Energy waste leads to the loss of the meaning of life

Unadulterated nature is our lost Paradise person's Energy system was not originally adapted to exist in such a saturated environment which is our society. In order to live normally and develop, the human need pure energy of nature, and not the sewer drains energy, which today is dirty and entangled with a head to toe contemporary society. The model of human life was designed not in the version we eventually got. It was supposed to be a life of pure nature with pure thoughts and pure feelings. But man chose another way. And once chose, once neglected provided "greenhouse" conditions, you've got to be strong, otherwise will not survive in your chosen path. The memory of Paradise idyll lives in man, in every cell of his body, until now. Not accidentally, many of us periodically so desperately pulls to go out of town somewhere in the nature, where there is no urban crowding, where the silence is broken only by singing of birds and pleasing to the eye green foliage, and light fuels clean air. And if people have not completely mangled the city, not quite spoiled by civilization, it is in contact with nature, with the earth, with beautiful landscapes, with plants and animals, he feels most comfortable, gaining strength and is said to be resting soul. Because that's the nature of our energy exchange with the environment becomes more harmonious, not distorted alien introductions, that's where we get a huge energy boost. And the correct energy supply to depend on both the motives of the person, and the ability to spend energy for yourself — maintaining your body in good, healthy condition. If people do not get time normal, regular energy supply, it loses all its energy potential, thus dooming themselves to disease and suffering. Certainly this happened with you: you after the weekend returned from the country, where the charged energy, health, good mood, plenty nakupavshis in the ground, listening to birds, enjoying the smell of the flowers, silence and clean air. You maybe do not realize that you just receive normal nourishment from the external environment, from Space and from Earth, and your energy was not distorted by outside influences — simply because there wasn't a single soul. But on Monday morning you are still in a good mood, sit down in a crowded subway car. And when only twenty minutes later you get out of this car, you do not know: for some reason, faded look, hunched shoulders, lowered corners of lips. What happened with you in this car? Yes, like nothing special. But someone you hurt a little bit, passing by, and you somehow broke out irritation. Then you accidentally met someone's spiky evil look, and for some reason he like pierced with an arrow. You internally shuddered and looked down (for some reason you do not understand: do you fear this man, do you owe him something?). To top it all off you pushed at the output — seems to be inadvertently, but the mood is you is not the same. You come to work grumpy, with a headache, reluctant to do anything and with burning dream about the next weekend, and even better on vacation. What happens is that your energy potential carried off in different directions the people with whom you had to face in the subway. And energy flowed in a distorted way. Normal channel recharge has started to work intermittently. In society the environment is always aggressive. In our time, unfortunately, a lot of angry and jealous people. And with friendly and bright, our fellow citizens, we meet not so often (it seems that in transport they do not go shopping do not go, or they're just less visible in the crowd?). Someone disapprovingly looked at your tanned face ("Look, the bum would work better than on the sun lie"), someone condemned for an expensive suit ("ooh, damn rich people!"), someone has irritated your high (low) growth, your long (short) hair, fashion boots (lax sandals), etc. all never please everyone, and people have forgotten the wise adage: "judge Not, that ye be not judged" — and here judge, judge and judge. And not even suspect that their judgment is not something ephemeral and weightless — it is quite tangible energy structures that begin to exist independently in space, spectives in a thin energy shell of others. It turns out the whole energy ball of pathological relationships. You probably noticed that in the subway or commuter train full of people in the neighborhood, is perceived quite differently than in the untainted nature. On the one hand, in the flea market neighbor felt much sharper, and on the other hand, it causes much less positive emotions. In nature, on the contrary, people felt weaker, but deeper and more positive. For example, you go to the train, and sullen neighbor in a padded jacket and with a backpack all the time sniffs, snorts and pushes you with his elbow. You are irritated and not able to be seen in anything but dirty jacket and pushing you elbow. Where is there to look companion in the eye and feel what spiritual experiences and, perhaps, the most noble traits are hidden behind this unprepossessing appearance. But imagine that you are sitting somewhere on the shore of a quiet river, under the birch tree, nobody around, and only in the distance a man methodically mowing the grass. You don't see it, perhaps, that same old guy who sat beside you in the train. But now, from afar, it does not cause you an ounce of irritation. The picture, opened your eyes, you seem almost idyllic, and the man with the scythe brings only positive emotions. Now, you may even think that he should have the best human qualities and the purest soul. In the crowded energy of the Universe is ground fields of individuals and becomes a distorting mirror, distorting everything. And it is quite likely that the way it is — just now you saw the true essence of this person, when your perceptions are not distorted alien energy effect. Your own energy flow is now not distorted the vanity, and the universal irritation that swept you in the train. There you saw the true face of man, and its reflection in the "distorting mirror" of their own distorted energy structure. Yes, and your neighbor at that time was not in true essence, he, too, was distorted by the energy of others. Maybe that is why I say that face-to-face person can not see? In society we are constantly surrounded by scraps of extraneous programs that distort our consciousness. But the worst part is that the scraps of unnecessary programs form the vectors targeted radiation energy-informational parasites, which evolved out of the chaotic energy structures. As we turn into zombies , Why so distorted our perception in the crowd, and the scenery is completely different? Yes, and the people there is different — somehow cleaner, brighter, better. There's a reason. Let's consider the following analogy. No matter how many people nor breathed fresh air in the woods, the fields, the sea air is still fresh, clean, freshness all time repairing itself. But if a large number of people is in a closed unventilated room, the pure air there becomes less and less, then is not at all, and people begin to inhale the exhaust, which has repeatedly passed through someone else's lungs and eventually become pure poison. The same thing happens in the crowd and with human energy. As we said in the previous Chapter, the normal field of the human body is composed of flows of Earth and Space that transformirovalsya own the human energy structure. When the crowd of people multiple energy emissions of a large number of people form the same poisoned air that is poisoned energy that forms a new odusevljen energy structure. This new energy structure begins to live its own life, and she affects people, determines their reactions, actions, behaviors. This sentient energy structure generated by the crowd of people begins to use a man in her, only her slave purposes. (For example, there are a hundred people, covered by one desire. Their total energy will easily dominate the ten new people, and despite the fact that the other ten for whatever reason has disappeared, the structure still living in the radiation of a hundred people. Gradually, the people who started the process, disconnected from the structure, but she still lives, dominating all new members.) Energy-informational parasite makes people energy trebuyutsya for its own existence. So there are military hysteria and revolution. The individual in this situation inevitably loses — he loses himself ceases to belong to himself, to be master of their behavior. He is only a cog in a powerful energy machine, which pulls him along against his will. From the point of view of bioenergetics, the mechanism of this phenomenon is simple. As you already know, the lower chakras let out the energy of the Cosmos which, having passed through the upper chakras of the person and incorporating the active components of his consciousness, becomes capable of programming other people. In the upper chakras of the cosmic flow of charged elements of the conscious codes of man. That is all a man thinks, comes from the upper chakras down and then through the lower chakras inevitably seeps into the environment and, struggling, affects the subconscious of other people. It's the pollution and energy fields of other nearby people constantly seeping out of other people's thoughts and programs. Energy-informational parasite, similar to a jellyfish, holding the leashes of thousands and thousands of people, getting from one program, from other — Earth energy and using for their own purposes all without exception. The upper chakras give out energy of the Earth, which is already charged emotions. That is, through the upper chakras come out a variety of desire, anxiety, anger and so on. So the field is polluted with emotional information, which can not but influence on others. What happens pathological circuit of energy in human society — when disturbed the even flow of energy through the human body from Earth to Space, from Space to the Earth, and energy only circulates from one people to another and back, infecting and contaminating their fields other programs. For example, someone who just told off the boss, and he was going home after work in a very evil and irritable. And you manage by chance to be in a crowded bus with someone like that. You may not even notice it, pay no attention to him, but you do not know why suddenly have a bad mood, and you are looking for, someone would have to break somewhere who took irritation. You don't know what your neighbor radiates into the space of anger, it oozes in the form of energy espulso from his upper chakras, subjecting all the passengers on the bus the same state. And suddenly notice that not only you are annoyed, but another citizen, and the woman next to somehow angrily curves of the lips. Just a little bit- and literally on an empty place is a scandal. And people in this situation and do not understand why they suddenly got so excited. They may be in essence very good and kind people and then themselves will repent of their unexplained behavior. Just at that moment they were not masters of themselves, acted on someone else's program. Note, in fairness, that happens and on the contrary: two or three funny faces on the bus — and now all joke, smile and go on their stops are quite pleased with themselves and fellow travelers. I remember a case that happened to me a long time ago. I had my first day of vacation, so I was in the high spirits, anticipating a trip to a favorite holiday destination on the black sea coast of the Crimea, called the New Light, our minds were already lying on the beach and breathing the sea air, eating ripe peaches. But one of my colleagues asked me to come in for a minute by some business in the Department. I went. And there reigns a tense business atmosphere. The Department is busy creating new jobs, and all employees work without raising his head, the air can be sensed fresh ideas and new perspectives. I stayed there some few minutes. With anybody did not communicate. No one with me did not share their work plans. But what happened to me? Where they dream about a vacation? Vacation somehow, I no longer cared. And I, to my surprise, instead of packing, I sat down for a road mapping report — the idea literally by themselves and showered in the head. Already seriously engaged in bioenergy, of course, I understood what happened to me: I simply programmed the radiation of the lower chakras employees of the Department where I went to his friend. They're all as one, tried hard to think about the project of a new business. Of course, when the thoughts of so many people moving in the same direction, their impact becomes irresistibly strong. So this made my sensual thoughts to turn in a completely different direction for me, the opposite of what it was five minutes ago. So there is contamination field other people's thoughts and programs, other people's emotions and moods. It is if you want one of the variants of zombies, because zombies is not that other, as a being living on other people's programs is someone else's mind, making actions based on someone else's will. See what happens — to me personally it reminds engagement with each other modules of LEGO, or the batteries in the radio. People create a single structure, a common field, being charged by common ideas, thoughts, feelings, and desires. And the majority can no longer distinguish where my, where someone else's. Imagine that three people who work together in the same office. The first is very hungry. His desire to dine so much that it is in the form of a splash of energy erupts from the lower chakras and the upper chakras is perceived by a second person, who loves to eat, but at the moment not hungry. But since the idea of the food very close to him, his chakra happy to catch this information — and here he is, caught in a space (of course, unconsciously, at the level of energy) familiar and pleasant signal that it would be nice to eat, too, begins to experience symptoms of starvation. Flow from the lower chakras also connected to the design of this program. Momentum — because it now comes from two people, each of which activates the feeling of hunger from another, — and all this is already twice the energy falls upon a third person who does dieting and decided to arrange a day of fasting. It is also a strong and unreasonable at first glance the desire for a hearty meal, and it is with emotions of anxiety: "how is it that suddenly I in the cupboard pulled, I decided diet and only diet..." the emotion of concern is issued in the form of a stringent imperative flow from the upper chakras, which, in turn, affects the lower centers of the two first men. The first man through the strengthening of signals of the other two feels just devastating famine and severe irritation. It triggers the whole cascade of reactions again, the process again comes full circle, even more increasing, and so on without end. In the end all three, while angry and irritated is not clear on that, amicably run to the cafeteria and eat there to satiety. The second person experiences a mild surprise ("And why am I so hungry?"), and the third just falls into despair, scolds himself for being so weak and failing, and sighs: "good-bye, my waist". It never occurred to know that he just knocked his own information stream, that the force of someone else's programming was more powerful than the program that you set yourself. Any society is always to some extent like the crowd. There is such concept — "crowd psychology". The crowd is always more aggressive than the individual components of her people, she is always easily give in to emotions, she is not able to soberly assess the situation. A crowd never reasons, and therefore it is easy to push to any mass actions of protest, condemnation, and just to rebel. It costs nothing to raise the fight on the barricades. This property of the crowd and have always enjoyed the numerous power-hungry and have the ruling chiefs, politicians, "gorlan-leaders". They easily learned how to turn the crowd in the right way, pulling her "strings" of emotions, exerting slight pressure on the sore spots In the crowd... no individualities, but only many-headed, but a mindless creature, monster energy, the current "on demand" prudent "lead the singing". Oddly enough, even very intelligent people, sometimes, there are inexplicable at first glance things: once, for example, at the meeting, they suddenly, yielding to the General mood, together with all start chanting: "We demand!.. We protest!" Then, alone and slightly when a man suddenly realizes in horror that has no idea who these "we" on whose behalf he strongly demanded and protested. After all, he has his personal "I" and this personal "I" just don't want to demand or protest. Many people know what "herd mentality". This is when, seeing people running, and passing on the Affairs of people suddenly unconscious for no reason attached to them. This means all the same: he falls under the influence of someone else's program and in his subconscious is imprinted about the following: all run — hence, I have to. There were cases when people in this condition before he could recover, I jumped into a completely unnecessary train, and then biting his elbows, not knowing how to get home. And in a time of universal queues (which we all happily forgotten, but which, alas, seem to come back) was the place a situation where people stood for hours in line to buy absolutely unnecessary things, only because "everything was taken". The psychology of the crowd, domination energy of a large number of people — a direct route to disease, the development of anger, negativity, and false aspirations, to a meaningless pastime and a thousand of man's misery. Scheme of development of the disease if you give in someone else's programming is very simple. On this rod, for example, often come across elderly people. For example, someone who strongly inspires such far not the young man that the government are crooks. He has not been able to verify this personally, but for some reason he believes in the word say it. Believe — or rather, forced to believe, because he deliberately coded, programmed. And this was done so: from the lower chakras inspiring person in the upper chakras "processed" citizen thrown this mesmerizing information. The information obtained meets the old man's emotional response, these negative emotions begin not only to splash out on other people already through his upper chakras, but also to distort the normal energy flow of his own body. He succumbed to suggestion, gets nervous, angry, and gets a heart attack. But the man who inspired him, had their own very selfish interests. This tricky "talker" and "speaker" on it and hoped to hook up with as many people as possible on a rod of their resentment and dissatisfaction with life. He only got to catch the person in the network to be able to manipulate him for their own political, electoral purposes. And here's a poor man lies in the hospital, and to inspire him with black thoughts of man has victoriously seated in the Deputy chair. Here's another example: you got nasty in public transport. You said the same, that is rude in response. What did you do? Right again, worked for a foreign program. Ham only needed to trigger your anger, leave you hungry for the rush of emotion to "eat" your energy. And you obediently "fed" ham, did what he said you'd say. He has subjected you to his influence. And you dutifully respond, thereby acknowledging its importance, its ability to influence people, to inspire their emotions. Getting used to answer rudeness to rudeness, you in turn the same way to "make" other people's emotions. And do not understand, why do you always get involved in some squabbles, why on your way there are some louts and bullies, why do you always have someone to swear? Yes, because already you are being infected with someone else's boorish energy, enhance the momentum and run in a circle new cascade of reactions begin to throw out sitting in you charge into the surrounding space. In the meantime, at the level of consciousness you have formed a clear program: all people are louts. And already this program and coming from your lower chakras, making people in fear to flee because they feel you see them as enemies, or, on the contrary, others begin to perceive you as enemy and attack. So it may be anger at the whole world. One begins to see everything in dark colors. He does not see good, and see only evil in everything. Such a person eventually just chokes in this flow of evil, not realizing that he and amplifies this flow many times. Normal energy flow is terminated. Detached from the energy of the Cosmos and the Earth begins to "boil" in some harmful emissions, and finally exhausts itself. As a result, as a rule, is an incurable disease and death. Why even the most inveterate drinker may become an alcoholic, once in the drinking group? For the same reason: when everyone drinks, one against all to stay hard, energy, desire to drink overwhelmed him. Addicts also often become "for the company." You now know how this is happening — this is the company catches the man in the energy network, in addition to subordinate his will to his desires. And how many times it happens that we don't want to go home, but we go because we are dragged there? And then I sit all night, toil these people are uninteresting to us of longing, angry at myself, what a waste of time (because we were going to spend it on other, much more important for us). Typically, these inexplicable actions people blamed on the weakness, neverlost character. People do not know that the energy network of other people's desires, aspirations, thoughts, emotions can be so strong that even the strong-willed man, if he is not able consciously to get rid of, to cope with them can be very difficult. Examples with drunks, boors and Intrusive relatives — this, as you know, more flowers. Combining their energetic structures — microbes in comparison with the true energy-informational parasites, which stimulate war hysteria, revolutions, political upheavals, unites people in the party and political currents that force them to maintain a bunch of snickering politicians, who through the mouthpiece of the media blow a new wave of energy from the dairy herd energy parasites. These energy-monsters rule the Earth — a lot of people are inferior, but their existence is kept in the shadows. Incredible harm is personal karma, for there is nothing worse than false, imposed from outside desires. Children suffer most — as not yet settled beings, are not able to resist the influence of the crowd. Children's drug abuse became so massive is not because teenagers want to go into the narcotic stupor of despair of life, but because it works all the same herd mentality: everything has been tried, and I have, red or not as cool as they are? It is during adolescence that greatly desire to be like everyone else. And of course, the teenager easily falls into the pernicious networks of energy relations with the mass of their fellows, because his own energy-informational essence says is still very quiet, and the requirements themselves are similar to sound bossy and rude, like an order. It is therefore easy to occur a teenage gang. Teenagers instinctively feel that, together, they form a new odusevljen energy structure, which will have a much greater force than each of them separately. One by one they find it difficult to cope with complicated situations, with heavy conditions of existence, it is difficult to resist the adult community, is also thoroughly permeated by pathological relationships. Therefore, in order to somehow exist, they flock together and, as pack animals, losing their individual mind and gain the mind of the collective. They feel that when they are together, they are afraid, they get away with it. After all, they are a single organism, the monolith, the energy monster. Because I think that I can be aggressive, arrogant, bullying passers-by. And try to come up and fly off, hitting the side of this powerful energy wall. Teenagers, of course, did not suspect that they spoil their karma, life and fate, abandon their own energy-informational essence, completely subjecting themselves to a stranger, prescriptive exercise programs, emotions and desires. And if they deny the "flock" to share the powerful energy structure, which is the gang, on their components, this strength will not be over and before our eyes appear just pathetic, weak and downtrodden beings. Exemption from energy-informational parasites (EIP) means freedom, freedom for development. Because EIT cause us to be deaf, they froze our eyes to permanently leave the situation of dairy cows. They need in whatever was to win. Energy "debris" leads to the loss of meaning of life As you can see, "not all right in the Danish Kingdom". This situation has arisen not yesterday and not today. The fact that people in the crowd do not belong to themselves, has long been known. But today, in modern conditions, the situation was simply catastrophic. Because the modern city is a real horn, constantly smelting "junk" energy that causes illness, makes people act against their own nature. Until you disconnect from these "junk" bonds, neither the correction of its own power, nor finding your own inner truth and true meaning of life. This is a long life without diseases, it is impossible to become lucky and successful, it is impossible to adjust karma and change our destiny for the better. Because this energy is "garbage" makes a man forget himself, to betray their nature and to move rows and columns there, whither the crowd. But the crowd doesn't know what path it leads nowhere, to nowhere, because nowhere can lead the path, which runs in a purely material world. Please note that long-lived is, generally, if not hermits, then people who are not too much importance is attached to the problems and aspirations of society, people who prefer solitude, peace, and contemplations of nature. To be healthy, to live long, we need to focus on yourself, focus on yourself instead of on the whole time, what do the neighbors where they go and what they think. When you look under the feet of another, not to themselves, not to stumble. If you sit behind the wheel and instead of looking in front of you all the time look in the cabin, riding next to the car and try to repeat the manoeuvres of its driver, the accident can not be avoided. Until you learn to separate your energy from the energy of society, he is not human, a robot, a machine. You may be think to you personally, this all has little to do and someone else's energy affects you not so much? Then try to do this experience. When you have a bad, sad mood, caused by some very specific circumstances, go to a place where having fun a lot of people — a restaurant, a disco, in a fun company. Or Vice versa: if you are in festive mood, spend some time in a room where everyone is sitting with gloomy faces. If you are overwhelmed with desires, visit the company people are jaded and tired of life. If you feel apathy and indifference, sit where they play a bevy of children. Energy-informational parasite flatten my blood pressure of the essence of individuals, molding them for themselves and inhibiting their interaction with the energy of the Universe. People become dried tropicali occasions the body of the parasite. In all these cases, you will notice how different your condition. Now think: what happened? Unless something has changed you personally that could be the reason for the new mood? No, you personally absolutely nothing has changed. You just got under the control of a foreign power. What you should have done instead, if they wanted somehow to improve their condition? You had to send your own energy to the correction of their condition and the solution to their problems. But now this is your own charge gone to waste, being supplanted by the strangers who came from outside the charge, which you will not cure, will not adjust, and only program for you to unusual behavior and reactions. Note here that the conscious motives of a man are less than one percent of those motives, which he is not aware of. So how many more foreign programs, which you don't even realize you picked up? And unless you can predict how they will affect you in the future? Ask yourself: are all your words and thoughts are actually yours, or you did not hesitate to repeat other people's speech — best friend, and esteemed colleague, neighbor, favorite TV presenter? All your emotions are really yours or are you happy because everyone is happy, and cry because everyone is crying? All your desires are true, or do you want a mink coat, a luxury car, a trip to the Canary Islands just because they all want the same? And maybe you, on the contrary, suppressing some vital desire, because you're afraid that you behind him someone who will condemn? Suppressed desires also lead to disease. Just as the disease results in someone else's program, which you have distorted its essence. Did not include whether the alien energy program of self-destruction? You don't know. And no one will answer this question, while this program itself will not stand "in full growth", will not act and will not show you itself where it brings you. One of my recent students, a young man who was a successful Manager and feel the real master of life, having everything you can dream of: money, cars latest models, cordless telephone, foreign travel, women... his Life took place in the eternal bustle associated with the implementation of new methods of producing of income, secular parties, in smoke-filled offices. However, he was very tired and became increasingly nervous, irritable and even angry, but didn't pay much attention to it, believing that it is nonsense, you only go out into nature, to relax, unwind, and let it be. But relax and it wasn't possible, internal stress increased, neither women nor money, nor abroad is not happy. Everything flashed around in the children's kaleidoscope. One day he fainted directly on a business dinner. He was taken to hospital with a severe heart attack. Spent five days in intensive care — doctors, that is, pulled. And here, in the hospital, forced leisure, he finally found the time to be alone and think about his life. He remembered his childhood. I remembered that it was a quiet, kind boy, very fond of nature, picked up in the yard of homeless kittens could spend hours fiddling with the fish tanks and all free time spent in the Zoological circle. Mom said, "Oh, wolf, you're probably gonna be a veterinarian!" In fact, he remembered his long-repressed desires — the desires of their true nature. And then before his eyes stood his entire present life that is completely ruled by other people, society, the demands of the material world. And suddenly he realized that it is true not gone — instead, there was a sort of mannequin, advertising hero in an expensive suit with a "worn" on the face of a Hollywood smile. Heartless machine for making money. The doctors said: "you do Not change the way of life — to live a year and a half, my heart just nowhere." And then he decided gave up everything, bought a house in the village. Now he has his own small farm — cows, geese, rabbits. After him was a lot of work for the correction of the energy, cutting away the "junk" bonds, he again visited the cardiologist. The doctor remained perplexed: scarring from a heart attack is gone, and our hearts that even in space send. Other case. A woman, head of the firm, learned that she had inoperable stomach cancer, and, ready to die, quit his job, went to Outback, rented a house in the village gathered there in the silence and solitude, to end his days. Besides, she absolutely refused to eat. And after some time suddenly felt in her heart a settled humility, there seems to be harmony and even, as if lit quiet peaceful light. After a few months it turned out that no disease was gone. The doctors were puzzled: this does not happen. It's a miracle. Or maybe there were errors in the previous tests? Did not have any errors. And there was not a miracle. Just the woman realized that we must be cleansed, freed of extraneous energy, from crippling foreign programs, from the false life values and goals. Every person has everything necessary to be healthy to independently adjust its power. Everyone can learn to feel the flow of energy, manage and consciously get rid of "junk" energy connections. published by P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.liveinternet.ru/users/4061666/post312014653/
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