Hinduism written in Sanskrit. For many centuries the Vedas were passed down only in oral verse form. And they were recorded much later. In Hinduism it is believed that the Vedas are eternal apaurusheya the revealed Scriptures given to man through the Holy sages.
Sixteen million nine hundred forty six thousand two hundred three
1. Compatibility Makushenko mental center, at the level of the mind.
Nowadays such marriages are extremely rare. Unfortunately, the mind is not the determining factor in marriage. Do not get me wrong! I mean not the mind, and the mind. Remind. The mind (reason) – the accumulated knowledge, skillfully applied them in life. The reason is the ability to make the right decisions. Intelligence and wisdom are quite similar concepts. Smart knows everything, reasonably well — only the most necessary for a happy life. Smart loves to show how he solves the most complex questions.
Reasonable difficult questions does not concern. It is well known that all the difficult questions, is it just combined into one unit smaller. For example, the conflict between the spouses. This complex question is quite easy to solve if you know the following: you must respect yourself, your wife and marriage. Intelligent in such cases, go to a psychologist and try to prove that their partner – the real monster.
Reasonable know, what is the purpose of his life. The comprehension of this only comes through hard work.
In Vedic times marriage or before marriage boys and girls have passed special training. As the Vedas say, in a happy marriage you can count the young people who understand what exactly is the purpose of life. Engaged in self-development, they came to an understanding of its purpose, the role of women and the role of men in joint improvement. Studied how to find a good life partner.
This work was not possible without the necessary study of the Scriptures. In this case, young people were simply can not do without an experienced mentor, well versed in the Scriptures. In the Vedas it is said that if a person really wants to have the source of true knowledge and the spiritual master, according to the will of God, after some time, he will have such an opportunity.
This desire to marry a person, developing spiritually. When she finds uplifting, sensible personality, it certainly involved these valuable qualities. In this case, she gets real happy family. Similarly, a man sees that the girl is listening and is more likely to follow all of his instructions. Occupying a subordinate position, thus she recognizes the authority of her husband, and thus manifests its rationality. The Vedas say that the reasonableness of the girl manifested through obedience and humility.
Marriages based on compatibility of the mind, are the most happy. They committed a very great love.
2.The work, arising at the level of the frontal center — smart marriage.
This is quite a high level of compatibility.
This type of marriage is usually stable, because the mind controls the senses and the body.
For the operation of the mind responds to the frontal centre. It is located in the center of the forehead.
If the harmony on this level the main thing in married life becomes the attainment of the purpose of stay in this world, the study of the Scriptures, circumcision. Such compatibility is impossible if young people are not educated with positive character qualities, not learned to treat each other right. It is impossible in the absence of serious austerity. Asceticism in the Vedic culture it was planned with the birth of a child. Girls and boys were educated separately (in Russia the separate education of boys and girls was observed up to 30-ies of the 20th century).
In such a system of education was a deep meaning. Girls, thus, to a certain age kept their purity. And the boys appeared fairly strong motivation in order to cultivate the best quality. Separate education due to the great difference between male and female body and difference in their development. Women naturally have the makings of positive qualities, they just need to keep them. The man should be gained.
It is very important the preservation of the purity of a certain age (for boys and for girls). Then their marriage can harmony on the mental plane. These young people in the future, consciously looking for a mate. The young man realizes that it's time to create a family and chooses a girl with positive traits, is not much interested in the opposite sex. After meeting the young people are not eager to marry. They first try to understand, whether it is in life. It turns out it is in communication. It in turn leads to deep feelings.
The first variant of development of relations.
Young people fall in love with each other as a result of a fairly strong understanding. It is important that in contrast to relations, developing under the influence of sex (read below), this understanding usually occurs immediately, but in the process of joint activities and gradually develops into love.
3.The work, arising at the level of the throat center — creative Union.
The throat center is responsible for emotions, it provides a control of our feelings. If the harmony arising at the level of the mental centre, the overriding sense of family life is the achievement of full control of the senses and a refined perception of the world. The compatibility of this centre was possible only if the people have purified their consciousness, i.e., study of spiritual knowledge. If you are an emotional person, not necessarily waiting for you exalted love. Remember, everything is good in moderation and feelings too. If you do not know how to control them they can overwhelm you and also tantrums, then nothing else happens.
Harmony at the level of the throat chakra is usually formed in the process of working out creative activities. Such relations are the people who finely understand the beauty of birth. Some of them gain knowledge about the world harmony from a past life. Usually such people are born in an intelligent family. After, they maintain a beautiful, very delicate relationship for life. For the rest, these relations are not possible without hard work.
This work usually occurs in people with musical, artistic or artistic abilities. For example, Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov, artists Polina and Dmitry Lukanova etc. Their knowledge and feelings complement each other. In front of them as if the whole universe opens.
At the fifth – the throat center there is a wide net of relations and exalted love. These are the feelings that have been glorified in poems. They lack instincts, they are filled with a sense of vibrant happiness. This love is the most exciting, feeling quite tense. Of course, with time, they weaken, but remains a sense of uniqueness of these relations.
4. The work, arising at the level of the heart center – heart marriage.
The heart center is located in the Central part of the chest and is responsible for moral development. In harmony, based on this level, the most important meaning of married life is the adherence to overriding moral principles that are peace and prosperity. For this type of marriage is typical of the depth of the relationship, understanding each other's thoughts. To create a family you must work on yourself. In Vedic times girls from the age of seven were taught to understand and accept female nature: kindness, patience, sensitivity, humility, diligence, gentleness, etc.
People seeking for relationships at the level of the heart center, as a rule, get acquainted during some joint (not creative!) activities, in General companies. Each other find conversation. They have common interests and goals, agree on the positive qualities of character. Feelings arise between them in the process of communication and usually begin with a friendly. In this case, there is no desire to drag his new friend into bed. This is a distinctive feature of this type of relationship. A man wants to protect his girlfriend from someone else's abuse and dirty intentions. Gradually a friendship develops into love. People each see each other helper, protector, adviser and lover. Such relations are very strong, the couple are confident in each other. Lunar harmony makes such marriages strong.
In the case where the relationship arose at the level of the heart chakra, build them exclusively female, and only she decides to keep a man or to let go. The man provides the income of the family determines the future. The meaning of the whole of family life (global) is also determined by men. In such marriages women tend to behave very diplomatically. They handle conflict situations, smooth all rough edges. Happiness in such a marriage based on communication. Of course, contradictions in the marital relationship can not be avoided. Happen and very serious conflicts. In this case, in relations it is possible to cool. This occasionally happens in every family. To avoid this, spouses need to work on yourself and your relationship, because nothing in this world is not standing still.
5. Compatibility at the level of the solar plexus center.
This centre is responsible for the feeling of satisfaction, ambitions, and digestion. If the compatibility is at the level of the mental centre, in this case, the main in a couple's life becomes the attainment of a high position in society. In such relationships play an important role in life activity and human emotions.
People striving for power and glory, trying to find your soul mate at parties for the elite, at business meetings, in the elite companies. Such compatibility gives both spouses full sense of peace. Girl looking for a man who can provide her a high standard of living and to protect. She believes that if he has an apartment, a car and a position in society, it means that she loves him and she needs to marry him. In this case, she did not prevaricate, it's just that her idea of love. They live in love and harmony, until they have something to aim for (in terms of material, of course).
Still, relations at this level are the basis for a fairly stable marriage. But with age, interests change, material needs already as high as in the youth and bring the joy of the former, which could threaten the strength of family ties. It is sometimes observed that the relations, arising at the level of the solar plexus, will eventually grow into relationships of a higher level. But it doesn't happen by itself, it is the result of work of both spouses.
The Vedas say that the work, arising at the level of the solar plexus, guarantees people the meet in the next life, only in it they will swap roles.
6. Compatibility at the level of the navel center – financial motives.
The navel center is located just below the navel. It is associated with feelings of calm and fear.
If the harmony between spouses is set at the level of the mental centre, the main meaning of their life together will create for themselves the most comfortable conditions. People share a commitment to buy a car, apartment, expensive furniture, luxury Villa, etc. Have a tendency to wealth and comfort, looking for a life partner in expensive restaurants, companies, businesses, vacation homes. They want to find someone that has the ability to provide them a comfortable life. This kind of marriage is more sturdy than the previous one, but still quite risky. The main aim of these people is to the comfort and prosperity at the expense of another person. Girls looking for rich husbands, and young people – a rich bride.
In these cases, the probability a stable relationship, until you get to the important issues. For example, where to live and work, etc. When people are just nearby (in sports, go to the disco) they are very good, but when difficulties begin, they can not cope, because they lack the compatibility on the level of the mind, of the mind and senses. In this case, people might be a big sports family, but nothing more. They will not have good communication, opportunities to find true common goal in life, if they don't put in any effort.
7. Compatibility coccygeal center - the lowland harmony.
Lower (coccygeal center) the person responsible for sex and selfishness. It is also called ignorant, because it is completely absent spirituality. At this level, formed a very unfavorable family relationships, because the motives for creating a family in this case, only dictates sexual attraction.
In our days this type of marriage is found quite often. Because a certain portion of our society believes that love is only sex. Usually, the initiator of such a relationship is a man. The woman, on the proposal any relationship, can only accept or refuse. As a rule, in this case about marriage, it's not. These people are just looking for a partner to have sex, focusing on only the beauty of the body.
Because that's how they understand love. People who have a penchant for primitive bodily happiness, looking each other in night clubs, discos and other entertainment. Man excites beautiful female figure, lush Breasts, slender legs, sensual lips, sweet face. Women have the same sexual attraction can cause muscular male body, strong broad shoulders, gentle and simultaneously strong male hands. There is a very strong sexual attraction, people think that they never can live without friends. Is the real obfuscation. People do not think about where and what they will live. The main thing for them is to Wake up in each other's arms. Gradually frequent sexual relations a drain on the psyche. Over time, reduced need for sex. Decreases and the excitation factor. Female legs lose their harmony, the breast becomes less firm, beautiful body gradually covered with wrinkles. So with the disappearance of the object of sexual desire disappears, and the sex.
According to the Vedas, this view of marriage is the most unfavorable. Identified even the phases of the development of such a relationship: the first 6 months of crazy love, then the feelings slowly start to fade in 2-3 years in this relationship appears quite serious problems, and seven years later – not mine a divorce (usually with the scandal).
Wife, in parting, surprised to note that they are absolutely wrong and they have nothing even to talk. The reason is very simple – a man feels himself a hero, while his strong sexual energy. During this period it shows its best qualities in relation to the woman. But as soon as sex energy begins to fade, he will become your worst quality. Usually, a man starts to get irritated on trifles, for their problems to blame, the wife, the itself. As a result, he loses interest in his wife, starts an affair on the side, which further worsens the situation.
Vedas say that a relationship based only on the harmony of the lower centers are gradually depleted. And people who are married was content to work on the lower centers, even will meet in the next life and cause a lot of problems to each other.
It turns out that marital happiness is directly dependent on the psychological level, on which there was a motive behind the creation of the family.
If the relationship arose at the level of the lower centers, thanks to the perfection of the spouses, they can catch up to the higher centers. So some couples who admit that in marriage they are United only sexual desire, lived for many years together, raised children and grandchildren and still happy. On change of sexual attraction it is mutual understanding and respect. In life everything is possible, but only for those who are complacent, do not succumb to the difficulties, abuses life for its imperfections, but instead tries to achieve harmony with the surrounding world and seeks wisdom. In relations and possible progress and regress. So the work, arising at the level of higher centers, may fall to a lower level. But do not threaten people who are in your development never rest on our laurels.
Family creation is similar to this exam. Not to be mistaken, the person needs to examine many issues.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: elena-yasevich.com/poleznye-stati/22-vedy-i-sem-tipov-braka
The VEDAS (vEda – "teaching", "knowledge") is a collection of the most ancient sacred writings of Hinduism written in Sanskrit. For many centuries the Vedas were passed down only in oral verse form. And they were recorded much later. In Hinduism it is believed that the Vedas are eternal apaurusheya the revealed Scriptures given to man through the Holy sages.
Sixteen million nine hundred forty six thousand two hundred three
1. Compatibility Makushenko mental center, at the level of the mind.
Nowadays such marriages are extremely rare. Unfortunately, the mind is not the determining factor in marriage. Do not get me wrong! I mean not the mind, and the mind. Remind. The mind (reason) – the accumulated knowledge, skillfully applied them in life. The reason is the ability to make the right decisions. Intelligence and wisdom are quite similar concepts. Smart knows everything, reasonably well — only the most necessary for a happy life. Smart loves to show how he solves the most complex questions.
Reasonable difficult questions does not concern. It is well known that all the difficult questions, is it just combined into one unit smaller. For example, the conflict between the spouses. This complex question is quite easy to solve if you know the following: you must respect yourself, your wife and marriage. Intelligent in such cases, go to a psychologist and try to prove that their partner – the real monster.
Reasonable know, what is the purpose of his life. The comprehension of this only comes through hard work.
In Vedic times marriage or before marriage boys and girls have passed special training. As the Vedas say, in a happy marriage you can count the young people who understand what exactly is the purpose of life. Engaged in self-development, they came to an understanding of its purpose, the role of women and the role of men in joint improvement. Studied how to find a good life partner.
This work was not possible without the necessary study of the Scriptures. In this case, young people were simply can not do without an experienced mentor, well versed in the Scriptures. In the Vedas it is said that if a person really wants to have the source of true knowledge and the spiritual master, according to the will of God, after some time, he will have such an opportunity.
This desire to marry a person, developing spiritually. When she finds uplifting, sensible personality, it certainly involved these valuable qualities. In this case, she gets real happy family. Similarly, a man sees that the girl is listening and is more likely to follow all of his instructions. Occupying a subordinate position, thus she recognizes the authority of her husband, and thus manifests its rationality. The Vedas say that the reasonableness of the girl manifested through obedience and humility.
Marriages based on compatibility of the mind, are the most happy. They committed a very great love.
2.The work, arising at the level of the frontal center — smart marriage.
This is quite a high level of compatibility.
This type of marriage is usually stable, because the mind controls the senses and the body.
For the operation of the mind responds to the frontal centre. It is located in the center of the forehead.
If the harmony on this level the main thing in married life becomes the attainment of the purpose of stay in this world, the study of the Scriptures, circumcision. Such compatibility is impossible if young people are not educated with positive character qualities, not learned to treat each other right. It is impossible in the absence of serious austerity. Asceticism in the Vedic culture it was planned with the birth of a child. Girls and boys were educated separately (in Russia the separate education of boys and girls was observed up to 30-ies of the 20th century).
In such a system of education was a deep meaning. Girls, thus, to a certain age kept their purity. And the boys appeared fairly strong motivation in order to cultivate the best quality. Separate education due to the great difference between male and female body and difference in their development. Women naturally have the makings of positive qualities, they just need to keep them. The man should be gained.
It is very important the preservation of the purity of a certain age (for boys and for girls). Then their marriage can harmony on the mental plane. These young people in the future, consciously looking for a mate. The young man realizes that it's time to create a family and chooses a girl with positive traits, is not much interested in the opposite sex. After meeting the young people are not eager to marry. They first try to understand, whether it is in life. It turns out it is in communication. It in turn leads to deep feelings.
The first variant of development of relations.
Young people fall in love with each other as a result of a fairly strong understanding. It is important that in contrast to relations, developing under the influence of sex (read below), this understanding usually occurs immediately, but in the process of joint activities and gradually develops into love.
3.The work, arising at the level of the throat center — creative Union.
The throat center is responsible for emotions, it provides a control of our feelings. If the harmony arising at the level of the mental centre, the overriding sense of family life is the achievement of full control of the senses and a refined perception of the world. The compatibility of this centre was possible only if the people have purified their consciousness, i.e., study of spiritual knowledge. If you are an emotional person, not necessarily waiting for you exalted love. Remember, everything is good in moderation and feelings too. If you do not know how to control them they can overwhelm you and also tantrums, then nothing else happens.
Harmony at the level of the throat chakra is usually formed in the process of working out creative activities. Such relations are the people who finely understand the beauty of birth. Some of them gain knowledge about the world harmony from a past life. Usually such people are born in an intelligent family. After, they maintain a beautiful, very delicate relationship for life. For the rest, these relations are not possible without hard work.
This work usually occurs in people with musical, artistic or artistic abilities. For example, Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov, artists Polina and Dmitry Lukanova etc. Their knowledge and feelings complement each other. In front of them as if the whole universe opens.
At the fifth – the throat center there is a wide net of relations and exalted love. These are the feelings that have been glorified in poems. They lack instincts, they are filled with a sense of vibrant happiness. This love is the most exciting, feeling quite tense. Of course, with time, they weaken, but remains a sense of uniqueness of these relations.
4. The work, arising at the level of the heart center – heart marriage.
The heart center is located in the Central part of the chest and is responsible for moral development. In harmony, based on this level, the most important meaning of married life is the adherence to overriding moral principles that are peace and prosperity. For this type of marriage is typical of the depth of the relationship, understanding each other's thoughts. To create a family you must work on yourself. In Vedic times girls from the age of seven were taught to understand and accept female nature: kindness, patience, sensitivity, humility, diligence, gentleness, etc.
People seeking for relationships at the level of the heart center, as a rule, get acquainted during some joint (not creative!) activities, in General companies. Each other find conversation. They have common interests and goals, agree on the positive qualities of character. Feelings arise between them in the process of communication and usually begin with a friendly. In this case, there is no desire to drag his new friend into bed. This is a distinctive feature of this type of relationship. A man wants to protect his girlfriend from someone else's abuse and dirty intentions. Gradually a friendship develops into love. People each see each other helper, protector, adviser and lover. Such relations are very strong, the couple are confident in each other. Lunar harmony makes such marriages strong.
In the case where the relationship arose at the level of the heart chakra, build them exclusively female, and only she decides to keep a man or to let go. The man provides the income of the family determines the future. The meaning of the whole of family life (global) is also determined by men. In such marriages women tend to behave very diplomatically. They handle conflict situations, smooth all rough edges. Happiness in such a marriage based on communication. Of course, contradictions in the marital relationship can not be avoided. Happen and very serious conflicts. In this case, in relations it is possible to cool. This occasionally happens in every family. To avoid this, spouses need to work on yourself and your relationship, because nothing in this world is not standing still.
5. Compatibility at the level of the solar plexus center.
This centre is responsible for the feeling of satisfaction, ambitions, and digestion. If the compatibility is at the level of the mental centre, in this case, the main in a couple's life becomes the attainment of a high position in society. In such relationships play an important role in life activity and human emotions.
People striving for power and glory, trying to find your soul mate at parties for the elite, at business meetings, in the elite companies. Such compatibility gives both spouses full sense of peace. Girl looking for a man who can provide her a high standard of living and to protect. She believes that if he has an apartment, a car and a position in society, it means that she loves him and she needs to marry him. In this case, she did not prevaricate, it's just that her idea of love. They live in love and harmony, until they have something to aim for (in terms of material, of course).
Still, relations at this level are the basis for a fairly stable marriage. But with age, interests change, material needs already as high as in the youth and bring the joy of the former, which could threaten the strength of family ties. It is sometimes observed that the relations, arising at the level of the solar plexus, will eventually grow into relationships of a higher level. But it doesn't happen by itself, it is the result of work of both spouses.
The Vedas say that the work, arising at the level of the solar plexus, guarantees people the meet in the next life, only in it they will swap roles.
6. Compatibility at the level of the navel center – financial motives.
The navel center is located just below the navel. It is associated with feelings of calm and fear.
If the harmony between spouses is set at the level of the mental centre, the main meaning of their life together will create for themselves the most comfortable conditions. People share a commitment to buy a car, apartment, expensive furniture, luxury Villa, etc. Have a tendency to wealth and comfort, looking for a life partner in expensive restaurants, companies, businesses, vacation homes. They want to find someone that has the ability to provide them a comfortable life. This kind of marriage is more sturdy than the previous one, but still quite risky. The main aim of these people is to the comfort and prosperity at the expense of another person. Girls looking for rich husbands, and young people – a rich bride.
In these cases, the probability a stable relationship, until you get to the important issues. For example, where to live and work, etc. When people are just nearby (in sports, go to the disco) they are very good, but when difficulties begin, they can not cope, because they lack the compatibility on the level of the mind, of the mind and senses. In this case, people might be a big sports family, but nothing more. They will not have good communication, opportunities to find true common goal in life, if they don't put in any effort.
7. Compatibility coccygeal center - the lowland harmony.
Lower (coccygeal center) the person responsible for sex and selfishness. It is also called ignorant, because it is completely absent spirituality. At this level, formed a very unfavorable family relationships, because the motives for creating a family in this case, only dictates sexual attraction.
In our days this type of marriage is found quite often. Because a certain portion of our society believes that love is only sex. Usually, the initiator of such a relationship is a man. The woman, on the proposal any relationship, can only accept or refuse. As a rule, in this case about marriage, it's not. These people are just looking for a partner to have sex, focusing on only the beauty of the body.
Because that's how they understand love. People who have a penchant for primitive bodily happiness, looking each other in night clubs, discos and other entertainment. Man excites beautiful female figure, lush Breasts, slender legs, sensual lips, sweet face. Women have the same sexual attraction can cause muscular male body, strong broad shoulders, gentle and simultaneously strong male hands. There is a very strong sexual attraction, people think that they never can live without friends. Is the real obfuscation. People do not think about where and what they will live. The main thing for them is to Wake up in each other's arms. Gradually frequent sexual relations a drain on the psyche. Over time, reduced need for sex. Decreases and the excitation factor. Female legs lose their harmony, the breast becomes less firm, beautiful body gradually covered with wrinkles. So with the disappearance of the object of sexual desire disappears, and the sex.
According to the Vedas, this view of marriage is the most unfavorable. Identified even the phases of the development of such a relationship: the first 6 months of crazy love, then the feelings slowly start to fade in 2-3 years in this relationship appears quite serious problems, and seven years later – not mine a divorce (usually with the scandal).
Wife, in parting, surprised to note that they are absolutely wrong and they have nothing even to talk. The reason is very simple – a man feels himself a hero, while his strong sexual energy. During this period it shows its best qualities in relation to the woman. But as soon as sex energy begins to fade, he will become your worst quality. Usually, a man starts to get irritated on trifles, for their problems to blame, the wife, the itself. As a result, he loses interest in his wife, starts an affair on the side, which further worsens the situation.
Vedas say that a relationship based only on the harmony of the lower centers are gradually depleted. And people who are married was content to work on the lower centers, even will meet in the next life and cause a lot of problems to each other.
It turns out that marital happiness is directly dependent on the psychological level, on which there was a motive behind the creation of the family.
If the relationship arose at the level of the lower centers, thanks to the perfection of the spouses, they can catch up to the higher centers. So some couples who admit that in marriage they are United only sexual desire, lived for many years together, raised children and grandchildren and still happy. On change of sexual attraction it is mutual understanding and respect. In life everything is possible, but only for those who are complacent, do not succumb to the difficulties, abuses life for its imperfections, but instead tries to achieve harmony with the surrounding world and seeks wisdom. In relations and possible progress and regress. So the work, arising at the level of higher centers, may fall to a lower level. But do not threaten people who are in your development never rest on our laurels.
Family creation is similar to this exam. Not to be mistaken, the person needs to examine many issues.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: elena-yasevich.com/poleznye-stati/22-vedy-i-sem-tipov-braka