Ruslan Narushevich: How to increase feminine energy
According to the Vedas that have arisen about 5 thousand years ago, women's energy is the basis of Peace. Because just as women's creative "I", it gives a man the forces that guide him on his feats and achievements.
Each of us has periods of energy decline. Here Vedas offer amazing ways that increase the Power of Women. So, list of things that give us Strength!
1. Massage. According to the Vedas the female body just needs the touches. Our bodies need to move, to stretch. Otherwise the energy stagnates. Pressure on the body from the inside out. And causes illnesses.
2. Visit to the hairdresser — a beautiful hair is not just a way to cheer yourself up. Hair for womenins and the woman is a reflection of her thoughts. That is why in India, where it is very popular Vedic knowledge is given such importance to women's hair.
3. Manicure — beautiful hands I want to kiss you! Men say. This item is tested I myself and several of my friends. After manicure with red nail Polish attention husbands favorite and just men has increased.
4. Communication with other women — a mutual exchange of energy is very reinforces women. Man needs the silence of self-awareness. Woman better understand their experiences in communicating with friends.
5. Long conversations and discussions — on the same phone — it's not a waste of time. This is the emanation of the energy that woman needs. If words are piling up in the woman, then she'll probably throw them at the man. And this is not the best way.
6. Walking — a woman is necessary at least once a day to go outside. Despite the fact that we are the keepers of the hearth, connection with nature is very important!
7. Music — listen to music on a daily basis. Meditative, classical. Make it a habit to include music, for example over a Cup of tea.
8. To unsubscribe otsloeny topics for reflection and negotiation — Yes, the woman useful to be frivolous and think about nothing. The role of "girls" gives invincible youth. Especially this point is important for a business lady. Try to leave work and not bring them into the house.
9. Lepestkami bath with rose oils — is not an indulgence but a necessity! Giving a little to your body, yourself, you are surprised by their own lights and great mood.
10. Meditation — as well as any relaxing practice, it raises the level of female power. Meditravel need at least once a day before bedtime. Very useful meditation on the nature.
11. Take singing lessons — singing clears throat chakra. And we don't want to swear, blame the men. In Sparta in ancient times one of the compliments for a woman was:"she's like a song."
12. Shopping — shopping is not just sposob to look new things. Learn to go shopping, even if there is no money. Try on things. Enjoy their beauty. And remember-female energy is so strong that sometimes it is enough to see and touch the thing, so soon it migrated to your wardrobe. And the money for her are as if from nowhere.
13. A visit to the psychologist, but not necessarily women. Wise, opyta a woman can help you see the situation differently. And to understand it. Wisdom is passed from older women. For this reason, it is useful to communicate with your own grandmother, great-grandmother.
14. Dancing — in any form — is a great thing to enhance female power and sexuality. Especially good Arabic dance, Latin.
15. Yoga — yoga practice calms the mind and gives strength. It is advisable to engage the woman. And married. Male coach teaches only to load the body. Energy to share, he can not. Just because he is male.
16. Regular get-togethers with girlfriends — getting together in a public place you create a strong background of female Power. And share with each other the missing qualities.
17. To care for flowers — small garden house and digging in the garden — it is an additional way to stock up on feminine energy. Flowering, growth is all a reflection of the female energy.
18. Chat with married friends — it is very important for those who want to get married. The energy of the family in the Vedas — considered the most beneficial and valuable. So do not rush to abandon the party, where there will be only couples. After this meeting, you will accumulate energy that will attract to you a man rather than after a visit to a night club where a lot of single women.
19. Aid — to give help or ask for help. All this strengthens the woman. To whitechocolate from the principle "I myself." Because it is a principle typical of men.
20. Visit a bookstore — amazing, but walking among the books are very inspiring woman. Try to devote at least a couple hours a week. The woman-the Keeper of the knowledge. A book is a source of knowledge.
21. Ask for help from men — any manifestation of their caring makes us more feminine. Conduct an experiment and ask a stranger to help you carry the bag. The mood will rise to 100%.
22. Reading — read a good book, which I bought and put on the shelf. Especially useful to read stories about people's lives. Study of the fate — better understanding of yourself.
23. To share with someone duties at home — the idea that without you all "mold will grow" is a way to reduce their feminine energy. Boldly trust some business friends. And free up time to treat yourself!
24. Cooking – everything related to cooking - significantly raises the level of female energy. The woman is a mistress who knows how to feed and water. Don't know how to cook — learn. Know how improve your skills. Get to know the cuisine of a country.
25. The house is not just an apartment in which we live. Do your woman a powerful energeticka connection. That is why we are so annoying squeaky door or leaking faucet. For women it's not just the bugs. Through such holes follows the female energy. But just in such small things sometimes matter a man not to be disturbed. Why? Man thinks big: "you'll be useless the entire tile in the bathroom, then the new will. That ten times to lubricate the walls!". Sometimes it's easier to hire someone who will fix minor bugs. Just don't forget to tell your husband that you did it, knowing that he is very busy. Not because his hands do not grow out of the place. Men's self-esteem is very vulnerable.
26. Planning — any incompleteness and doubt destroy the woman. A clear plan is a way to conserve your energy. Learn to plan stuff, then move on to planning for several months and even years of life. What will you do tomorrow evening?
27. Festive lunch or dinner with candles, beautiful tablecloths and fine dining. It turns out that all we are doing even more for myself, though, and I want to raise the tone of a loved one. Bring such magical moments in life. Raduyte yourself and loved ones.
28. Education, parenting — communicating with children, a woman can raise the level of their energy. For this reason, sometimes it is not necessary to refuse. And even better to teach children that they can: drawing, singing, dancing.
29. Acting lessons — she lives in a world of emotions. Playing different roles on the stage, you can not only understand yourself better but also get rid of the accumulated aggression or share the joy. Any techniques of seduction is also a kind of acting.
30. Picnic in nature — always in the company of friends. Here amalgamation of a few things that raise the level of feminine energy: the Association, being in nature, cooking.
31. Makeup and grooming — is not only a way to please man, but to bring joy to yourself. So, while at home, it is important to do hair, wear clothes and look good.
32. Give yourself flowers is one of the most simple way povesti energy level. Flowers not only adorn a woman, but also instantly remove the negative, taking it on himself. So, if you are sad, do not rush to cry into the pillow. Buy a bouquet of flowers.
33. Wear skirts, dresses , such clothing restores the connection with the energy of nature by the female line. There is a rule not to wear pants on the first 7 (!) dates. In that case, if you want to really impress a man. It is established that the constant wearing of trousers has a negative impact on women's bodies.
34. The club of young moms — if you have a small child, make sure you communicate well with these moms. It is not only the exchange of experience and exchange of energy. Motherhood represents the Moon. And the lunar energy is feminine.
35. Taking care of children — do not refuse to help a married friend to play with her child. Any manifestation of concern for women is the way to Power. But remember about the main thing, not to consider a man as a child.
36. Feed the needy – charity is quality, reinforcing the lunar energy. It is not necessary to help everyone. With certainty you will find the person you are easy to please pleasant thing. Buy lonely neighbor fruit. Do not refuse the Cup of tea ran to You guest.
37. Communication — the woman is hard to do without contact with other people. In the conversations we draw the energy. It is important to ensure that information you were not gossip and other negative.
38. Romantic movie — agree with a friend and watch the melodrama. Any movie about love is a useful pastime for women. But better to do it in the company of other women.
39. Learning a new culture — contributes to the expansion of the worldview and allows the woman not to dwell on the inner world. The female energy tends to expand. No need to narrow it down artificially.
40. Water sources — rest on the river, lake, sea is a great way to raise the level of their energy. Water is the basis of a woman's sexuality and her ability to be harmonious, adaptable to the circumstances, or, on the contrary, rapid.
In ancient Greek temples of Aphrodite young priestesses obyazatelno taught to swim and interact with the water element.
41. Physical activity — if you feel fatigued, start to learn a new sport. It can be not only a new kind of fitness, but simply a morning jog. A very useful dance. A great way to recover if you deflated after a breakup with a partner.
42. Outfits , a beautiful dress is one of the ways to raise the level of their energy. By the way, to dress up, this does not mean that it is necessary to go somewhere. Wear nice clothes at home.
43. To clear the debris — the old stuff, junk and trash weaken the power of women. If life came a difficult period — it's time to clean up the mess.
44. A healthy lifestyle is needless to say that bad habits have a negative impact on female energy and beauty. A bad habit can be not only Smoking, but the habit of stay up late, gossiping or being lazy.
45. Poetry — reading poetry helps to reveal romanticheskuyu side of the "I". Not stesnitel to write his poems. Splash out on a paper engergy will save you from experiences. Beautiful style teaches to speak beautifully and to think correctly.
46. To feed birds, animals — a very simple way to raise the level of their energy. Build a feeder for the birds under the window. Get Canaries. This bird helps a happy marriage.
47. Visit the Museum or exhibition — everything beautiful makes a woman more beautiful.
48. Communication with the Teacher — go to a lecture favorite author, visit training. Books give knowledge. No doubt about it. But at a meeting with the Teacher, we are fueled by human energy.
49. Dnevik keep a daily record your thoughts, desires, goals. Unable to paste into the diary the picture or draw yourself. Your feelings are important! Therefore, it is important to record. Accumulating the energy of emotions, the woman will then be forced to throw it at the man. That in itself is not very good. In addition, the recording of thoughts ensures their analysis.
50. Make an album of their beautiful photos , attach your best photos. And feel free to enjoy themselves. Remember that you are always beautiful!
51. Determine your desires — sformuliruet for yourself desires, what you really want, especially in your relationships. And forget about "can". Can — is a prerogative of Men.
The man says: I can win, I can take her for a wife (or may not). When a woman starts to think much in the style of "I can", it becomes "man." Compare: I want to look good. I want him to like you. I want to get married. I can look good, I like him, I can marry.
52. Affectionate speech — learn to communicate without aggression and pressure. Feminine energy thrives from a couple of tender words spoken by you. Abusive, obscene words reduce women's energy all the way.
53. Obedience — disputes, competition and other aspects of active behavior reduce the level of energy. Try to be soft and diplomatic. For this reason, the conquest of men is very draining woman. And the man wants the woman to him so proactive. Her demeanor reminds him of the man.
54. Selectivity in sexual relationships — if a woman has multiple sex partners, then it is doomed to devastation. Engage in sexual relations only with the man you love. Keep faithful to her husband. Try to delay first sex after Dating. In order to interest a man, you need a lot of energy. Don't lose her before time sex.
55. Cleanliness — keep clean your home, your body and your mind. Time to get out of the house. Do not accumulate negative memories of the past. The easiest sposob raise the energy — to stand under the shower. Purity will bring the Power.
56. NOURISH YOURSELF with LOVE is one of the most important aspects. If the woman did not fill your heart and soul love, it is energetically weak. And nothing can give a man. Worse, it will be vampiric energy from him. Hence the decline of men, financial collapse, disease. Use any technique to fill your well of love. A woman – being giving. It should be FULL of love.
57. Arts and crafts — knitting, embroidery, sculpture,- all that You can do with your hands raises your level of feminine energy.
58. Make compliments for myself and other women. A kind word makes us stronger. If you find it hard to say something good about other women solve this issue. Rejection women can give difficulties in relations with her mother, mother-in-law, daughter.
59. Express love in any form, at any time. Hug, kiss favorite. Speak words of love to the world, people, their things. Sunshine, spring breeze, rain and even their sadness. Because she's your teacher. Any rejection and struggle maketh the woman.
60. Flower arranging — work with colors makes the charge of new forces. Charge updates and flowering.
61. Proper nutrition is use products that have undergone less processing and closer to nature. Remember what power gives Apple ripped you in the garden, and some hamburger. The sensations are very different.
62. Caress — a gentle touch help a woman understand yourself. And learn. Caress your body. Even if you have no men, do not deny yourself the tenderness. Start every morning and end the day in bed with a gentle touch to his face, body, legs. Kiss their hands to themselves — and they will worship other.
63. Stay alone with yourself — do not be afraid of those times when you be all alone. Do not run married out of loneliness. Use this time to focus on yourself. Nature has put a monthly period when the woman must think only about yourself. This is the period of menstruation.
64. Soft toy — don't beat yourself up for what you still sleep in the arms of a Teddy bear. The woman is harmful to sleep alone. And the toy gives a feeling of warmth. Buy yourself a toy if you feel the lack of love and attention.
65. Learn to work with the energy of the moon — wait outside in the moonlight, charge the lunar rays water. And then add it to the bath. Please contact Luna for help with women's ailments. To do this in meditation to imagine how visuales in the moonlight. You and Moon are one.
66. Send someone a card — for any occasion. Showing someone a sign of attention, you will be filled yourself. Remember: the woman is the giver. Giving it's getting full.
67. Charity is the pure expression of feminine energy. If You can do something to help someone - do it.
68. Change hair color — if your life was a prolonged pause, go to the stylist.
69. Fragrances — You should always be based on the aura of pleasant fragrance. The woman is a flower. Buying new perfumes and fragrance choice enhances female energy. Maybe it would be better to pick the suitable for you personally scented oil.
70. Dignity - you can be sure in its uniqueness. According to the Vedas, a Woman is the most beautiful thing that could create the Creator. You are beautiful! You charming! You are sexy! You Are A Woman! published
Author: Ruslan Narushevich P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.ayurvedaplus.ru/articles/273/257501/
Each of us has periods of energy decline. Here Vedas offer amazing ways that increase the Power of Women. So, list of things that give us Strength!

1. Massage. According to the Vedas the female body just needs the touches. Our bodies need to move, to stretch. Otherwise the energy stagnates. Pressure on the body from the inside out. And causes illnesses.
2. Visit to the hairdresser — a beautiful hair is not just a way to cheer yourself up. Hair for womenins and the woman is a reflection of her thoughts. That is why in India, where it is very popular Vedic knowledge is given such importance to women's hair.
3. Manicure — beautiful hands I want to kiss you! Men say. This item is tested I myself and several of my friends. After manicure with red nail Polish attention husbands favorite and just men has increased.
4. Communication with other women — a mutual exchange of energy is very reinforces women. Man needs the silence of self-awareness. Woman better understand their experiences in communicating with friends.
5. Long conversations and discussions — on the same phone — it's not a waste of time. This is the emanation of the energy that woman needs. If words are piling up in the woman, then she'll probably throw them at the man. And this is not the best way.
6. Walking — a woman is necessary at least once a day to go outside. Despite the fact that we are the keepers of the hearth, connection with nature is very important!
7. Music — listen to music on a daily basis. Meditative, classical. Make it a habit to include music, for example over a Cup of tea.
8. To unsubscribe otsloeny topics for reflection and negotiation — Yes, the woman useful to be frivolous and think about nothing. The role of "girls" gives invincible youth. Especially this point is important for a business lady. Try to leave work and not bring them into the house.
9. Lepestkami bath with rose oils — is not an indulgence but a necessity! Giving a little to your body, yourself, you are surprised by their own lights and great mood.
10. Meditation — as well as any relaxing practice, it raises the level of female power. Meditravel need at least once a day before bedtime. Very useful meditation on the nature.
11. Take singing lessons — singing clears throat chakra. And we don't want to swear, blame the men. In Sparta in ancient times one of the compliments for a woman was:"she's like a song."
12. Shopping — shopping is not just sposob to look new things. Learn to go shopping, even if there is no money. Try on things. Enjoy their beauty. And remember-female energy is so strong that sometimes it is enough to see and touch the thing, so soon it migrated to your wardrobe. And the money for her are as if from nowhere.
13. A visit to the psychologist, but not necessarily women. Wise, opyta a woman can help you see the situation differently. And to understand it. Wisdom is passed from older women. For this reason, it is useful to communicate with your own grandmother, great-grandmother.
14. Dancing — in any form — is a great thing to enhance female power and sexuality. Especially good Arabic dance, Latin.
15. Yoga — yoga practice calms the mind and gives strength. It is advisable to engage the woman. And married. Male coach teaches only to load the body. Energy to share, he can not. Just because he is male.
16. Regular get-togethers with girlfriends — getting together in a public place you create a strong background of female Power. And share with each other the missing qualities.
17. To care for flowers — small garden house and digging in the garden — it is an additional way to stock up on feminine energy. Flowering, growth is all a reflection of the female energy.
18. Chat with married friends — it is very important for those who want to get married. The energy of the family in the Vedas — considered the most beneficial and valuable. So do not rush to abandon the party, where there will be only couples. After this meeting, you will accumulate energy that will attract to you a man rather than after a visit to a night club where a lot of single women.
19. Aid — to give help or ask for help. All this strengthens the woman. To whitechocolate from the principle "I myself." Because it is a principle typical of men.
20. Visit a bookstore — amazing, but walking among the books are very inspiring woman. Try to devote at least a couple hours a week. The woman-the Keeper of the knowledge. A book is a source of knowledge.
21. Ask for help from men — any manifestation of their caring makes us more feminine. Conduct an experiment and ask a stranger to help you carry the bag. The mood will rise to 100%.
22. Reading — read a good book, which I bought and put on the shelf. Especially useful to read stories about people's lives. Study of the fate — better understanding of yourself.
23. To share with someone duties at home — the idea that without you all "mold will grow" is a way to reduce their feminine energy. Boldly trust some business friends. And free up time to treat yourself!
24. Cooking – everything related to cooking - significantly raises the level of female energy. The woman is a mistress who knows how to feed and water. Don't know how to cook — learn. Know how improve your skills. Get to know the cuisine of a country.
25. The house is not just an apartment in which we live. Do your woman a powerful energeticka connection. That is why we are so annoying squeaky door or leaking faucet. For women it's not just the bugs. Through such holes follows the female energy. But just in such small things sometimes matter a man not to be disturbed. Why? Man thinks big: "you'll be useless the entire tile in the bathroom, then the new will. That ten times to lubricate the walls!". Sometimes it's easier to hire someone who will fix minor bugs. Just don't forget to tell your husband that you did it, knowing that he is very busy. Not because his hands do not grow out of the place. Men's self-esteem is very vulnerable.
26. Planning — any incompleteness and doubt destroy the woman. A clear plan is a way to conserve your energy. Learn to plan stuff, then move on to planning for several months and even years of life. What will you do tomorrow evening?
27. Festive lunch or dinner with candles, beautiful tablecloths and fine dining. It turns out that all we are doing even more for myself, though, and I want to raise the tone of a loved one. Bring such magical moments in life. Raduyte yourself and loved ones.
28. Education, parenting — communicating with children, a woman can raise the level of their energy. For this reason, sometimes it is not necessary to refuse. And even better to teach children that they can: drawing, singing, dancing.
29. Acting lessons — she lives in a world of emotions. Playing different roles on the stage, you can not only understand yourself better but also get rid of the accumulated aggression or share the joy. Any techniques of seduction is also a kind of acting.
30. Picnic in nature — always in the company of friends. Here amalgamation of a few things that raise the level of feminine energy: the Association, being in nature, cooking.
31. Makeup and grooming — is not only a way to please man, but to bring joy to yourself. So, while at home, it is important to do hair, wear clothes and look good.
32. Give yourself flowers is one of the most simple way povesti energy level. Flowers not only adorn a woman, but also instantly remove the negative, taking it on himself. So, if you are sad, do not rush to cry into the pillow. Buy a bouquet of flowers.
33. Wear skirts, dresses , such clothing restores the connection with the energy of nature by the female line. There is a rule not to wear pants on the first 7 (!) dates. In that case, if you want to really impress a man. It is established that the constant wearing of trousers has a negative impact on women's bodies.
34. The club of young moms — if you have a small child, make sure you communicate well with these moms. It is not only the exchange of experience and exchange of energy. Motherhood represents the Moon. And the lunar energy is feminine.
35. Taking care of children — do not refuse to help a married friend to play with her child. Any manifestation of concern for women is the way to Power. But remember about the main thing, not to consider a man as a child.
36. Feed the needy – charity is quality, reinforcing the lunar energy. It is not necessary to help everyone. With certainty you will find the person you are easy to please pleasant thing. Buy lonely neighbor fruit. Do not refuse the Cup of tea ran to You guest.
37. Communication — the woman is hard to do without contact with other people. In the conversations we draw the energy. It is important to ensure that information you were not gossip and other negative.
38. Romantic movie — agree with a friend and watch the melodrama. Any movie about love is a useful pastime for women. But better to do it in the company of other women.
39. Learning a new culture — contributes to the expansion of the worldview and allows the woman not to dwell on the inner world. The female energy tends to expand. No need to narrow it down artificially.
40. Water sources — rest on the river, lake, sea is a great way to raise the level of their energy. Water is the basis of a woman's sexuality and her ability to be harmonious, adaptable to the circumstances, or, on the contrary, rapid.
In ancient Greek temples of Aphrodite young priestesses obyazatelno taught to swim and interact with the water element.
41. Physical activity — if you feel fatigued, start to learn a new sport. It can be not only a new kind of fitness, but simply a morning jog. A very useful dance. A great way to recover if you deflated after a breakup with a partner.
42. Outfits , a beautiful dress is one of the ways to raise the level of their energy. By the way, to dress up, this does not mean that it is necessary to go somewhere. Wear nice clothes at home.
43. To clear the debris — the old stuff, junk and trash weaken the power of women. If life came a difficult period — it's time to clean up the mess.
44. A healthy lifestyle is needless to say that bad habits have a negative impact on female energy and beauty. A bad habit can be not only Smoking, but the habit of stay up late, gossiping or being lazy.
45. Poetry — reading poetry helps to reveal romanticheskuyu side of the "I". Not stesnitel to write his poems. Splash out on a paper engergy will save you from experiences. Beautiful style teaches to speak beautifully and to think correctly.
46. To feed birds, animals — a very simple way to raise the level of their energy. Build a feeder for the birds under the window. Get Canaries. This bird helps a happy marriage.
47. Visit the Museum or exhibition — everything beautiful makes a woman more beautiful.
48. Communication with the Teacher — go to a lecture favorite author, visit training. Books give knowledge. No doubt about it. But at a meeting with the Teacher, we are fueled by human energy.
49. Dnevik keep a daily record your thoughts, desires, goals. Unable to paste into the diary the picture or draw yourself. Your feelings are important! Therefore, it is important to record. Accumulating the energy of emotions, the woman will then be forced to throw it at the man. That in itself is not very good. In addition, the recording of thoughts ensures their analysis.
50. Make an album of their beautiful photos , attach your best photos. And feel free to enjoy themselves. Remember that you are always beautiful!
51. Determine your desires — sformuliruet for yourself desires, what you really want, especially in your relationships. And forget about "can". Can — is a prerogative of Men.
The man says: I can win, I can take her for a wife (or may not). When a woman starts to think much in the style of "I can", it becomes "man." Compare: I want to look good. I want him to like you. I want to get married. I can look good, I like him, I can marry.
52. Affectionate speech — learn to communicate without aggression and pressure. Feminine energy thrives from a couple of tender words spoken by you. Abusive, obscene words reduce women's energy all the way.
53. Obedience — disputes, competition and other aspects of active behavior reduce the level of energy. Try to be soft and diplomatic. For this reason, the conquest of men is very draining woman. And the man wants the woman to him so proactive. Her demeanor reminds him of the man.
54. Selectivity in sexual relationships — if a woman has multiple sex partners, then it is doomed to devastation. Engage in sexual relations only with the man you love. Keep faithful to her husband. Try to delay first sex after Dating. In order to interest a man, you need a lot of energy. Don't lose her before time sex.
55. Cleanliness — keep clean your home, your body and your mind. Time to get out of the house. Do not accumulate negative memories of the past. The easiest sposob raise the energy — to stand under the shower. Purity will bring the Power.
56. NOURISH YOURSELF with LOVE is one of the most important aspects. If the woman did not fill your heart and soul love, it is energetically weak. And nothing can give a man. Worse, it will be vampiric energy from him. Hence the decline of men, financial collapse, disease. Use any technique to fill your well of love. A woman – being giving. It should be FULL of love.
57. Arts and crafts — knitting, embroidery, sculpture,- all that You can do with your hands raises your level of feminine energy.
58. Make compliments for myself and other women. A kind word makes us stronger. If you find it hard to say something good about other women solve this issue. Rejection women can give difficulties in relations with her mother, mother-in-law, daughter.
59. Express love in any form, at any time. Hug, kiss favorite. Speak words of love to the world, people, their things. Sunshine, spring breeze, rain and even their sadness. Because she's your teacher. Any rejection and struggle maketh the woman.
60. Flower arranging — work with colors makes the charge of new forces. Charge updates and flowering.
61. Proper nutrition is use products that have undergone less processing and closer to nature. Remember what power gives Apple ripped you in the garden, and some hamburger. The sensations are very different.
62. Caress — a gentle touch help a woman understand yourself. And learn. Caress your body. Even if you have no men, do not deny yourself the tenderness. Start every morning and end the day in bed with a gentle touch to his face, body, legs. Kiss their hands to themselves — and they will worship other.
63. Stay alone with yourself — do not be afraid of those times when you be all alone. Do not run married out of loneliness. Use this time to focus on yourself. Nature has put a monthly period when the woman must think only about yourself. This is the period of menstruation.
64. Soft toy — don't beat yourself up for what you still sleep in the arms of a Teddy bear. The woman is harmful to sleep alone. And the toy gives a feeling of warmth. Buy yourself a toy if you feel the lack of love and attention.
65. Learn to work with the energy of the moon — wait outside in the moonlight, charge the lunar rays water. And then add it to the bath. Please contact Luna for help with women's ailments. To do this in meditation to imagine how visuales in the moonlight. You and Moon are one.
66. Send someone a card — for any occasion. Showing someone a sign of attention, you will be filled yourself. Remember: the woman is the giver. Giving it's getting full.
67. Charity is the pure expression of feminine energy. If You can do something to help someone - do it.
68. Change hair color — if your life was a prolonged pause, go to the stylist.
69. Fragrances — You should always be based on the aura of pleasant fragrance. The woman is a flower. Buying new perfumes and fragrance choice enhances female energy. Maybe it would be better to pick the suitable for you personally scented oil.
70. Dignity - you can be sure in its uniqueness. According to the Vedas, a Woman is the most beautiful thing that could create the Creator. You are beautiful! You charming! You are sexy! You Are A Woman! published
Author: Ruslan Narushevich P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.ayurvedaplus.ru/articles/273/257501/