Orgone energy: what do we know about her?
Hypothetical energy source of which is the interaction of the ether medium with the magnetic flux of the Earth. It is assumed that all living beings and the Earth itself is surrounded by energy fields that energy. E. D. Orgone energy Orgon-Energie.
The basis of drive operation based on orgone energy experiments of Wilhelm Reich. Known as the discoverer of some "orgone" energy healing. V. Raich in their simple experiments used a primitive hub as he called it "orgone energy" in the form of a box of organic material — wood, favory, upholstered in metal. (Just a rectangular box). In his view, "orgone energy" coming from the Sun, nourish organics, and metal as semi-permeable membrane allows the energy inside, where its concentration increases. This has a beneficial effect on the patient's body, placed in such an "organic battery." This beneficial effect test and concluded that the accumulation in the box-the hub of orgone energy.
The most interesting in the accumulation of "orgone energy" inside the box there was an increase in temperature by 1 degree. V. Raich did not attach any importance to this, and for nothing. He stood on the threshold of creating a unique heating machine is able to heat both the water and gas to very high temperatures without burning any fuel.
Today we know that there is no orgone energy there and the tree is "organic" for its accumulation is not needed. In our time with a light hand Professor V. Veynik "orgone energy" is called chromonema. And their place of accumulation or the zone of high concentration — chronal fields. He described the conditions under which occur in the zone from the high concentration hromonov. So, according to him, any cube or object having faces and is oriented in a certain way in space can be a hub hromonov, and box V. Raich having faces and were this simple hub hromonov. Though not the most successful.
With increasing number of layers the efficiency of the device increased., since it increases the number of facets that led to a greater concentration of Hronov in the box.
Later the researchers open V. Reich radiation, refused box hub V. Reich, as empirically came to the conclusion that to obtain powerful chronal radiation, it is possible to use wire and tubing, in the form of pyramids, and even if there is a wall, then they can produce single wall of the same material. The presence of two media (metal, wood) is not necessary.
Next, Professor V. Calamagrostis based on his theory, came to the conclusion that chronal radiation can change the density of substances, as Ronaldo charged body as he claimed, repelled. They were given a series of convincing experiments, in which the cooling of the molten metal was exposed to a flow hromonov. The distance between the atoms of the molten metal has changed since the atoms are repelled. And the characteristics of casting frozen without exposure to chronal radiation different from the characteristics of the irradiated.
Moreover, Professor Calamagrostis argued that chronal beam or stream hromonov able to clear the air. What is clear again hronline charged air molecules are repelled, and creates a vacuum.
Then it turned out that if to make a hollow model of a pyramid and fill it with water, and the top cut off, then after a while you can see how the choppy water begins to flow from the pyramid. The reason for this water is currently not clarified. Logical to assume that we are dealing with a chronal boiling water. In the model of the great pyramid, according to the same V. Reed, creates increased concentration hromonov. The water molecules under their influence become hronline charged bodies and repelled from each other and from hronline field of the Earth, which, according to the same Reed, is also hronline charged body.
As he wrote V. Calamagrostis increase their CHRONAL. It is clear that the molecules, starting from the chronal field of the Earth, rise up. There is rush and hroney accumulated by the pyramid. It is for them, like a lens, collecting background Hroniki. And through the top excess hroney sends into space. Above the pyramid is formed chronal beam or stream hromonov.
As well as the density hromonov inside the pyramid are different, and chronal charge flows easily, i.e., the molecule Ronaldo cools. The molecule, up to the top of the pyramid, gives a part of his chronal charge and decreases again for recharging in areas with a low concentration hromonov. There is a "Chronal boiling water." We see raucously the water outlet to the outside almost like a regular boil. It's boiling and output hromonov will, even if the pyramid is cut. It is clear that in this case the molecules interact with each other and the liquid is heated as a whole. Changes the internal energy of the molecules. As they are subject to two external forces. The strength of repulsion from each other, and the repulsive force from the chronal field of the Earth. These forces and make over the molecules work, changing their internal energy.
In addition, as known from experiments V. Reed, water or gas expanding under irradiation chromonema, and if they are in a confined space, it will also lead to their opener.
In the pyramid with the cut off top to notice this heating is practically not possible as the pyramid thermos and a small excess of heat is selected by the molecules of the atmosphere. Box V. Raich was quite tight and was a simple thermos — iron, covered with wood. Therefore, the excess heat in the atmosphere are not as intense as when using a single-walled pyramids.
In addition, when using several layers of leak-tightness and insulating properties of the box were increased. Accordingly, several cubes, one to one, the increase of concentration hromonov, inside the box. Hence, on the one hand increased the flow hromonov. On the other, good insulation properties box and integrity, when using multiple layers of wood-iron and led to the fact that the heat released during the "chronal boiling" of the gas molecules, and "chronal repulsion" between molecules remained inside the box. And the temperature in his experiments V. Raich increased by 1 degree.
If you make a box V. Raich in the quality sealed pyramid thermos then it may be possible to achieve a further increase in the temperature inside such a device. As due to continuously flowing through a pyramid chronal flow of the calling "chronal boiling" and "chronal repulsion" between molecules.
There is another option known that the real top of the pyramid of Cheops cut. You can make a model of it with a cut flat top and place on top of a sealed sealed flask with gas or water. Fig.2
While the flask good thermal insulation. Stream hromonov emerging from the top of the pyramid and irradiating the molecules of the substance in the flask. Will cause a "chronal extension", "chronal boiling" and, consequently, heating of the substance in the flask.
The disadvantage of these schemes is that hroney constantly out of the pyramid. And it would be necessary to chronology accumulated in the pyramid. This leads to the fact that molecules very much hronline charged and it starts very strongly to repel each other. The pressure in the pyramids will amplify with the increase of pressure and temperature of the water in the pyramids will be more. You just need to loop the flow hromonov entering and leaving the pyramid. This is not difficult.
Here's what he wrote A. I. Veinik "Similarly, the flow of electric charge, the emission of electrons, a magnetic field is also chronal generators"[4].
That is, the magnetic field of the electron creates around it the chronal field, which reflects the flow of free hromonov. Fig.3
Now consider any metallic conductor, its surface is a layer of Fermi. Or a layer of free electrons. This layer is on the surface, inside of the Explorer, it does not penetrate. Therefore, the chronal field generated by the Fermi layer surrounds the conductor, but not inside. Therefore, the flow hromonov penetrating end into the conduit and moving with some speed will perceive a metallic conductor as a hollow tube. And moving chroney will be reflected from the layer Fermi-like photon, moving in the fiberglass. Fig.4
Knowing this property of the Fermi layer is enough to connect the conduit to the top of the pyramid. With it constantly to direct the flow of the ascending hromonov back to the pyramid. Fig.5
The flow in the cable will only increase. Since the pyramid will escalate into a new Hroniki. Of course, there is a danger that with increasing water pressure the pyramid will burst, but this problem can be solved by removal of heat to the outside and use it for useful purposes.
Extensive research Reich organicheskoi energy and related topics ignored by most critics and scholars. His discoveries contradicted many of the accepted theories and axioms of physics and biology; in addition, his work has experimentally and weaknesses. However, his results have never been refuted or even thoroughly tested and seriously considered anyone from respected scientists. One of the psychologists who worked with Reich, notes: "for more than twenty years since Reich announced the discovery of organicheskoi energy, there were no reports of credible repeat not a single defining experiment that would disprove the results of Reich... the Fact is that despite the ridicule, vilification and attempts of the Orthodoxy to bury the Reich and orgonomic, in any scientific publication no refutation of his experiments, the more — systematic refutation of the vast scientific work of proving his position."
Organicheskaya energy has the following main properties:
1) it is free of mass has no inertia or weight;
2) it is present everywhere, albeit in different concentrations, even in vacuum;
3) it is the medium of electromagnetic and gravitational interactions, the substrate of most of the fundamental natural phenomena;
4) it is in constant motion and can be observed under appropriate conditions;
5) high concentration organicheskoi organicheskoy energy attracts energy from the less concentrated environment (which is "contrary to" the law of entropy);
6) Organicheskaya energy forms units that become centers of creative activity. It may be cells, plants, and animals, as well as clouds, planets, stars, galaxies
Reich calculated the economy of biological energy (orgone) in the organism, brought the budget of the healthy human organism from the perspective of bio-energy exchange with the environment. The phenomenal result of the work of the scientist was successful, doorbuster. With this apparatus of the Reich was able to fully control the man! He could sublimate the energy and people were extremely happy and inspired, were in a euphoric and elated. Can conversely, to lull, to enter the trance state.
Referring to his socialist beliefs, he argued that using the device can cure all of humanity to awaken new skills and to build a new, pure and unadulterated evil society.
He created a new device — accumulator of orgone energy. Something like a battery which can be recharged living beings in the case they lose their own bioenergy. Drawings and development of Reich sent an aging Einstein. The great physicist warmly endorsed inventions, gave the technology a positive summary, but cautioned "It may be the weapon of new generation", soon after, Reich suddenly fled from Austria to America.
For practical purposes, the Reich was created by the so-called orgone accumulators, which consists of alternating layers of organic material (celuloza, cotton) and metal (aluminum). Studies have shown that a layer of organic material attracts and accumulates orgone energy from outer Space, and the metal layer reflects and retains it. The combination of both materials creates ideal conditions for the collection and accumulation of orgone energy in a confined space. The capacity of the orgone accumulator is greater, the greater the number of alternating layers of insulator and metal, and their volume. Mostly Reich used batteries in cameras, obruchevsky the patient's body to recharge life force of the entire body.
According to experiments Senta B. (1992), a small orgone accumulator for local irradiation of acupuncture points is easy to do yourself. On an iron pipe, sealed from one side L=30sm. and d=1sm., should be wound clockwise a package of 40 alternating sheets of aluminum foil and cellophane, dimensions 30x40 cm So that the last layer was cellophane.
The power of radiation can be changed by increasing or decreasing the layers of metal foil and elmaterial. The impact of this device on the BAHT, is at a distance of 1 - 2 cm for 5 minutes each. It should be borne in mind that this kind of orgone accumulator only has a tonic effect. For sedative effects was developed by another device different from the first in that the sealed end of the tube, the conclusion is made from metal wire long 1.5 m, with one end soldered to the tube, and the other lowered into a container of water better flow.
When using the device the tube be sure to wrap a thick sheet of polietilene but is best mounted on a tripod. Another type of orgone accumulator — patch looks like this. For production we use eight strips of thin aluminum foil and cellophane with a width of 10 — 15mm, which, alternating in eight-layer tape stack five-fold, accordion-locking package strips to the metal sheet (brass) of appropriate size. What should be the outer sheet of cellophane. Having made a package, so attach the adhesive side of the package to the skin, and the metal — out, in place of the selected BAT. The duration of exposure and effect when using coronaking patch is similar to the action of the cylindrical orgone accumulator.
Another kind of battery was developed in the form of booths, in which were placed the person sitting or lying down. The cabin was made of sheets of 200х100см, and the ceiling and roof 100х100см of multilayer sandwiches of wood and metal. Stay from 15 to 40 minutes brought a huge relief to the sick and the healthy recharged for the week. Research conducted O. Herrera (1989).
In the forties the scientist is in hiding, where he holds a series of serious experiments, perfecting, doorbuster and other tools to influence the human bio-field. His devices can already act at a distance on a group of people programming the whole city to certain concrete actions. He comes to experimenting with radioactive elements, irradiating orgone accumulator. The result is stunning — the energy turns into dead orgone energy.
Black, ominous clouds begin to grow excessively, like cancer! Process is out of control, the dark cloud of dead orgone energy is pulled out of the battery and darkens the sky for miles. The scientist himself was badly injured, received a large dose of radiation, but continued to work. The crown of creation of this genius was enhanced orgone device, cleaning the space from the dirty bioenergy. When using this device Hiroshima and Nagasaki can be cleaned in the blink of an eye, again returning the affected location and viability, "prodezinfitsirovat" her with the help of doorbuster.
The idea of the existence of the cosmic orgone energy explained a lot, if not everything that happens on Earth. Reich has developed a "space gun" based on orgone energy. He believed that such a device are UFOs and aliens.
Reich figured out that using the device can influence on nature. It turns out, the storm embodies the "dead orgone" — the energy of the DOR. The storm is associated with the accumulation of "dead energy" DOR, that is, the energy of the descending branch of the spiral.
Orgon and "dead orgone" effect on living organisms, and the environment. This idea is akin to the Eastern concepts of "QI" — life force and "SHA" is a bad, stagnant energy. Scientist conducted a series of experiments on the expression of DOR energy in life. The result was the invention with the help of simple electromagnetic devices, Reich learned to reduce the strength of storms. He created what today is known as the "radiosonde".
Witness — a radio Amateur who found one of the "probes" Reich says:
"In the course of the study scheme of the radiosonde I found that temperature and humidity do not work. None! Such a temperature sensor cannot be used for recording temperature — just had another appointment. It was used as a DOR — antenna, whereas the humidity sensor is in fact the antenna was radiating orgone. When the antenna is pinpointing DOR, the transmitter configured in opposite phase, thus destroying the DOR radiation and reducing the power of the storm. Accordingly, the configuration of the transmitter phase causes the enhancement of DOR energy."
Thus, by the mid-fifties Reich in the United States has developed a comprehensive psychotronic technology.
Further events developed rapidly. Scientist for Communist beliefs put behind bars, the lab confiscated. In 1957, while in prison, Reich died under mysterious circumstances. Ingenious inventions disappear without comment. Their assigns the appropriate military Department. Psychotronic technology of mass destruction exist, it was invented a long time ago.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.radionika.lt/straipsniai_ru/010.php
The basis of drive operation based on orgone energy experiments of Wilhelm Reich. Known as the discoverer of some "orgone" energy healing. V. Raich in their simple experiments used a primitive hub as he called it "orgone energy" in the form of a box of organic material — wood, favory, upholstered in metal. (Just a rectangular box). In his view, "orgone energy" coming from the Sun, nourish organics, and metal as semi-permeable membrane allows the energy inside, where its concentration increases. This has a beneficial effect on the patient's body, placed in such an "organic battery." This beneficial effect test and concluded that the accumulation in the box-the hub of orgone energy.
The most interesting in the accumulation of "orgone energy" inside the box there was an increase in temperature by 1 degree. V. Raich did not attach any importance to this, and for nothing. He stood on the threshold of creating a unique heating machine is able to heat both the water and gas to very high temperatures without burning any fuel.
Today we know that there is no orgone energy there and the tree is "organic" for its accumulation is not needed. In our time with a light hand Professor V. Veynik "orgone energy" is called chromonema. And their place of accumulation or the zone of high concentration — chronal fields. He described the conditions under which occur in the zone from the high concentration hromonov. So, according to him, any cube or object having faces and is oriented in a certain way in space can be a hub hromonov, and box V. Raich having faces and were this simple hub hromonov. Though not the most successful.
With increasing number of layers the efficiency of the device increased., since it increases the number of facets that led to a greater concentration of Hronov in the box.
Later the researchers open V. Reich radiation, refused box hub V. Reich, as empirically came to the conclusion that to obtain powerful chronal radiation, it is possible to use wire and tubing, in the form of pyramids, and even if there is a wall, then they can produce single wall of the same material. The presence of two media (metal, wood) is not necessary.
Next, Professor V. Calamagrostis based on his theory, came to the conclusion that chronal radiation can change the density of substances, as Ronaldo charged body as he claimed, repelled. They were given a series of convincing experiments, in which the cooling of the molten metal was exposed to a flow hromonov. The distance between the atoms of the molten metal has changed since the atoms are repelled. And the characteristics of casting frozen without exposure to chronal radiation different from the characteristics of the irradiated.
Moreover, Professor Calamagrostis argued that chronal beam or stream hromonov able to clear the air. What is clear again hronline charged air molecules are repelled, and creates a vacuum.
Then it turned out that if to make a hollow model of a pyramid and fill it with water, and the top cut off, then after a while you can see how the choppy water begins to flow from the pyramid. The reason for this water is currently not clarified. Logical to assume that we are dealing with a chronal boiling water. In the model of the great pyramid, according to the same V. Reed, creates increased concentration hromonov. The water molecules under their influence become hronline charged bodies and repelled from each other and from hronline field of the Earth, which, according to the same Reed, is also hronline charged body.
As he wrote V. Calamagrostis increase their CHRONAL. It is clear that the molecules, starting from the chronal field of the Earth, rise up. There is rush and hroney accumulated by the pyramid. It is for them, like a lens, collecting background Hroniki. And through the top excess hroney sends into space. Above the pyramid is formed chronal beam or stream hromonov.
As well as the density hromonov inside the pyramid are different, and chronal charge flows easily, i.e., the molecule Ronaldo cools. The molecule, up to the top of the pyramid, gives a part of his chronal charge and decreases again for recharging in areas with a low concentration hromonov. There is a "Chronal boiling water." We see raucously the water outlet to the outside almost like a regular boil. It's boiling and output hromonov will, even if the pyramid is cut. It is clear that in this case the molecules interact with each other and the liquid is heated as a whole. Changes the internal energy of the molecules. As they are subject to two external forces. The strength of repulsion from each other, and the repulsive force from the chronal field of the Earth. These forces and make over the molecules work, changing their internal energy.
In addition, as known from experiments V. Reed, water or gas expanding under irradiation chromonema, and if they are in a confined space, it will also lead to their opener.
In the pyramid with the cut off top to notice this heating is practically not possible as the pyramid thermos and a small excess of heat is selected by the molecules of the atmosphere. Box V. Raich was quite tight and was a simple thermos — iron, covered with wood. Therefore, the excess heat in the atmosphere are not as intense as when using a single-walled pyramids.
In addition, when using several layers of leak-tightness and insulating properties of the box were increased. Accordingly, several cubes, one to one, the increase of concentration hromonov, inside the box. Hence, on the one hand increased the flow hromonov. On the other, good insulation properties box and integrity, when using multiple layers of wood-iron and led to the fact that the heat released during the "chronal boiling" of the gas molecules, and "chronal repulsion" between molecules remained inside the box. And the temperature in his experiments V. Raich increased by 1 degree.
If you make a box V. Raich in the quality sealed pyramid thermos then it may be possible to achieve a further increase in the temperature inside such a device. As due to continuously flowing through a pyramid chronal flow of the calling "chronal boiling" and "chronal repulsion" between molecules.

There is another option known that the real top of the pyramid of Cheops cut. You can make a model of it with a cut flat top and place on top of a sealed sealed flask with gas or water. Fig.2

While the flask good thermal insulation. Stream hromonov emerging from the top of the pyramid and irradiating the molecules of the substance in the flask. Will cause a "chronal extension", "chronal boiling" and, consequently, heating of the substance in the flask.
The disadvantage of these schemes is that hroney constantly out of the pyramid. And it would be necessary to chronology accumulated in the pyramid. This leads to the fact that molecules very much hronline charged and it starts very strongly to repel each other. The pressure in the pyramids will amplify with the increase of pressure and temperature of the water in the pyramids will be more. You just need to loop the flow hromonov entering and leaving the pyramid. This is not difficult.
Here's what he wrote A. I. Veinik "Similarly, the flow of electric charge, the emission of electrons, a magnetic field is also chronal generators"[4].
That is, the magnetic field of the electron creates around it the chronal field, which reflects the flow of free hromonov. Fig.3

Now consider any metallic conductor, its surface is a layer of Fermi. Or a layer of free electrons. This layer is on the surface, inside of the Explorer, it does not penetrate. Therefore, the chronal field generated by the Fermi layer surrounds the conductor, but not inside. Therefore, the flow hromonov penetrating end into the conduit and moving with some speed will perceive a metallic conductor as a hollow tube. And moving chroney will be reflected from the layer Fermi-like photon, moving in the fiberglass. Fig.4

Knowing this property of the Fermi layer is enough to connect the conduit to the top of the pyramid. With it constantly to direct the flow of the ascending hromonov back to the pyramid. Fig.5

The flow in the cable will only increase. Since the pyramid will escalate into a new Hroniki. Of course, there is a danger that with increasing water pressure the pyramid will burst, but this problem can be solved by removal of heat to the outside and use it for useful purposes.

Extensive research Reich organicheskoi energy and related topics ignored by most critics and scholars. His discoveries contradicted many of the accepted theories and axioms of physics and biology; in addition, his work has experimentally and weaknesses. However, his results have never been refuted or even thoroughly tested and seriously considered anyone from respected scientists. One of the psychologists who worked with Reich, notes: "for more than twenty years since Reich announced the discovery of organicheskoi energy, there were no reports of credible repeat not a single defining experiment that would disprove the results of Reich... the Fact is that despite the ridicule, vilification and attempts of the Orthodoxy to bury the Reich and orgonomic, in any scientific publication no refutation of his experiments, the more — systematic refutation of the vast scientific work of proving his position."
Organicheskaya energy has the following main properties:
1) it is free of mass has no inertia or weight;
2) it is present everywhere, albeit in different concentrations, even in vacuum;
3) it is the medium of electromagnetic and gravitational interactions, the substrate of most of the fundamental natural phenomena;
4) it is in constant motion and can be observed under appropriate conditions;
5) high concentration organicheskoi organicheskoy energy attracts energy from the less concentrated environment (which is "contrary to" the law of entropy);
6) Organicheskaya energy forms units that become centers of creative activity. It may be cells, plants, and animals, as well as clouds, planets, stars, galaxies

Reich calculated the economy of biological energy (orgone) in the organism, brought the budget of the healthy human organism from the perspective of bio-energy exchange with the environment. The phenomenal result of the work of the scientist was successful, doorbuster. With this apparatus of the Reich was able to fully control the man! He could sublimate the energy and people were extremely happy and inspired, were in a euphoric and elated. Can conversely, to lull, to enter the trance state.
Referring to his socialist beliefs, he argued that using the device can cure all of humanity to awaken new skills and to build a new, pure and unadulterated evil society.
He created a new device — accumulator of orgone energy. Something like a battery which can be recharged living beings in the case they lose their own bioenergy. Drawings and development of Reich sent an aging Einstein. The great physicist warmly endorsed inventions, gave the technology a positive summary, but cautioned "It may be the weapon of new generation", soon after, Reich suddenly fled from Austria to America.
For practical purposes, the Reich was created by the so-called orgone accumulators, which consists of alternating layers of organic material (celuloza, cotton) and metal (aluminum). Studies have shown that a layer of organic material attracts and accumulates orgone energy from outer Space, and the metal layer reflects and retains it. The combination of both materials creates ideal conditions for the collection and accumulation of orgone energy in a confined space. The capacity of the orgone accumulator is greater, the greater the number of alternating layers of insulator and metal, and their volume. Mostly Reich used batteries in cameras, obruchevsky the patient's body to recharge life force of the entire body.
According to experiments Senta B. (1992), a small orgone accumulator for local irradiation of acupuncture points is easy to do yourself. On an iron pipe, sealed from one side L=30sm. and d=1sm., should be wound clockwise a package of 40 alternating sheets of aluminum foil and cellophane, dimensions 30x40 cm So that the last layer was cellophane.
The power of radiation can be changed by increasing or decreasing the layers of metal foil and elmaterial. The impact of this device on the BAHT, is at a distance of 1 - 2 cm for 5 minutes each. It should be borne in mind that this kind of orgone accumulator only has a tonic effect. For sedative effects was developed by another device different from the first in that the sealed end of the tube, the conclusion is made from metal wire long 1.5 m, with one end soldered to the tube, and the other lowered into a container of water better flow.
When using the device the tube be sure to wrap a thick sheet of polietilene but is best mounted on a tripod. Another type of orgone accumulator — patch looks like this. For production we use eight strips of thin aluminum foil and cellophane with a width of 10 — 15mm, which, alternating in eight-layer tape stack five-fold, accordion-locking package strips to the metal sheet (brass) of appropriate size. What should be the outer sheet of cellophane. Having made a package, so attach the adhesive side of the package to the skin, and the metal — out, in place of the selected BAT. The duration of exposure and effect when using coronaking patch is similar to the action of the cylindrical orgone accumulator.
Another kind of battery was developed in the form of booths, in which were placed the person sitting or lying down. The cabin was made of sheets of 200х100см, and the ceiling and roof 100х100см of multilayer sandwiches of wood and metal. Stay from 15 to 40 minutes brought a huge relief to the sick and the healthy recharged for the week. Research conducted O. Herrera (1989).
In the forties the scientist is in hiding, where he holds a series of serious experiments, perfecting, doorbuster and other tools to influence the human bio-field. His devices can already act at a distance on a group of people programming the whole city to certain concrete actions. He comes to experimenting with radioactive elements, irradiating orgone accumulator. The result is stunning — the energy turns into dead orgone energy.
Black, ominous clouds begin to grow excessively, like cancer! Process is out of control, the dark cloud of dead orgone energy is pulled out of the battery and darkens the sky for miles. The scientist himself was badly injured, received a large dose of radiation, but continued to work. The crown of creation of this genius was enhanced orgone device, cleaning the space from the dirty bioenergy. When using this device Hiroshima and Nagasaki can be cleaned in the blink of an eye, again returning the affected location and viability, "prodezinfitsirovat" her with the help of doorbuster.
The idea of the existence of the cosmic orgone energy explained a lot, if not everything that happens on Earth. Reich has developed a "space gun" based on orgone energy. He believed that such a device are UFOs and aliens.
Reich figured out that using the device can influence on nature. It turns out, the storm embodies the "dead orgone" — the energy of the DOR. The storm is associated with the accumulation of "dead energy" DOR, that is, the energy of the descending branch of the spiral.
Orgon and "dead orgone" effect on living organisms, and the environment. This idea is akin to the Eastern concepts of "QI" — life force and "SHA" is a bad, stagnant energy. Scientist conducted a series of experiments on the expression of DOR energy in life. The result was the invention with the help of simple electromagnetic devices, Reich learned to reduce the strength of storms. He created what today is known as the "radiosonde".
Witness — a radio Amateur who found one of the "probes" Reich says:
"In the course of the study scheme of the radiosonde I found that temperature and humidity do not work. None! Such a temperature sensor cannot be used for recording temperature — just had another appointment. It was used as a DOR — antenna, whereas the humidity sensor is in fact the antenna was radiating orgone. When the antenna is pinpointing DOR, the transmitter configured in opposite phase, thus destroying the DOR radiation and reducing the power of the storm. Accordingly, the configuration of the transmitter phase causes the enhancement of DOR energy."
Thus, by the mid-fifties Reich in the United States has developed a comprehensive psychotronic technology.
Further events developed rapidly. Scientist for Communist beliefs put behind bars, the lab confiscated. In 1957, while in prison, Reich died under mysterious circumstances. Ingenious inventions disappear without comment. Their assigns the appropriate military Department. Psychotronic technology of mass destruction exist, it was invented a long time ago.

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.radionika.lt/straipsniai_ru/010.php