10 actors who can brilliantly transform into anyone
Twenty nine million three hundred fifty eight thousand five hundred three
Many actors are afraid to be held hostage to one role. But even the most exciting script and sophisticated makeup will not help if the actor does not have the most charisma and insane talent that allow over and over again to try all the new images.
The website offers a look at some of the roles of actors who can rightfully be called masters of disguise. And believe me, the editor was very difficult to select only 5 of the movies for everyone!
Gary Oldman
"Dracula," "True love," "the Fifth element", "Route 60", a series of films about Harry Potter
Helena Bonham Carter
"Fight club", "planet of the apes" series of films about Harry Potter, "Alice in Wonderland" "the King's speech!"
Ian McKellen
"Richard III", "Rasputin", "David Copperfield", the trilogy "the Lord of the rings" film series "X-Men"
Jared Leto
"Fight club", "Alexander", "Chapter 27", "Dallas buyers club", "suicide Squad"
Cate Blanchett
The trilogy "the Lord of the rings", "the Aviator", "Golden age", "I'm not there," "Cinderella"
Ralph Fiennes
"Schindler's list", "gardener", a series of films about Harry Potter, "the Duchess", "Hotel "Grand Budapest""
Tilda Swinton
The Orlando film series "the Chronicles of Narnia", "Michael Clayton", "Hotel "Grand Budapest"", "Doctor strange"
Michael Fassbender
"The 300 Spartans", "a Dangerous method", "Prometheus", "Macbeth", "Steve jobs"
Johnny Depp
The series of films "pirates of the Caribbean", "johnny D.", "Alice in Wonderland", "Dark shadows", "Black mass"
Meryl Streep
"The devil wears Prada", "Julie and Julia: Preparing happiness prescription", "the Iron lady", "the farther into the forest...", "Ricki and the Flash"
Photos on the preview ADVENTURE PICTURES
See also
20 actors who fantastically changed for the sake of art
20 actors, which it is impossible to know in makeup
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/20-akterov-kotoryh-nevozmozhno-uznat-v-grime-1151210/
Many actors are afraid to be held hostage to one role. But even the most exciting script and sophisticated makeup will not help if the actor does not have the most charisma and insane talent that allow over and over again to try all the new images.
The website offers a look at some of the roles of actors who can rightfully be called masters of disguise. And believe me, the editor was very difficult to select only 5 of the movies for everyone!
Gary Oldman

"Dracula," "True love," "the Fifth element", "Route 60", a series of films about Harry Potter
Helena Bonham Carter

"Fight club", "planet of the apes" series of films about Harry Potter, "Alice in Wonderland" "the King's speech!"
Ian McKellen

"Richard III", "Rasputin", "David Copperfield", the trilogy "the Lord of the rings" film series "X-Men"
Jared Leto

"Fight club", "Alexander", "Chapter 27", "Dallas buyers club", "suicide Squad"
Cate Blanchett

The trilogy "the Lord of the rings", "the Aviator", "Golden age", "I'm not there," "Cinderella"
Ralph Fiennes

"Schindler's list", "gardener", a series of films about Harry Potter, "the Duchess", "Hotel "Grand Budapest""
Tilda Swinton

The Orlando film series "the Chronicles of Narnia", "Michael Clayton", "Hotel "Grand Budapest"", "Doctor strange"
Michael Fassbender

"The 300 Spartans", "a Dangerous method", "Prometheus", "Macbeth", "Steve jobs"
Johnny Depp

The series of films "pirates of the Caribbean", "johnny D.", "Alice in Wonderland", "Dark shadows", "Black mass"
Meryl Streep

"The devil wears Prada", "Julie and Julia: Preparing happiness prescription", "the Iron lady", "the farther into the forest...", "Ricki and the Flash"
Photos on the preview ADVENTURE PICTURES
See also
20 actors who fantastically changed for the sake of art
20 actors, which it is impossible to know in makeup
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/20-akterov-kotoryh-nevozmozhno-uznat-v-grime-1151210/
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