MAIN SECRET harmoniously for men and women
Read this information several times, until it's deep understanding of this important issue. Realizing it, you will be able to build a harmonious relationship with his half.
The harmonious relationship between a man and a woman - the foundation of happiness. Today we look at the sacred secrets of the relationship between men and women. This is a very important topic on its understanding will depend on your happiness, success, prosperity and health. Many women, after reading an article about women's share, and learn that in relationships with men, they "gave" upset. I guess? Of course, you think that it is unfair: someone has to just give, and someone just getting. My dear readers, I wish to reassure you. Giving you will have is that you have the will of nature in abundance, and for this you will arrive happiness and prosperity. Everything that the Creator created is always harmonious, it is only necessary to understand this truth and take.
Read this information several times, until it's deep understanding of this important issue. Realizing it, you will be able to build a harmonious relationship with his half. In addition many are interested in the question of how to open the chakras, because of the degree of opening depends on our well-being in all aspects of life. So, the implementation of this knowledge in life - one way of opening the chakras and personal growth.
We already know that the Creator is divided into 2 halves of a person to accelerate the development of mankind. To these halves have always sought each other, it was coined by a very wise mechanism: Women power chakra is always full of energy, and in men it is always hungry and feed it can only be a woman. Therefore, men without women live fully and evolve generally can not. They need a muse. Why do women always full force of their chakra? Yes, because it is necessary to attract a man, to feed, to inspire, to conceive offspring, bear, give birth and grow. Therefore, a woman is closely connected with the Earth, which nourishes it this powerful energy.
Due to the fact that women have by birth a woman is always a lot of energy, a woman can be considered self-sufficient. But do not rejoice and believe that you and without a man can live well. You can! But life is more difficult, and true happiness will not be without them, because the soul is sick of the unfulfilled debt to the universe.
It is because man is the transformer of the world, his chakra is not confined to one woman. A man should be full of energy at all times. Only in this case it can develop and produce offspring. Nedodast energy of a woman, "refuel" the other. In addition, the man in charge of human reproduction number of descendants. Therefore he is constantly in the semen there is a large number of active sperm. All these factors make a man vulnerable. Man by nature of polygamy. Want to have a faithful companion, a good "feed" not manipulate their superiority. You are in this world, not one with such a gift.
A woman of their chakra unidirectional if she chose a man, only it is directed flow of energy. For women only once a month only one egg matures. The woman is responsible to the universe for the quality of offspring. Therefore, it is always from nature has sufficient energy and should not be concerned about its search. Woman monogamous. The issue of female infidelity does not lie in the plane of Energy. The problem lies in the field of psychology, and its today we do not see. This is a separate issue. But once the man feels that the woman has redirected its energy from him to another, as if she had not disguised. After all, while the power supply is interrupted. A woman can feed the energy of one man.
When a man and a woman form a union at the heart of which was the attraction, their bio-field come together, mutually reinforcing each other. They create a common energy structure, enhancing the potential of each. However, this system was stable, and was created by a harmonious alliance in the energy centers to be manifested a clear division of responsibilities.
Consider this for a better understanding of the schematic:
1. In the first chakra the man should be given
He always has this energy center is filled with energy sufficient for the realization of its goals in this lifetime. This is his source of physical strength. The woman at the center of energy is only sufficient for survival. Therefore, a man should provide women with adequate living conditions, comfort and protection.
People say: "A man should build a house, plant a tree and raise a son." And a man gives a woman is not very energy and material conditions of life, he created thanks to this energy, he's converter World. Feminine energy will be enough for the improvement of the family nest, built by man.
If a man does not provide women with the necessary protection and conditions for normal life of such a man should run away as soon as possible and away. Chakra is locked and in the future is expected to male infertility, early impotence. That you need?
2. In the second chakra the woman should be given
At this center, it is redundant. This energy gives a woman a man is not only a relationship (although the relationship is given by the largest portion of energy), through petting, hugging, kissing, even at the thought of her beloved wherever he at that time was not. If a woman does not want to give enough power to the man, then she has a surplus of energy in the energy center will result in the development of gynecological diseases (cysts, fibroids, cancer) or to nymphomania. A man will have to seek "the battery" on the side. Incidentally, in the projection of the center of a woman bulge - tummy. If it so happened that the woman alone and no one to give power, it must raise it in the next chakra and begin to implement it through them. This woman will eliminate the excess energy will remain healthy and achieve great success in society. But she should not forget about the mechanism of a more rational harmony. A woman should not be alone long.
3. In the third chakra man should be given
But it can only be ordered subject to receipt of a sufficient number of female energy. Then he opened the third energy center, wakes up his will, commitment, perseverance, and it rises in social terms. It promotes professional growth, career, power, honor, respect. Such a man brings prosperity to the house and can meet the desires of women have excess of the norms of simple survival: beautiful furniture, clothing, jewelry, car, vacation, and so on. D. That's what he pays for a woman given to him by the energy and the prospect of development. By the way men in the projection of the convex belly chakra. In the East, believe that the greater the abdomen, the richer and more generous person.
If a man pays a woman, the excess energy and pride lead him to the greed, cruelty, revenge and, consequently, to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
4. In the fourth chakra energy must be given to women
After all, in her heart center source of divine love does not dry out. Moreover, the more it gives this energy, the more it receives from the Creator, and in addition has received various gifts of fate. The energy of love a woman should give not only men. It should translate it into the surrounding space. This is especially true at the present time, this will be concluded its mission. Women sometimes ask: "How to give the energy of love, if not love her husband?" If you do not like, but for some reason you want to preserve the union, the love of her husband as a friend, as a brother, as the eldest son. Just then the woman will fulfill his duty to the universe.
The man slightly open the heart center and the energy of love reveal his qualities such as mercy, compassion, empathy, he will learn to love and then that power will free him from power instincts. Loving a man's heart is no longer able to be incorrect. In the Age of Aquarius marriages without love would quickly fall apart, but out of love encouraged.
The energy of love she gives a variety of ways: through the aura, through the sweet and tender glance through the inner smile, through a kind word, sympathy, empathy, forgiveness. It energizes love everything it touches with love in my heart. It is their own hands with a man does love gifts, lovingly prepared food for him, and so on. D. Separated mentally it can send this energy to the end of the world.
5. In the fifth chakra should give a man
By the way, men have an Adam's apple in the neck, women do not have. Here is the tip of Nature, who has to give. If a woman has generously endowed the husband of his inexhaustible energy of love, the male opens the throat chakra, awakening his creative abilities. So a man on the implementation of the first energy center make for sturdy stool woman, now he will do for her graceful chair with curved legs.
In addition, it will give a woman beautiful harmonious relationship and the woman will not have to spend your energy on building these relationships, using the advice of psychologists. The relationship will develop almost automatically. A woman can release energy to direct the development of creativity in itself.
With the opening of these five centers will be opened at both 2 and higher center, which will give them more opportunities in the development and personal growth. In addition, with such a harmonious union of emotional shell filled with the higher energies of joy, love, and thus expand its top. It absorbs the energy of abundance, it goes down from the cosmos in much larger quantities. And the energy of abundance brings the energy of love, success, happiness, health and prosperity. Such a union is doomed to the full realization of their aspirations.
Let your man to become king, then you will become a queen. And mind without much effort, simply imposed upon you by Nature duties. To do this you nature is given, only use it in the right direction.
If a man and a woman, formed a union, do not perform properly exchange mechanism, is formed inharmonious union. Let's see what it will bring to both of them. Here I want to make a small addition to the question of the structure of the chakra system. Between the second and the first chakra, as well as between the third and the fourth has a safety valve for the transfer of energy from one center to the other in case of emergency. For example, if a man for a long time no woman, then part of the energy from the first energy center will move into the second for normal body functioning.
If it happens that a man is lazy and does not want to become a mainstay of the family, using it properly given the nature of energy for the first chakra, the woman she will be compelled to deal with the maintenance of conditions of life and material well-being of the family. Her natural energy that is not enough, and it will take energy from the chakras, leaving a small quantity only for procreation. Then the woman begins to lose the beauty and cease to be attractive to men, her libido starts to fall, will begin various kinds of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, menstrual disorders. The husband will transfer part of the energy from the first to the second, and begin to "walk" because his own wife is unable to feed its energy. On the further growth and development of both needless to say, it will not grow. This is the impasse.
Therefore, when choosing a partner does not look to good looks and figure, not the beautiful compliments, and the fact whether a man is willing to take responsibility for the economic welfare of the family, to ensure conditions for a normal life and protection. However, the readiness of the men should not be measured by the thickness of his wallet. Ready men to take responsibility for the family and to make every effort for its prosperity is the foundation of creating a harmonious union. But, as you understand men and women have their own particular interest in this process, and each must make it to the common cause.
If you do not give your man enough energy to lift and opening his third chakra, or if a man will not provide an implementation for you by a third in the middle, then you will have all their dreams to implement itself, the very rise in society, and energy to this drain from the heart center and the lower chakras. For diversion, and prolonged use of the energy of love you closed down the source of its revenue. Do you realize your ambitions, but become callous, heartless. The family will begin the endless scandals, find out who is steeper. Soon begin to malfunction of the heart, and then the disease. Even reaching a high position in society and achieving higher earnings, such a woman is not likely to feel happy. Her soul will complain, because it has not met his most important duty, does not become a source of love in the world. In addition to up-to-date in the society, it is necessary to play by men's rules, so a woman spends her femininity, accumulating male energy. She herself does not occur as a woman and a man stuck it at a specific level. It turns out that the queen is, instead of the king and the next page or the escapes to the woman who is ready to make him king.
In this case the energy shell is compounded by low feelings and emotions and expands downward. Such a structure can not receive the gift of a lot of energy abundance of Cosmos. All have to win by a lot of effort, waste of energy and the price of health. In this union there are no conditions for the development of each and personal growth. Such an alliance requires a correction, or should decay for the happiness of both. To hold such a union needed a great effort and the help of both an experienced psychologist or energoterapevta.
Of course this is only a schematic presentation of the issue, but this scheme can understand the very principles of building harmonious relations. After analyzing your situation, one can find a weak link in its union and correct it. After all, in our hands, and our happiness, too. Using this knowledge, you can build a harmonious union of two equal halves, and find complete happiness.
I hope I have been able to simplify the subject so that it read and understood all benefited for themselves. In the following topics we discuss how to choose a soul mate, to build a harmonious relationship. Following the publication, or better yet subscribe to the news site, then you will always be kept informed about new articles.
I wish you happiness and success in life.

The harmonious relationship between a man and a woman - the foundation of happiness. Today we look at the sacred secrets of the relationship between men and women. This is a very important topic on its understanding will depend on your happiness, success, prosperity and health. Many women, after reading an article about women's share, and learn that in relationships with men, they "gave" upset. I guess? Of course, you think that it is unfair: someone has to just give, and someone just getting. My dear readers, I wish to reassure you. Giving you will have is that you have the will of nature in abundance, and for this you will arrive happiness and prosperity. Everything that the Creator created is always harmonious, it is only necessary to understand this truth and take.
Read this information several times, until it's deep understanding of this important issue. Realizing it, you will be able to build a harmonious relationship with his half. In addition many are interested in the question of how to open the chakras, because of the degree of opening depends on our well-being in all aspects of life. So, the implementation of this knowledge in life - one way of opening the chakras and personal growth.
We already know that the Creator is divided into 2 halves of a person to accelerate the development of mankind. To these halves have always sought each other, it was coined by a very wise mechanism: Women power chakra is always full of energy, and in men it is always hungry and feed it can only be a woman. Therefore, men without women live fully and evolve generally can not. They need a muse. Why do women always full force of their chakra? Yes, because it is necessary to attract a man, to feed, to inspire, to conceive offspring, bear, give birth and grow. Therefore, a woman is closely connected with the Earth, which nourishes it this powerful energy.
Due to the fact that women have by birth a woman is always a lot of energy, a woman can be considered self-sufficient. But do not rejoice and believe that you and without a man can live well. You can! But life is more difficult, and true happiness will not be without them, because the soul is sick of the unfulfilled debt to the universe.
It is because man is the transformer of the world, his chakra is not confined to one woman. A man should be full of energy at all times. Only in this case it can develop and produce offspring. Nedodast energy of a woman, "refuel" the other. In addition, the man in charge of human reproduction number of descendants. Therefore he is constantly in the semen there is a large number of active sperm. All these factors make a man vulnerable. Man by nature of polygamy. Want to have a faithful companion, a good "feed" not manipulate their superiority. You are in this world, not one with such a gift.
A woman of their chakra unidirectional if she chose a man, only it is directed flow of energy. For women only once a month only one egg matures. The woman is responsible to the universe for the quality of offspring. Therefore, it is always from nature has sufficient energy and should not be concerned about its search. Woman monogamous. The issue of female infidelity does not lie in the plane of Energy. The problem lies in the field of psychology, and its today we do not see. This is a separate issue. But once the man feels that the woman has redirected its energy from him to another, as if she had not disguised. After all, while the power supply is interrupted. A woman can feed the energy of one man.
When a man and a woman form a union at the heart of which was the attraction, their bio-field come together, mutually reinforcing each other. They create a common energy structure, enhancing the potential of each. However, this system was stable, and was created by a harmonious alliance in the energy centers to be manifested a clear division of responsibilities.
Consider this for a better understanding of the schematic:
1. In the first chakra the man should be given
He always has this energy center is filled with energy sufficient for the realization of its goals in this lifetime. This is his source of physical strength. The woman at the center of energy is only sufficient for survival. Therefore, a man should provide women with adequate living conditions, comfort and protection.
People say: "A man should build a house, plant a tree and raise a son." And a man gives a woman is not very energy and material conditions of life, he created thanks to this energy, he's converter World. Feminine energy will be enough for the improvement of the family nest, built by man.
If a man does not provide women with the necessary protection and conditions for normal life of such a man should run away as soon as possible and away. Chakra is locked and in the future is expected to male infertility, early impotence. That you need?
2. In the second chakra the woman should be given
At this center, it is redundant. This energy gives a woman a man is not only a relationship (although the relationship is given by the largest portion of energy), through petting, hugging, kissing, even at the thought of her beloved wherever he at that time was not. If a woman does not want to give enough power to the man, then she has a surplus of energy in the energy center will result in the development of gynecological diseases (cysts, fibroids, cancer) or to nymphomania. A man will have to seek "the battery" on the side. Incidentally, in the projection of the center of a woman bulge - tummy. If it so happened that the woman alone and no one to give power, it must raise it in the next chakra and begin to implement it through them. This woman will eliminate the excess energy will remain healthy and achieve great success in society. But she should not forget about the mechanism of a more rational harmony. A woman should not be alone long.
3. In the third chakra man should be given
But it can only be ordered subject to receipt of a sufficient number of female energy. Then he opened the third energy center, wakes up his will, commitment, perseverance, and it rises in social terms. It promotes professional growth, career, power, honor, respect. Such a man brings prosperity to the house and can meet the desires of women have excess of the norms of simple survival: beautiful furniture, clothing, jewelry, car, vacation, and so on. D. That's what he pays for a woman given to him by the energy and the prospect of development. By the way men in the projection of the convex belly chakra. In the East, believe that the greater the abdomen, the richer and more generous person.
If a man pays a woman, the excess energy and pride lead him to the greed, cruelty, revenge and, consequently, to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
4. In the fourth chakra energy must be given to women
After all, in her heart center source of divine love does not dry out. Moreover, the more it gives this energy, the more it receives from the Creator, and in addition has received various gifts of fate. The energy of love a woman should give not only men. It should translate it into the surrounding space. This is especially true at the present time, this will be concluded its mission. Women sometimes ask: "How to give the energy of love, if not love her husband?" If you do not like, but for some reason you want to preserve the union, the love of her husband as a friend, as a brother, as the eldest son. Just then the woman will fulfill his duty to the universe.
The man slightly open the heart center and the energy of love reveal his qualities such as mercy, compassion, empathy, he will learn to love and then that power will free him from power instincts. Loving a man's heart is no longer able to be incorrect. In the Age of Aquarius marriages without love would quickly fall apart, but out of love encouraged.
The energy of love she gives a variety of ways: through the aura, through the sweet and tender glance through the inner smile, through a kind word, sympathy, empathy, forgiveness. It energizes love everything it touches with love in my heart. It is their own hands with a man does love gifts, lovingly prepared food for him, and so on. D. Separated mentally it can send this energy to the end of the world.
5. In the fifth chakra should give a man
By the way, men have an Adam's apple in the neck, women do not have. Here is the tip of Nature, who has to give. If a woman has generously endowed the husband of his inexhaustible energy of love, the male opens the throat chakra, awakening his creative abilities. So a man on the implementation of the first energy center make for sturdy stool woman, now he will do for her graceful chair with curved legs.
In addition, it will give a woman beautiful harmonious relationship and the woman will not have to spend your energy on building these relationships, using the advice of psychologists. The relationship will develop almost automatically. A woman can release energy to direct the development of creativity in itself.
With the opening of these five centers will be opened at both 2 and higher center, which will give them more opportunities in the development and personal growth. In addition, with such a harmonious union of emotional shell filled with the higher energies of joy, love, and thus expand its top. It absorbs the energy of abundance, it goes down from the cosmos in much larger quantities. And the energy of abundance brings the energy of love, success, happiness, health and prosperity. Such a union is doomed to the full realization of their aspirations.
Let your man to become king, then you will become a queen. And mind without much effort, simply imposed upon you by Nature duties. To do this you nature is given, only use it in the right direction.
If a man and a woman, formed a union, do not perform properly exchange mechanism, is formed inharmonious union. Let's see what it will bring to both of them. Here I want to make a small addition to the question of the structure of the chakra system. Between the second and the first chakra, as well as between the third and the fourth has a safety valve for the transfer of energy from one center to the other in case of emergency. For example, if a man for a long time no woman, then part of the energy from the first energy center will move into the second for normal body functioning.
If it happens that a man is lazy and does not want to become a mainstay of the family, using it properly given the nature of energy for the first chakra, the woman she will be compelled to deal with the maintenance of conditions of life and material well-being of the family. Her natural energy that is not enough, and it will take energy from the chakras, leaving a small quantity only for procreation. Then the woman begins to lose the beauty and cease to be attractive to men, her libido starts to fall, will begin various kinds of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, menstrual disorders. The husband will transfer part of the energy from the first to the second, and begin to "walk" because his own wife is unable to feed its energy. On the further growth and development of both needless to say, it will not grow. This is the impasse.
Therefore, when choosing a partner does not look to good looks and figure, not the beautiful compliments, and the fact whether a man is willing to take responsibility for the economic welfare of the family, to ensure conditions for a normal life and protection. However, the readiness of the men should not be measured by the thickness of his wallet. Ready men to take responsibility for the family and to make every effort for its prosperity is the foundation of creating a harmonious union. But, as you understand men and women have their own particular interest in this process, and each must make it to the common cause.
If you do not give your man enough energy to lift and opening his third chakra, or if a man will not provide an implementation for you by a third in the middle, then you will have all their dreams to implement itself, the very rise in society, and energy to this drain from the heart center and the lower chakras. For diversion, and prolonged use of the energy of love you closed down the source of its revenue. Do you realize your ambitions, but become callous, heartless. The family will begin the endless scandals, find out who is steeper. Soon begin to malfunction of the heart, and then the disease. Even reaching a high position in society and achieving higher earnings, such a woman is not likely to feel happy. Her soul will complain, because it has not met his most important duty, does not become a source of love in the world. In addition to up-to-date in the society, it is necessary to play by men's rules, so a woman spends her femininity, accumulating male energy. She herself does not occur as a woman and a man stuck it at a specific level. It turns out that the queen is, instead of the king and the next page or the escapes to the woman who is ready to make him king.
In this case the energy shell is compounded by low feelings and emotions and expands downward. Such a structure can not receive the gift of a lot of energy abundance of Cosmos. All have to win by a lot of effort, waste of energy and the price of health. In this union there are no conditions for the development of each and personal growth. Such an alliance requires a correction, or should decay for the happiness of both. To hold such a union needed a great effort and the help of both an experienced psychologist or energoterapevta.
Of course this is only a schematic presentation of the issue, but this scheme can understand the very principles of building harmonious relations. After analyzing your situation, one can find a weak link in its union and correct it. After all, in our hands, and our happiness, too. Using this knowledge, you can build a harmonious union of two equal halves, and find complete happiness.
I hope I have been able to simplify the subject so that it read and understood all benefited for themselves. In the following topics we discuss how to choose a soul mate, to build a harmonious relationship. Following the publication, or better yet subscribe to the news site, then you will always be kept informed about new articles.
I wish you happiness and success in life.