14 The original name of famous movies
Surely you are aware of such films as "Incident on 57th Street", "Black Mask" or, say, "Blue Harvest", because it is one of the most popular and famous films in history. Do not rush to dig on the internet, thinking, you watched them or not - Cinemas movie got very different names, and the "code" names used by directors, so as not to attract undue attention to the filming. Here are collected the most cash and cult films, working titles that usually have little or nothing to do with what is written on posters and billboards.
1. "Blue Harvest»
By 1982, the ninth year, when the shooting of the next episode, the saga "Star Wars" has become a phenomenon of popular culture. Film «Lucasfilm» until recently, it did not disclose what kind of film will be released using the name «Blue Harvest».
According to the official legend, the film was a thriller with the advertising slogan "The horror beyond imagination." The film is almost all documents held as "Blue Harvest" - the name was written on T-shirts, even the members of the crew. The film is set to be released as "Revenge of the Jedi", but George Lucas realized that, according to the concept, the Jedi must not be guided by emotions such as revenge, so in the end the picture was called "Return of the Jedi».
By the way, the working title was used even in order to save when Lucas filmed an episode of "The Empire Strikes Back," in a place where were the shooting, the prices of goods and services increased by several times, because all were confident of a huge budget film company.
2. "Ice Planet»
In September of 1996, off the coast of Nova Scotia (province in eastern Canada) James Cameron started filming icebergs for his new film "Ice Planet". A little over a year, and 19 December 1997, on the screens out one of the most famous paintings in the history of cinema - "Titanic».
The working title of "Ice Planet" was used, that none of the competing studios do not hit on the idea to make a movie based on the sinking of a passenger ship. The trick paid off - the screen of the disaster was the most profitable film in history, collecting about $ 1, 8 billion, and in 2010, the year the record was broken by another masterpiece Cameron - motion picture "Avatar."
3. "The first kiss Rory»
The trick with Christopher Nolan's film "First Kiss Rory" failed - journalists and numerous fans quickly "saw through" the director: filming "The Kiss" in 2007, the year turned out to be a cover for the production of the next part of the saga of Batman.
When the film crew announced that the casting for participation in the crowd, which was invited to the police officers, sheriffs and pipers, many began to suspect that Nolan tricky. Later, when it became clear that the "first kiss Rory" removed Christian Bale and Heath Ledger, everything finally became clear that it was filmed in Chicago.
Christopher Nolan is not the first time trying to lead the audience by the nose: for picture "Batman Begins," the working title was "awesome game," "The Dark Knight Rises" was filmed as "Magnus Rex" (Magnus - one of the sons of the director), and " Home »for purposes of secrecy was named" Arrow Oliver. "
4. "Incident on 57th Street»
To avoid too much attention from the press and the public, the creators of the film "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" on the set in London, called the picture it as "Incident on 57th Street", while a source of inspiration for such a strange name, they said, served as the composition of the same name Bruce Springsteen.
5. "How was conquered by the solar system»
One of the greatest movies ever created by mankind, "Space Odyssey 2001 year", during the filming got from director Stanley Kubrick and writer Arthur C. Clarke's name, "How was conquered by the Solar System" - an allusion to Western in 1962 " How the West Was Won. " In the press release of 1965, announced the release of "The Odyssey" featured a picture titled "Journey beyond the stars».
Now known to almost everyone moviegoers 'Space Odyssey' appeared only a year after the start of work on the film, with among the options names were these: "The Universe", "The tunnel to the stars" and "Landing on the planet."
6. "Star Beast»
So writers Dan O'Bannon and Ronald Shusett anticipated motion picture called a fundamentally new (at the time) of the genre - a hybrid of science fiction and horror. Under the "starry beast" implies a terrible alien monster that, in fact, was the protagonist of the film.
O'Bannon did not like the name, but he could not find anything suitable for replacement. Once, after reading the script again, Dan realized that the most often repeated word for it - "alien", that's what the film eventually named.
7. "The Seven Deadly Sins»
Dark masterpiece by David Fincher with Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman and Gwyneth Paltrow starring in the stage of filming was called "Seven Deadly Sins" - thus Fincher hoped to avoid attention from the audience and the ubiquitous journalists and maintain the element of surprise when you exit the picture. As a result, the story of a serial killer uses the vices of their victims as a pretext to crack down on them, appeared on the screens in 1995, under the name "Seven."
8. "The paradox»
The work on the sequel to the cult picture "Back to the Future" by Robert Zemeckis prefers to avoid the name associated with the first part, so a sequel called a "paradox." Originally intended to be limited to one-sequel film, but gradually the budget has grown so much that part of the script, it was decided to make a separate films, with the result that the light came the famous trilogy "Back to the Future."
9. "Black Mask»
Picture of "Pulp Fiction" is known not only admirers of Quentin Tarantino: The Movie, a parody of detective novels of the 1930s and 1940s was perhaps the legislator of modern crime comedy genre.
In the production process Tarantino and co-writer Roger Avary called the next masterpiece "Black Mask" in honor of one of the most popular magazines specializing in Pulp Fiction. Later, to emphasize the style and genre of the film, the makers of rolling changed its name to "Pulp Fiction" (by the way, «Pulp Fiction» correct to translate it as "Pulp Fiction").
10. "Everything comes to Rick»
This name was of a play that did not come out into the light, because its authors Murray Burnett and Joan Alison could not find the money to put "everything comes to Rick" on Broadway. In 1942, the company «Warner Bros.» for $ 20 thousand has acquired all rights to the work, and later in the same year, the picture appears on the screen, based on the play - which became the legendary "Casablanca." The name is an allusion to the film's best-selling 1938 "Algeria".
11. "Group hug»
Film «Marvel Studios» often use code names for their films: for example, "The First Avenger" at first was named «Frostbite», which can be translated as "Frostbite" (an allusion to the final scene of the painting). For his next creation "The Avengers" director Joss Whedon chose the working title "Group hug" to shooting process did not prevent many fans of stories about superheroes. As he explained in an interview with «Elle» who plays Loki Tom Hiddleston: "The whole film set was like a group hug."
12. "Life boy»
One of the most famous films of Steven Spielberg's "Alien" director himself called "the boy's life," as he feared the machinations of competitors and wanted to plot the painting remained a mystery until recently. Spielberg insisted that each member of the crew had their own ID card, and the actors had to get acquainted with the scenario under supervision, so that information about the "alien" is not leaked to the press ahead of time.
13. "Corporate Headquarters»
Director Abrams, as a rule, does everything to make his films to the screen before the shrouded secrecy and mystery. When Abrams worked on the remake of "Star Trek", the working title of the future picture was "Corporate Headquarters" - certainly not to bother fans of "Star Trek" and the sensation-hungry journalists.
Each actor during rehearsals and read the script was under close supervision, however, when it became known that the casting of actors invited to the V-shaped eyebrows, the audience realized over what really works director.
14. "Change of seasons»
Work on the adaptation of the epic masterpiece novel by JRR Tolkien "Lord of the Rings" began in 1998, the year. The crew, headed by Peter Jackson held in New Zealand two years, immediately removing all parts of the trilogy.
On reels with copies of "Fellowship of the Ring," which went to movie theaters around the world, was written «Changing seasons» (can be translated as "the seasons") - Jackson disguised production of the film to distract the faithful fans of Tolkien on the process of shooting. < br />
For the other two parts of the saga - "The Two Towers" and "Return of the King" - the director has used the working title "The Great Journey" and "Just die for glory" (rough translation of the original «Til Death, For Glory»), respectively.

1. "Blue Harvest»
By 1982, the ninth year, when the shooting of the next episode, the saga "Star Wars" has become a phenomenon of popular culture. Film «Lucasfilm» until recently, it did not disclose what kind of film will be released using the name «Blue Harvest».
According to the official legend, the film was a thriller with the advertising slogan "The horror beyond imagination." The film is almost all documents held as "Blue Harvest" - the name was written on T-shirts, even the members of the crew. The film is set to be released as "Revenge of the Jedi", but George Lucas realized that, according to the concept, the Jedi must not be guided by emotions such as revenge, so in the end the picture was called "Return of the Jedi».
By the way, the working title was used even in order to save when Lucas filmed an episode of "The Empire Strikes Back," in a place where were the shooting, the prices of goods and services increased by several times, because all were confident of a huge budget film company.

2. "Ice Planet»
In September of 1996, off the coast of Nova Scotia (province in eastern Canada) James Cameron started filming icebergs for his new film "Ice Planet". A little over a year, and 19 December 1997, on the screens out one of the most famous paintings in the history of cinema - "Titanic».
The working title of "Ice Planet" was used, that none of the competing studios do not hit on the idea to make a movie based on the sinking of a passenger ship. The trick paid off - the screen of the disaster was the most profitable film in history, collecting about $ 1, 8 billion, and in 2010, the year the record was broken by another masterpiece Cameron - motion picture "Avatar."

3. "The first kiss Rory»
The trick with Christopher Nolan's film "First Kiss Rory" failed - journalists and numerous fans quickly "saw through" the director: filming "The Kiss" in 2007, the year turned out to be a cover for the production of the next part of the saga of Batman.
When the film crew announced that the casting for participation in the crowd, which was invited to the police officers, sheriffs and pipers, many began to suspect that Nolan tricky. Later, when it became clear that the "first kiss Rory" removed Christian Bale and Heath Ledger, everything finally became clear that it was filmed in Chicago.
Christopher Nolan is not the first time trying to lead the audience by the nose: for picture "Batman Begins," the working title was "awesome game," "The Dark Knight Rises" was filmed as "Magnus Rex" (Magnus - one of the sons of the director), and " Home »for purposes of secrecy was named" Arrow Oliver. "

4. "Incident on 57th Street»
To avoid too much attention from the press and the public, the creators of the film "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" on the set in London, called the picture it as "Incident on 57th Street", while a source of inspiration for such a strange name, they said, served as the composition of the same name Bruce Springsteen.

5. "How was conquered by the solar system»
One of the greatest movies ever created by mankind, "Space Odyssey 2001 year", during the filming got from director Stanley Kubrick and writer Arthur C. Clarke's name, "How was conquered by the Solar System" - an allusion to Western in 1962 " How the West Was Won. " In the press release of 1965, announced the release of "The Odyssey" featured a picture titled "Journey beyond the stars».
Now known to almost everyone moviegoers 'Space Odyssey' appeared only a year after the start of work on the film, with among the options names were these: "The Universe", "The tunnel to the stars" and "Landing on the planet."

6. "Star Beast»
So writers Dan O'Bannon and Ronald Shusett anticipated motion picture called a fundamentally new (at the time) of the genre - a hybrid of science fiction and horror. Under the "starry beast" implies a terrible alien monster that, in fact, was the protagonist of the film.
O'Bannon did not like the name, but he could not find anything suitable for replacement. Once, after reading the script again, Dan realized that the most often repeated word for it - "alien", that's what the film eventually named.

7. "The Seven Deadly Sins»
Dark masterpiece by David Fincher with Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman and Gwyneth Paltrow starring in the stage of filming was called "Seven Deadly Sins" - thus Fincher hoped to avoid attention from the audience and the ubiquitous journalists and maintain the element of surprise when you exit the picture. As a result, the story of a serial killer uses the vices of their victims as a pretext to crack down on them, appeared on the screens in 1995, under the name "Seven."

8. "The paradox»
The work on the sequel to the cult picture "Back to the Future" by Robert Zemeckis prefers to avoid the name associated with the first part, so a sequel called a "paradox." Originally intended to be limited to one-sequel film, but gradually the budget has grown so much that part of the script, it was decided to make a separate films, with the result that the light came the famous trilogy "Back to the Future."

9. "Black Mask»
Picture of "Pulp Fiction" is known not only admirers of Quentin Tarantino: The Movie, a parody of detective novels of the 1930s and 1940s was perhaps the legislator of modern crime comedy genre.
In the production process Tarantino and co-writer Roger Avary called the next masterpiece "Black Mask" in honor of one of the most popular magazines specializing in Pulp Fiction. Later, to emphasize the style and genre of the film, the makers of rolling changed its name to "Pulp Fiction" (by the way, «Pulp Fiction» correct to translate it as "Pulp Fiction").

10. "Everything comes to Rick»
This name was of a play that did not come out into the light, because its authors Murray Burnett and Joan Alison could not find the money to put "everything comes to Rick" on Broadway. In 1942, the company «Warner Bros.» for $ 20 thousand has acquired all rights to the work, and later in the same year, the picture appears on the screen, based on the play - which became the legendary "Casablanca." The name is an allusion to the film's best-selling 1938 "Algeria".

11. "Group hug»
Film «Marvel Studios» often use code names for their films: for example, "The First Avenger" at first was named «Frostbite», which can be translated as "Frostbite" (an allusion to the final scene of the painting). For his next creation "The Avengers" director Joss Whedon chose the working title "Group hug" to shooting process did not prevent many fans of stories about superheroes. As he explained in an interview with «Elle» who plays Loki Tom Hiddleston: "The whole film set was like a group hug."

12. "Life boy»
One of the most famous films of Steven Spielberg's "Alien" director himself called "the boy's life," as he feared the machinations of competitors and wanted to plot the painting remained a mystery until recently. Spielberg insisted that each member of the crew had their own ID card, and the actors had to get acquainted with the scenario under supervision, so that information about the "alien" is not leaked to the press ahead of time.

13. "Corporate Headquarters»
Director Abrams, as a rule, does everything to make his films to the screen before the shrouded secrecy and mystery. When Abrams worked on the remake of "Star Trek", the working title of the future picture was "Corporate Headquarters" - certainly not to bother fans of "Star Trek" and the sensation-hungry journalists.
Each actor during rehearsals and read the script was under close supervision, however, when it became known that the casting of actors invited to the V-shaped eyebrows, the audience realized over what really works director.

14. "Change of seasons»
Work on the adaptation of the epic masterpiece novel by JRR Tolkien "Lord of the Rings" began in 1998, the year. The crew, headed by Peter Jackson held in New Zealand two years, immediately removing all parts of the trilogy.
On reels with copies of "Fellowship of the Ring," which went to movie theaters around the world, was written «Changing seasons» (can be translated as "the seasons") - Jackson disguised production of the film to distract the faithful fans of Tolkien on the process of shooting. < br />
For the other two parts of the saga - "The Two Towers" and "Return of the King" - the director has used the working title "The Great Journey" and "Just die for glory" (rough translation of the original «Til Death, For Glory»), respectively.
