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The deficit in the USSR.

Interesting article about Andrey Michurin difitsite myths about the Soviet Union. Please do not break. I will inform you how to finish.

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - the country to which the whole world watched with hope. The country in which people won their capitalist exploiters and took a deep breath, stepping from socialism to communism and carrying the red flag of democracy in the other, still capitalist-slave country.

What we hear everywhere?

SSSRV deficit products in the Soviet Union, there was nothing: no food in the store, no clothes, no furniture to electronics to you; all lived hand to mouth, wore rags for 20 years, and still smiling and having fun, and all of what people were naive and gullible and believed in the imminent arrival of a bright future.
So they say many liberals on television and other media, and this is the basic idea imposed on the Internet to the younger generation. And yet "bloody Stalin" and "damn gebnya" (KGB). All they have is bad, all they have terrible ...

But is it? Is a huge country with huge deposits of resources and vast territory (still 1/6 of the land), consisting of extremely different, but fastened a history of peoples could live hungry and cold, almost the worst countries in the world?
Even if one eye to read the question and half a head to think, it begs one answer - NO! COULD NOT.
Then how has arisen because of all the waves today, the deficit? On this question we will try to find the answer. I hasten to say that in this article I will disassemble the deficit only food, or size it will surpass all possible expectations.

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USSR 6 1.

As today, our dear liberal historians, considering the deficit since the Soviet Union, then mix all the 70 years of Soviet power in a bunch of not folding. Such a small manipulation of consciousness. Do all this in order to demonize communism, planning and mobilization of the economy and all that she is carrying, and the partly justified by capitalism - he allegedly largely bad, but communism is even worse. This approach is fundamentally wrong, and I believe is immoral and, as people, in this case, taken for idiots.

We also, in order to reveal the essence of the economic problems of the Soviet Union, it is necessary to understand what a great and mighty Soviet Union. The thing is, and this is now silenced, that over the years have been fundamentally different Soviet Union. For clarity, it suffices to compare the Soviet Union of Stalin and the Soviet Union Gorbachev, here even add nothing. But if the Soviet Union are different, and the economy (with all its problems), they also are different, and therefore deficits are different. Therefore, we will move from smaller to larger, starting with the post-war era of Stalin's rule.

The Soviet Union after the war.

Nearing the end of a terrible war for the whole of Russia. The war, which has claimed at analysts' estimates, only the dead, 26, 6 million. Soviet citizens; a huge part of the country lies in ruins; people suffered what any people or at some times did not get to experience.

Meanwhile ...

United States and Britain, without having to end the war, by the July 1, 1945 are planning to do to attack Russia (see. "Operation Unthinkable"), reorganized under his command captured by the Germans and forced the Soviet Union, according to the results of the Yalta conference, redeploy its troops from west to east, to attack, not wanting to give up, Japan.

Also lists other military plans to attack so-called "allies" in the USSR. Warning for years.

Plans for US nuclear attack on the USSR:

1) "Totaliti" - December 1945
2) "Charioteer tank destroyer" - May 1948
3) "Fleetwood" - September 1948
4) Operational Plan "SAC EWP 1-49" - April 1949
5) "Troy" - January 1949
6) "Dropshot" - December 1949.

What does this mean? This suggests that the USSR could not weaken its military-industrial complex, mobilization capacity in other sectors, and restore the devastated country. At that time the US had nuclear weapons, which they have already successfully tested on civilians in Japan, the USSR as the atomic bomb was created and tested only to August 1949 ...

Here in such conditions began the postwar period. The country had to re-achieve the pre-war level. The task of the fourth five-year plan Stalin put: "to restore the affected areas of the country, to restore pre-war level of industry and agriculture, and then beyond that level in more or less considerable size».

In the country there is a shortage of certain goods, but, most importantly, the lack of basic foodstuffs eliminated. By December 1947 overturned card system supply (in England, for example, the card system was abolished only in 1954). Since 1947, prices in the country are reduced each year. The country regains its pre-war achievements.


March 5, 1953, dies IV Stalin. At the head of state gets GM Malenkov. He spends peasant policy: allows to increase the private plots in 5 times, and land tax reduced by half. This has given good results: the village was given in 1, 5 times more products. "Malenkov came, ate Blinkov" - said the peasants. It must be remembered that to the 53 th, more than half of the population live in villages.

In November 1953, Malenkov made a speech in which condemns bribery and moral decomposition of the domestic workers of the party apparatus. Khrushchev on this occasion said: "All this is certainly true, George Maksimilianovich. But the machine - this is our support. " I think everything is clear meaning of his words.
In September of the same year, the head of state gets Nikita Khrushchev, with this all begins ...

LM Kaganovich recalled:
"I am his (Khrushchev - p.red.) Put forward (for the post of Secretary of the CIM - p.red.). I thought him capable of. But he was a Trotskyite. And I told Stalin that he was a Trotskyist. I said, when it chose the MC. Stalin asked: "Now what?" I said, "He fights with the Trotskyites. Actively supports. Sincerely fights. " Stalin then: "You spoke at the conference on behalf of the Central Committee of the Central Committee trusts him" ».

Corn times portentous fact that at this time laid the mine, which explode in 1991. It is with the Khrushchev "thaw" started replacing the image of a just and fraternal life in community unjustified criteria abundant consumption.

Speech uttered by Khrushchev at the XX Congress about the "cult of Stalin" deals a powerful blow to the foundations of the Soviet state. The purpose of the speech was confident that the power politics of Stalin, against embezzlers, there will be no more, that everything is firmly buried in the past.

"Already by 1953 the Bolshevik-Communists gradually began to lose power in the USSR and in the highest authorities of the USSR and the highest elite of the Soviet Union gradually began to increase layer is not just self-seekers, and the anti-Soviet and anti-communist hidden.»
S. Kremlёv.

Encouraged by the new opportunities in the post of 1st secretary of the Central Committee, Khrushchev proposes the idea of ​​"virgin lands»

We began to explore new ground prematurely. Of course, it was ridiculous. This amount - adventure. From the beginning I was a supporter of the virgin lands on a limited scale, but not in such huge that we were forced to invest huge amounts of money to bear huge costs instead of in the inhabited areas to raise what is already done. But otherwise it is impossible. Here you have a million rubles, no more, so give them the virgin lands, or in the inhabited areas, where opportunities are available? I offered to put the money in our Non-Black Earth, and gradually raise the virgin lands. Scattered means - and this a little bit, and that, as there is no place to store the bread, it rots, there is no road, you can not take out. And Khrushchev found the idea and rushes as Savras without a bridle! The idea, then this does not solve anything definitely can help, but to a limited extent. Manage to calculate, count, check, what people will say. No - come on, come on! He began swinging, almost forty or forty-five million hectares of virgin chewed off, but it is beyond the power, would be absurd and not necessary, but if there were fifteen or seventeen, probably came to more use. More confusing. & Quot;
VM Molotov 1977.

And since 1954, "corncob" (as himself jokingly called Khrushchev) begins to deploy ubiquitous in corn agriculture. Corn Craze vtemyashit to him because of the success of the cultivation of this crop in the United States, where years of accumulated knowledge of its cultivation.
Khrushchev and Garst
Khrushchev and Richard Garst.

In the newspapers, posters, and other media start talking about corn. In 1956, even begins to publish the magazine "Corn", entirely dedicated to this plant. Khrushchev tried by all means to impose on the people of the opinion that corn - this is what our country is not enough.

As a result, large parts of nonchernozem sown land (where previously grown grain) corn, she began to give poor harvests have become more expensive (and disappear from the market), bread and flour. And I had to be that corn crossed with the epic undertaking of virgin land. By 1963, development of virgin lands was voted down (reclaimed soils were depleted, up dust storms), the country received less grain is lost from the sale of bread.

The Soviet Union for the first time in its history, is forced to buy grain abroad. Since 1963, the Soviet Union will always increase grain imports.

This is just what concerns grain. In 1957 Khrushchev put forward the slogan: "For three or four years to catch up with the United States for the production of meat, milk and butter per capita." Justifying this by saying that: "If we catch up with the United States, we will release the strongest torpedo under the capitalist foundations" (eg I do not understand how - p.red.).

With this slogan, he mutilated the whole point of the planned economy. Production is not due to the growth of the population's needs, it is the greatest madness and blasphemy against the planning and mobilization of the economy, and in fact is the embryo of a market economy, where the release of the goods is not tied to the needs.

"Each system has a leading indicator of the system to which to aspire. In a market economy - is to maximize profits in a planned economy - perform routine tasks. And the implementation of the planned task has become a fetish - at any price ».
AI Belchuk -dok. economical. Sciences.

Soviet grain imports

It was kind of playing catch-up, in which we - always catching up. Maintain pursuit we had, like, on the basic food on which we lag behind the United States (see. Picture).

But if you take the meat, its in our country always ate little. We did not have & quot; the cult of meat & quot; (As now), for meat we have become implanting much later.

Russia - a country of Orthodox and 70% of the population (and when you consider the other fasting, confession and then all 80%) observe fasting:

Lent (7 weeks)
Petrov post (4 weeks)
Dormition Fast (2 weeks)
Advent (6 weeks)
and every Wednesday and Friday - the days of fasting.

It turns out almost six months if believers do not meat at all.

Further, "the peasants is best worked on the farm," Khrushchev began to diminish, and in some places and at all selected plots of land in the villages. In what is left of the land, it is enormously increased taxes and introduced taxes on bushes and trees, which is why the villagers have started to massively cut down everything growing. With the advent of Brezhnev peasant situation is largely softened.

In keeping with its slogan, in 1959, Khrushchev increases plan to deliver the meat.

"Grab and driven to slaughter everything that could walk on four legs: pregnant cows (pregnant n. Ed.) And gestating pigs (sows n. Ed.), Calves and pigs, which would have to grow and grow. Do farmers bought up on such memorable people of voluntary-coercive basis of everything that had bones, regardless of the fact that the bones ».
Shooting Anatoliy - writer.

The peasants, in order to sell their cattle, started its mass slaughter, which significantly reduced the number of livestock and poultry.

To increase milk production, it was decided to buy in the population, and dairy cattle.

"The people are indignant and cried that the cows were taken and milk, though promised, do not give, take out everything in the plan».
Shooting Anatoliy - writer.

"Stubbornly seeking ways to shame America, Nikita Khrushchev ordered to buy from farmers without hesitation all their horned animals. But with the onset of cold weather it turned out that collective and state farms are not ready for deployment and maintenance of cows bought up, and had to be partly the goal. Since that time the village was neither cows nor calves. »
Yevgeny Nosov - writer.

Catch up with America Khrushchev
Poster Khrushchev era.

Due to the fact that the calves did not give rise to the 60 th year of the number of steps was reduced meat production began to fall. In the wake of the meat was falling milk. In shops for meat and milk became a queue. Please note that the 60-ies no huge queues, no mass shortages of goods on the shelves was not. Here is an example of photos of my grandmother, 1958-59 years.

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In 1961, Khrushchev was mediocre (and someone sees here and malicious intent) conducts monetary reform, replacing the "Stalinist footcloths" "Khrushchev wrappers", which resulted in the value of the ruble halved.

Tired of the experiments in 1964 Khrushchev's overthrow, the head of state gets LI Brezhnev.

Khrushchev, who is also a shoemaker in matters of theory, he is the enemy of Marxism-Leninism, it is also the enemy of the communist revolution, hidden and crafty, very veiled ... No, he's not a fool. And that is a fool for walking? Then the fool! And it reflected the mood of the overwhelming majority. He could feel the difference, I felt good.
VM Molotov 1972.

The remarkable time for us "thaw»?

It was during these years, with the light hand of Khrushchev starts to revive, remnants of Stalin, the bourgeoisie, people who want to live at the expense of the people, not putting in anything of his labor. Same as today's oligarchs, who got the same to the "trough." But the thing, under the planned economy virtually no opportunity to accumulate capital. Money in the form of cash in the country, is minimized.

What to do in such a situation grabbers? All and all controlled by the state.

However, experience has shown that all the inaccessibility of the planned economy is only apparent, it remains an area in which there are still commodity-money relations in cash - a sphere of trade. It is here and begin to flock to all destructive elements.

If all this we add Khrushchev at the XX Congress, in which he assured all that repression is not repeated, it creates favorable conditions for further development in the country of the elements which we discussed above. Metastases begin to spread through the body of the state.

I hope now it became clear why Stalin wanted to gradually withdraw money from domestic trade?


LI Brezhnev. 1906 - 1982.
Board: October 1964 - November 1982.
"The economy must be economical." LI Brezhnev

The neo-bourgeoisie over the years of Brezhnev's gaining momentum and puts deep roots. It stands apart and becomes a separate shadow class. It is because of this class and its excessive greed, and all the problems will arise.

Now, actually, to the very stagnation. The term "stagnation" very late. For the first time he said, MS Gorbachev at the XXVII Congress of the CPSU in 1986 (after the death of Brezhnev). In many ways, the term is not fair, as under Brezhnev all sectors of the economy continued to grow steadily, but something in what it reflects the situation of those years - under Brezhnev no longer be serious changes in the government officials sat up in their seats to old moldy. I would call it not time "stagnation" and "zasiditsya", so it would be more accurate.

Sitting up on the ground, people are overgrown bonds and profitable acquaintances (this and tried to prevent Stalin, held every 5 years cleaning the machine). That is, namely, omission Brezhnev and liked in "the top».

How pursued Leonid Ilyich policy affected the deficit?

It was in the Brezhnev era are beginning to empty the shelves of the present. Begin to disappear one thing, something else (like buckwheat in Moscow in August 2010, and the disappearance of sugar in the shops of Moscow, too, somewhere in 2010.). People are excited constant disappearance of the one, the other products are beginning to be procured for the future (sometimes for a whole month in advance), good prices for products in the USSR, compared with today, were low. Because of these destructive purchases and higher purchasing power of citizens, shelves quickly emptied and replenished again could not, as at the first importation of all goods suddenly sweep the shelves. An excerpt from the book "Brezhnev no lie." AM Burovskii:
"The cost of bread ranged from 5 cents per 330 weight buns grams to 16 cents for a loaf of black or 22 kopecks per-braid challah. With an average salary of 66 rubles in 1961 and 120 rubles in 1981, the money was not that small ... They were intangible.