"You just do not like him" 12 cruel facts that will have to take
The site publishes a wonderful lyrics Greg Berendt dedicated to women's tendency to deceive themselves, coming up with thousands of meaningless excuses disgusting behavior of men, which neravnodushny.Muzhchina can say, "I have a terrible blockage in the workplace; I recently experienced a serious relationship gap that was for me a great blow; parents' divorce left in my soul an indelible mark and brought a lot of new trouble; now I need to focus on their careers; I can not tie a relationship, yet in my life will not be adjusted; once my situation improves, I'll throw your wife, girlfriend, lousy job for; I'm terribly busy ».
us men, it is easier to jump out of the window than to say: "You're no good for me». We have a hundred percent sure that in this case you kill us, or himself, or both of us, or, worse, begin to cry and scream. Even if you do not talk about it, we clearly show you my attitude. Stop coming up with excuses for us, our actions speak for themselves: you just do not like.
1. Not so much he likes you, he does not just invite you to a meeting h2> Option justification: Maybe he does not want to destroy our friendship
Any excuse essentially means that you are his little wonder. Men are not afraid to "destroy the friendship». Do not fall for his tricks and did not invite him on a date. If he likes you, he will invite you. If you can find him, so he can find you. If he wants to find you, he will do it. «Hey, let's meet at such and such a party / in some bar / home of a friend" does not belong to the category of invitations for a date. Even if you live in New York. A man remembers well liked you him at the meeting, so hang up. You are good enough to have been invited on a date. 2. Not so much he likes you, if you do not ring h2> The justification of the type "But he's so often is on the move»
If he will not call, then he is of you do not think. If he makes promises and then leads you on trifles, to be sure: the same thing happens when it comes to more serious things. Keep this in mind and keep in mind that this guy is not difficult to disappoint you. It is not necessary to build a relationship with someone who is not able to keep his word. If he does not want to do any the slightest effort to calm you and smooth the emerging conflicts in your relationship, it just does not respect your feelings and needs. «Busy" - it's the same thing as "settled." A "donkey" - is the same as the guy with whom you meet. You deserve to you the hell called. 3 . Not so much he likes you if he does not recognize the fact that you meet h2> The justification such as "He's just gone through a painful breakup»
The men talk about their feelings, even if you refuse to listen to or believe their confessions. "I'm not ready for a serious relationship" means "I'm not ready for a serious relationship with you" or "I'm not sure that you're just the kind of woman that I need." (I apologize.) «Better than nothing" should not suit you. If you do not understand what is going on in your relationship, then there is nothing wrong to slow down and ask him a few questions. Smacks of uncertainty? Well not wait. There's one guy in the world who wants to announce to everyone that he's your boyfriend. Stop fooling around, go and get it. 4. Not so much he likes you if he does not want to make love to you h2> Ladies, you have already met and will meet a great number of men. I hate to tell you this, but some of these men just decide that you're not in their taste. And none of those men who do not like you, never and would never tell you about it. And he will say that he is afraid of ... going through, faint from exhaustion, in pain from a broken leg, is suffering from a cold, afraid of (again). But the truth is simple, brutal and bitter, clear as day: you're not attracted to, and he does not want to hurt you.
People are always talking about what they really are. If a man tells you that monogamy was not for him, there is no reason not to believe him. Communication - that's fine. But if communication is combined with sex - that's even better. Call a spade a spade, rather, to call each other. And find yourself such a friend, who can not resist to touch you. If you have low self-esteem, then you have to spend it on raising more time than to find a new boyfriend. So prioritize according to their needs. If you are tempted by the thought of a thousand and one night spent in the arms of (only) some men, then please create a puppy. hot stuff, somewhere goes a man who really wants to make love to you. 5. Not so much he likes you if he is sleeping with another woman h2> Whatever problems marred your relationship, they do not give him the right to have sex with another woman. Do not ask what your fault. Do not take the blame. And if he tells you that it was an accident, remember: there is no betrayal of the accident. It is no accident such as "I stumbled, and I was sucked into a swamp called" Betrayal "." He planned and realize it, fully aware that it can put an end to your relationship. Remember, if he sleeps with another woman without your permission and approval, it is not behaving like a man who is not so much you fascinated, as well as a man, you do not wonder.
Treason is no justification. Let me repeat: there is no justification for change. Now say it yourself: there is no excuse treason. The only thing you are responsible with the moral decline of another person - it is your own feelings. Treason is treason. It does not matter who it is you changed and how many times it happened. Each time the change becomes easier. It is hard to happen only in the first time feel remorse and guilt from the fact that it is not justified the confidence of the other person. Cheaters are never happy. (Because they are all scoundrels.) Incorrect man first change himself, if he can not build a normal relationship with you. 6. Not so much he likes you if he wants to see you only when he was drunk h2> If he likes you, he will seek to see you, when his brain is not clouded by the alcohol vapors. If your clown wears a red nose every time when it comes to intimacy, it says that in your relationship, there are serious problems.

us men, it is easier to jump out of the window than to say: "You're no good for me». We have a hundred percent sure that in this case you kill us, or himself, or both of us, or, worse, begin to cry and scream. Even if you do not talk about it, we clearly show you my attitude. Stop coming up with excuses for us, our actions speak for themselves: you just do not like.
1. Not so much he likes you, he does not just invite you to a meeting h2> Option justification: Maybe he does not want to destroy our friendship
I hate to tell you this, but that excuse does not hold water. Unfortunately, throughout the history of mankind that excuse never used those who really mean it. If we really care about women, we can not bring ourselves to stay - we want more. And please do not tell me that he simply "afraid". The only thing he was afraid - and I say this, feeling sincere sympathy to you, - so it is to admit that you do not attract him.
Option excuses: I guess he does not dare to take the first step
You can hint man that nourish sympathy for him, but we should not help him to invite you out on a date. Once again, ladies: what you will smile and a playful wink at him, would be sufficient.
Option justification: Maybe he does not want to rush things
If you really like the man, but there are deeply personal reasons why he does not want to rush things, he will immediately tell you about it. He will not leave you in the dark, because he wants to be sure that you will not be disappointed and will not disappear from his life.
The justification of the "But he did not give me your phone number»
Do not let him using cheap tricks to get you to the most inviting him to a meeting. If you are wondering man, he will take all the trouble on himself. It sounds a bit old-fashioned, but when a man likes a woman, he asks her out on a date.
The justification like "Maybe he forgot about me»
Be sure you have made an impression on him. Now leave it at that. If he likes you, he will remember you even after the tsunami, flood, or the defeat of his team in the next match. If he forgot about you, do not waste time on it. Do you know why? Because you're gorgeous.
Any excuse essentially means that you are his little wonder. Men are not afraid to "destroy the friendship». Do not fall for his tricks and did not invite him on a date. If he likes you, he will invite you. If you can find him, so he can find you. If he wants to find you, he will do it. «Hey, let's meet at such and such a party / in some bar / home of a friend" does not belong to the category of invitations for a date. Even if you live in New York. A man remembers well liked you him at the meeting, so hang up. You are good enough to have been invited on a date. 2. Not so much he likes you, if you do not ring h2> The justification of the type "But he's so often is on the move»
Take a mental note: a man who is interested in you, wants to spend time with you. And he's content with the five phone calls only if did not have time on a plane to come tearing along to you.
The justification of the type "But his head was quite busy with other things»
The most important question here is: "It is normal if a man forgot to call me?" I replied: "No". If only he does not need to urgently take someone to the hospital or if someone stole his "Ferrari". He must never forget that you promised to call. If you really likes me, I will not forget about you ever. Can not you wait for a guy who will soon forget about all that was in his life than to forget about you?
The justification of the "He says not what he thinks actually»
That's the whole problem: the end date or a telephone conversation many men tell you what they think you want to hear. They believe that it is better than nothing. So if a guy with whom you meet, does not call you, in spite of all their promises, is it worth it to dwell? After all, you need a man who at least can keep his word.
The justification of the "But he's very busy»
And now I'm going to make outrageous, sharp and categorical statement regarding the relationship between man and woman: the word "busy" - is nonsense, it is usually use donkeys. The word "busy" one salvo can destroy any relationship. Emergency "employment" may seem like a lame excuse, but in reality behind this concept is always hiding man, who was not interested in having to call you. Remember, men can always find the time to accomplish what they want.
One hundred percent of boys surveyed said they always find a moment to call a woman that they really like.
If he will not call, then he is of you do not think. If he makes promises and then leads you on trifles, to be sure: the same thing happens when it comes to more serious things. Keep this in mind and keep in mind that this guy is not difficult to disappoint you. It is not necessary to build a relationship with someone who is not able to keep his word. If he does not want to do any the slightest effort to calm you and smooth the emerging conflicts in your relationship, it just does not respect your feelings and needs. «Busy" - it's the same thing as "settled." A "donkey" - is the same as the guy with whom you meet. You deserve to you the hell called. 3 . Not so much he likes you if he does not recognize the fact that you meet h2> The justification such as "He's just gone through a painful breakup»
Maybe he's one of your best friends, but as a man he is passionate about you is not so much. Beware of the word "friend." He often used the man or woman who are in love with these men to justify their most swinish behavior. Choosing friends, I prefer people who do not upset me.
The justification of the "But we did meet»
Men as well as women tend to gain a sense of safety and security, when they see that the relationship becomes serious. One of the common ways to do this - claim their loved one. The man who really impressed you, wants you to belong to him completely. What's wrong, girl?
The justification of the "It's better than nothing»
Let me remind you that you need a man who wants you regularly calls you and makes you feel very sexy and desirable woman in the world. He wants to see you more and more, because each time his sense is growing, growing out of sympathy in true love. A relationship in which you are meeting with a man every two weeks or once a month, not feeling no love, no sympathy with his hand, can last a day or a week or a month. But if they can last a lifetime?
One hundred percent of the men surveyed said that the fear of a serious relationship never kept them from being able to start a new romance. One young man even said: "The fear of a serious relationship - it's one of the myths of the big city." And the other guy said, "That's what we tell the girls who are not really like us».
The men talk about their feelings, even if you refuse to listen to or believe their confessions. "I'm not ready for a serious relationship" means "I'm not ready for a serious relationship with you" or "I'm not sure that you're just the kind of woman that I need." (I apologize.) «Better than nothing" should not suit you. If you do not understand what is going on in your relationship, then there is nothing wrong to slow down and ask him a few questions. Smacks of uncertainty? Well not wait. There's one guy in the world who wants to announce to everyone that he's your boyfriend. Stop fooling around, go and get it. 4. Not so much he likes you if he does not want to make love to you h2> Ladies, you have already met and will meet a great number of men. I hate to tell you this, but some of these men just decide that you're not in their taste. And none of those men who do not like you, never and would never tell you about it. And he will say that he is afraid of ... going through, faint from exhaustion, in pain from a broken leg, is suffering from a cold, afraid of (again). But the truth is simple, brutal and bitter, clear as day: you're not attracted to, and he does not want to hurt you.
The justification such as "He is afraid that he will hurt again»
Afraid he? Yes, he is afraid to offend you. That's why he did not clarify the situation with your relationship. He may even try to force yourself to feel you at least something, speaking of his love and that he does not want to lose you, but might just as well sign your diary. He loves you as a friend. If he loved you as a woman, he could not control himself and spun to a torrid romance with you, despite all the fears and bad memories.
The justification of the "I take my mind it that he did not show any interest»
Of course, many people had to suffer in the past, and now they are afraid of a serious relationship. But you know what? If you really like men, nothing will prevent him make you even fear a serious relationship. If he has a really big problem about this, he can go to senseless treatment, but will never keep you in suspense.
The justification of the "But it's so cool»
Previously it was believed that the woman refused to have sex when he wants to gain power over men. It seems that the representatives of the stronger sex, too, have learned to use it. If a guy lying on the couch with you, happily eats cookies and watching movies (and still is not gay), then you simply do not attract.
The justification of the "It is all a bunch of explanations»
You can believe his excuses, if you want, but first ask yourself a few questions. Are you satisfied with this relationship? The most important thing here - if you want to feel that way, perhaps for the rest of your life? Sex also refers to the greatest pleasures that man can experience. Therefore, at least strange when the person with whom you meet, keeps you from getting it fun.
People are always talking about what they really are. If a man tells you that monogamy was not for him, there is no reason not to believe him. Communication - that's fine. But if communication is combined with sex - that's even better. Call a spade a spade, rather, to call each other. And find yourself such a friend, who can not resist to touch you. If you have low self-esteem, then you have to spend it on raising more time than to find a new boyfriend. So prioritize according to their needs. If you are tempted by the thought of a thousand and one night spent in the arms of (only) some men, then please create a puppy. hot stuff, somewhere goes a man who really wants to make love to you. 5. Not so much he likes you if he is sleeping with another woman h2> Whatever problems marred your relationship, they do not give him the right to have sex with another woman. Do not ask what your fault. Do not take the blame. And if he tells you that it was an accident, remember: there is no betrayal of the accident. It is no accident such as "I stumbled, and I was sucked into a swamp called" Betrayal "." He planned and realize it, fully aware that it can put an end to your relationship. Remember, if he sleeps with another woman without your permission and approval, it is not behaving like a man who is not so much you fascinated, as well as a man, you do not wonder.
The justification of the "no excuse for him, and he knows about it»
Betrayal - it is bad. And the inability to explain why you changed a man worse. If you have enough of a red flag, how about two? Do not meet with men who do not know why they have done this or that act.
The justification of the "I put on weight»
I am fully confident that you need to lose 90 kg of your useless boyfriend, not the twenty kilos, which he says. He changed you and called you fat. How many people can endure humiliation? If something in your relationship does not suit him, he should talk about it with you, instead of seeking solace in the vagina a strange woman. Also think about how he would react if you become pregnant, get old, or you will have a few wrinkles? Or if you dye your hair in a color that he does not like? Immediately get rid of this loser, or I'll come to your house and throw him out.
The justification of the "He needs more sex than me»
There is no justification for the fact that he is cheating on you. Dot. There are many ways to solve this fairly common problem that occurs due to the difference in sexual appetites. Usually people start with the fact that frank discussions on the topic, and everyone agrees to do everything in his power to partner satisfied. This does not necessarily jump into bed with someone else!
The justification of the type "But at least he knew it»
I explain in other words, it does not matter, he loves you or not. He has made you to understand his attitude to your novel. He went on about their feelings and arranged everything so as to be alone with another woman to kiss her, take off her clothes and do everything else that usually happens when two adults have sex. Can you, after such continue to love him?
One hundred percent of the men surveyed said that they never made love to a woman by accident. (But many of them wanted to know how such an accident occurs and what to do to take advantage of it.)
Treason is no justification. Let me repeat: there is no justification for change. Now say it yourself: there is no excuse treason. The only thing you are responsible with the moral decline of another person - it is your own feelings. Treason is treason. It does not matter who it is you changed and how many times it happened. Each time the change becomes easier. It is hard to happen only in the first time feel remorse and guilt from the fact that it is not justified the confidence of the other person. Cheaters are never happy. (Because they are all scoundrels.) Incorrect man first change himself, if he can not build a normal relationship with you. 6. Not so much he likes you if he wants to see you only when he was drunk h2> If he likes you, he will seek to see you, when his brain is not clouded by the alcohol vapors. If your clown wears a red nose every time when it comes to intimacy, it says that in your relationship, there are serious problems.
The justification of the "But I like it when he tipsy»
If sitting at the bar, he was drunk says something like, "Baby, you're so beautiful!" While hugging you a little tighter than it should be, then it's time to learn something: you can not believe everything the man says, when drunk.
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