145 Ways to Bully Girls

Method 1. You're going in a trolley. There's an unfamiliar girl nearby. Imagine what would happen if, out of nowhere, you shouted to Her: "Gift - behind the barn!!" and indignantly leave at the nearest stop.
Method 2. Imagine you are already with your girlfriend. All alone in your apartment, having sex. Suddenly, in the most interesting place, you jump up, grab it and throw it out the door. Shut the door. Then open again, throw away her clothes and things, and close again.
Method 3. Continuation of the second. Call her in the morning and ask, “Are you very angry?”
Method 4. Tell her, "Honey, you know, I was thinking, we're so few places." It would be nice to go to the theater on Friday! I went to the ticket office, but the tickets were very expensive, and there was only enough money for one. So I'll have to -- (pause) I'll go alone. But don't worry, I'll tell you everything!
Method 5. If she is shy, persuade her to go to the party of her friends who are absolutely unknown to her, and, coming there, stand in the middle of the room like a pole and stand, saying almost nothing and smiling mysteriously, sending everyone away.
Method 6. For a long time to pursue a close relationship and at the very last moment, when She has already agreed, smile, smack her on the cheek, get up and leave (They do this all the time - and he can't???)
Method 7. Again (why?) during sex, suddenly get somewhere from behind the pillow mask of a rabbit (you know, there are such cretin plastic masks for 3 rubles), and put on yourself. Imagine what will happen to the girl when he watches a shaking rabbit face.
Method 8. Theatrical again, again from the "light". Take her to the theater or to a classical music concert. When you get there, immediately fall into a chair and fall asleep quietly. During the performance / concert, it is allowed to periodically make quiet sneezing sounds and sigh anxiously, as well as not more than twice snoring strongly. Somewhere near the end, you can wake up screaming and look around and ask where you are. 8
Method 9. If she works, for example, as a secretary in some more or less sophisticated office, then you can go there, when there is no one there but Her, light a pre-prepared gutted firecracker with a long cord. And watch Her violent reaction and waving her hands while the cord burns. P.S. If you want to really break away, bring a normal firecracker. Just watch that you, eh, your firecracker is not torn off.
Method 10. Bring her a bunch of your dirty socks and ask her to wash. You can grab friends' socks...
Method 11. You can say to her, "It's a hard time for me, there's no money at all, and then a good guy came up who... well, he promised 400 bucks if I'm with him ..." Well, you know... and make a genuinely apologetic face, saying, You are very sorry, but there is nothing you can do. The main thing is to play the comedy long enough.
Method 12. One of the administrators in his gym was harassed by an unknown person. In order to avoid catastrophes, he basovito said that it was not proper for him, my daughter, to be with her. She was stunned.
Method 13. Inspired by the advertising of cigarettes on the radio station “Europe Plus”.
So, imagine: night (deep – 3-4 hours, or even 5). She's probably sleeping her sweet sleep, sweetie. He has erotic dreams. And then you call and immediately begin to sell her quickly and excitedly some complete nonsense. For example, this scenario:
Let’s go to America in New York!!
- Mmm? |-[ ]
- You know the company XXX?
- |-[ ]
- The company XXX conducts an advertising campaign! We need to collect only 150 packages (labels, boxes, stickers...)
- ?? >|-[ ]
And send them to the right place, and we will win!
Well, won't she be stunned?
Method 14. Tell her that you have some nasty venereal disease. And it's been a long time, three months...
Method 15. Let her read a book on the front page signed by a romantic message from a girl dated last week.
Method 16. Going to the nearest meeting, take with you ALL Her things that are in your apartment, and at the meeting the first thing is silently hold out to Her all this. In a torn bag.
Method 17. If you have a picture of yourself, take it and burn it. Preferably a gas burner, or, at worst, a plasma lighter. Her bewildered look explains: "I saw this in the MTV video - SUEDE (Can't get enough...)"
Method 18. In the midst of "only" we can say that the old Passion rang again. “Now I cannot refuse her a date. You're not offended? ?
Method 19. On the way to your house, say that you are suddenly fascinated by some musical direction that she hates. And at home - the whole room is already hung with posters, four powerful speakers with an amplifier have already been bought, all is waiting for her...
Method 20. After the first night of love, tell her, “It was divine, but it was better.”
Method 21. It would work well with an unfamiliar girl. Even better, in sluggish weather. Under the pretext of "to my home" to take Her somewhere very far, in some suburbs, for a long time to go by subway, then - on the tram, then - on foot still stomp through the mud and through gloomy yards. Then finally come to a door and say, This is where my friend Sasha lives. He's on assignment. And me? I live in a different place, I would live in such a hole!
Method 22. The answer is, “I forgot my keys.”
Method 23. Invite her to take a romantic bath. Prepare one in advance, preferably with foam. It's cold, it's better, it's cold. Romantically undress your beloved, take her in your arms, take her to the bathroom and gently lower her into the water. If the effect is insufficient, the lowering procedure can be repeated several times.
Method 24. Winter. Frost. Come to her before ringing the doorbell, change into shorts and a T-shirt, hide clothes or give to a friend. Then ring the doorbell and enjoy the effect. In the summer, you dress in something warm.
Method 25. Well, finally wet your bed. (Nos. 25, 26, and 28 refer to the "Birthday")
Method 26. Remove the leather weave from under the bed and ask if she has any prejudices against sadists.
Method 27. It takes a little bit of artistry. Come to Her house, ring the doorbell when She opens it, fall vertically down like a log, and lie down.
Method 28. Say that you have a girlfriend who cheated on you, but now you have revenge. Don’t forget to apologize for using it for revenge.
Method 29. Confuse her with someone. For example, she stands in a group of her kind, you come up, grab the first one you find (preferably even the most inconspicuous), gently smile at her (kissing, etc.). Then you pull back, supposedly realizing the mistake. Shake your eyes across the crowd, skipping it several times. Then finally find, look closely, and mutter under the nose something like “she is not her...”
Method 30. Ask about the presence of younger brothers or sisters to attract them to make love as threesomes.
Method 31. Ask her if she likes children. If the answer is yes, offer to go to the nearest supermarket and immediately kidnap a couple of babies left by their parents at the entrance.
Method 32. Ask people in the subway (or other public place) for abortion money.
Method 33. Get a tattoo across your face, “I love that bitch,” or something. Or across your ass. If the spirit on the tattoo is not enough, you can at least paste the inscription.
Method 34. Can you use your friend (whom she does not know) to come to her in your presence and say, “Is your name [name]?” I (your name) told me that you can sleep with you at any time for just...
Method 35. Give her a collar. With spikes. Or a muzzle. Or a leash. Better yet, all together.
Method 36. You can bring it to swelling in the following way: in a crowded place, tell her so that everyone can hear: “Dear my condoms expire in 5 minutes, so let’s use them right now.” Jaw falls out for a long time!!
Method 37. Prepare an amazingly tasty dinner: veal in Venetian, vegetables, brew awesome coffee, pour a glass of juice, put all this in front of Her with a brazen face quickly to eat alone.
Method 38. Compliment at the right time: Honey, you look amazing. It is hard to imagine that you go to the toilet like all ordinary people!
Method 39. Put a small jar of Vaseline in front of her and look meaningfully.
Method 40. Bad way. Ask a friend she doesn’t know to call her and introduce yourself as an investigator about the fact that you were robbed or... raped. Then come to her.
Method 41. If She's always dragging you to the shops and you're fucked, in the next store, just put Her on her shoulder and say, "Shut up, woman!" Your holiday is March 8! to take to the street.
Method 42. Shave your head. By summer, the head is normal, and it will immediately fall off.
Method 43. Shave her. When she is asleep, at least cut off a healthy piece of her hair. Or in a sharp movement, choose a part of her eyebrows.
Method 44. Remember method 11? What if, after making a joke, the next day I actually brought her 400 bucks?
Method 45. During sex, make an absolutely serious face and sing bass in time with the movements "Hey woo-hey!".
Method 46. If you arrange a sharp showdown with Her, and you do not manage to reach Her, leave the room and return with a bucket of ice water, which will roll your half to cool off. As an option: lay on her shoulder and take to the bathroom, where to arrange a cold shower right in her clothes.
Method 47. (The worst way is to think of nothing else.)
You sit somewhere together, you look into infinity and say thoughtfully: “Baboo would...”
Method 48. Make flyers with Her photo in face and profile and with inscriptions like “Wanted: SEX crimes” to distribute at the place of work / study.
Method 49. Have some garlic before the date. Or herrings with onions. And kissing all the time...
Method 50. Throw her drugs by the can of the toilet and call the police.
Method 51. Imagine: She calls you and says that Her parents have gone to the country house, and the apartment is vacant, and She is waiting for you eagerly. You say you're going now. You're coming. She opens the door, and you are not alone, but with a friend: "Here, he wants ..."
Method 52. Option 51: Send her just one friend: "Well, I'm for him!"
Method 53. If she is all so romantic, sublime, sophisticated... Suggest you go spit off the roof.
Method 54. When a woman asks you, “What do you do without them, say to her, pineapples in Paradise ate!”
Method 55. When you're both in McDonald's, tell them you really want to fuck and offer to have sex in the bathroom. If she refuses for more than five minutes, start masturbating in front of everyone.
Method 56. Invite her to a romantic dinner with a lady. Make it top-notch. (Place candles everywhere, include good music, compliment her, bathe her in the bathroom) And when it comes to pastels, gently kiss your nose, say good night, and turn away to fall asleep!
Method 57. At a party where she doesn’t know anyone, get a couple of familiar girls to hang around your neck during the greeting with the words: “Well, honey, you’ll make me a good sex today.” And you say to them: "Well, honey, don't you see I'm busy today - let's call tomorrow!"
Method 58. If you paint the graffiti door of her apartment - she will not understand, but if you decorate the elevator - it will appreciate, on the way to the apartment (or from it) remembering about you. You can not write anywhere that it is for her, but to say in a personal meeting, that in general, there is no one in her entrance except for her, for which it was worth sticking out for half an hour in the elevator stopped between floors. And you can not say it at all - because she knows that only one person is frostbitten enough to decorate the elevator in her entrance.
Method 59. Walking around the city to say to her: "But something I haven't comforted my soul for a long time." It's time to shake the old days. Come on in. Go to the pharmacy with her, buy a Durex condom (it stretches well)... with quick skillful movements (to increase the shock) make a slingshot like a condom, tape and a tube from a condom and immediately start shooting peas!!!
Method 60. “Suddenly intense interest in something.” At some point, be a great expert on some boring question (well, for example, on the study of the change in the divergence of the field of values of hydrostatic pressure between the blades of the Schechman propeller for warships, or something simpler) and give her a lecture on this topic (pretend to be a long-dead listener). Enjoy a random magazine on a tray with an article on a similar topic. Tell her you want to get home early because there's a TV show. Etc. The “specialist” is made of 30 minutes of sitting with any boring book. In a couple of days, there will be no trace of interest. Method 61. “Accidentally” with a heap of paper to find in the pocket of the US bill. In anger and with the cry of “Oh, you scum!” (or stronger) to tear into small pieces and flush down the toilet (if you do not do this, She will later find that the bill was fake, so throw it away). The comments are to be declined. You can do it more than once. Addition - after a couple of such views, noticing in her purse (a different stash) of American presidents with the same swearing to try to grab the hated bills and, if you managed to - pretend that you tear them. For the scumbags, tear them apart in nature!
Method 62. Conspire with friends, catch the moment, and let, when she goes alone, she will meet 3 people on the road: two under her hands carry a drunken third, and on the bodies of these two identical T-shirts with your portrait (made today very simply). Variation: The third one has a T-shirt. Variation: The third is you. Variation: the portrait is not yours, but hers.
Method 63. At the very beginning of the first sexual intercourse with a new girlfriend, pause for a second and cheerfully say: “Welcome to the organs, son!”
Method 64. When you’re invited to lunch, meet your parents, bring a teddy bear with you, put him next to you at the table, sometimes talk to him and feed him candy.
Method 65. Well, that's the old joke about her institute. So, come to her university, sit at a lecture. Bring a bigger cactus with you. Sit on the front row, put a pot with a cactus in the next place. During the lecture, raise your hand, stand up and confidently say: “And the cactus has a question!” You pause for a while, turn to the cactus and start saying something like, “You set me up again!” And so on several times.
Method 66. When you're in bed with her for the first time, have super sex for her, and then tell her you just lost your virginity.
Method 67. If she has a brother who is 15 years old... and you don’t date her very long (not her brother!), then try to explain to her clearly that you are gay and met her only to be closer to her charming brother!
Method 68. Make, and say that it is specially for her, a tattoo on your childbearing organ: "Get up a fool, there is a khalturka," well, or somewhere in this area.
Method 69. At dinner at the meeting (preferably the first) with Her parents, looking straight into the eyes of the future father-in-law with the feeling of saying LOUDLY, Papa, I am your daughter of that - (here it is piercing to whistle) - I love!
Method 70. You're walking with her. Suddenly you stop and say to the space, "Oh! I never learned to swim! I promised my mother five years ago... No, it's ten, God!! ?
Method 71. In preparation for the bed scene, appear in front of her in white trunks... with a trace of dirty bare foot in the main place, like, you were lying on the beach, and walked over you. Sloppy.
Method 72. Learn to climb into the right lower pocket of the jacket (or the right pocket of the trousers) with your left hand, and in the right - with your left. From time to time, “being in deep brooding”, climb into the pocket of the “wrong” hand.
Method 73. A little technical reference. Dialing a number in a telephone number and disconnecting communication when pressing a lever are events of the same nature: both are only the opening of a line. Only a set of numbers is very short-lived, no more than 0.2 seconds (?), opening the line the right number of times, and breaking (pressing the lever) is a long opening. So, you can (-verified -) dial any number without spinning the disk, and not pressing buttons, but quickly slamming your fingers on the lever respectively dialed numbers ("0" - 10 times). You do not even need to train for a long time (train on the number 060). So, that's the way to be stunned. At 3 a.m., she wakes up with your call. Your ecstatic voice said, "My joy!" I learned to dial your number with claps on the lever!
Method 74. “Fool her by stunning another.” You're walking with her. An unwanted intrusive interlocutor approaches you. Set it off with some pre-learned phrase in French. More artistry (but no clowning) If you do that, the more you will overwhelm him and her.
Method 75. In case of embarrassment with socks wiped on your heels, start stitching them... without taking them off.
Method 76. So, come to her house (better to work with an unfamiliar girl). Bring a black diplomat or a solid bag. Immediately from the threshold, quickly go to the room, put the diplomat on the table and begin to DELOVITOLY extract a variety of objects from it, accompanied by appropriate comments: condoms (you like which ones more - with mustaches or without?), black Chuoki (so, this is - dress!), Vaseline (and with this you have what?), and then on. Most importantly, all this is very businesslike and skillful to organize.
Method 77. After a long romantic kiss, spit to the side. My girlfriend is so mad that she doesn't seem a lot!
Method 78. Ask the girl if you can stay for the night (without her) with a “one friend”, adding along the way that it will be “not just a meeting”, “it is important”, etc. If you start to suspect gay people, you’ll be outraged and say, “I thought you were okay with gay people!” The main thing is to prove to her that you were joking.
Method 79. "Emoticons." This is in case it has no idea what it is and how it is used. Naturally, these methods should be accompanied by a lecture on the relevant topic. Option #1: Sit her in a chair. “I will paint your portrait now. Then I'll hang it on the wall.” Keep her in position as long as possible. The result of your long labors, let it be an ordinary smiley face, only of huge size, in the whole sheet. It is possible with additional strokes, but based on only a smiley face. Variation: not to sit Her down, but to put her on the sofa on her right side, i.e. relative to you, as she will later be in the portrait.
Method 80. When you talk about your plans for tomorrow, you say, "To the technical school, to the library, to the 45th police station..." - "Why the police?" “Take a certificate that you have no criminal record.” - What? “Well, I can’t help but find out who I’ve contacted; suddenly I’m being pointed at...”
Method 81. You and her walk down the street, walk past Sex-shop. You say, "By the way, I saw a cute thing for sale here, I want to buy it, I want to give it to you." Wait a few minutes. Disappear in the store, leaving her on the street. After a couple of minutes, you show up and hand her a book called The Secret of the Name [Her Name or Your Name] (or something else that has nothing to do with the specifics of Sex-shop). Variation: reversed. Disappear in a bookstore and take out a large artificial phallus. But this is only possible if the Sweet Creature has the strongest sense of humor and nerves.
Method 82. One day, when she comes to you, she finds you washing a rope. With braided language, you explain to Her that, they say, ... mm ... you are tired of ... everything ... it’s long time ... this linen rope is cleaned of dust, the laundry drys and gets dirty again on this rope.
Method 83. Tell her some VERY stupid and obscene joke like:
Why do cows have tits between their legs and moms between their arms?
Because my mom has an ass instead of a head.
And then a whole day laughing at that joke. It's crazy laughing, laughing, tearing. To “remember” him in public places. Pressure, “hiding laughter” when it is “very uncomfortable”.
Method 84. During sex: tell her unexpectedly that this is the bed that your (great) grandmother died.
Method 85. If it has a beret, then, once passing through a crowded place, take this beret by the pimpa (which is above), and, lifting, twist around its axis, while emitting the sound of a soaring helicopter.
Method 86. Before touching a part of her body, say hello to her (part): "Hello, right breast, hello, clitoris."
Method 87. It's just you two in the apartment. 23:00. The kisses are already sucked and the bed is ready. I'm not in a hurry. A phone call comes up and you pick up the phone and listen to the caller and say, “No, I’m busy right now.” Call me back in 20 minutes.
Method 88. Having met Her or already established contact, you call a friend on the phone and ask: “Hey, Pushkinist, look there, this womanizer did not have any woman by name?” Wasn't it? Great! And Casanova? Oh, well, that's a Russian name. That's great! And then until the evening you express delight that Pushkin, what was a womanizer, and with that name aunts did not find.
Method 89. Encourage her to study well at the institute: "Finish the semester decently, I will mention you in the will."
Method 90. Arriving at her house, you run to the kitchen and ask: “Oh, let me have a drink, after that Viskas is so thirsty ...”
Method 91. When Her father first appears in your field of view, when She is about to introduce you, you turn pale (or blush, or get very scared, in general, some negative emotion is reflected on your face). Then, when the name of the father is voiced, turn off the grimace and sigh lightly (like mentally “Uff! ...”) It's not him!
Method 92. You are going to have an extremely cultural evening: go to the theater or to a concert. Before leaving the house, as if mentally looking around the situation (“Have you forgotten anything?”). Money, glasses, keys, watches, tickets..., you ask Her: “Did you take birth control pills?” "What?" “No, no, it’s just that it’s different.”
Method 93. You're walking down the street with her. You are stopped by a friend of yours, he asks you to help out, throw 500 rubles before the New Year. You're like, "Oh, I've got -- no, I've got it on you." You take a 500-ruble bill out of your pocket and give it back. Variation: you take out the bill from under the cap. Variation: a friend first stops you by getting out of the coolest car (not everyone has such friends, but such a conspiracy will greatly increase the shock: why does he not have 500 rubles, and you do? Under the hat?!
While walking with her, a peer approaches you with the appearance of a long-drinking homeless person and asks if there is something - there is not enough beer, they say. After that, rummaging in your pockets and squeamishly stretching out the “vamsh” like a dozen green rubles. Variation: after that, the “bomge” looks at these ten greens as if he were looking at 5 kopecks and ingratiatingly reports that this, they say, is not enough for a beer and asks to add. After the second ten (twenty? half?) and squeamish “get out now” he sighs hard (as if this is not enough) falls off. Thus, it is possible not only to stun the virgin, but also to inspire her confidence in the success of the monetarist policy of our government.
Method 94. A variation on dirty expressions during sex. Instead of “I’m going to tie you up and kick you all night long,” tell her, “I’m going to tie you up and I’m going to beat the other one all night long.” Or start with, “I’ll tear your dress up on you...” and end with, “I’ll cut you apart and set my apartment on fire.”
Method 95. Literally before sex to tell her: “Oh, I see you have pimples on your face again, so become cancer!”
Method 96. To go to an unfamiliar girl and say: "I like you very much, I will not say too much - I propose to you." Be my wife. ?
Method 97. See her when she goes to the bathroom. Stand in the hallway and hear water flushing in the toilet. A girl comes out, gives you a cold look and goes to the bathroom. You're furious:
- Katya! What were you doing there? Answer me now!
- Like what? What do you think they do in the bathroom?
- You, you! I am... I thought you were sublime, pure, to suffocate in anger, and it turns out you go to the bathroom! You're dealing with these low needs!
“They are not low, they are natural,” she tries to defend herself. But it's late. You forcefully throw a bouquet against the wall and run out, slamming the door. After a week come and say to her like the person who made the decision:
- You know, I get it. I'm sorry, I've learned that it's okay. I will say more – I realized that it is possible to live with it.
Method 98. Call her on the phone and talk about something. She naturally thinks you're going to be visiting. And you, ahead of her, suddenly say something like: "Sorry, you probably want me to come to you today." But I can't today: my friends and I are going to listen to a tape recorder. And hang up.
Method 99. After a beautiful evening and a stormy night, draw your sleeping girlfriend in the lower abdomen something like a stamp – “Verified!” There are no insects.”
Method 100. Very sophisticated prank... Remember one ticket to the theater in mode 4? Buy two tickets for the same time and on the same day, but to different theaters. Or at least at the opposite end.
Method 101. I watched Beavis and Butt Head on Mtv the day before and noticed another way to stun her. You walk up to a girl and say, “Hey, baby!” Any holes? ? ?
Method 102. Sex rodeo. (Blatantly typed from long-time words of radio host Uniton, Novosibirsk). In the process of making love in a position She is on her knees and elbows and You are behind, whisper in her ear that her friend is better at it... Now your task is to stay on it for 5 minutes!
Method 103. You sit at your house, she asks you to bring water (you can and if you ask for a drink), you bring a mug filled with water and ... pour it on her head. She's stunned.
Method 104. In two days, tell her that your uncle (who is not in sight) from America (possibly from another country with a high standard of living) gave you a fancy super-car. You agree to meet her (the main thing is that you could drive to that place and she would be waiting for you on the street) and arrive on the killed pazika or luisique (the brawn that would take the bus). The bus in advance is removed for 100-200 rubles (I shot for 100). Get off the bus in a black leather cloak (you can borrow from someone) and casually throw the driver "For today free." The fact that the girl will be stunned is to say the least!
Method 105. Walking through the underground passage, shout: “And here is the girl for whom the girl!” It works for everyone. Checked.
Method 106. At the very beginning of bedtime fun, suddenly exclaim - "Damn, I'm in something with my hand!" Don't you have a towel?
Method 107. Offer a girl to have sex, and when she says she can't because she's having critical days (sorri), exclaim: Come on, you're all in agreement! ?
Method 108. Having come with her to a party with her friends for the first time, after some drinking (you can and immediately) to attract general attention and loudly declare that the beautiful stranger who came with you is a striptease show dancer, and wants to demonstrate her art at this party, no one objects, they say? Can she stay naked for the rest of the party? )
Method 109. The method works only in winter. Put her in a snowstorm. I don’t know why, but I tried it myself.
Method 110. Inspired by a joke. Saying it better during or after sex. “Honey, you know, every night, I close my eyes and I feel like I’m three percent of you, I open my eyes... no, not you again.”
Method 111. Tell her a lot of jokes on the answering machine, if she has one. The variations are very different. Consequences, respectively.
Method 112. Conduct a psychological test for Her (there are many on the RuNet, or even some left). As a result, report that it is completely frigid.
Method 113. After having sex, you say, “Did I forget anything?”
Method 114. With a very serious and persuasive look to say, ‘Honey, you know I’m going to join the army soon and that we could stay together (and I’d cut off from the army) we need to make a baby, and when I’m 27 years old, it can be delivered to an orphanage. ?
Method 115. Go with her in the subway, all so civil and in a suit, with a diplomat, get ... knitting and start something focused knitting. And I did it!!! The effect is amazing.
Method 116. When she starts to say something, tell her, “If you have nothing to do with your mouth, give me a blowjob.”
Method 117. Tested in practice, received with humor, almost bitten: During the blowjob, he made a remark: “Don’t chant!”
Method #118: Staging your own kidnapping. To do this, Her boyfriend sits on a chair, he is specifically tied and made up a little “under the beaten” and smeared pre-torn clothes (which is not sorry) in the blood (read: wrapped in it a piece of fresh meat). All the action is better to spend in some abandoned house with fallen plaster. Then this poor fellow is filmed on camera as he quietly wriggles and whines. The tape is sent to the girl by mail or tossed into the mailbox, demanding a solid ransom. It would be better if the guy on the tape begged her to get money.
Method 119. When you see her naked, say, “I think I was wrong, I like guys.” Very nasty.
Method 120. In a nutshell, send her an invitation to your wedding with someone else.
Method 121. Okay. You're waiting for her to come home. You have prepared a bucket of cold water. As soon as she rings, open the door and with a frenzied roar "You have already annoyed me, m%:???!" throw this bucket at her. It is very important that the appeal “m%:??” or something similar was exactly in the male kind, because then you will need to be smeared with the fact that you got some cupcake with your parishes and glitches, and you confused it with Her. This method has two very pleasing features, unless she escapes immediately. First, the girl will be forced to undress, and she may even have to wear your warm robe or, even more erotic, your flannel shirt (wow!). Secondly, by hanging Her clothes in the bathtub and periodically during the evening rushing in there with water, you can bring the matter to the point that She will stay at your place for the night.
Method 122. All the events described in it are completely real!!
So that's what happened to one of my boobs. He had a girlfriend, nothing like a girlfriend, beautiful, but spoiled her one trait, she loved to warm hands and soak up at someone else’s expense and believed that her place is next to a cool, raised man, and all the others do not count!!! The concept of romance in her self-consciousness was almost absent!!! And my boyfriend is simple without twists, a soul man, but he did not walk naked. He spent a lot on her, I told him, she will bring you to!!! And then one day he comes to me and tells me that she, to put it mildly, but not just wagged his tail, and in front of his eyes left with a guy who has more bills!!! (again to the young fighter on note, stay away from such!!!!) Without thinking twice, we decided to teach her a lesson, bought a beer called more guys to help and in the evening under the beer conceived a simple plan!!! And about a week later they decided to teach her mind!!! And during this time, we found a decent mansion for Peter, a solid car, a bow, a fashionable outfit, all this from BUTIK :-0 ) and spent money in general equipped our root with full ammunition, I will tell you this turned out (if I were such a bad girl, I would only go on the way :-0 )
The day of judgment has come!! This girl worked in some firm and her new admirer took her from work every time, and now he takes her out of the office, and then how is our PlayBoy, all so dazzling, smelly, Super!!! He approaches her, zero attention to him (her new) and rehearsed, in a velvet voice invites her to his chic car, for a short conversation, the girl without opening her mouth, with round eyes went towards the car and then we are watching everything from the opposite side of the street, let’s call him on the skirt, and he with a serious face of the type:
Yes, I told you to load two cars!!
- No, just take the bucks!!!
etc. That's what he said.
She asks him where everything came from, he so accidentally ran into a gold mine and gives her:
If you want to come back to me, I will forgive everything, I will get a star for you from the sky, just come back!!!
Yes!! Yes!! - She voiced.
I only have one condition, you will get out of the car and tell your cupcake that your meeting is a mistake, that you still want to be with me. The girl does not hesitate to do this and they go to a pre-prepared country house, where they were waiting for a luxurious dinner and of course large and soft :...!!
In the morning after a stormy night, lying in pastels, he gives her such a tirade that it is not all his, that all this is rigged and he does not need it anymore!!!
As he said, her rabies was not a part of it, she tried to persuade him to stay with her, and he was only voluptuously drinking revenge juice!!!
She tried to get back to her abandoned boyfriend by telling him what had been done to her, but he showed her the door. He liked the story, too, and he found a friend of mine and they started doing business together.
This is the way, thank you for your attention!!
Method #123.Do you remember in Method #118 there was a simulated kidnapping of the guy himself? Kidnapped her. So the object is prepared first. The guy for some time periodically begins to mention that he, they say, is in danger and that some “cool” persons want to get to him. A few days before the abduction, he begins to advise her to go somewhere for a few days. She's obviously not going anywhere - why on earth? Well, one day she is guarded in a sparsely crowded place (dress in dark suits, everything is civil), shoved into a car prepared in advance, and taken to a distant beach or country river with a bridge. There they tie, put their feet in the pelvis, pour pre-cooked cement (or something similar, it’s all for color). The girl was getting really bad by then. Then in her sight, an alleged trumpet bell is made, allegedly to this guy, and his urgent arrival on this beach is required, otherwise she will now be allowed to feed the fish.
Method 124. Not a bad way, either. After the first stormy night with her, strolling around the city, in places of a large crowd of people, lean towards her and ask loudly enough: “How is our little one?” The effect is guaranteed...
Method 125. Ask yourself, “Did you not wear green panties yesterday?” (Preferred to be a color that does not occur.) Of course, she says, "No!" Why?
Then, um, um, you pull those panties out of your pocket and you say,
I did it yesterday, but I don’t remember who. The effect is amazing. - Method #126. The first time I met my parents:
(Parent): Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, you can Glory.
(Parent): Galina Ivanovna, you can Galya.
- Kostya, can Konstantin Petrovich!!
Method 127. In public underground transport, when driving VERY noisy, in the midst of a rumble, start screaming wildly, and others do not hear ...
Method 128. When she opens the doors, lean with her hand so that it seems that her finger is pinched, and DICCO SHOW!
Method 129. The next day after the Wild Orgia to meet with a bouquet and congratulate the postcard “With the firstborn”.
Method 130. Since the problem of work for young people is very relevant and quite often and animatedly discussed in companies, you can turn to your girlfriend in the middle of the conversation and goromko (especially if this conversation takes place on the street) say: “Why do you need a job, you have – you are my mistress, I pay you little?” I tried it on my girlfriend, and escaped from me impromptu. I first saw her red as cancer in 20 minutes.
Method 131. He himself joked: walking along the street with a girl and passing a large crowd of people (in my version it was a family of 8 people, grandmothers grandchildren, etc.), turn to her (girl) and in an indignant voice to loudly say: “What?! 50 bucks an hour?! You've got a 20 red price!!! The ringing of the fallen jaws of passers-by and the deep shock of the girl is guaranteed
Method 132. Going with her somewhere - after long persuasion of parents say - Do not be afraid - there will be no children!!! (Speak to her all night long)
Method 133. Invite her for a walk and go, not to mention first, to a brothel (the option is to go to the appropriate place in your city - for example, Tverskaya in Moscow). And go to choose someone with her, explaining that you would like to have a threesome and took her with you too, so that her partner was also pleasant. Option: to say that they decided not to torture her today, but to let her sleep in the evening, and you want to consult with her which of the "girls" she will not be jealous. Tomorrow you will be back in the morning.
Method 134. I met a girl at a disco. Well, we danced, after the disco, we walked by the moon. They came to me for a drink of seagull and somehow found themselves in bed. After long and long sex, we rest. I slowly begin to fall asleep, a table lamp is peacefully burning in the corner, but get up and turn it off into a crowbar. Then my new friend suddenly gives out: Tell me, have you had many women before me? I said, “Of women, you are the first.” I'm actually gay, I just wanted to compare. For five minutes, everything she thought of me, expressed in facial expressions, and then moved on to words. Before that, I didn’t understand how expressive the human face was. I could barely make it out that I was joking, and then we stayed up for two hours.
Method 135. Not for gifts, but for jokes. Give her a condom and a hand-held bicycle pump. Before she has time to come to her senses, the condom is in front of her eyes with this pump and inflate.
Method 136. It's smart. Change your image, at least briefly. If you wear a strict suit, always shaved, combed and pompous, then try extreme haircut, makeup, change clothes and ... go with her to a meeting for a trip to the theater. On the other hand, if you are a punk with a long history... )
During acquaintance with parents, dress in a suit, tie, shoes, take a diplomat with folders of papers (you need to open it, check with your plans... etc.), do your hair, etc. It is good to go out with your parents, behave in the highest correct, but unnatural, in general, be licked by a good boy. The second time to come to the girl when the parents are at home, in a torn dirty slack, dirty worn torn jeans, in chains, in boots lacing to the knee, the leader took a walk through the mud, pick her up and go for a walk... then her parents will stun her.
Method 137. For those with motos. Take out her country and choose a place where there are no poles and a smooth descent to the curb. Then talk about it, and then ask her to try to run the moto herself (preferably if she does not know how to drive). Just make sure you keep the steering wheel tight. Turn the steering wheel slightly to the right, start driving and pass her steering wheel. The thing is, they are afraid to do something and they freeze. Moto slowly pulls off the curb and drives, for example, on the field. At the same time, it is desirable that the field is also clean enough, smooth and without stones. Next, you start “Bring her on the pont” with phrases such as “Put on the brake”, “Let go of the gas”, “Let’s crash!”, etc. As a result... )
Method 138. Walking in the evening with a girl (as a joke!) try to prove to her that all girls, including her, are weak minds. Shock and controversy are guaranteed. By the way, I have proved my - try and you.
Method 139. To begin with, prepare the girl: periodically tell her that, here, I read an article in the newspaper about Satanists, and they do THIS! (people are sacrificed, in particular), find out how she relates to religion, whether she believes in God, or baptized. Just don't overdo it. And somehow you invite a girl to go for a romantic walk late at night somewhere in a beautiful wild corner: a forest, a river, a lake – the main thing, away from people. Better dress in something black. And so, lead it deep, sometimes look at the moon, look at the clock. Back to the moon, back to the clock. Come on, come on. In response to the question “Where are we going?” come closer (hold tightly and say: “The altar is nearby, we go faster, just in time!”).
Method 140.
Stage one
Guy number 1, dressed with a needle in everything elegant, stands with a bouquet of flowers at the exit of the subway. The unfortunate victim is chosen. He goes up to her and says, You know, you're the most beautiful girl I've seen in the hour I'm standing here. These flowers are for you.” In short, then comes the process of dating, which was, of course, successful (well, can anyone refuse the Programmer? ) . Just a few minutes later, the man No. 2 comes up, greets No. 1, looks around looking for someone, finds no one, and turns his eyes to the girl standing next to him. Now the main thing is to play the right surprise. He says to #1, “Is this the most beautiful girl in half an hour?” "In an hour!" - proudly answers No. 1. “You’re joking...” says No. 2 with hope and looks at the girl with great pity and undisguised disgust. Further, the stunned girl calms down with both chelas, She explains that these are such jokes among the guys. No. 2 goes somewhere, No. 1 changes phones (if you haven't done it before). To prepare the second stage, No. 1 agrees with the girl that She will call him first (well, his phone is bugging on outgoing calls, or something else).
Stage two
The girl calls, introduces herself, asks if she still remembers Her No. 1. He replies that of course he remembers - how could one forget such a delightful threesome? How's her friend doing? If the bewildered girl does not immediately hang up, then No. 1 again apologizes and convinces Her that he was joking. Preparation of the third stage: they arrange a meeting.
Stage three
No. 1 is a little late for the object to be in place. On approach No. 1, she gets confused with a long-legged blonde. Final. If the completely stunned girl and this time allows No. 1 to explain themselves, then nothing can separate them.
Method 141. Before the beginning of sexual intercourse, hold a friend’s intimate place with your hand, smell her (hand), and then ask: “The hedgehog has died, or what?”
Method 142. After sex, ask if your eyes are yellow.
Method 143. Preparation: somewhere to get completely poor, children's drawings. You can ask your nephew to draw something. From experience, we will say that it is impossible to draw such _plausible_ pictures yourself - it looks either too far-fetched or too professional. So, having acquired such, when meeting with Her, start a conversation about art and painting, including. After that, mentioning a couple of big names, get “your” “creation” and start showing her in full seriousness. You see, here you need to be an outstanding actor, so as not to split before the time and bring the case to a victorious end. It is necessary to do everything in full seriousness, to tell what each line means by itself, and what you felt at one time or another. In some special squirt, see her herself. The main thing is that she believes that you really consider it your creativity. It seems to be nothing special, but if you play everything right, then in a few minutes the first funny and then incredulous expression of Her face will be replaced by deep interest. Of course, you understand that She just doesn’t want to hurt you and will never say that it sucks. But it’s funny to see a man say something different than he thinks. We're assholes. By the way, the effect can be enhanced by producing a display in public places, for example in transport.
Method 144. No, we're assholes after all. The jokes are getting more and more severe. Here's the freshest. Inspired by the Forum bazaar. One little-known girl was taken by the programmer to a restaurant, not the cheapest. He ordered there for Her and for himself all sorts of food, drinking, in general, about eight hundred rubles, well, the amount that the girl definitely did not have with her. They ate capital, all bundled, the Programmer apologizes and goes to the men's room for need. Hiding from the eyes of the girl, he calls the waiter, pays with him and asks to participate in the New Year's draw. He agrees, and the Programmer instructs him and inserts a pre-prepared note, with a request to give the girl in 15 minutes. And he was hiding next to the kitchen, in short, she could not see him at all. And then just enjoy the show. After 15 minutes, the girl was no longer herself. And when a waiter approached Her and handed her a note saying, “I’m sorry, I don’t think we’re good for each other,” and along with a note, a bill of eight hundred rubles, She made a face worth spending and much more for. Then the programmer comes, and, as if nothing had happened, sits down and continues to eat, talking all sorts of light nonsense. The girl is in a mildly comatose state. A waiter comes running in, apologizes, says he's messed up the tables and takes the note and the bill. The programmer looks at the girl incomprehensibly and wonders if everything is in order. Curtain.
Method 145. It is good if she loves you very much. Shave your head, borrow a soldier's overcoat from a friend and go to Her with a tangerine avosika - say goodbye before leaving for the army. Play what, they say, take away, assholes ...