Fairy-tale prince Soviet cinema
I would like to talk about the glory and pride of the Soviet tales - Prince. Girls fall in love with them from childhood, and some awe remember about them until now. They came to us on white horses (or "gray dapple") sailed under crimson or white-sails, even came on foot, and were not always princes in the literal sense of the word, but still they were the epitome of "Dreams of a handsome prince" . Welcome necessarily triumphs over evil villains get what they deserve - honesty and fairness, mutual love and be sure to win, no matter how hard their opponents ...
Much credit for creating such memorable images of fantastic characters belongs not only to their director and writer, but also, of course, the actors ...
Sergei Stolyarov (1911-1969)
Last year marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of Sergei Stolyarov, remarkable Russian actor brilliantly embodied on the Soviet screen images and epic heroes, and their contemporaries, and the people of the future era.
In 1935 Stolyarov played his first leading role in a movie - pilot Vladimir in the film Alexander Dovzhenko "Aerograd." Seeing him in this role, the director Grigory Alexandrov immediately without trial invited Sergei Stolyarov on the role of Ivan Martynov in the film "The Circus».
After the release of "Circus" Sergey was not just famous, and the ideal of the young Soviet man. Moreover, the image of the carpenter was taken as the basis for creating a sculpture working in the famous composition by Vera Mukhina "Worker and Collective Farm Girl", has won the top prize at the Paris Exhibition in 1937.
Behind the actor - more than 30 films. Among the most famous fairy roles: Ruslan in the movie "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (1938), Ivan in the film "Vasilisa the Beautiful" (1939) and Nikita the Tanner in the film "Kaschey The Immortal" (1944).
In 1953, when the screens released film "Sadko" Sergei Stolyarov starring the artist came to international fame. Film Festival in Venice, he won first prize. A year later, the French magazine "Cinema" included a carpenter in the list of outstanding actors of world cinema.
Later followed by another significant fabulous role - Alyosha Popovich in the film "Ilya Muromets" (1956) - finally secured for Sergei Stolyarov title of the Russian heroes and hero.
Last acting job carpenter in the film was the role Dara Wind in the science fiction film "Andromeda" (1967). In the late 60's Sergey agreed statement of the painting "When the flow fog" on his own script, but did not live up to the end of work on it.
Vladimir Druzhnikov (1922-1994)
Brilliant debut young actor in the film "Guilty Without Guilt" (1945) immediately opened the doors of a great movie. He began to invite to their productions, many film directors, but Druzhnikov chosen one - the famous storyteller Alexander Ptushko.
In his film "Stone Flower" (1946), loosely based on the Ural tales Bazhov Vladimir Druzhnikov played Danila-master. In the year of the film adaptation of the film won a prize at the Cannes Film Festival.
In the late 50's Vladimir Druzhnikov starred in such films as "The Tale of Siberian Land" (1947) and "Constantine Barrier" (1950), for which he was awarded two of the Stalin Prize.
In the movie actor starred until his death at age 71: acting in his luggage - the role in more than 35 motion pictures. Druzhnikov also widely known as a voice actor and dubbing - his voice spoke from the screen Gojko Mitic, Jean Marais, Yul Brynner, and many others.
Oleg Strizhenov (b. 1929)
The first serious work of the actor became a motion picture "The Gadfly" (1955). After 3 years and was followed by a fantastic first role - the 29-year-old played Strizhenov Afanasy Nikitin in the film "Journey Beyond Three Seas" (1958).
This film was the first co-production of Soviet and Indian cinematographers (dir. Vasili Pronin and Khoja Abbas). It is dedicated to the Tver merchant Nikitin laid in 1466-1472 years the trade route to India.
In total Strizhenov played in more than 30 films. From 1957 to 1966 the actor working in the studio theater actor, which returned a decade later. In the period from 1966 to 1976, Oleg was in the company of the Moscow Art Theater.
During his career in film and on the stage was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR People's Artist of the RSFSR and People's Artist of the USSR. Was married three times; Today in the movie almost removed.
Eduard Izotov (1936-2003)
The high point of 28-year-old graduate of the acting department VGIK was the role Ivanushki in the fairy-tale film director Alexander Row "Frost" (1964), which brought Izotov nation-wide fame and love of the audience. His co-star made 16-year-old actress Natalia Sedykh.
Later, the actor starred in supporting roles on such films as "Liberation" (1972), "Seventeen Moments of Spring" (1973), "Mimino" (1977), "The front of the rear of the enemy" (1983) and many others.
In 1983, once by an unfortunate accident in criminal history, was sentenced to 3 years. Stay in prison had a devastating effect on the psyche and health of the actor. After a series of strokes and surgeries due to progressive disease, was admitted for inpatient treatment, and died shortly thereafter.
Alex Katishev (1949-2006)
17-year-old Alexis Katysheva, who worked at the Yalta film studio assistant operator, noted filmmaker storyteller Aleksendr Row. While he was shooting in Yalta film "Frost».
"Young man, you do not even suspect what you have wonderful eyes. Such data is a sin not to use "- he said, and without any trial suggested Alexei major role in the movie" Fire, water and copper pipes "(1966).
The painting was a huge success: Alex Katishev, who played the golden-haired Vasya, winning Kashchei Immortal, has become incredibly popular. And after the movie "Barbara, beauty, long braid" (1969), where he played the role of fishing son Andrew, Katysheva began to learn on the street.
Overnight, he was transformed from a simple guy in a star of Soviet cinema. The young actor has appeared a bunch of groupies. However, Alex is still in the age of 19 to tie the knot with a girl named Irina, who remained loyal, despite all the success in the creative life.
He shot a total of about five years, but three main roles in the films director and storyteller Alexander Rowe made the young yaltintsev real celebrity. It so happened that these tapes - "Fire, water and copper pipes", "Barbara, beauty, long braid" and "Spring Fairy Tale" (1971) - was destined to live long, they are still watching the children and adults are reviewing.
Directed by Aleksandr Rou so warmly regarded young artist that spoke of him as his own son. But after the death of the legendary storyteller Alex Katishev were not in demand in the movie.
Sometimes the actor drank from grief and hit the ridiculous stories. Once he was brought in drunken company, whose members decided to have fun with the girls. And after that party Katishev thunder in jail under "gang rape". Fortunately, during the investigation, the girl took the statement in exchange for a promise to marry one of the guys. And Katysheva also released.
Autumn evening in 2006 57-year-old was taken to Katysheva Yalta hospital, his body bore traces of the terrible beating. Two weeks before that Alexey Yu broke drunken youth company. The police, he did not address. Doctors discovered he had lung and heart disease, which led to the development of sepsis. For his life fought for almost a day, but to save could not.
Oleg Vidov (b. 1943)
Of the many roles of this stunningly handsome actor released a fantastic role. This is the role of Prince Guidon in the film adaptation of Pushkin's "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" (1966) directed by Alexander Ptushko.
After the release of the films, graduated from the University, began to actively act in films, has gained popularity as a performer roles noble beauties. In 1985 he emigrated to the United States.
In 1989, Honored Artist of the RSFSR married Joan Borsten. They created a company «Films by Jove» (FBJ), which received a license to hire outside the former Soviet Union in 1260 the production of cartoons state studio "Soyuzmultfilm».
In September 2007, the film rights bought by Russian businessman Alisher Usmanov and handed them over to the children's channel "Bibigon." As for Oleg species, now 69-year-old actor, who played in more than 45 films, in particular - American - no longer appeared in films.
Vyacheslav Voskresensky (born in 1948)
In the famous kinoskazki Alexander Rowe "Finist - Bright Falcon" Vyacheslav Voskresensky starred and instantly became famous all over the country.
After the completion of filming and the film Voskresensky moved in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) Drama. This time was the peak of his popularity - "Russian hero" bags received declarations of love and letters from fans.
Later, the actor was accused of incompetent and dismissed from the theater. Then he became a director of feature films at the Sverdlovsk Film Studio, but there, too, will soon have a problem and Voskresensky went to the funeral home. Since 2000 he has been working kultorganizatorom club Yekaterinburg hospital for war veterans.
Dmitry Zolotukhin (born in 1957)
The actor began working in film in 1980 with the execution of the role of the young Peter I in the Novels of Sergei Gerasimov "Youth of Peter" and "At the beginning of the glorious deeds", for which, by the readers of the magazine "Soviet Screen", was named best actor in 1981. < br />
And in 1982 on the screens out historical film Gennady Vasilyev "Vasily Buslaev," in which Dmitry got the lead role. His partner in this motion picture made actress Irina Alferov.
Currently Dmitry Zolotukhin working in the field of digital TV produces programs for mobile and IPTV.
Vasily Lanovoi
Of course, one of the most beautiful actors of our cinema (if not most) - Vasily Lanovoi. After the film & quot; Scarlet Sails & quot; he permanently became the dream of thousands of girls of the USSR, a symbol of nobility, romance, and the words: Captain Gray Basil Lanovoy- Prince Charming - synonyms.
Anastasia Vertinskaya - gonna they became the most romantic and beautiful movies heroes for many years. And if now they cause genuine admiration, imagine what a sensation they made immediately after the release of the film.
Boris Bystrov
The film "Magic Lamp of Aladdin" still remains lyubimoy kinoskazki many, so it is good, colorful, beautifully filmed and with humor. When back in 1966, he released the country admired the lovely Budur not find girls who fell in love with the extraordinary handsome Aladdin performed by Boris Bystrov, for whom this was a debut.
Pages on the Internet and in print still full of enthusiastic comments and memories of spectators and especially the spectators.
Born Boris Paton 12 February 1945. In 1966 he graduated from the Moscow Art Theatre School. In the same year he made his big debut in the role of Aladdin. In his actor biographies, there is another fantastic role - the prince in the movie-play "Kashchei Immortal" in 1969.
He worked at the Moscow Drama Theater named after KS Stanislavsky's Moscow Theater of the Lenin Komsomol ("Lenka"). Now the leading actor of theater named after MN Yermolova.
Married (third marriage) actress Irina Savina, their son Nicholas.
Boris Bystrov also has a daughter from his first marriage with Inna Kmit (who died early) - Catherine Kmit, who also became an actress.
Bystrov second wife was briefly famous ballerina dancer and dance pop Tatyana Leybel.
Starting from the 70s to the present time (about thirty years) Paton was working on the cartoon films and dubbing of foreign feature films, although in the movie so far removed (from the last works - the movie "Isayev»).
Although his filmography more than 20 films, debut role Aladdin remained the most star on her remember him and love still (probably remembered more pilot Veryovkin in the children's film "The Adventures of the yellow suitcase & quot;).
Oleg Dal though never played directly princes, but his acting arsenal of five fairy tale characters in three films, let alone spell it outshine any of the handsome prince.
The first work in his film - the role Alik Kramer in the film directed by A. Zarkhi "My elder brother '1962 novel V.Aksenova" Star Ticket ", where Dahl played the hero of the 1960s, a young boy, an intellectual, a Moscow gate.
Then there was the sweet, simple, such a "non-military" Jack in the war film "Zhenya, Zhenya and Katyusha", charming, resourceful soldiers in the "old, old fairy tale" and there wandering actor-puppeteer. And his Jester in "King Lear", directed G.Kozintseva played just brilliant.
In 1971, Dahl was withdrawn in the picture N.Kosheverovoy "Shadow", playing two roles at once - Scientist and his Shadow.
Scientist - kind, sweet loser in a shabby velvet suit, eternal youth, waiting for a meeting with a fabulously beautiful love, adventure and his shadow - Breaking with long fingers, face-mask, with the habits of wild animals.
O.Dalya partners in this movie were A. Vertinsky, L. Gurchenko, M.Neёlova, V.Etush, G.Vitsin, A. Mironov - a constellation of actors.
And the third fantastic role in the film "Ivan the Fool for the miracle of walking." His geroy- naive, unselfish Ivan with limitless faith in the people and the kindness of unusually good. But Dahl no migratory roles, he was too demanding of himself and others, too uncompromising and very talented.
And of course, remembering the handsome prince our cinema to bypass Alexander Abdulov?
Say that after the release of "Ordinary Miracle", a new idol - almost nothing to say. The idol of many, but such people's love honored few. His boy-bear stole the handsome prince.
But not everyone remembers that his debut role was a real prince, though vicious - in the movie-tale "The Scarlet Flower».
The third fantastic role - Ivan in a Christmas extravaganza "Magicians»
With Alionushka - Alyona Igorevna (Yakovleva)
Each role has grown its popularity and love of the audience.
It's been 6 years since it is not, but still many people in it do not believe.
Beauties - actresses from the film A. Ptushko "Ruslan and Ludmila" we have already presented, is now the turn of the hero Ruslan. He is very good in performance Valery Kozinets.
This fabulous role was his most successful, by which it is known and remembered.
Information about him a little bit.
Koziniec Valery Evseevich was born May 9, 1939.
In the 60s - an actor of the Moscow theater Yermolova. In the film debuted in film in 1967 in the movie "Wake Mukhina." 1972 was probably the most successful in terms of creativity.
From 1971 to 1977 he was an actor Studio Theatre of film actor "Mosfilm", since 1977 - an actor Studios movie actor film studio "Lenfilm».
X / movie "72 degrees below zero" (Lenfilm, 1977,) the doctor Alexei Antonov performed by Valery performs in the song Vysotsky "White Silence", accompanied by two guitars (pictured).
Our Russian actor who has played several fairy-tale prince-Prince - Vladimir Vikhrov.
In the fairy tale "The Bells of Autumn", is based on Pushkin's "Tales of the dead princess", he played Prince of Elisha.
And in the film, the play "Cinderella" on the play-tale E.Shvartsa staged at the State Academic Theater Vakhtangov - Prince.
Vladimir Vikhrov born January 17, 1954. In 1975 Vladimir graduated from the Moscow Shchukin Drama School, from 1975 to 2005, the years he - actor Vakhtangov Theater in Moscow.
More known for his roles in military subjects "The crew battle", "Counterstrike" and "Women's joys and sorrows».
Since 1985 Vikhrov actively worked on the sound system of movies and TV shows. According to estimates of the actor on his personal account already about 20 thousand movies.
He is voiced by Jeremy Irons in "Lolita", Laurence Fishburne in the movie trilogy "The Matrix". There were films with Alain Delon, Tom Hanks, Richard Gere, Harrison Ford, Jack Nicholson, Ralph Fiennes, Kevin Spacey, Michael Douglas, Wesley Snipes, Denzel Washington, Tom Cruise, Kevin Costner, Antonio Banderas, Val Kilmer, Ethan Hawke, Ben Stiller.
When among Russian actors was a competition for the right to voice the film "Batman and Robin" cassette with samples sent to America. Vihrova approved. Since then, he officially became the voice of the American actor George Clooney and announced 16 films with his participation.
Much credit for creating such memorable images of fantastic characters belongs not only to their director and writer, but also, of course, the actors ...

Sergei Stolyarov (1911-1969)

Last year marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of Sergei Stolyarov, remarkable Russian actor brilliantly embodied on the Soviet screen images and epic heroes, and their contemporaries, and the people of the future era.

In 1935 Stolyarov played his first leading role in a movie - pilot Vladimir in the film Alexander Dovzhenko "Aerograd." Seeing him in this role, the director Grigory Alexandrov immediately without trial invited Sergei Stolyarov on the role of Ivan Martynov in the film "The Circus».

After the release of "Circus" Sergey was not just famous, and the ideal of the young Soviet man. Moreover, the image of the carpenter was taken as the basis for creating a sculpture working in the famous composition by Vera Mukhina "Worker and Collective Farm Girl", has won the top prize at the Paris Exhibition in 1937.

Behind the actor - more than 30 films. Among the most famous fairy roles: Ruslan in the movie "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (1938), Ivan in the film "Vasilisa the Beautiful" (1939) and Nikita the Tanner in the film "Kaschey The Immortal" (1944).

In 1953, when the screens released film "Sadko" Sergei Stolyarov starring the artist came to international fame. Film Festival in Venice, he won first prize. A year later, the French magazine "Cinema" included a carpenter in the list of outstanding actors of world cinema.

Later followed by another significant fabulous role - Alyosha Popovich in the film "Ilya Muromets" (1956) - finally secured for Sergei Stolyarov title of the Russian heroes and hero.

Last acting job carpenter in the film was the role Dara Wind in the science fiction film "Andromeda" (1967). In the late 60's Sergey agreed statement of the painting "When the flow fog" on his own script, but did not live up to the end of work on it.

Vladimir Druzhnikov (1922-1994)

Brilliant debut young actor in the film "Guilty Without Guilt" (1945) immediately opened the doors of a great movie. He began to invite to their productions, many film directors, but Druzhnikov chosen one - the famous storyteller Alexander Ptushko.

In his film "Stone Flower" (1946), loosely based on the Ural tales Bazhov Vladimir Druzhnikov played Danila-master. In the year of the film adaptation of the film won a prize at the Cannes Film Festival.

In the late 50's Vladimir Druzhnikov starred in such films as "The Tale of Siberian Land" (1947) and "Constantine Barrier" (1950), for which he was awarded two of the Stalin Prize.

In the movie actor starred until his death at age 71: acting in his luggage - the role in more than 35 motion pictures. Druzhnikov also widely known as a voice actor and dubbing - his voice spoke from the screen Gojko Mitic, Jean Marais, Yul Brynner, and many others.

Oleg Strizhenov (b. 1929)

The first serious work of the actor became a motion picture "The Gadfly" (1955). After 3 years and was followed by a fantastic first role - the 29-year-old played Strizhenov Afanasy Nikitin in the film "Journey Beyond Three Seas" (1958).

This film was the first co-production of Soviet and Indian cinematographers (dir. Vasili Pronin and Khoja Abbas). It is dedicated to the Tver merchant Nikitin laid in 1466-1472 years the trade route to India.

In total Strizhenov played in more than 30 films. From 1957 to 1966 the actor working in the studio theater actor, which returned a decade later. In the period from 1966 to 1976, Oleg was in the company of the Moscow Art Theater.

During his career in film and on the stage was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR People's Artist of the RSFSR and People's Artist of the USSR. Was married three times; Today in the movie almost removed.

Eduard Izotov (1936-2003)

The high point of 28-year-old graduate of the acting department VGIK was the role Ivanushki in the fairy-tale film director Alexander Row "Frost" (1964), which brought Izotov nation-wide fame and love of the audience. His co-star made 16-year-old actress Natalia Sedykh.

Later, the actor starred in supporting roles on such films as "Liberation" (1972), "Seventeen Moments of Spring" (1973), "Mimino" (1977), "The front of the rear of the enemy" (1983) and many others.

In 1983, once by an unfortunate accident in criminal history, was sentenced to 3 years. Stay in prison had a devastating effect on the psyche and health of the actor. After a series of strokes and surgeries due to progressive disease, was admitted for inpatient treatment, and died shortly thereafter.

Alex Katishev (1949-2006)

17-year-old Alexis Katysheva, who worked at the Yalta film studio assistant operator, noted filmmaker storyteller Aleksendr Row. While he was shooting in Yalta film "Frost».

"Young man, you do not even suspect what you have wonderful eyes. Such data is a sin not to use "- he said, and without any trial suggested Alexei major role in the movie" Fire, water and copper pipes "(1966).

The painting was a huge success: Alex Katishev, who played the golden-haired Vasya, winning Kashchei Immortal, has become incredibly popular. And after the movie "Barbara, beauty, long braid" (1969), where he played the role of fishing son Andrew, Katysheva began to learn on the street.

Overnight, he was transformed from a simple guy in a star of Soviet cinema. The young actor has appeared a bunch of groupies. However, Alex is still in the age of 19 to tie the knot with a girl named Irina, who remained loyal, despite all the success in the creative life.

He shot a total of about five years, but three main roles in the films director and storyteller Alexander Rowe made the young yaltintsev real celebrity. It so happened that these tapes - "Fire, water and copper pipes", "Barbara, beauty, long braid" and "Spring Fairy Tale" (1971) - was destined to live long, they are still watching the children and adults are reviewing.

Directed by Aleksandr Rou so warmly regarded young artist that spoke of him as his own son. But after the death of the legendary storyteller Alex Katishev were not in demand in the movie.
Sometimes the actor drank from grief and hit the ridiculous stories. Once he was brought in drunken company, whose members decided to have fun with the girls. And after that party Katishev thunder in jail under "gang rape". Fortunately, during the investigation, the girl took the statement in exchange for a promise to marry one of the guys. And Katysheva also released.

Autumn evening in 2006 57-year-old was taken to Katysheva Yalta hospital, his body bore traces of the terrible beating. Two weeks before that Alexey Yu broke drunken youth company. The police, he did not address. Doctors discovered he had lung and heart disease, which led to the development of sepsis. For his life fought for almost a day, but to save could not.

Oleg Vidov (b. 1943)

Of the many roles of this stunningly handsome actor released a fantastic role. This is the role of Prince Guidon in the film adaptation of Pushkin's "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" (1966) directed by Alexander Ptushko.

After the release of the films, graduated from the University, began to actively act in films, has gained popularity as a performer roles noble beauties. In 1985 he emigrated to the United States.

In 1989, Honored Artist of the RSFSR married Joan Borsten. They created a company «Films by Jove» (FBJ), which received a license to hire outside the former Soviet Union in 1260 the production of cartoons state studio "Soyuzmultfilm».

In September 2007, the film rights bought by Russian businessman Alisher Usmanov and handed them over to the children's channel "Bibigon." As for Oleg species, now 69-year-old actor, who played in more than 45 films, in particular - American - no longer appeared in films.

Vyacheslav Voskresensky (born in 1948)

In the famous kinoskazki Alexander Rowe "Finist - Bright Falcon" Vyacheslav Voskresensky starred and instantly became famous all over the country.

After the completion of filming and the film Voskresensky moved in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) Drama. This time was the peak of his popularity - "Russian hero" bags received declarations of love and letters from fans.

Later, the actor was accused of incompetent and dismissed from the theater. Then he became a director of feature films at the Sverdlovsk Film Studio, but there, too, will soon have a problem and Voskresensky went to the funeral home. Since 2000 he has been working kultorganizatorom club Yekaterinburg hospital for war veterans.

Dmitry Zolotukhin (born in 1957)

The actor began working in film in 1980 with the execution of the role of the young Peter I in the Novels of Sergei Gerasimov "Youth of Peter" and "At the beginning of the glorious deeds", for which, by the readers of the magazine "Soviet Screen", was named best actor in 1981. < br />

And in 1982 on the screens out historical film Gennady Vasilyev "Vasily Buslaev," in which Dmitry got the lead role. His partner in this motion picture made actress Irina Alferov.

Currently Dmitry Zolotukhin working in the field of digital TV produces programs for mobile and IPTV.

Vasily Lanovoi
Of course, one of the most beautiful actors of our cinema (if not most) - Vasily Lanovoi. After the film & quot; Scarlet Sails & quot; he permanently became the dream of thousands of girls of the USSR, a symbol of nobility, romance, and the words: Captain Gray Basil Lanovoy- Prince Charming - synonyms.

Anastasia Vertinskaya - gonna they became the most romantic and beautiful movies heroes for many years. And if now they cause genuine admiration, imagine what a sensation they made immediately after the release of the film.

Boris Bystrov
The film "Magic Lamp of Aladdin" still remains lyubimoy kinoskazki many, so it is good, colorful, beautifully filmed and with humor. When back in 1966, he released the country admired the lovely Budur not find girls who fell in love with the extraordinary handsome Aladdin performed by Boris Bystrov, for whom this was a debut.
Pages on the Internet and in print still full of enthusiastic comments and memories of spectators and especially the spectators.

Born Boris Paton 12 February 1945. In 1966 he graduated from the Moscow Art Theatre School. In the same year he made his big debut in the role of Aladdin. In his actor biographies, there is another fantastic role - the prince in the movie-play "Kashchei Immortal" in 1969.
He worked at the Moscow Drama Theater named after KS Stanislavsky's Moscow Theater of the Lenin Komsomol ("Lenka"). Now the leading actor of theater named after MN Yermolova.

Married (third marriage) actress Irina Savina, their son Nicholas.
Boris Bystrov also has a daughter from his first marriage with Inna Kmit (who died early) - Catherine Kmit, who also became an actress.
Bystrov second wife was briefly famous ballerina dancer and dance pop Tatyana Leybel.
Starting from the 70s to the present time (about thirty years) Paton was working on the cartoon films and dubbing of foreign feature films, although in the movie so far removed (from the last works - the movie "Isayev»).
Although his filmography more than 20 films, debut role Aladdin remained the most star on her remember him and love still (probably remembered more pilot Veryovkin in the children's film "The Adventures of the yellow suitcase & quot;).

Oleg Dal though never played directly princes, but his acting arsenal of five fairy tale characters in three films, let alone spell it outshine any of the handsome prince.

The first work in his film - the role Alik Kramer in the film directed by A. Zarkhi "My elder brother '1962 novel V.Aksenova" Star Ticket ", where Dahl played the hero of the 1960s, a young boy, an intellectual, a Moscow gate.
Then there was the sweet, simple, such a "non-military" Jack in the war film "Zhenya, Zhenya and Katyusha", charming, resourceful soldiers in the "old, old fairy tale" and there wandering actor-puppeteer. And his Jester in "King Lear", directed G.Kozintseva played just brilliant.
In 1971, Dahl was withdrawn in the picture N.Kosheverovoy "Shadow", playing two roles at once - Scientist and his Shadow.
Scientist - kind, sweet loser in a shabby velvet suit, eternal youth, waiting for a meeting with a fabulously beautiful love, adventure and his shadow - Breaking with long fingers, face-mask, with the habits of wild animals.
O.Dalya partners in this movie were A. Vertinsky, L. Gurchenko, M.Neёlova, V.Etush, G.Vitsin, A. Mironov - a constellation of actors.

And the third fantastic role in the film "Ivan the Fool for the miracle of walking." His geroy- naive, unselfish Ivan with limitless faith in the people and the kindness of unusually good. But Dahl no migratory roles, he was too demanding of himself and others, too uncompromising and very talented.

And of course, remembering the handsome prince our cinema to bypass Alexander Abdulov?

Say that after the release of "Ordinary Miracle", a new idol - almost nothing to say. The idol of many, but such people's love honored few. His boy-bear stole the handsome prince.

But not everyone remembers that his debut role was a real prince, though vicious - in the movie-tale "The Scarlet Flower».
The third fantastic role - Ivan in a Christmas extravaganza "Magicians»
With Alionushka - Alyona Igorevna (Yakovleva)

Each role has grown its popularity and love of the audience.
It's been 6 years since it is not, but still many people in it do not believe.

Beauties - actresses from the film A. Ptushko "Ruslan and Ludmila" we have already presented, is now the turn of the hero Ruslan. He is very good in performance Valery Kozinets.

This fabulous role was his most successful, by which it is known and remembered.

Information about him a little bit.
Koziniec Valery Evseevich was born May 9, 1939.
In the 60s - an actor of the Moscow theater Yermolova. In the film debuted in film in 1967 in the movie "Wake Mukhina." 1972 was probably the most successful in terms of creativity.
From 1971 to 1977 he was an actor Studio Theatre of film actor "Mosfilm", since 1977 - an actor Studios movie actor film studio "Lenfilm».
X / movie "72 degrees below zero" (Lenfilm, 1977,) the doctor Alexei Antonov performed by Valery performs in the song Vysotsky "White Silence", accompanied by two guitars (pictured).

Our Russian actor who has played several fairy-tale prince-Prince - Vladimir Vikhrov.
In the fairy tale "The Bells of Autumn", is based on Pushkin's "Tales of the dead princess", he played Prince of Elisha.

And in the film, the play "Cinderella" on the play-tale E.Shvartsa staged at the State Academic Theater Vakhtangov - Prince.

Vladimir Vikhrov born January 17, 1954. In 1975 Vladimir graduated from the Moscow Shchukin Drama School, from 1975 to 2005, the years he - actor Vakhtangov Theater in Moscow.
More known for his roles in military subjects "The crew battle", "Counterstrike" and "Women's joys and sorrows».

Since 1985 Vikhrov actively worked on the sound system of movies and TV shows. According to estimates of the actor on his personal account already about 20 thousand movies.
He is voiced by Jeremy Irons in "Lolita", Laurence Fishburne in the movie trilogy "The Matrix". There were films with Alain Delon, Tom Hanks, Richard Gere, Harrison Ford, Jack Nicholson, Ralph Fiennes, Kevin Spacey, Michael Douglas, Wesley Snipes, Denzel Washington, Tom Cruise, Kevin Costner, Antonio Banderas, Val Kilmer, Ethan Hawke, Ben Stiller.
When among Russian actors was a competition for the right to voice the film "Batman and Robin" cassette with samples sent to America. Vihrova approved. Since then, he officially became the voice of the American actor George Clooney and announced 16 films with his participation.