A person's life in infographics
Thirty seven million six hundred twenty four thousand five hundred sixteen
Dmitry Gorelyshev once again flashed his talent and helped us to visualize what takes a human life.
Sleep occupies a third, so the information we have omitted (otherwise too much space would be on the strip). Surprisingly few people spend on sex and affection. Smoking is almost 3 times more. By the way, when preparing material I came across a study according to which the average act takes 2.5 minutes... about the plugs and all so you know... Here! to work the person spends less time than watching the TV! This, of course, given the older generations. In 30 years the place TV is a social network.
Source: infographicsmag.ru/works/static/zhizn-proxodit.html
Dmitry Gorelyshev once again flashed his talent and helped us to visualize what takes a human life.
Sleep occupies a third, so the information we have omitted (otherwise too much space would be on the strip). Surprisingly few people spend on sex and affection. Smoking is almost 3 times more. By the way, when preparing material I came across a study according to which the average act takes 2.5 minutes... about the plugs and all so you know... Here! to work the person spends less time than watching the TV! This, of course, given the older generations. In 30 years the place TV is a social network.
Source: infographicsmag.ru/works/static/zhizn-proxodit.html