11 final answers to the eternal question "How to lose weight ?!"
There are about a thousand ways to lose weight and a million different diets. All are easily accessible to everyone. But somehow, some lose weight, while others are trying hard, but do not lose weight, while others and does given up, and sadly pushed the scales under the sofa. Why "super ways to lose weight," do not work or do not work in all cases? Or, maybe it's not at all in them? - I do not understand this. Are you an expert, here's my money, tell us how to correctly.
- That's right
. - I do not agree
. Quote. Author unknown.
Editors site about "Zozhnik" healthy lifestyle have written more than a thousand articles on healthy lifestyles and are always happy to answer questions from readers. Most of these burning questions and the answers they have collected in a delightful compilation titled "Enzymes in sausages and buckwheat porridge in their heads».
Website offers the reader this collection, but first a brief introduction by the authors:
We love any questions: any, even if some may seem silly fitness experts. After all, if you ask, then you need someone, then no wonder zhzhesh oxygen on Earth. Please take with humor to the typical question-answer, which will be discussed in this feature article
So:. < - How to lose weight
? - Keep a small calorie deficit. That's all, nothing else matters. Clearly
-? Obviously. Thank you!
After a while:
- But look: people overeat not in itself, and then drink "Odrischin" and lose weight
! - Yes, if he eats like not a once a day and by the end of the day get a calorie deficit. It can equally well as a drink "Odrischin", and do not drink. All you need to know about weight loss: Keep a small calorie deficit. That's all, nothing else matters. Clearly
-? Obviously. Thank you!
After a while:
- But look: my friend did not eat after 18 and thin. And I did not eat after 18 and still stouter! This is probably due to the mayonnaise?!
- It does not matter exactly when, what and how many times a day you eat. Keep a small calorie deficit. That's all, nothing else matters. Clearly
-? Obviously. Thank you!
After a while
- But look:. My friend drank tea for weight loss and lost weight! If I drink tea for weight loss - I lose weight
? - You can drink at least 30% cream for weight loss, if not excessive calories. Keep a small calorie deficit. That's all, nothing else matters. Clearly
-? Obviously. Thank you!
After a while:
- The coach told me there 12 times a day in equal intervals. Eat on a schedule every 2 hours. That night, I get up straight and eat on an alarm clock. I'm doing the right thing? Lose weight so?
- Eat at least one and a half, at least 500 times a day. The main thing - keep a small calorie deficit. That's all, nothing else matters. Clearly
-? Obviously. Thank you!
After a while:
- At first, I was starving, hungry, my metabolism slowed down, braked and slowed down at all. And I'm out of this, then still stouter. But I realized my mistakes and now I own metbolizm disperse, disperse struggles. By the way, how can I better disperse metabolism?
- With the steep hill tried to push his
-? No, I just like to lose weight
. - Keep a small calorie deficit. That's all, nothing else matters. Clearly
-? Obviously. Thank you!
After a while:
- I keep a calorie deficit. Honestly! Hold tight and do not let go, you know ?! And still fat! How do I lose weight ?! What to do?! Save! Aaaaaaaaa! »
- So, you do not keep deficits. Anyone who holds a calorie deficit - all lose weight, it's physiology (except for rare diseases, which you would know for sure). And the vast majority of people with calculations seriously underestimate the real kalorazh.
And to lose weight is simple: keep a small calorie deficit. That's all, nothing else matters. Clearly
-? Obviously. Thank you!
After a while:
- Pete, you've written. Ela 0 calories per day, which roughly corresponds to 0 calories 0 kcal a week or a year. I lost weight! Hooray! Save ...
- Immediately take the burger with mayonnaise and cream wash down, as there is power to read! Now read.
Keep small (10-15% of the personal rate of) a calorie deficit. That's all, nothing else matters. Clearly
-? Obviously. Thank you!
After a while:
- Do a special super-set of the super-secret exercises specifically designed for weight loss, which is downloaded from the US site. But something did not lose weight. What am I doing wrong?
- There is no "exercise for weight loss" (or weight gain). Absolutely all the exercises lead to weight loss (or weight gain). Because weight loss (or weight gain) does not depend on the composition of the exercises, and depends on the difference between calories eaten and spent.
All you need to know for weight loss: Keep a small calorie deficit. That's all, nothing else matters. Clearly?
- Clear. Thank you!
After a while:
- Your advice is, of course, good. But I plan to lose weight seriously. Therefore wrapped with cling film several times a day. Especially if you do, worried, run, ride or just lay in the refrigerator and wait for their fate. While I can overpower only 5-6 hours a day, but in my plans to increase presence in the film to 24 hours, and finally lose weight! Help! Help me find a wholesale supplier of edible film.
- Immediately tear this vicious circle around your waist. Take care not cling film, and dietary habits: Keep a small calorie deficit. That's all, nothing else matters. Clearly
-? Obviously. Thank you
-! I was over arugula with balsamic vinegar and today I ate a muffin, and now I have to run out for an hour, so it is not the fat deposited on the drums, and run once - my fat-burning CrossFit workout for Tabata method, before whom I have to rub "Kapsikam" under slimming corset to waist is not increased. God, why so difficult to lose weight!
- All you need to know losing weight: just keep a small calorie deficit ...
In general, write, if you still have questions (:
via www.zozhnik.ru/enzimy-v-moix-sosiskax-i-grechnevaya-kasha-v-golovax/
- That's right
. - I do not agree
. Quote. Author unknown.
Editors site about "Zozhnik" healthy lifestyle have written more than a thousand articles on healthy lifestyles and are always happy to answer questions from readers. Most of these burning questions and the answers they have collected in a delightful compilation titled "Enzymes in sausages and buckwheat porridge in their heads».

Website offers the reader this collection, but first a brief introduction by the authors:
We love any questions: any, even if some may seem silly fitness experts. After all, if you ask, then you need someone, then no wonder zhzhesh oxygen on Earth. Please take with humor to the typical question-answer, which will be discussed in this feature article
So:. < - How to lose weight
? - Keep a small calorie deficit. That's all, nothing else matters. Clearly
-? Obviously. Thank you!
After a while:
- But look: people overeat not in itself, and then drink "Odrischin" and lose weight
! - Yes, if he eats like not a once a day and by the end of the day get a calorie deficit. It can equally well as a drink "Odrischin", and do not drink. All you need to know about weight loss: Keep a small calorie deficit. That's all, nothing else matters. Clearly
-? Obviously. Thank you!
After a while:
- But look: my friend did not eat after 18 and thin. And I did not eat after 18 and still stouter! This is probably due to the mayonnaise?!
- It does not matter exactly when, what and how many times a day you eat. Keep a small calorie deficit. That's all, nothing else matters. Clearly
-? Obviously. Thank you!
After a while
- But look:. My friend drank tea for weight loss and lost weight! If I drink tea for weight loss - I lose weight
? - You can drink at least 30% cream for weight loss, if not excessive calories. Keep a small calorie deficit. That's all, nothing else matters. Clearly
-? Obviously. Thank you!
After a while:
- The coach told me there 12 times a day in equal intervals. Eat on a schedule every 2 hours. That night, I get up straight and eat on an alarm clock. I'm doing the right thing? Lose weight so?
- Eat at least one and a half, at least 500 times a day. The main thing - keep a small calorie deficit. That's all, nothing else matters. Clearly
-? Obviously. Thank you!
After a while:
- At first, I was starving, hungry, my metabolism slowed down, braked and slowed down at all. And I'm out of this, then still stouter. But I realized my mistakes and now I own metbolizm disperse, disperse struggles. By the way, how can I better disperse metabolism?
- With the steep hill tried to push his
-? No, I just like to lose weight
. - Keep a small calorie deficit. That's all, nothing else matters. Clearly
-? Obviously. Thank you!
After a while:
- I keep a calorie deficit. Honestly! Hold tight and do not let go, you know ?! And still fat! How do I lose weight ?! What to do?! Save! Aaaaaaaaa! »
- So, you do not keep deficits. Anyone who holds a calorie deficit - all lose weight, it's physiology (except for rare diseases, which you would know for sure). And the vast majority of people with calculations seriously underestimate the real kalorazh.
And to lose weight is simple: keep a small calorie deficit. That's all, nothing else matters. Clearly
-? Obviously. Thank you!
After a while:
- Pete, you've written. Ela 0 calories per day, which roughly corresponds to 0 calories 0 kcal a week or a year. I lost weight! Hooray! Save ...
- Immediately take the burger with mayonnaise and cream wash down, as there is power to read! Now read.
Keep small (10-15% of the personal rate of) a calorie deficit. That's all, nothing else matters. Clearly
-? Obviously. Thank you!
After a while:
- Do a special super-set of the super-secret exercises specifically designed for weight loss, which is downloaded from the US site. But something did not lose weight. What am I doing wrong?
- There is no "exercise for weight loss" (or weight gain). Absolutely all the exercises lead to weight loss (or weight gain). Because weight loss (or weight gain) does not depend on the composition of the exercises, and depends on the difference between calories eaten and spent.
All you need to know for weight loss: Keep a small calorie deficit. That's all, nothing else matters. Clearly?
- Clear. Thank you!
After a while:
- Your advice is, of course, good. But I plan to lose weight seriously. Therefore wrapped with cling film several times a day. Especially if you do, worried, run, ride or just lay in the refrigerator and wait for their fate. While I can overpower only 5-6 hours a day, but in my plans to increase presence in the film to 24 hours, and finally lose weight! Help! Help me find a wholesale supplier of edible film.
- Immediately tear this vicious circle around your waist. Take care not cling film, and dietary habits: Keep a small calorie deficit. That's all, nothing else matters. Clearly
-? Obviously. Thank you
-! I was over arugula with balsamic vinegar and today I ate a muffin, and now I have to run out for an hour, so it is not the fat deposited on the drums, and run once - my fat-burning CrossFit workout for Tabata method, before whom I have to rub "Kapsikam" under slimming corset to waist is not increased. God, why so difficult to lose weight!
- All you need to know losing weight: just keep a small calorie deficit ...
In general, write, if you still have questions (:
via www.zozhnik.ru/enzimy-v-moix-sosiskax-i-grechnevaya-kasha-v-golovax/
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