145 ways to make fun of the girls
Method №1. You ride in the bus. Next - the unknown girl. Imagine what would happen if you suddenly for no apparent reason her scream: "Free - behind the barn !!!" and angrily exit at the next stop.
Method №2. Imagine you have with your girlfriend. Some people in your apartment, have sex. Suddenly, the most interesting place you jump, grabs her and expose the door. The door slams shut. Then again open, throw out her belongings and clothes, and closed again.
Method №3. Continuation of the second. In the morning, call her and ask ingratiatingly: "You're very angry?»
The process for №4. Tell her, "Honey, you know, I was thinking - we are so few places are ... It would be nice to go to the theater on Friday! I immediately went to the cashier, but the tickets were very pricey, and the money was only enough for one. So we'll have ... (pause) I go alone. But do not worry, I'll tell you everything, everything! »
Method №5. If she is shy - to persuade her to go to a party complete strangers her his friends, and came back to stand in the middle of the room and stand as a pillar, says almost nothing, and an enigmatic smile, he sent all away.
Method №6. For a long time to achieve a close relationship, and at the last moment, when it has already agreed to smile, peck her on the cheek, get up and go (they do so constantly - and it can not be, or what ???)
Method №7. Again (somehow?) During sex suddenly get somewhere because of the mask cushion rabbit (you know, there are kretinskie plastic mask for 3 rubles), and fasten themselves. Can you imagine what will happen to the girl, he will watch over a trembling hare face ...
Method №8. Again the theater, again from the "light". Go with her to the theater or a concert of classical music. On arrival there immediately flop into a chair and quietly fall asleep. In the course of the performance / concert allowed to periodically publish smacking sounds hushed and worried sigh, and no more than two times strongly snort. Somewhere near the end, you can wake up screaming, frantically look around and ask where you are. 8.
Method №9. If it works, for example, a secretary in some more or less a fancy office, you can, going back to when there will not be anyone but herself, light pre-prepared vypotrashennuyu firecracker with a long cord. And look at her violent reaction and waving his arms, until the cord off. PS: If you want to really break - bring a normal, workable petard. Only then look to you, eh, do not tear your petard ...
Method №10. Bring her a lot of his dirty socks and ask them to wash. You can grab the socks friends ...
Method №11. You can tell her: "For me, fell on hard times, money is not at all, and just then turned up one man good that ... well, in general, promised $ 400, if I'm with him is ... Well, you know ..." - and make significantly apologetic face, they say, you are very sorry, but can not do anything ... The main thing is a comedy play long enough.
Method №12. One of the administrators in his gym was subjected to harassment a person unknown to him. To avoid accidents, deep voice he said to him in rank, my daughter is not allowed to her ... She was dumbfounded.
Method №13. Inspired by advertising cigarettes on radio station "Europe Plus".
So imagine: night (deep - 3-4 hours, or even 5). She is sweet, sure his sleeping sweet dream. He sees erotic dreams. And then you call and immediately begin her vparivat quickly and excitedly, some complete nonsense. For example, this scenario:
- Hey, come to America in New York Makhnev !!!
- Mm-m? | - []
- Do you know a company XXX?
-? | - []
- XXX Company conducts advertising campaign! We need to collect a total of 150 packages (labels, boxes, labels ...)
- ??? & gt; | - []
- And send them to the address, and we will win!
- ?? !!! # $% ^% ^ & @ #!
Well, maybe she would not be stunned?
Method №14. Tell her that you have found some nasty sexually transmitted disease. And it has long been, for three months ...
Method №15. Let her read a book that is on the first page signed by a romantic message from some girls dated last week.
Method №16. Going to the next meeting, taking with him all of her things are in your apartment, and at a meeting first thing in the silence She lend it all. The tattered bag.
Method №17. If you have your total picture, then (in her eyes!), Take it and burn. It is desirable to a gas burner, or, at worst, a cigarette lighter plasma. Her stunned gaze explain: "I am in the video is seen on MTV - SUEDE (Can not get enough ...)»
Method №18. It can be in the midst of "only" say that again called old love affair. "Now she can not refuse the appointment. Do not be offended? »
Method №19. On the way to your house to tell you suddenly zafanatel from any musical direction that she hates. And at home - the whole room had hung posters already purchased four powerful speakers to the amplifier to full-kerf this case, all waiting for her ...
Method №20. After the first night of love to say to her: "It was divine, but it is better and ...»
Method №21. Good work with unfamiliar girl. Even better - in slushy weather. Under the pretext of "to his home" to take her somewhere far away, in some suburb, a long ride on the subway, then - by tram, then - on foot still stomping through the mud and gloomy courtyards. Then finally come to any door and say, "Here is my friend Sasha lives. It is conductive to trip out. And I? Gee, I'm a very different place I live - I would have to live in such a hole! »
Method №22. Variant of the previous one: "I forgot the keys."
Method №23. Invited her to take a romantic bath. Pre zagotovte a better foam. Only cold, better - very icy. Romantically favorite Undress, take her in his arms, take to the bathroom and gently lower into the water. With little effect of lowering procedure can be repeated several times.
Method №24. Winter. Frost. Come to her, before calling at the door, change into shorts and a T-shirt, clothing, hide or give to a friend. Then call at the door and enjoy the effect. In the summer - on the contrary, dressed in something very warm.
Method №25. Well, finally, to describe the bed. (The number 25, 26 and 28 refer to "rovestniki»)
Method №26. Get out from under the bed and a leather whip, as it were casually ask whether she has any prejudice against some sadists.
Method №27. It takes a bit of artistry. Went to her home to call on the door when it opens it falls straight down, like a log, and lying.
Method №28. Say that you have a girl that you changed, but now you are avenged. Do not forget to apologize for the fact that revenge had to use it.
Method №29. Mix it with anyone. For example, it is in a group of their own kind, you come up, you grab the first available (preferably even the most nondescript), her gentle smile (kissing, etc.). Then step back, supposedly realizing the mistake. Charite eyes on the crowd, passing it several times. Then finally find an eye, and muttering something like "it - is not it ..." grab her already ...
Method №30. Ask presence of young siblings for their involvement in lovemaking threesome.
Method №31. Ask her whether she loved children. If the answer is yes, ask to go to the nearest supermarket and immediately steal a couple of babies abandoned by their parents at the entrance.
Method №32. Ask the subway (or in another public place) for her money in people - abortion.
Method №33. Make a tattoo across the face, "I love this bitch" or something else. Or across the ass. If the spirit on the tattoo is not enough, though, you can stick to the inscription.
Method №34. Can be used for this purpose, his friend (whom she does not know), who comes to her in your presence and say, "That's your name [name]? I (your name) said that you can sleep at any time, just ... (goes some ennaya amount)!
Method №35. Give her collar. With spikes. Or muzzle. Or leash. A better - all together.
Method №36. You can bring it to opupeniya as follows: in a crowded place tell her so that all heard: "Dear at my condom in 5 minutes expiry date, so let's use them right now ..." His jaw drops for a long time !!!
Method №37. Awesome cook a delicious dinner: Venetian veal, vegetables, cook funky coffee, pour a glass of juice, everything is put in front of her with brazen mug quickly eat one.
Method №38. Compliment at the right time, "Honey, you look amazing. It's hard to imagine that you go to the bathroom, all the common people! »
Method №39. Precede it with a small jar of Vaseline and a meaningful look.
Method №40. Angry method. Ask a stranger She called her his friend and introduce the investigator about what you have: robbed, or raped .... Then to come to her.
Method №41. If she is constantly drags you to the shops, and you nadaelo the hell out of it, in a regular store just Her Shoulder to shoulder with the words "Shut up, woman! Your holiday - the 8th of March "bring to the street.
Method №42. Shaved nalyso. By the summer - the head is normal, and it will disappear soon.
Method №43. Shave It. When she sleeps, though otrezhte from a healthy chunk of her hair. Or sudden movement of the shave her eyebrows.
Method №44. Remember the way №11? And what if, bringing everything into a joke, the next day and really bring her show 400 bucks?
Method №45. During sex make absolutely serious face and sing bass in the beat movement "Hey uh-it!".
Method №46. If you arrange disassembly with her cool, and you did not get to reach her, leave the room and come back with a bucket of ice water, which splashed and your mate to cool. Alternatively: Shoulder to shoulder and carry into the bathroom and gave her a cold shower fully clothed.
Method №47. (The most perverted way, nothing worse than not come up).
Sit anywhere you together, you rush your eyes to infinity and say thoughtfully, "Baba would ...»
Method №48. Ponadelat flyers with her photo in the face and profile with slogans such as «Wanted: SEX crimes» handing out at the place of work / study.
Method №49. Before the visit, eat garlic. Or herring with onions. And constantly climb to kiss ...
Method №50. Throw her drugs for the tank on the toilet and call the police ...
Method №51. Imagine: She calls you and says that her parents pull up to the cottage and the apartment is free, and she is waiting for you impatiently. You say that you are going immediately. Coming. She opens the door, and you are not alone, but with another, "Behold, he also wants to ...»
Method №52. Option 51 th: Send to her just one friend: "Well - I'm for it!»
Method №53. If it is all so romantic, sublime, subtle ... Suggest to spit off the roof.
Method №54. When zhenshina ask you: you have to do without them, you answer it - pineapple in the garden eating!
Method №55. When you're alone in Makdonalse, tell me what you really want to fuck and offer to have sex in the toilet. If it is to give more than five minutes, start to masturbate at all.
Method №56. Invite her to a romantic dinner to his lady. Make everything on the highest level. (Arrange candles everywhere, incl. Good music, making her compliments, bathe her in the bathroom) And when it comes to dealing pastel gentle kiss on the nose, goodnight, turned away and lay down to sleep!
Method №57. At the party, where she knows no one, two or instigate troyku- girls ... so they know when privetstyaiya veshaliss your neck with the words: "Well, my dear you do me this good sex." And you answered them, "Well, honey, do not you see I'm busy today - let's call each other tomorrow"!
Method №58. If graffiti paint the door of her apartment - she did not understand, but if you decorate a lift - that will evaluate, on the way to the apartment (or her) thinking of you. You can never write it for her, and say in a personal meeting that in general in the stairwell of her except her, and no one, for which we should hang around for half an hour in the elevator stopped between floors. And you can not just do this to say - because she knows that only one man frostbitten enough to lift razukrashivt its entrance.
Method №59. Taking a walk through the city told her: "And here is something I long ago darling is not amused. It is time to revive old. Come let us enter. " Go with her to the drugstore to buy condoms Durex (it runs well) ... fast skillful movements (to strengthen the shock) made of condoms and duct tape similarity slingshot and immediately start shooting peas !!!
Method №60. "A sudden strong interest in something." At some point, be a great expert on some boring subject (well, for example to study changes in the divergence of the field values of the hydrostatic pressure between the rotor blades Shehmana for warships, or something simpler) and read her a lecture on the subject (to pretend to be a long time avid to the audience). Delighted occasional magazine article on a tray on a similar theme. Tell her that you want to go home early because It will be broadcast on TV "...". Etc. "Specialist" is made of yourself 30 minutes of sitting with any boring book. A couple of days after the interest even if no trace ostanetsya.Sposob №61. "Accidentally" with a pile of papers found in the pocket of the US dollar bill. In anger and shouting, "Oh did you blah! ..." (Or stronger) tear into small pieces and drop into the bowl (if you do not, it then finds that the bill was a fake, so discard). From tight to give comments. It can be done more than once. Addition - after a couple of ideas, seeing in her purse (a stash) American presidents with the same cursing nanavistnye try to grab the bills and if udalos- pretend that rvesh them. For Yixing otmorozkov- break them in nature!
Method №62. Conspiring with friends to catch the moment, and let she goes alone, on her way to meet 3 people: two of the arms are a lord drunk the third, and on the bodies of these two identical t-shirts with your portrait (made today is very simple). Variation: and the third this shirt too. Variation: the third - you. Variation: the portrait is not your and her.
Method №63. At the beginning of the first sexual intercourse with a new girlfriend for a second pause and cheerfully say, "Welcome to the authorities, son!»
Method №64. When you are invited to dinner - to get acquainted with the parents bring a teddy bear, put it next to a table, sometimes talking to him and feed him candy.
Method №65. Well, on this occasion remember the old joke with its institutions. In short, to come to her to college, sit in a lecture. Bring along plenty of cactus. Hop on the first row, on the seat next to put a pot of cactus. During the lecture you raise your hand, stand up and confidently say, "And the cactus question!". Soak some pause, turn to cactus and start talking something like: "Once you set me up!". And then several times.
Method №66. When you're with her for the first time in bed, arrange for her superseksi, and then tell me that he had just rubbed her virginity.
Method №67. If she has a brother, years since 15 ... and you're not a very long time meet (with her, not with her brother!), Then try it lucidly explain that you are gay, and met her for, only to be closer to her charming brother!
Method №68. Make it, and say that this is for her, the tattoo on his reproductive organs, "Arise fool halturka is" well, or somewhere in that area.
Method №69. At a dinner party at the meeting (preferably the first) with her parents, looking straight into the eyes of future tests with a sense said aloud, - Dad, I'm your daughter that - (here a piercing whistle) - love!
Method №70. You walk with her. Suddenly you stop and talk to the space, "Oh! A swim-I never learned! It also promised my mother five years ago ... No, ten, Lord !!! »
Method №71. In preparation for the bed scene appeared before her in white swimming trunks ... with a trace of dirty bare feet on the main site, like you were on the beach, as you walked by. Sloppy.
Method №72. Learn how to get into the lower right jacket pocket (or right trouser pocket) with his left hand and right - left. From time to time, "while in deep thought," climb into the pocket of the "wrong" hand.
Method №73. Mostly technical information. A set of digits in the phone number and disconnecting connection by pressing the lever - the events of the same nature: both are only the opening line. Only a set of numbers - it is a very short time, no more 0.2sek (?), The opening line of the correct number of times, and the gap (pressing the lever) - long interruption. So, it is possible (- checked -) dial any number, not by spinning the disc and pressing and quickly slapping his fingers on the arm, respectively dialed digits ("0" - 10 times). Even a long time do not need to train (Train to the issue of "060"). So, then, the way osharashivaniya. At 3 am She wakes up your call. Your enthusiastic voice: "My joy!
Method №2. Imagine you have with your girlfriend. Some people in your apartment, have sex. Suddenly, the most interesting place you jump, grabs her and expose the door. The door slams shut. Then again open, throw out her belongings and clothes, and closed again.
Method №3. Continuation of the second. In the morning, call her and ask ingratiatingly: "You're very angry?»
The process for №4. Tell her, "Honey, you know, I was thinking - we are so few places are ... It would be nice to go to the theater on Friday! I immediately went to the cashier, but the tickets were very pricey, and the money was only enough for one. So we'll have ... (pause) I go alone. But do not worry, I'll tell you everything, everything! »
Method №5. If she is shy - to persuade her to go to a party complete strangers her his friends, and came back to stand in the middle of the room and stand as a pillar, says almost nothing, and an enigmatic smile, he sent all away.
Method №6. For a long time to achieve a close relationship, and at the last moment, when it has already agreed to smile, peck her on the cheek, get up and go (they do so constantly - and it can not be, or what ???)
Method №7. Again (somehow?) During sex suddenly get somewhere because of the mask cushion rabbit (you know, there are kretinskie plastic mask for 3 rubles), and fasten themselves. Can you imagine what will happen to the girl, he will watch over a trembling hare face ...
Method №8. Again the theater, again from the "light". Go with her to the theater or a concert of classical music. On arrival there immediately flop into a chair and quietly fall asleep. In the course of the performance / concert allowed to periodically publish smacking sounds hushed and worried sigh, and no more than two times strongly snort. Somewhere near the end, you can wake up screaming, frantically look around and ask where you are. 8.
Method №9. If it works, for example, a secretary in some more or less a fancy office, you can, going back to when there will not be anyone but herself, light pre-prepared vypotrashennuyu firecracker with a long cord. And look at her violent reaction and waving his arms, until the cord off. PS: If you want to really break - bring a normal, workable petard. Only then look to you, eh, do not tear your petard ...
Method №10. Bring her a lot of his dirty socks and ask them to wash. You can grab the socks friends ...
Method №11. You can tell her: "For me, fell on hard times, money is not at all, and just then turned up one man good that ... well, in general, promised $ 400, if I'm with him is ... Well, you know ..." - and make significantly apologetic face, they say, you are very sorry, but can not do anything ... The main thing is a comedy play long enough.
Method №12. One of the administrators in his gym was subjected to harassment a person unknown to him. To avoid accidents, deep voice he said to him in rank, my daughter is not allowed to her ... She was dumbfounded.
Method №13. Inspired by advertising cigarettes on radio station "Europe Plus".
So imagine: night (deep - 3-4 hours, or even 5). She is sweet, sure his sleeping sweet dream. He sees erotic dreams. And then you call and immediately begin her vparivat quickly and excitedly, some complete nonsense. For example, this scenario:
- Hey, come to America in New York Makhnev !!!
- Mm-m? | - []
- Do you know a company XXX?
-? | - []
- XXX Company conducts advertising campaign! We need to collect a total of 150 packages (labels, boxes, labels ...)
- ??? & gt; | - []
- And send them to the address, and we will win!
- ?? !!! # $% ^% ^ & @ #!
Well, maybe she would not be stunned?
Method №14. Tell her that you have found some nasty sexually transmitted disease. And it has long been, for three months ...
Method №15. Let her read a book that is on the first page signed by a romantic message from some girls dated last week.
Method №16. Going to the next meeting, taking with him all of her things are in your apartment, and at a meeting first thing in the silence She lend it all. The tattered bag.
Method №17. If you have your total picture, then (in her eyes!), Take it and burn. It is desirable to a gas burner, or, at worst, a cigarette lighter plasma. Her stunned gaze explain: "I am in the video is seen on MTV - SUEDE (Can not get enough ...)»
Method №18. It can be in the midst of "only" say that again called old love affair. "Now she can not refuse the appointment. Do not be offended? »
Method №19. On the way to your house to tell you suddenly zafanatel from any musical direction that she hates. And at home - the whole room had hung posters already purchased four powerful speakers to the amplifier to full-kerf this case, all waiting for her ...
Method №20. After the first night of love to say to her: "It was divine, but it is better and ...»
Method №21. Good work with unfamiliar girl. Even better - in slushy weather. Under the pretext of "to his home" to take her somewhere far away, in some suburb, a long ride on the subway, then - by tram, then - on foot still stomping through the mud and gloomy courtyards. Then finally come to any door and say, "Here is my friend Sasha lives. It is conductive to trip out. And I? Gee, I'm a very different place I live - I would have to live in such a hole! »
Method №22. Variant of the previous one: "I forgot the keys."
Method №23. Invited her to take a romantic bath. Pre zagotovte a better foam. Only cold, better - very icy. Romantically favorite Undress, take her in his arms, take to the bathroom and gently lower into the water. With little effect of lowering procedure can be repeated several times.
Method №24. Winter. Frost. Come to her, before calling at the door, change into shorts and a T-shirt, clothing, hide or give to a friend. Then call at the door and enjoy the effect. In the summer - on the contrary, dressed in something very warm.
Method №25. Well, finally, to describe the bed. (The number 25, 26 and 28 refer to "rovestniki»)
Method №26. Get out from under the bed and a leather whip, as it were casually ask whether she has any prejudice against some sadists.
Method №27. It takes a bit of artistry. Went to her home to call on the door when it opens it falls straight down, like a log, and lying.
Method №28. Say that you have a girl that you changed, but now you are avenged. Do not forget to apologize for the fact that revenge had to use it.
Method №29. Mix it with anyone. For example, it is in a group of their own kind, you come up, you grab the first available (preferably even the most nondescript), her gentle smile (kissing, etc.). Then step back, supposedly realizing the mistake. Charite eyes on the crowd, passing it several times. Then finally find an eye, and muttering something like "it - is not it ..." grab her already ...
Method №30. Ask presence of young siblings for their involvement in lovemaking threesome.
Method №31. Ask her whether she loved children. If the answer is yes, ask to go to the nearest supermarket and immediately steal a couple of babies abandoned by their parents at the entrance.
Method №32. Ask the subway (or in another public place) for her money in people - abortion.
Method №33. Make a tattoo across the face, "I love this bitch" or something else. Or across the ass. If the spirit on the tattoo is not enough, though, you can stick to the inscription.
Method №34. Can be used for this purpose, his friend (whom she does not know), who comes to her in your presence and say, "That's your name [name]? I (your name) said that you can sleep at any time, just ... (goes some ennaya amount)!
Method №35. Give her collar. With spikes. Or muzzle. Or leash. A better - all together.
Method №36. You can bring it to opupeniya as follows: in a crowded place tell her so that all heard: "Dear at my condom in 5 minutes expiry date, so let's use them right now ..." His jaw drops for a long time !!!
Method №37. Awesome cook a delicious dinner: Venetian veal, vegetables, cook funky coffee, pour a glass of juice, everything is put in front of her with brazen mug quickly eat one.
Method №38. Compliment at the right time, "Honey, you look amazing. It's hard to imagine that you go to the bathroom, all the common people! »
Method №39. Precede it with a small jar of Vaseline and a meaningful look.
Method №40. Angry method. Ask a stranger She called her his friend and introduce the investigator about what you have: robbed, or raped .... Then to come to her.
Method №41. If she is constantly drags you to the shops, and you nadaelo the hell out of it, in a regular store just Her Shoulder to shoulder with the words "Shut up, woman! Your holiday - the 8th of March "bring to the street.
Method №42. Shaved nalyso. By the summer - the head is normal, and it will disappear soon.
Method №43. Shave It. When she sleeps, though otrezhte from a healthy chunk of her hair. Or sudden movement of the shave her eyebrows.
Method №44. Remember the way №11? And what if, bringing everything into a joke, the next day and really bring her show 400 bucks?
Method №45. During sex make absolutely serious face and sing bass in the beat movement "Hey uh-it!".
Method №46. If you arrange disassembly with her cool, and you did not get to reach her, leave the room and come back with a bucket of ice water, which splashed and your mate to cool. Alternatively: Shoulder to shoulder and carry into the bathroom and gave her a cold shower fully clothed.
Method №47. (The most perverted way, nothing worse than not come up).
Sit anywhere you together, you rush your eyes to infinity and say thoughtfully, "Baba would ...»
Method №48. Ponadelat flyers with her photo in the face and profile with slogans such as «Wanted: SEX crimes» handing out at the place of work / study.
Method №49. Before the visit, eat garlic. Or herring with onions. And constantly climb to kiss ...
Method №50. Throw her drugs for the tank on the toilet and call the police ...
Method №51. Imagine: She calls you and says that her parents pull up to the cottage and the apartment is free, and she is waiting for you impatiently. You say that you are going immediately. Coming. She opens the door, and you are not alone, but with another, "Behold, he also wants to ...»
Method №52. Option 51 th: Send to her just one friend: "Well - I'm for it!»
Method №53. If it is all so romantic, sublime, subtle ... Suggest to spit off the roof.
Method №54. When zhenshina ask you: you have to do without them, you answer it - pineapple in the garden eating!
Method №55. When you're alone in Makdonalse, tell me what you really want to fuck and offer to have sex in the toilet. If it is to give more than five minutes, start to masturbate at all.
Method №56. Invite her to a romantic dinner to his lady. Make everything on the highest level. (Arrange candles everywhere, incl. Good music, making her compliments, bathe her in the bathroom) And when it comes to dealing pastel gentle kiss on the nose, goodnight, turned away and lay down to sleep!
Method №57. At the party, where she knows no one, two or instigate troyku- girls ... so they know when privetstyaiya veshaliss your neck with the words: "Well, my dear you do me this good sex." And you answered them, "Well, honey, do not you see I'm busy today - let's call each other tomorrow"!
Method №58. If graffiti paint the door of her apartment - she did not understand, but if you decorate a lift - that will evaluate, on the way to the apartment (or her) thinking of you. You can never write it for her, and say in a personal meeting that in general in the stairwell of her except her, and no one, for which we should hang around for half an hour in the elevator stopped between floors. And you can not just do this to say - because she knows that only one man frostbitten enough to lift razukrashivt its entrance.
Method №59. Taking a walk through the city told her: "And here is something I long ago darling is not amused. It is time to revive old. Come let us enter. " Go with her to the drugstore to buy condoms Durex (it runs well) ... fast skillful movements (to strengthen the shock) made of condoms and duct tape similarity slingshot and immediately start shooting peas !!!
Method №60. "A sudden strong interest in something." At some point, be a great expert on some boring subject (well, for example to study changes in the divergence of the field values of the hydrostatic pressure between the rotor blades Shehmana for warships, or something simpler) and read her a lecture on the subject (to pretend to be a long time avid to the audience). Delighted occasional magazine article on a tray on a similar theme. Tell her that you want to go home early because It will be broadcast on TV "...". Etc. "Specialist" is made of yourself 30 minutes of sitting with any boring book. A couple of days after the interest even if no trace ostanetsya.Sposob №61. "Accidentally" with a pile of papers found in the pocket of the US dollar bill. In anger and shouting, "Oh did you blah! ..." (Or stronger) tear into small pieces and drop into the bowl (if you do not, it then finds that the bill was a fake, so discard). From tight to give comments. It can be done more than once. Addition - after a couple of ideas, seeing in her purse (a stash) American presidents with the same cursing nanavistnye try to grab the bills and if udalos- pretend that rvesh them. For Yixing otmorozkov- break them in nature!
Method №62. Conspiring with friends to catch the moment, and let she goes alone, on her way to meet 3 people: two of the arms are a lord drunk the third, and on the bodies of these two identical t-shirts with your portrait (made today is very simple). Variation: and the third this shirt too. Variation: the third - you. Variation: the portrait is not your and her.
Method №63. At the beginning of the first sexual intercourse with a new girlfriend for a second pause and cheerfully say, "Welcome to the authorities, son!»
Method №64. When you are invited to dinner - to get acquainted with the parents bring a teddy bear, put it next to a table, sometimes talking to him and feed him candy.
Method №65. Well, on this occasion remember the old joke with its institutions. In short, to come to her to college, sit in a lecture. Bring along plenty of cactus. Hop on the first row, on the seat next to put a pot of cactus. During the lecture you raise your hand, stand up and confidently say, "And the cactus question!". Soak some pause, turn to cactus and start talking something like: "Once you set me up!". And then several times.
Method №66. When you're with her for the first time in bed, arrange for her superseksi, and then tell me that he had just rubbed her virginity.
Method №67. If she has a brother, years since 15 ... and you're not a very long time meet (with her, not with her brother!), Then try it lucidly explain that you are gay, and met her for, only to be closer to her charming brother!
Method №68. Make it, and say that this is for her, the tattoo on his reproductive organs, "Arise fool halturka is" well, or somewhere in that area.
Method №69. At a dinner party at the meeting (preferably the first) with her parents, looking straight into the eyes of future tests with a sense said aloud, - Dad, I'm your daughter that - (here a piercing whistle) - love!
Method №70. You walk with her. Suddenly you stop and talk to the space, "Oh! A swim-I never learned! It also promised my mother five years ago ... No, ten, Lord !!! »
Method №71. In preparation for the bed scene appeared before her in white swimming trunks ... with a trace of dirty bare feet on the main site, like you were on the beach, as you walked by. Sloppy.
Method №72. Learn how to get into the lower right jacket pocket (or right trouser pocket) with his left hand and right - left. From time to time, "while in deep thought," climb into the pocket of the "wrong" hand.
Method №73. Mostly technical information. A set of digits in the phone number and disconnecting connection by pressing the lever - the events of the same nature: both are only the opening line. Only a set of numbers - it is a very short time, no more 0.2sek (?), The opening line of the correct number of times, and the gap (pressing the lever) - long interruption. So, it is possible (- checked -) dial any number, not by spinning the disc and pressing and quickly slapping his fingers on the arm, respectively dialed digits ("0" - 10 times). Even a long time do not need to train (Train to the issue of "060"). So, then, the way osharashivaniya. At 3 am She wakes up your call. Your enthusiastic voice: "My joy!