Life energy: deliverance from the body "armor" and "armor of nature»
The article discusses the reasons for limiting the vitality and natural grace, the reasons of reducing the quality of communication with the world, the emergence of internal conflicts and limitations in personal and creative actualization.
The body is a fundamental value, because it is the original reality of existence in the material Universe. Body — based identity and consciousness, and is perceived as "I".
Thirty seven million fifty four thousand eight hundred twenty five
Bodily experience is the Foundation of mental development, self-realization and cognition of the surrounding world.
Every child has enormous potential to feel and sense different aspects of life. Further, in the development process, the body is formed as a universal human language that conveys feelings, emotions and attitudes to other beings.
However, social censorship often provokes a suppression of natural feelings. It costs an authoritarian society, education in authoritarian families, the difficulty of communications during the period of growing up, experiencing stress and much more, leading to suppression of feelings and sensations in the body, to the loss of depth of experiences, to the impoverishment initially a wide range of emotions or uncontrollable chaotic and destructive intensity of emotions.
Wilhem Reich identified psychological problems and neurotic condition as a result of stagnation in the body of biological or sexual energy.
Chronic psychological stress is the reason for congestion, which leads to corresponding energy blocks in the muscles of different body segments.
This stress becoming chronic, interferes with the free flow of energy flows. Sooner or later it leads to the formation of "muscular armor" or "armor" that creates a fertile ground for the development of neurotic character. The consequence — the suppression of natural emotional, physiological and sensory human activities.
The body seals the mask and the role, chosen as a way of protection from traumatic or unpleasant experiences. These masks would "grow into the memory of the body". The result is a"muscular armor" — knots and areas of chronic tension and clamps.
The man bound the weight unreacted emotions and psychological defenses that have become "armor" for all occasions. The "armor" of the character is manifested at all levels of human behaviour: speech, gestures, postures, bodily habits, facial expressions, patterns of behavior, ways of communicating, etc. are Limited resources of vitality and agility of the body, reduces the quality of communication with the world and integrity of the individual, limited creativity and potential abilities.
"Armor" blocks anxiety and densetsu the output energy is at the cost of impoverishment of personality, the loss of natural sensitivity and emotionality, the inability to get pleasure from life and work…»
Wilhelm Reich
Fifty four million seven hundred twenty thousand six hundred sixteen
©Tomasz Alen Kopera
With time people get used and identified with a chronic state of stress and ceases to notice his stiff and lifeless, loses its keen interest in life. Personal effects is almost completely controlled by the logical mind and set of models of stereotypical behavior.
Life becomes poor because of the lack of spontaneity in perception of the world.
Trying to keep the release of energy (be it anger or desire for something) happening in connection with our conditioning as in early childhood, and because of imposed social attitudes in adulthood. Because each individual has a need to adapt to reality and not to be in this environment, an outcast.
The man who grows up in a family where the direct expression of feelings or emotions (anger, aggression, loud of joy or sorrow, etc.) do not tolerate, learning to Express their emotions.
The child quickly realizes that if he wants the love and affection of their parents, he must find a way not to show the "unwanted" emotion or feeling. To hide everything inside. As a result, the person becomes anxious, tense and unnatural.
Suppressing the feeling the person creates an internal conflict of emotion "cut off" from external responses, and perception of actions – from the present desires and feelings, understanding and thinking — from the behavior.
Blocking feelings, holding back the vitality, energy, spouting, and emotions, the child gradually becomes energetic and emotional cripple.
In families where the parents have a conflict, whether interpersonal or intrapersonal, resulting in the child communication of emotions "fear of wine", which can last a lifetime. This person inevitably will be most of the time to be anxious or fear. Fear creates a lot of stress, both psychological and physiological. There is a need to find ways to block strong experience and regular stress to ensure survival and to maintain a relatively healthy psyche.
Thus we learn since childhood to block and displace the unwanted experiences, and to more or less Mature age, many of us already are fluent in this technology.
Wilhelm Reich was able to unite the mind and sometime, using the concept of energy. He realized that the conflict arises simultaneously on two levels: mental and somatic (bodily). He went to the psyche and somatike as two aspects – mental and physical – of one indivisible process.
A suitable metaphor would be the reverse and the obverse of the coin, because, whatever we do with the coin, this applies to both sides.
Similarly, the mind and body are two different functions, interdependent and mutually influencing each other.
Reich articulates his concept of how the principle of psychosomatic unity of opposites. The commonality there is at a deep energetic level of the body, while at the level of observable phenomena there is the opposite.
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V. Raich represented as a ripple. As the excitement and relaxation that can be felt in the form of energy streams in the body.
Ripple is one of the reasons for the emergence of living organisms. The principle of energy excitation and relaxation (release), it's the energy "pump", which allows life again and again to reinvent themselves. Natural phenomenon or bioelectric bioenergetic pulsation can be observed at all levels of biological organization, as cells, body systems and organs and throughout the body as a whole, for example, sexual and emotional reactions.
A fundamental property of the forces of material and energy worlds is polarity or duality, which consists of two poles – positive and negative. Ripple is a movement between these two poles. This oscillation from one pole to another and back again, cyclical and rhythmic movements. A simple ripple in the inorganic world can be seen in the circulation of planets around the Sun and satellites around planets. As a reflection of this planetary movement, we can observe the repetitive yearly cycles of changing seasons, day and night, and the rhythmic ebb and flow of the oceans.
In the organic world ripple is the fundamental phenomenon, which is the Foundation for physical and energetic functioning of living organisms. Each of the microscopic cells pulsates when she sucks in food from the outside and ejects the waste out. Unicellular microorganisms are reduced and expanded in a constant rhythm, and the plasma or the liquid contents of the cells flowing, pulsing, inside the cell. Our heartbeat, which sends blood through our veins, the same life-supporting surge that we can feel at any moment.
Breathing, one of the most powerful and conscious rhythmic pulsations in our body, the basis of the pulsation of the life force in the body.
It is the breath is the connecting link between the physical body, energy and emotional body, that's why deep breathing stimulates both bodily sensations and emotions, and can cause an energy surge, expressed both physically and emotionally.
Curiously, despite the complexity of the chemistry of metabolism is similar to the process, where the fuel becomes energy, according to the General formula:
P (fuel or food) + Q2 (oxygen or air) = E (energy)
Living organisms from non-living nature distinguished by the fact that the organisms this process occurs inside the cell membranes.
Due to this produced by the body energy is not lost to the outside environment, and used by the body in the system to perform its vital functions.
One of the main functions is receiving from the environment the necessary elements to produce life-sustaining energy. The membrane must be permeable to food and oxygen and to remove degradation products. When considering more complex systems (organisms) than bacteria and simple unicellular, this process combined with an active search for the desired items (products). It follows a logical conclusion — movement of the body cannot be random! They are controlled by some form of sensitivity to the environment.
As one of the leading researchers of the functioning of protoplasm, "it is possible that protoplasm and not of reason, but what she does is reasonable." Reasonable is the desire for food, love and pleasant contacts, and a retreat to the danger or pain.
This is not a mechanical process, because every body (regardless of the complexity of organization of the system) is constantly exploring his surroundings, with the aim to find optimal conditions for survival. This study — the approach and retreat — part pulsation activity.
Inside the body it includes:
It is the result of excitation of every cell and every organ of the body. Thus, we can say that life is a state of controlled internal excitation, the excitation produces the energy required to maintain internal functions, and also for any external action that supports or increases the excitation of the body.
We are born with enormous potential sensitivity to the inducing factors but with age, this sensitivity decreases.
This loss of sensitivity can be explained by the fact that with age the body becomes more structured and constrained stereotype, people are so rooted in their stereotypical skills that it is almost impossible to spontaneously move, feel and explore the world.
Do you often meet Mature people are able to rejoice and to address directly, as the children do?
The process of building of communications with the outside world is an energy process.
To present how the process of building an energy link between two people, imagine two tuning forks, tuned to the same frequency. When they are close, the attack on one of them causes a vibration of the second. Similarly, due to the strong energy and sensual connection between the two deeply in love people.
The image of two hearts beating as one, much more than just a metaphor.
Loved ones quite often there is the ability to feel the feelings of each other and their children.
So, our hearts and bodies is the pulsing system, emitting waves of electromagnetic and bioenergetic nature and can influence other hearts and bodies.
Maybe you have observed that experiencing irritation and anger, but not showing it outwardly, you nonetheless receive an adequate response from outside in the form of aggression aimed at you.
The same thing happens in the case of uncertainty or sexual oppression. How would you have not looked and did not show the quality from the outside sooner or later you get a proper response to your inner state.
People who developed their sensitivity, a subtle sense of movement and quality of energy, and is able to overcome the rigid structure of his ego is capable of, like a tuning fork, tune to virtually any human or living creature. To understand and feel his feelings, and other conditions without like.
Feelings of unity with the Universe can be achieved, losing or breaking the boundaries of the ego.
Ego – a way of adapting to the outside world — creates a border that retains individual consciousness. Inside this border contains a self-sustaining energy system, the main feature of which is the state of arousal.
Without the existence of boundaries might not exist in individual consciousness and personal ego. It is about the overcoming of this boundary and reach a state of Nirvana and Atman is said in ancient philosophical and religious teachings – Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.
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So, consider some of the factors leading to low energy levels in the body and promotes the formation of "armor" or "muscular armor".
The body needs a balance between the use of energy and its accumulation. The balance between accumulation and release of energy is controlled by the need.
The main desire for the newly born child is to restore the close relationship with his mother that he was when he was in the mother's womb. Once born, the child tries again to feel the warmth and depth of this contact in the open arms of the mother. Memory and sensations of the totality of closeness and oneness, man's whole life looking for the satisfaction of his basic desires of love is a profound feeling of sacredness and the depth of unity, a total bodily and spiritual intimacy.
If the child does not receive the necessary deep connection, he regards it as a loss of love. On a physiological level manifested by shortness of breath and spasms in the chest. Reduced oxygen in the body, leading to chronic strain and delay energy production.
One of the striking factors of low energy level is increased activity, which, in turn, arises from attempts to find love. The majority of children who have experienced a sense of loss of love, I believe that this loss occurred due to the fact that they are unable to earn this love. Often the child has assigned the guilt for the displeasure of parents and accusations that they (children) too much demand, too self-centered, energetic, obstinate. The child soon realizes that if he wants to get some love, it needs to adapt to the requirements of the mother.
This prejudice, that love must be earned, usually persists into adulthood. And often manifests itself in the desire for achievement, for success.
Such behavior is typical for people, which are characterized by an exaggerated desire for confirmation of their values, together with the suppression of anger, and is manifested in frequent irritability. This behavior is the main factor leading a person to depression of varying intensity and heart diseases. Also this kind of behavior is the cause of chronic fatigue.
Unfortunately, most people don't know how to slow down my life enough to feel that they are tired of being under the pressure of stereotypes and misconceptions, and belief in the need to live in this way on, as they lived before. Because they believe, on the basis of acquired in the childhood patterns of behavior that depends on their survival. Feeling chronic fatigue and dissatisfaction awakens in them the alarm, causing the neurosis. Many can not say to yourself: "I am very tired", "I can't.»
When they were kids inspired them, saying: "I can't" tantamount to a confession of defeat, and then they don't deserve love, then they are unworthy of love.
Consider the physical reason because of which increased outside activity by lowering the overall level of energy.
It is impossible to relax if the energy level is too low, so as to relieve tension of the muscles is required energy. This fact can be easily explained.
When muscles tense up, they do the work, which uses energy. In a state of tension they can't do no more work. So that the muscles relax and was able to do the job, you need to muscle cells produced the necessary energy. This process in turn requires the flow of oxygen and removal of lactic acid.
Consider a stretched muscle ie relaxed as a stretched spring. In this state it is filled with energy. When a muscle contracts to perform certain work, it becomes shorter and thicker. As the spring loses energy. Further, after the operation, the muscle regenerates and relaxes, increasing its energy potential, such as the stretching of a spring so she could do the job.
When a person is overtired, and his level of energy is low, he can easily fall into a state of contraction, when the muscle is chronically in a state of compression. Consequently, they are unable to regenerate, replenish and increase your energy potential.
People with high energy level rarely falls into a state of high excitement, as his body, thanks to relaxed muscles can maintain a high voltage level. The movement of his free, spontaneous, and full of natural grace.
Sigmund Freud said: "our ego is primarily a bodily".
Elected roles, masks, behaviors, traumatic experiences and disappointments accumulate and cementeries in our body, result in the loss of communication between soul and body, the rift between the senses, mind and body, and loss of contact with the sensuous reality of the world.
In this case, the man lost internal integrity, loses also the harmony and nobukovernet perception. Immersed in suffering, "the evaluation experience of life" and experience the tragedy of existence.
Consciously or unconsciously the person feels his Nezalezhnosti. Experiencing a loss of contact with yourself, with your inner world, or he is not satisfied with the quality of this contact.
Psychologically, the loss of contact with an identical loss of contact with the body.
To loss of contact with the body lead:
©Tomasz Alen Kopera
Acting directly on the body and bodily symptoms, it is possible to access the subconscious structures, driven experience, unconscious and locked segments of the body without consciousness. Equipment physical therapy open access psychosomatic unconscious that allows you to remove the identified blocks to react suppressed emotions, to throw emotional junk, to respond to the suppressed aggression, anger, and resentment, to relax and relieve the accumulated tension (compression) in the muscle structures, thereby restoring energy.
For bodily relaxation "armor" or "armor of nature" Wilhelm Reich developed a number of special techniques, inclusive:
Methods of physical therapy are a powerful psychotherapeutic tool that can cause a radical change in the feelings and psyche. To make available the awareness of symptoms of somatic symptoms, neurotic and pathological manifestations and to correlate this material with the individual ideas, spiritual meanings and human values.
The resulting material with further analysis allows more detail to find out the leading motives and ineffective behaviours, leading to loss of vitality.
A. Lowen argues that increasing the basic level of energy a person can only be achieved by revitalizing the body by means of expression of feelings.
The lack of vital energy is always a result of restraining the senses!
Physical therapy meets all requirements of a holistic approach, where the man – a single functioning whole, the unity of the material and the spiritual, and changes in one sphere is accompanied by changes in another.
In order to be able to regain a sense of integrity and harmony, not only intellectual understanding, interpretation and awareness driven information, it is also necessary at the physical layer to restore a sense of unity of body and mind, feeling the whole body as an integrated system.
In the existential sense – the body is a microcosm that embodies the deepest wisdom of the Universe.
The human body expresses the inner essence of human nature, embodies the way of his being in the present tense, and also satisfies the human need for awareness and development of own nature.
However, often the person considers the greatest security threat that is nature. Own human nature and the play of forces of nature is full of surprises. Of course the man cannot conquer nature, and it leads to her constant struggle.
The struggle of Homo sapiens with nature is a reflection of the struggle in modern industrial societies, between the ego and the human body, its natural natural.
Also interesting: Academician gariaev: body and Soul — two sides of life
Hiromi Shinya: learn to hear your own body
You must love yourself. His nature. This does not mean the manifestation of self-love or narcissism is to love through understanding and acceptance. Taking with the understanding of all manifestations of himself, we are able to love all manifestations of life around, non-judgmental. To love others non-judgmental, understanding the difficulties and challenges that people have overcome or may not overcome.
Through the bodily integration of the personality could be revealed to the understanding and sense of spirituality of the body — be aware of manifestations of divinity in the physical Universe.published
Author: Valeria Timoschuk
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.t-institute.com/ru/educational-programs/psikhoterapiya/20-psikhoterapiya/59-kak-ozhivit-svojo-telo.html
The body is a fundamental value, because it is the original reality of existence in the material Universe. Body — based identity and consciousness, and is perceived as "I".
Thirty seven million fifty four thousand eight hundred twenty five
Bodily experience is the Foundation of mental development, self-realization and cognition of the surrounding world.
Every child has enormous potential to feel and sense different aspects of life. Further, in the development process, the body is formed as a universal human language that conveys feelings, emotions and attitudes to other beings.
However, social censorship often provokes a suppression of natural feelings. It costs an authoritarian society, education in authoritarian families, the difficulty of communications during the period of growing up, experiencing stress and much more, leading to suppression of feelings and sensations in the body, to the loss of depth of experiences, to the impoverishment initially a wide range of emotions or uncontrollable chaotic and destructive intensity of emotions.
Wilhem Reich identified psychological problems and neurotic condition as a result of stagnation in the body of biological or sexual energy.
Chronic psychological stress is the reason for congestion, which leads to corresponding energy blocks in the muscles of different body segments.
This stress becoming chronic, interferes with the free flow of energy flows. Sooner or later it leads to the formation of "muscular armor" or "armor" that creates a fertile ground for the development of neurotic character. The consequence — the suppression of natural emotional, physiological and sensory human activities.
The body seals the mask and the role, chosen as a way of protection from traumatic or unpleasant experiences. These masks would "grow into the memory of the body". The result is a"muscular armor" — knots and areas of chronic tension and clamps.
The man bound the weight unreacted emotions and psychological defenses that have become "armor" for all occasions. The "armor" of the character is manifested at all levels of human behaviour: speech, gestures, postures, bodily habits, facial expressions, patterns of behavior, ways of communicating, etc. are Limited resources of vitality and agility of the body, reduces the quality of communication with the world and integrity of the individual, limited creativity and potential abilities.
"Armor" blocks anxiety and densetsu the output energy is at the cost of impoverishment of personality, the loss of natural sensitivity and emotionality, the inability to get pleasure from life and work…»
Wilhelm Reich
Fifty four million seven hundred twenty thousand six hundred sixteen
©Tomasz Alen Kopera
With time people get used and identified with a chronic state of stress and ceases to notice his stiff and lifeless, loses its keen interest in life. Personal effects is almost completely controlled by the logical mind and set of models of stereotypical behavior.
Life becomes poor because of the lack of spontaneity in perception of the world.
Trying to keep the release of energy (be it anger or desire for something) happening in connection with our conditioning as in early childhood, and because of imposed social attitudes in adulthood. Because each individual has a need to adapt to reality and not to be in this environment, an outcast.
The man who grows up in a family where the direct expression of feelings or emotions (anger, aggression, loud of joy or sorrow, etc.) do not tolerate, learning to Express their emotions.
The child quickly realizes that if he wants the love and affection of their parents, he must find a way not to show the "unwanted" emotion or feeling. To hide everything inside. As a result, the person becomes anxious, tense and unnatural.
Suppressing the feeling the person creates an internal conflict of emotion "cut off" from external responses, and perception of actions – from the present desires and feelings, understanding and thinking — from the behavior.
Blocking feelings, holding back the vitality, energy, spouting, and emotions, the child gradually becomes energetic and emotional cripple.
In families where the parents have a conflict, whether interpersonal or intrapersonal, resulting in the child communication of emotions "fear of wine", which can last a lifetime. This person inevitably will be most of the time to be anxious or fear. Fear creates a lot of stress, both psychological and physiological. There is a need to find ways to block strong experience and regular stress to ensure survival and to maintain a relatively healthy psyche.
Thus we learn since childhood to block and displace the unwanted experiences, and to more or less Mature age, many of us already are fluent in this technology.
Wilhelm Reich was able to unite the mind and sometime, using the concept of energy. He realized that the conflict arises simultaneously on two levels: mental and somatic (bodily). He went to the psyche and somatike as two aspects – mental and physical – of one indivisible process.
A suitable metaphor would be the reverse and the obverse of the coin, because, whatever we do with the coin, this applies to both sides.
Similarly, the mind and body are two different functions, interdependent and mutually influencing each other.
Reich articulates his concept of how the principle of psychosomatic unity of opposites. The commonality there is at a deep energetic level of the body, while at the level of observable phenomena there is the opposite.
Thirty one million five hundred fifty six thousand seventy six
V. Raich represented as a ripple. As the excitement and relaxation that can be felt in the form of energy streams in the body.
Ripple is one of the reasons for the emergence of living organisms. The principle of energy excitation and relaxation (release), it's the energy "pump", which allows life again and again to reinvent themselves. Natural phenomenon or bioelectric bioenergetic pulsation can be observed at all levels of biological organization, as cells, body systems and organs and throughout the body as a whole, for example, sexual and emotional reactions.
A fundamental property of the forces of material and energy worlds is polarity or duality, which consists of two poles – positive and negative. Ripple is a movement between these two poles. This oscillation from one pole to another and back again, cyclical and rhythmic movements. A simple ripple in the inorganic world can be seen in the circulation of planets around the Sun and satellites around planets. As a reflection of this planetary movement, we can observe the repetitive yearly cycles of changing seasons, day and night, and the rhythmic ebb and flow of the oceans.
In the organic world ripple is the fundamental phenomenon, which is the Foundation for physical and energetic functioning of living organisms. Each of the microscopic cells pulsates when she sucks in food from the outside and ejects the waste out. Unicellular microorganisms are reduced and expanded in a constant rhythm, and the plasma or the liquid contents of the cells flowing, pulsing, inside the cell. Our heartbeat, which sends blood through our veins, the same life-supporting surge that we can feel at any moment.
Breathing, one of the most powerful and conscious rhythmic pulsations in our body, the basis of the pulsation of the life force in the body.
It is the breath is the connecting link between the physical body, energy and emotional body, that's why deep breathing stimulates both bodily sensations and emotions, and can cause an energy surge, expressed both physically and emotionally.
Curiously, despite the complexity of the chemistry of metabolism is similar to the process, where the fuel becomes energy, according to the General formula:
P (fuel or food) + Q2 (oxygen or air) = E (energy)
Living organisms from non-living nature distinguished by the fact that the organisms this process occurs inside the cell membranes.
Due to this produced by the body energy is not lost to the outside environment, and used by the body in the system to perform its vital functions.
One of the main functions is receiving from the environment the necessary elements to produce life-sustaining energy. The membrane must be permeable to food and oxygen and to remove degradation products. When considering more complex systems (organisms) than bacteria and simple unicellular, this process combined with an active search for the desired items (products). It follows a logical conclusion — movement of the body cannot be random! They are controlled by some form of sensitivity to the environment.
As one of the leading researchers of the functioning of protoplasm, "it is possible that protoplasm and not of reason, but what she does is reasonable." Reasonable is the desire for food, love and pleasant contacts, and a retreat to the danger or pain.
This is not a mechanical process, because every body (regardless of the complexity of organization of the system) is constantly exploring his surroundings, with the aim to find optimal conditions for survival. This study — the approach and retreat — part pulsation activity.
Inside the body it includes:
- heartbeat,
- breath,
- peristalsis,
- other life support systems.
It is the result of excitation of every cell and every organ of the body. Thus, we can say that life is a state of controlled internal excitation, the excitation produces the energy required to maintain internal functions, and also for any external action that supports or increases the excitation of the body.
We are born with enormous potential sensitivity to the inducing factors but with age, this sensitivity decreases.
This loss of sensitivity can be explained by the fact that with age the body becomes more structured and constrained stereotype, people are so rooted in their stereotypical skills that it is almost impossible to spontaneously move, feel and explore the world.
Do you often meet Mature people are able to rejoice and to address directly, as the children do?
The process of building of communications with the outside world is an energy process.
To present how the process of building an energy link between two people, imagine two tuning forks, tuned to the same frequency. When they are close, the attack on one of them causes a vibration of the second. Similarly, due to the strong energy and sensual connection between the two deeply in love people.
The image of two hearts beating as one, much more than just a metaphor.
Loved ones quite often there is the ability to feel the feelings of each other and their children.
So, our hearts and bodies is the pulsing system, emitting waves of electromagnetic and bioenergetic nature and can influence other hearts and bodies.
Maybe you have observed that experiencing irritation and anger, but not showing it outwardly, you nonetheless receive an adequate response from outside in the form of aggression aimed at you.
The same thing happens in the case of uncertainty or sexual oppression. How would you have not looked and did not show the quality from the outside sooner or later you get a proper response to your inner state.
People who developed their sensitivity, a subtle sense of movement and quality of energy, and is able to overcome the rigid structure of his ego is capable of, like a tuning fork, tune to virtually any human or living creature. To understand and feel his feelings, and other conditions without like.
Feelings of unity with the Universe can be achieved, losing or breaking the boundaries of the ego.
Ego – a way of adapting to the outside world — creates a border that retains individual consciousness. Inside this border contains a self-sustaining energy system, the main feature of which is the state of arousal.
Without the existence of boundaries might not exist in individual consciousness and personal ego. It is about the overcoming of this boundary and reach a state of Nirvana and Atman is said in ancient philosophical and religious teachings – Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.
Sixteen million five hundred fifty thousand twenty three
So, consider some of the factors leading to low energy levels in the body and promotes the formation of "armor" or "muscular armor".
The body needs a balance between the use of energy and its accumulation. The balance between accumulation and release of energy is controlled by the need.
The main desire for the newly born child is to restore the close relationship with his mother that he was when he was in the mother's womb. Once born, the child tries again to feel the warmth and depth of this contact in the open arms of the mother. Memory and sensations of the totality of closeness and oneness, man's whole life looking for the satisfaction of his basic desires of love is a profound feeling of sacredness and the depth of unity, a total bodily and spiritual intimacy.
If the child does not receive the necessary deep connection, he regards it as a loss of love. On a physiological level manifested by shortness of breath and spasms in the chest. Reduced oxygen in the body, leading to chronic strain and delay energy production.
One of the striking factors of low energy level is increased activity, which, in turn, arises from attempts to find love. The majority of children who have experienced a sense of loss of love, I believe that this loss occurred due to the fact that they are unable to earn this love. Often the child has assigned the guilt for the displeasure of parents and accusations that they (children) too much demand, too self-centered, energetic, obstinate. The child soon realizes that if he wants to get some love, it needs to adapt to the requirements of the mother.
This prejudice, that love must be earned, usually persists into adulthood. And often manifests itself in the desire for achievement, for success.
Such behavior is typical for people, which are characterized by an exaggerated desire for confirmation of their values, together with the suppression of anger, and is manifested in frequent irritability. This behavior is the main factor leading a person to depression of varying intensity and heart diseases. Also this kind of behavior is the cause of chronic fatigue.
Unfortunately, most people don't know how to slow down my life enough to feel that they are tired of being under the pressure of stereotypes and misconceptions, and belief in the need to live in this way on, as they lived before. Because they believe, on the basis of acquired in the childhood patterns of behavior that depends on their survival. Feeling chronic fatigue and dissatisfaction awakens in them the alarm, causing the neurosis. Many can not say to yourself: "I am very tired", "I can't.»
When they were kids inspired them, saying: "I can't" tantamount to a confession of defeat, and then they don't deserve love, then they are unworthy of love.
Consider the physical reason because of which increased outside activity by lowering the overall level of energy.
It is impossible to relax if the energy level is too low, so as to relieve tension of the muscles is required energy. This fact can be easily explained.
When muscles tense up, they do the work, which uses energy. In a state of tension they can't do no more work. So that the muscles relax and was able to do the job, you need to muscle cells produced the necessary energy. This process in turn requires the flow of oxygen and removal of lactic acid.
Consider a stretched muscle ie relaxed as a stretched spring. In this state it is filled with energy. When a muscle contracts to perform certain work, it becomes shorter and thicker. As the spring loses energy. Further, after the operation, the muscle regenerates and relaxes, increasing its energy potential, such as the stretching of a spring so she could do the job.
When a person is overtired, and his level of energy is low, he can easily fall into a state of contraction, when the muscle is chronically in a state of compression. Consequently, they are unable to regenerate, replenish and increase your energy potential.
People with high energy level rarely falls into a state of high excitement, as his body, thanks to relaxed muscles can maintain a high voltage level. The movement of his free, spontaneous, and full of natural grace.
Sigmund Freud said: "our ego is primarily a bodily".
Elected roles, masks, behaviors, traumatic experiences and disappointments accumulate and cementeries in our body, result in the loss of communication between soul and body, the rift between the senses, mind and body, and loss of contact with the sensuous reality of the world.
In this case, the man lost internal integrity, loses also the harmony and nobukovernet perception. Immersed in suffering, "the evaluation experience of life" and experience the tragedy of existence.
Consciously or unconsciously the person feels his Nezalezhnosti. Experiencing a loss of contact with yourself, with your inner world, or he is not satisfied with the quality of this contact.
Psychologically, the loss of contact with an identical loss of contact with the body.
To loss of contact with the body lead:
- any type of violence: physical, emotional or psychological;
- the suppression of natural sexuality;
- early childhood diseases, a difficult birth, congenital defects, physical trauma, accidents and surgery;
- poor early object relations, where a parent "mirroring", so necessary for the child to develop a healthy sense of self was inadequate;
- inadequate or violated boundaries in relationships between family members – domestic violence and aggression;
- criticism and sense of shame that parents are projecting onto the child, when they are at odds with their body; these feelings can also be caused by rejecting, or overly controlling parent;
- situation when parents leave a child or ignore it;
- the feeling that the body or personality traits of the child does not meet the cultural ideal or family-style.
- the suppression or the accumulation of anger and resentment.
©Tomasz Alen Kopera
Acting directly on the body and bodily symptoms, it is possible to access the subconscious structures, driven experience, unconscious and locked segments of the body without consciousness. Equipment physical therapy open access psychosomatic unconscious that allows you to remove the identified blocks to react suppressed emotions, to throw emotional junk, to respond to the suppressed aggression, anger, and resentment, to relax and relieve the accumulated tension (compression) in the muscle structures, thereby restoring energy.
For bodily relaxation "armor" or "armor of nature" Wilhelm Reich developed a number of special techniques, inclusive:
- direct manipulation of the body,
- work to simulate and provoke emotional States,
- performance of specific movements and exercise,
- breathing technique,
- work with the release of emotional and physiological stress through the release of the sound.
Methods of physical therapy are a powerful psychotherapeutic tool that can cause a radical change in the feelings and psyche. To make available the awareness of symptoms of somatic symptoms, neurotic and pathological manifestations and to correlate this material with the individual ideas, spiritual meanings and human values.
The resulting material with further analysis allows more detail to find out the leading motives and ineffective behaviours, leading to loss of vitality.
A. Lowen argues that increasing the basic level of energy a person can only be achieved by revitalizing the body by means of expression of feelings.
The lack of vital energy is always a result of restraining the senses!
Physical therapy meets all requirements of a holistic approach, where the man – a single functioning whole, the unity of the material and the spiritual, and changes in one sphere is accompanied by changes in another.
In order to be able to regain a sense of integrity and harmony, not only intellectual understanding, interpretation and awareness driven information, it is also necessary at the physical layer to restore a sense of unity of body and mind, feeling the whole body as an integrated system.
In the existential sense – the body is a microcosm that embodies the deepest wisdom of the Universe.
The human body expresses the inner essence of human nature, embodies the way of his being in the present tense, and also satisfies the human need for awareness and development of own nature.
However, often the person considers the greatest security threat that is nature. Own human nature and the play of forces of nature is full of surprises. Of course the man cannot conquer nature, and it leads to her constant struggle.
The struggle of Homo sapiens with nature is a reflection of the struggle in modern industrial societies, between the ego and the human body, its natural natural.
Also interesting: Academician gariaev: body and Soul — two sides of life
Hiromi Shinya: learn to hear your own body
You must love yourself. His nature. This does not mean the manifestation of self-love or narcissism is to love through understanding and acceptance. Taking with the understanding of all manifestations of himself, we are able to love all manifestations of life around, non-judgmental. To love others non-judgmental, understanding the difficulties and challenges that people have overcome or may not overcome.
Through the bodily integration of the personality could be revealed to the understanding and sense of spirituality of the body — be aware of manifestations of divinity in the physical Universe.published
Author: Valeria Timoschuk
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.t-institute.com/ru/educational-programs/psikhoterapiya/20-psikhoterapiya/59-kak-ozhivit-svojo-telo.html