Wilhelm Reich: As suppressed emotions are stored in muscles in the form of voltage
Wilhelm Reich, a distinguished Austrian psychoanalyst and thinker, the founder of body-oriented psychotherapy. Reich introduced the concept of "armor" character, which manifests itself at all levels of human behaviour: speech, gestures, postures, bodily habits, facial expressions, patterns of behavior, ways of communicating, etc., "Armor" blocks anxiety and have not found the output energy is at the cost of impoverishment of personality, loss of natural emotion, the inability to receive pleasure from life and work.
For bodily relaxation, "armor" Reich has developed a number of techniques, including direct manipulation of the body; work to mock and provoke emotional States; the performance of specific movements and physical exercises; a work on the liberation of sound during emotional stress.
Conditionality of Early Childhood (Emotional and Psychological Condition)
Attempts to stop the energy occur due to our conditioning of early childhood and in relation to the natural and reasonable necessity of each organism to preserve its life. A child who grows in a house where the expression of anger is simply not tolerated and not allowed, learns not to Express anger in order to win the favor of parents. Blocking feeling and holding back the energy, the child gradually becomes energetic and emotional cripple.
Every time this child gets angry, it can shut in his room, beat, yell at him or parents can humiliate him verbally, therefore, the love of parents he needs disappears. He quickly realizes that if he wants their love and affection, he must find a way not to be angry, or at least not to show that feeling. He becomes rigid, tense and unnatural.
Parents who constantly swear or parent who has, or constantly intimidates the child, it creates a bunch of fear-wines that can exist all his life. Such a child would be reluctant most of the time to be in fear or even terror. Fear creates incredible stress, both psychological and physiological, and it becomes absolutely impossible to live and to feel such fear and stress. For a child it becomes necessary to find ways to block the experience of such feelings to exist, while maintaining a relatively healthy psyche.
The same thing happens with a child who is constantly exposed to situations that cause him pain, psychologically or physically. He finds ways to kill your feelings to not feel the pain.
Unacceptable is not only negative emotions. Children jump and run and make a lot of noise, which is a natural response of the liveliness and the pleasure which they feel in your body and all your being.
Children always say to calm down, to be quiet, to sit still or to restrain any other way this overlapped the edges of the flood of joy and excitement. They find a way to reduce bodily sensations, holding your breath and straining your body so as not to cause upset feelings of their parents, teachers and other people in that repressed society in which they live.
And, it seems, the most powerful taboo is directed against those streams flow natural pleasure with which we all are born; the desire to touch, desire to touch you, the desire to feel the sensual pleasure of our own bodies, to melt and dissolve in each other, uninhibited in expressing our sexuality.
It is our sexuality, more than any other expression of our energy, depressed, and "turned inside out" by our conditioning. Our bodies learn to say "no" to this thread, and our minds are in control, inhibit and destroy the greatest natural gift given to us by existence.
What is Ripple?
Ripple is one of the reasons for the emergence of living organisms. The principle energy charging and releasing, which Wilhelm Reich called the Orgasm Formula, it is the energy "pump", which allows life again and again to reinvent themselves. Natural phenomenon or bioelectric bioenergetic pulsation can be observed at all levels of biological organization, as cells, body systems and organs and throughout the body as a whole, for example sexual and emotional responses.
A fundamental property of the forces of material and energy in the world is the polarity, which consists of two forces, positive and negative. Our very physical existence and, naturally, the same applies to the whole universe, depends on a complex interaction of these two opposite and yet mutually supportive forces.
Surge is the movement between these poles; this oscillation from one aspect to another and back cyclic, rhythmic movement. A simple ripple in the inorganic world can be seen in the circulation of planets around the sun and moons around planets. As a reflection of this planetary movement, we can observe the repetitive yearly cycles of seasons, day and night, and the rhythmic ebb and flow of the oceans.
In the organic world ripple is the fundamental phenomenon, which is the Foundation for physical and energetic functioning of living organisms. Each of the microscopic cells pulsates when she sucks in food from the outside and ejects waste from outside yourself. Amoeba (single-celled organisms) are reduced and expanded in a constant rhythm, and the plasma or the liquid contents of the cells flowing, pulsing, inside the cell.
Our heartbeat, which sends blood pulsing through our veins is ripple, whose presence we can feel in any moment, if enough want to see.
Probably the most clear pulsation in the body, we can become aware of this breath, and this is the pulsation, with which we work directly in the Ripple. The breath enters the body and leaves him outside and those inside-out, reducing the extension of the rhythmic form is the basis of the pulsation of the life force in the body.
It is the breath is the connecting link between the physical body and the energy or emotional body, that's why deep breathing will boost both bodily sensations and emotions, and can cause an energy surge, expressed both physically and emotionally.
The air isn't the only thing flowing in and out of the body with the pulsation of breath. Air, or rather oxygen, is a component required to maintain the physical body and its metabolism. Based on the bioenergetic functioning of all living organisms is something different; the vital energy or life force that is invisible and therefore immeasurable. Life energy floats freely in the atmosphere and enters the body and accumulates in it by breathing.
Wilhelm Reich called the life energy Orgone energy and this same energy, which for centuries was known in the East as "Ki" or "prana". Reich believed that Orgone energy is the creative force that is the basis of our sexuality, and, in fact, just living and growing Universe of Liquid in the closed space of the body or of the body is the medium through which flows the energy of life. It passes through the body fluid by bioelectrical.
Reduction or expansion of this energy in the body is what generates physical movement, as well as the subjective experiencing of the feelings, such as pleasure or anxiety. The energy of the rushing stream, bubbling and throbbing throughout the body; in the understanding of Reich's exactly how the flow of energy in the closed membranes of cells and determines the bodies of mostly rounded forms of all organic life forms.
Ripple Breathing Charge and Release
As the surge breathing becomes deeper, the energy accumulates in the body and this charge is contained within the physical limitations of the body, namely the skin, muscles, fluids and nerves. In the human body there is a structure, more like a tubular than spherical, with the breath as a mediator of pulsation.
Imagine a hollow tube that begins with the opening of the mouth and larynx and continues to the bottom of the body. On the inhale breath should be pulled into the body, into this hollow tube, mainly through downward vibrations of the diaphragm; following this as a result of the erection or expansion of all the muscles from mouth to lower abdomen, pelvis and genitalia allows the entire body to absorb the incoming breath and vitality.
This is a blow ripple breathing inside. At the peak of the breath direction is reversed and as the diaphragm performs oscillation, upward, air is discharged from the body out. At the same time, the musculature of the entire torso gently closed, as the breath goes out. This surge shock the breath out.
Each breath is a small act of charging energy, each exhalation is a small act of energy release. This charge can be felt as a tingling sensation or trickle of energy propagating along different parts of the body, feeling of fullness, and as a significant increase in the level of excitement in General. The skin may be covered with blush, becoming reddish, the body can slightly be heard, and the movement can become broader.
Sexually aroused genitals give us a very clear example of what the bioelectric charge. Energy also creates in the body a certain tension; the energy inside, it tends to expand beyond the body, and the stronger the charge and the excitation, the more voltage. The charge creates a potential opportunity for release.
At the peak of energy and stress the body looks for way to release the energy contained within it; the energy spills out of its borders and involuntarily convulsively and flows into an orgasm.
Reich argued that sexual orgasm is a natural, biological method, which uses the body to self-regulate internal levels of energy. The energy release through orgasm leads to the release of excess energy and hence the stress, leaving the body in a state of relaxation.
It will be important to reiterate that the qualities of energy release are we talking about here, it's spontaneity, neproizvol and freedom from conscious control. Sexual orgasm is not something that you need to do, but rather something you need to surrender, to let to happen.
Rajkowska Formula Orgasm
Wilhelm Reich was intrigued by the energy charging and discharging that occurs in the body, and found that this natural process was violated, the majority of his patients. Neurotic patients, larryh, almost always complaining of any sexual disorders and he found that these patients have always been also emotionally blocked. They lost the ability to spontaneously and without resistance to surrender to the senses or emotions.
During the course of therapy, patients are reaching by breathing in a state of high energy, always releasing energy in the form of powerful emotional or physical release of energy. After several months of this focused on the release of therapy patients notice significant improvement in your ability to give and receive pleasure from their sex life. It gradually became clear that sexual and emotional expression (and suppression) operate on the same energy principle.
This principle, offered the Reich, was called the Orgasm Formula: Charge (Voltage) => Voltage (Charge) => Release => Release. This rhythmic four-phase formula describes the natural, biological self-regulation of energy levels in the body. During our daily activities we are increasing the energy in the body. During sexual activity release caused "bioelectrical" saturation which produces the energy release through involuntary contractions of the muscles. The excess energy thus released.
Let's look at the Formula of the Orgasm in the light of what is happening energetically in the body during lovemaking. A sexual charge or excitement can be felt in many places throughout the body, but gradually focuses in the genitals when the charge is high. With genital penetration, full contact of body, movement and a widening ripple breathing charge increases, and as a result appears related to the excitation voltage.
In the moment before orgasm, the body movements become involuntary. With the beginning of the orgasm the musculature of the genital and whole body experiences a series of involuntary convulsions, which cause the release of bioelectrical energy. Disentangling the charge, which was focused in the genitals that spreads back over the body and to its periphery, creating a thin wave of pleasant sensations throughout the body. This is the phase of relaxation of the Formula of the Orgasm.
The formula of Orgasm apply to the feelings and emotional release. If the person blocks or suppresses the emotion, the energy of this emotions stored in muscles in the form of voltage. Increasing energy through breathing (as we do during the session), we obtain as the effect of increasing the tension, as the muscles have to strain more to hold the unit. (With such a large voltage, we can manually work with the muscles.)
When the charge (and the power of the energy behind the emotion becomes too strong in order to keep the muscles, energy is released spontaneously in the form of emotional release which can include body movements, sounds, and expression of feelings. As a consequence of the energy release muscles (which no longer tense and does not charge block) can come into a state of relaxation, which is usually experienced as pleasant.
Couple Pain/Pleasure
During unimpeded wailing and crying or loud laughter, the whole body is in a state of pulsation. When man learns to block out the crying, which is an expression of emotional pain or laughter, expression of joy and pleasure, ripple of the body decreases and the feeling is freezing.
For example, when a child is experiencing emotional pain, which he perceives as too much for her to endure, he will try not to feel it. Blocking crying, the child separates himself from experiencing pain. Breathing becomes less deep, and feeling the pulsation is reduced, the movement almost stops, and all the energy is compressed when it is numb. Blocking the pain is the same as the block crying, because if a man allows himself to cry, so he can afford a sense of sadness, grief, pain.
And the anger and the fear energy is directed: anger directed outward, and fear inside. While blocking pain and reduced internal and external shock of the surge, and the whole body feels less and less, and becoming dumber and deader.
For bodily relaxation, "armor" Reich has developed a number of techniques, including direct manipulation of the body; work to mock and provoke emotional States; the performance of specific movements and physical exercises; a work on the liberation of sound during emotional stress.

Conditionality of Early Childhood (Emotional and Psychological Condition)
Attempts to stop the energy occur due to our conditioning of early childhood and in relation to the natural and reasonable necessity of each organism to preserve its life. A child who grows in a house where the expression of anger is simply not tolerated and not allowed, learns not to Express anger in order to win the favor of parents. Blocking feeling and holding back the energy, the child gradually becomes energetic and emotional cripple.
Every time this child gets angry, it can shut in his room, beat, yell at him or parents can humiliate him verbally, therefore, the love of parents he needs disappears. He quickly realizes that if he wants their love and affection, he must find a way not to be angry, or at least not to show that feeling. He becomes rigid, tense and unnatural.
Parents who constantly swear or parent who has, or constantly intimidates the child, it creates a bunch of fear-wines that can exist all his life. Such a child would be reluctant most of the time to be in fear or even terror. Fear creates incredible stress, both psychological and physiological, and it becomes absolutely impossible to live and to feel such fear and stress. For a child it becomes necessary to find ways to block the experience of such feelings to exist, while maintaining a relatively healthy psyche.
The same thing happens with a child who is constantly exposed to situations that cause him pain, psychologically or physically. He finds ways to kill your feelings to not feel the pain.
Unacceptable is not only negative emotions. Children jump and run and make a lot of noise, which is a natural response of the liveliness and the pleasure which they feel in your body and all your being.
Children always say to calm down, to be quiet, to sit still or to restrain any other way this overlapped the edges of the flood of joy and excitement. They find a way to reduce bodily sensations, holding your breath and straining your body so as not to cause upset feelings of their parents, teachers and other people in that repressed society in which they live.
And, it seems, the most powerful taboo is directed against those streams flow natural pleasure with which we all are born; the desire to touch, desire to touch you, the desire to feel the sensual pleasure of our own bodies, to melt and dissolve in each other, uninhibited in expressing our sexuality.
It is our sexuality, more than any other expression of our energy, depressed, and "turned inside out" by our conditioning. Our bodies learn to say "no" to this thread, and our minds are in control, inhibit and destroy the greatest natural gift given to us by existence.
What is Ripple?
Ripple is one of the reasons for the emergence of living organisms. The principle energy charging and releasing, which Wilhelm Reich called the Orgasm Formula, it is the energy "pump", which allows life again and again to reinvent themselves. Natural phenomenon or bioelectric bioenergetic pulsation can be observed at all levels of biological organization, as cells, body systems and organs and throughout the body as a whole, for example sexual and emotional responses.
A fundamental property of the forces of material and energy in the world is the polarity, which consists of two forces, positive and negative. Our very physical existence and, naturally, the same applies to the whole universe, depends on a complex interaction of these two opposite and yet mutually supportive forces.
Surge is the movement between these poles; this oscillation from one aspect to another and back cyclic, rhythmic movement. A simple ripple in the inorganic world can be seen in the circulation of planets around the sun and moons around planets. As a reflection of this planetary movement, we can observe the repetitive yearly cycles of seasons, day and night, and the rhythmic ebb and flow of the oceans.
In the organic world ripple is the fundamental phenomenon, which is the Foundation for physical and energetic functioning of living organisms. Each of the microscopic cells pulsates when she sucks in food from the outside and ejects waste from outside yourself. Amoeba (single-celled organisms) are reduced and expanded in a constant rhythm, and the plasma or the liquid contents of the cells flowing, pulsing, inside the cell.
Our heartbeat, which sends blood pulsing through our veins is ripple, whose presence we can feel in any moment, if enough want to see.
Probably the most clear pulsation in the body, we can become aware of this breath, and this is the pulsation, with which we work directly in the Ripple. The breath enters the body and leaves him outside and those inside-out, reducing the extension of the rhythmic form is the basis of the pulsation of the life force in the body.
It is the breath is the connecting link between the physical body and the energy or emotional body, that's why deep breathing will boost both bodily sensations and emotions, and can cause an energy surge, expressed both physically and emotionally.
The air isn't the only thing flowing in and out of the body with the pulsation of breath. Air, or rather oxygen, is a component required to maintain the physical body and its metabolism. Based on the bioenergetic functioning of all living organisms is something different; the vital energy or life force that is invisible and therefore immeasurable. Life energy floats freely in the atmosphere and enters the body and accumulates in it by breathing.
Wilhelm Reich called the life energy Orgone energy and this same energy, which for centuries was known in the East as "Ki" or "prana". Reich believed that Orgone energy is the creative force that is the basis of our sexuality, and, in fact, just living and growing Universe of Liquid in the closed space of the body or of the body is the medium through which flows the energy of life. It passes through the body fluid by bioelectrical.
Reduction or expansion of this energy in the body is what generates physical movement, as well as the subjective experiencing of the feelings, such as pleasure or anxiety. The energy of the rushing stream, bubbling and throbbing throughout the body; in the understanding of Reich's exactly how the flow of energy in the closed membranes of cells and determines the bodies of mostly rounded forms of all organic life forms.
Ripple Breathing Charge and Release
As the surge breathing becomes deeper, the energy accumulates in the body and this charge is contained within the physical limitations of the body, namely the skin, muscles, fluids and nerves. In the human body there is a structure, more like a tubular than spherical, with the breath as a mediator of pulsation.
Imagine a hollow tube that begins with the opening of the mouth and larynx and continues to the bottom of the body. On the inhale breath should be pulled into the body, into this hollow tube, mainly through downward vibrations of the diaphragm; following this as a result of the erection or expansion of all the muscles from mouth to lower abdomen, pelvis and genitalia allows the entire body to absorb the incoming breath and vitality.
This is a blow ripple breathing inside. At the peak of the breath direction is reversed and as the diaphragm performs oscillation, upward, air is discharged from the body out. At the same time, the musculature of the entire torso gently closed, as the breath goes out. This surge shock the breath out.
Each breath is a small act of charging energy, each exhalation is a small act of energy release. This charge can be felt as a tingling sensation or trickle of energy propagating along different parts of the body, feeling of fullness, and as a significant increase in the level of excitement in General. The skin may be covered with blush, becoming reddish, the body can slightly be heard, and the movement can become broader.
Sexually aroused genitals give us a very clear example of what the bioelectric charge. Energy also creates in the body a certain tension; the energy inside, it tends to expand beyond the body, and the stronger the charge and the excitation, the more voltage. The charge creates a potential opportunity for release.
At the peak of energy and stress the body looks for way to release the energy contained within it; the energy spills out of its borders and involuntarily convulsively and flows into an orgasm.
Reich argued that sexual orgasm is a natural, biological method, which uses the body to self-regulate internal levels of energy. The energy release through orgasm leads to the release of excess energy and hence the stress, leaving the body in a state of relaxation.
It will be important to reiterate that the qualities of energy release are we talking about here, it's spontaneity, neproizvol and freedom from conscious control. Sexual orgasm is not something that you need to do, but rather something you need to surrender, to let to happen.
Rajkowska Formula Orgasm
Wilhelm Reich was intrigued by the energy charging and discharging that occurs in the body, and found that this natural process was violated, the majority of his patients. Neurotic patients, larryh, almost always complaining of any sexual disorders and he found that these patients have always been also emotionally blocked. They lost the ability to spontaneously and without resistance to surrender to the senses or emotions.
During the course of therapy, patients are reaching by breathing in a state of high energy, always releasing energy in the form of powerful emotional or physical release of energy. After several months of this focused on the release of therapy patients notice significant improvement in your ability to give and receive pleasure from their sex life. It gradually became clear that sexual and emotional expression (and suppression) operate on the same energy principle.
This principle, offered the Reich, was called the Orgasm Formula: Charge (Voltage) => Voltage (Charge) => Release => Release. This rhythmic four-phase formula describes the natural, biological self-regulation of energy levels in the body. During our daily activities we are increasing the energy in the body. During sexual activity release caused "bioelectrical" saturation which produces the energy release through involuntary contractions of the muscles. The excess energy thus released.
Let's look at the Formula of the Orgasm in the light of what is happening energetically in the body during lovemaking. A sexual charge or excitement can be felt in many places throughout the body, but gradually focuses in the genitals when the charge is high. With genital penetration, full contact of body, movement and a widening ripple breathing charge increases, and as a result appears related to the excitation voltage.
In the moment before orgasm, the body movements become involuntary. With the beginning of the orgasm the musculature of the genital and whole body experiences a series of involuntary convulsions, which cause the release of bioelectrical energy. Disentangling the charge, which was focused in the genitals that spreads back over the body and to its periphery, creating a thin wave of pleasant sensations throughout the body. This is the phase of relaxation of the Formula of the Orgasm.
The formula of Orgasm apply to the feelings and emotional release. If the person blocks or suppresses the emotion, the energy of this emotions stored in muscles in the form of voltage. Increasing energy through breathing (as we do during the session), we obtain as the effect of increasing the tension, as the muscles have to strain more to hold the unit. (With such a large voltage, we can manually work with the muscles.)
When the charge (and the power of the energy behind the emotion becomes too strong in order to keep the muscles, energy is released spontaneously in the form of emotional release which can include body movements, sounds, and expression of feelings. As a consequence of the energy release muscles (which no longer tense and does not charge block) can come into a state of relaxation, which is usually experienced as pleasant.
Couple Pain/Pleasure
During unimpeded wailing and crying or loud laughter, the whole body is in a state of pulsation. When man learns to block out the crying, which is an expression of emotional pain or laughter, expression of joy and pleasure, ripple of the body decreases and the feeling is freezing.
For example, when a child is experiencing emotional pain, which he perceives as too much for her to endure, he will try not to feel it. Blocking crying, the child separates himself from experiencing pain. Breathing becomes less deep, and feeling the pulsation is reduced, the movement almost stops, and all the energy is compressed when it is numb. Blocking the pain is the same as the block crying, because if a man allows himself to cry, so he can afford a sense of sadness, grief, pain.
And the anger and the fear energy is directed: anger directed outward, and fear inside. While blocking pain and reduced internal and external shock of the surge, and the whole body feels less and less, and becoming dumber and deader.
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