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The rehabilitation of the soul - Ivan Okhlobystin about his views on the difficult things and events

Ovens are different. Here we take the tale "Geese-swans". There Alyonushka Ivanushka in the oven sticks to hide from geese-swans.
Actor and priest Ivan Okhlobystin ban met with young people in the small hall of the Museum of the great Patriotic war on Poklonnaya hill. The meeting was organized by the Centre "the Crane" (zhuracentr.ru).

In December of the same recital in Novosibirsk Okhlobystin said that "stuffed" all gay people "alive in an oven."

After that, he left the post of creative Director of "Euroset" at the same position in the company Baon.

All of this news comes two months did not descend from the front pages of news sites.

The correspondent Pravdaru met with Okhlobystin, to give readers the opportunity to read the views of a popular actor on life, and figure out from what depths of the subconscious emerged "furnace."

Evening John Okhlobystin in the center of the "Pie»

Prayer technology

In the beginning of the conversation Okhlobystin announced that the Internet-correspondence and now, in spite of a ban to serve, please pray.

— Often?

— Quite often, in the most amazing ways.

I love photography. I photograph not only family, but also the nature, some phenomena and events, and then withdrawn, leaving the best — obtained eternal photo album online. I think as long as humanity continues to exist, will exist, and the network.

One friend asked that I photographed at the temple. I posted the photo in Instagram and at the bottom signed: "Pray for all, I ask your prayers."

And they send me a review: "Ask for God's servant Photinia, aching". And I'm standing at the altar, when removing particles discharged, the priest prayed. Then again review — they are updated constantly, I have a lot of subscribers, within half an hour two thousand has run. Among them, the request to pray.

Since I was after communion, when the Chalice is carried out of the altar (to avoid the familiar relationship to the altar area), asking a guy to take a picture of me standing in secular clothes, but take communion and pray at the altar. Again the photo is signed: "Pray for all, I ask your prayers." And again come the comments, I write names. If you do not have time to bring them to the Liturgy of preparation — he is praying at the altar. Do not have time at the altar — reading at home.

If Twitter comes some request heart: "Pray, child in the hospital," he will pray and retweet put. How hard could this be to say: "Remember, o Lord, infant-so sick"? Use high technology.

Ninety six million five hundred seventy nine thousand eight hundred twenty one

 "Either art, or "grandmother“»

— Your priestly service in the past?

— I hope not. I have one to voice what should have articulate people are more authoritative, and endowed with spiritual experience, life and purity. But this is not happening for many particular reasons. I like driven into a corner. Is the truth of Christ — it must sound.

But I am a Christian does not in itself radical. Some external manifestations — like and radical. For example, I believe that it is impossible to steal a movie. Either art or money.

"Grandmother" can also be done beautifully, but you need to decide who you are — a businessman or an artist? Because it is impossible to get confused, always flirt, sponge chicken ass: "I am a great artist, and not removed due to the fact that I have no money".

Let me in the 90-ies of the phone with a video camera — I'd like a feature film shot in Cannes on an inflatable boat would take.

Would come back with the prize — 100%. So it's all otgovorki.

Eighty six million seven hundred twelve thousand seven hundred forty

I was taught confessional practice absolutely wonderful man Archimandrite Michael from Tashkent. God rest his soul. One of the first lessons he taught: "Often look at themselves in the mirror, then to blame others you will not."

Most comfortable I certainly a feel. This is mine. I'm a kind person, very energetic, but it has nothing to do with the positioning in the external world.

I like to ride a bike, do martial arts, hunting, in the expedition to go, something to restore, something to do, including children's classes — splicing of model ships... I'm quite comfortable with themselves laid out in space.

And the temple I have a special condition. I have twenty years tightly at the temple and take it seriously, without any self-justification. I really understand who I am and what gives me the temple, the very possibility of admission to the temple. And to God, guided by a desire not to take something, and a sense of gratitude for what I already have: people are surrounded by good, creative and life — we live in a world of physical laws, and therefore the law of conservation of energy requires me someone to thank. And other than the Lord, I do not see.

Stove for sodomites

— You said that you sometimes Express what had people to speak with more authority. For example?

Well, here we take a painful question with the sodomites. Well, quite obviously. Why are we all here and there rushing? The Lord says there are two answers: "Yes", "no — no". No middle path: what is a disease, something else... Either you accept it or discontinues yourself and those you care for, that world which we have trusted the Lord, from the sodomy.

I'm a very realistic person. Me sometimes it brings — I could use something to close my eyes, I easily would have walked away from the issue of those sodomites. But when I asked directly, I answered directly. To answer any of the Christians.

In Novosibirsk, as usual, was stupid. Me at a concert asked me how I feel about homosexuals. And I replied that I would have them all in the ovens stuffed. And the ovens are different. Here we take the tale "Geese-swans". There Alyonushka Ivanushka in the oven sticks to hide from geese-swans. So from the point of view of jurisprudence, I absolutely pure.

Seventy nine million two hundred twenty eight thousand five hundred six

For some time all was quiet. Then they needed a scandal, because they banned advertising. They don't care about me and my opinion. They decided to drag me through the mud and deprived of the opportunity to be heard.

The whole scandal is just an advertising campaign. Well, they are to blame for what came upon me. There was no need to steal from tyrannosaur his cub.

Darwin and the murder in the school

— And why are you on this sin so serious? The Apostle puts in one row, blasphemers, homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators. All burn?

— No, burn is not necessary. Someone to burn it must be solved individually (laughs), if ever necessary.

You need to have for this reason a definite opinion without any reservations aside. This is nothing more than adherence to Christ's commandments, and everything else would be a betrayal. There are a set of half-measures: they are the same people, if they have talent if they do not bring evil…

The thing is that as soon as we go for the middle way in this matter, a little bit will avoid the truth of Christ, straightness, linearity — immediately the following questions arise, for example, Darwinism, which is impossible to solve.

So the boy shot the teacher right? Among other theories is this: a boy from a religious family wanted an a in Geology or biology. And for biology, he asked a question: man is descended from apes? Yes or no? He, being a believer, could answer? The question is how the lack of middle of the road. And got 4, though the master knew that the boy understands what it is that the issue of Darwinism is not worth, he by chance got. It is a question of inner attitude.

I don't know the exact history and not wish this was true, but it can grow and a theme. The liberal press is actively encouraged her to play up to Mama nut, insisted the boy's mangled psyche…

Yes, somewhere it is possible to compromise, but not in matters of faith. Compromises in matters of faith generate an avalanche flurry of other issues that in the future humanity will decide not able.

Eighty six million two hundred eighty three thousand eight hundred fifty three

And we look in no time when a solution with such medial answer to a neutral question, it seems to be caused by human humanism, we will come to undertaking the rehabilitation of other, more terrible issues. And will not be able to answer them "no".

Running for women — the need of finding your

— And the usual lust for sin generally has not considered in the secular world. Why not gang up on the more common sins?

Because they are subject to educational methods.

— And beyond?

— And this — no.

— How?

— So here. Too sharp a transition. The fact that there is a 0.001% of actually mentally ill people who abuse everyone else. Ago and they already can not go back. Someone is trying to hold it in itself, but someone not being in biology for its mentally ill and a homosexual, is this Wednesday already for reasons ideological.

It's like with drug addicts. Why drug addicts should be removed from the habitat? Not because they can't overcome, but because they will be released tomorrow on the street — and they have no other company. The same with homosexuals.

With regard to fornication. We have very few make efforts to something human to motivate people. Well, for example: a poster, it is a little girl in old-fashioned forage cap and the caption: "Cute girls! God forbid you actually become someone you really love more than any other — mothers!"This is the right question against abortion.

Seventy million nine hundred fifty four thousand two hundred eighty two

Every woman wants family happiness and not sexual pleasures. Sexual joy is the thirty-fifth question. For a healthy person it is not worth. I want understanding, of internal unity. For men: running for women — a necessity of their search!

Just society was so still that stupid Soviet period, with a perpetual displacement, an amazing lack of housing, lack of a moral code based on something tangible, the eternal romantic hero in the way Basilashvili, who travels through towns and meets a cast of single women... single Mother becomes a much more ordinary than a full family.

So now you just need to raise questions and motivate the family.

— Back to the terrible sodomy. None of us is immune from any sins. Imagine that one of your children falls into it. Your action?

— Compulsory treatment. Psychiatric hospital, preferably locked, away from Moscow.

— That is, from your point of view, it is still a disease?

— No, not from my point of view — from the point of view of the Association of psychiatrists of Russia.

Seventeen million one hundred ninety six thousand eight hundred seventy one

"Going to burn in hell!»

I really do not want to be associated in age with the fact that I'm gay had something to do. Because the laws of advertising "doing something" will leave, leaving only tags "I" and "homosexuals".

— In a creative environment, your surrounded by people with such inclinations were?

— Certainly.

I directly said, in hell you will burn. Then I hear it. But if you start evasive: "From the point of view of banal erudition", not hear.

We have also been cases of movie — Yuri Bogatyrev. He was a homosexual. Everyone knew it, he was suffering from it, sidestepped the issue. No one had confronted him because I understood that it was a disease, and he did not impose himself suffered.

Or our ballet: through one! There was no aggressive attack. And at the time of violent resistance have the same resistance.

Friend the homosexual says, "I'm gay, and you're such an unenlightened man!"I answer: "You will burn in hell, enlightened! Can I be considered a bigot, but I am enlightened: I read a lot of books, went to Harley Davidson, I have tattoos. Thank God, everything else passed by. In principle, the life I knew in some part. Not fascinated. And in my opinion as it was, and remains: will burn in hell."

The Lord gave us clear instructions how to deal with sodomites. Sodom and Gomorrah papalini. Those who are interested, turn into a pillar of salt. Why Lot's wife remember? She just turned interested in... But even doubts should not be.

Education on "Intern»

— Your kids are watching "the Internship"?

— Never know. Bob, I think IPhone something watched. I myself — no, not physically have time, oksanka, too. Once we Oksanka looked one hundred eightieth series, because we sent a text message: "What a series of interesting". And then we went from Kostroma, he stopped to drink tea and truckers watched in a cafe on the road on the road at night.

— Chaste upbringing of children "Interns" do not harm?

In view of the present education is like "Chupa Chups". When the writers get tired (this is starting to notice what they begin to write "below the belt"), we rise, we begin to make trouble, it comes to what's coming producer, we come to persuade writer: what's wrong in life so there. I answer: "no, no, No. You have to understand. I, as one of the people responsible for the quality of the series should not doubt a man who leaves his child at a TV screen when the "Interns".

Ninety four million five hundred six thousand four hundred ninety nine

On the brink of a foul, Yes. There, young people, the humor is dubious, but as for outright amoralschiny, we are struggling with this as I can. We have the whole ensemble cast and Director in this solidarity, thank God. But the writers are depending on producers. While holding, but they are getting harder and harder.

Ideology and religion

— You spoke in favor of the legalization of weapons. Is Christian in everyday life is permissible to use weapons?

The man — of course, in cases of danger put his soul for his neighbor. Everything in the Bible is also clearly described.

Every time I face a question I can't solve, I ask: how would Christ respond? I someone read this — it seems that St. John of Kronstadt said to solve the issues that you have no personal opinion even if the conclusion you will seem unpleasant and uncomfortable in everyday terms.

Forty two million five hundred twenty three thousand six hundred twenty six

— What is the fate of the project "the Doctrine-77"?

— Wonderful. Even better than I thought.

We have in the state, as such, no unified ideological line. Ideology, oddly enough, is not based on religious concepts. Religious concept is very personal. It can only fuel the ideology, arrange a living aspiration and honesty. Religion can make a person honest, clean, responsible, moral, and ideology is a common understanding of some large social group that we do so and impose it to their children. We should impose education, faith in what we believe, understanding where we're going. It is an ideology.

It should not be only spiritual in nature. It can have spiritual elements, but it should be secular and be based on particular personalities. In fact, in religion, and not just her. Take the history of Russia. History of Russia — this is not a date, it is the lives of heroes, saints, martyrs, and even of sinners. It's real people, the panorama of what is happening, is segmented into people's lives. Otherwise, to understand the history not, otherwise there is a lot of doubt.

I don't want to be

— When you speak to the audience you appeal to the admirer of your talent as an actor or for her past or prospective congregation?

— I feel an internal obligation to speak. I don't want to travel around the city, I don't want to be in this room, frankly, and I don't want to share their opinion on some occasions, because I feel much more comfortable within the family. I earn well, I am a man, hardworking, family — thank God, friends, gold, it all came together, even health is, and for me it's wild the encumbrance. But as in the pioneer song: if not me, then who, who, if not me? That is, I feel so compelled for my sins. I poke the muzzle in the questionnaire to which I must respond.

I may be wrong, my words cannot be regarded as a truth. Got excited people should be under no illusions that I know everything. From my side it would be a great sin. I'm random and a lost person who walks their paths to Christ. According to Isaac the Syrian, however, I try to cross the gardens flowering for the marriage hall.


— Who is your spiritual authority today?

— Father Dimitry Smirnov, father Vladimir Volgin — the pillars of our, I very deeply admire. They are like fathers to me.

— What needs to change in your life to get you back to the priesthood?

— I in November over contractual obligations with the "Interns" out "Priest-San". Any liabilities associated with charitable projects.

I just linked contracts. By and large, I have a moral obligation before the "Interns" because there and the team is large, they have to work, and a lot of some bonuses from this work: I earned to repay a debt, friends helped. But tired as a dog, not enough sleep, sleeping in a week for 5-6 hours, walking like zombies.

The environment is still not mine. I feel comfortable in any environment, but more comfortable than in the Church, I never feel.

— Public and political activities will continue to do?

— I look at it as the Providence of God. Don't know, I really don't want to. Now I do not see children. If I engaged in social and political activities is likely I will not see until they are the first of their children gave birth.

Know how the cook had been at war, near the bunker, and he has a staff of pomegranate. Actually he's a chef, he needs the mess to prepare, but it was the closest to the bunker, he must throw the grenade. And here I am.

I hope that doesn't happen, there are smart, strong, honest men and wise, orientirovannoe and trained. But if this does not happen, I will have such a debt.

Said ohlobystin

Ivan Okhlobystin goes on stage at "House of the Rising Sun" and said that he was there in the social networks told, that he was now someone wants to shoot.

— The most convenient place! Put on a white shirt, Ksenia ironed. Rosary favorite took (he really turns it in his hands a rosary of red beads — M. S.). Will look spectacular.

Eleven million two hundred eighty four thousand four hundred eighty five

The evening is in the form of questions and answers. Ask the questions verbally, and send a note. On the first note of the actor requested not to walk on the stage — not to interfere with aim.

About entertainment

People no longer need to entertain. There are thousands of cable channels and radio stations. The world before my eyes. To go to any event in particular will: Opera, for example, listen to want the ballet to see... the Entertainment as such was dead. Therefore, the genre of questions and answers proved to be quite popular.

The analogy with the ancient Greek Areopagus — the people gather in the square, asking questions of the elders, sages, just experienced people, getting answers, breaking them and removing benefits.

About nationalism

I am a nationalist. I love the people, I respect your people. I adore your people, of course, not reaching heresy. I don't think we should be ashamed of being Russian. We're good at. We are good. We supple. All to please. All proud, but we can not. Our persistence in his humiliation is pride. We were so confident in their strength that at some point took the opportunity to remind you that we have what we have here people, we have to reckon, we are ready to accept others.

How do we define the nation? Let's go to the clinic? Disgrace themselves. We have three giovini five poles each. My driver is a Tartar, a Muslim, but he is more Russian Orthodox people than I am. Such a paradox.

For me a nation is a group, continuing in the history of the duty to protect their interests.

On Evromaydane

Euromaidan is a unique cultural phenomenon. There are a few absolutely opposed to each other of the segments: Eastern Ukraine, South-Eastern Ukraine, Crimea, West, center. For centuries all this was in opposition to each other. And Vice versa — attracted, like a magnet.

I tried to keep one. "But there were no casualties." Saw burns berkutovets — I felt sorry for the poor children, servicemen. They throw burning mixture — try in America throw a burning mix! Rises howl: this man supports the sinister Eagle! Yes I did not want to interfere, I have no right to interfere, not being a citizen of this country! I can only sympathize. I prayed. The crew and family have agreed to read the prayer of agreement, to make things right.

Kiev say: "Get us! We are not against the Muscovites and for! We are not for Lviv and not for Bandera, and not against it. We were wore out!»

At some point I realized that do not need to discuss it. I can't figure out, until tempers cool. Too sensitive issue. It is not necessary to intervene in order to maintain good relations with our brotherly people, who will forever be fraternal, whether they like it or not. You need to minimize the damage to us.

About love and children

If you love — there will never be an issue "to bear or not to bear". It is only a matter of love and loyalty, only spiritual, not biological monogamy. When a person is not a great feeling, it diminishes your soul. It's like with food: if you eat less, the stomach becomes smaller. Here the same, only in the opposite aspect: to the extent that how you feel about it, the way it develops. You need to write poetry, to sing under the Windows, to sacrifice all that is sacrificed — damn it all! Live on one mug Esmarch, not much time, may well be time to insert one good song — as the soundtrack of the movie "Titanic". When we compel ourselves to treat this a little differently, I withdraw the question.

I then Enteo writes: "let's run a noisy campaign against abortion!"— and I said, "let's run a noisy campaign for birth!"And then ask: "And you have how many children?"— and it turns out that he does not have children. Therefore, we have different positions. But, like, we're from the same camp.

About Kuraeva

I was always treated well by Kuraev. He is a pure soul and a devout Christian. We too have not been around to call him a friend, but he's more than a friend. I didn't deserve him as a friend. He's a scholar, erudite person... But. There is a concept of corporate ethics. At some point you need to restrain myself.

Father Andrew said the problem. His authority is high in the thinking of people. But then begins the struggle, and it's reminiscent of a settling of accounts. At the moment I think we probably need to take a break. Let the Church court are addressing.

About fanaticism

To fanaticism, I'm negative. But gladeside I am still negative.

about the Olympics

We do not believe in Zeus the Thunderer spiritual danger there. The opening seemed to me for quite a decent level. I'm not sure it was worth spending billions. But at least it's built! It could result in a clean field.

Church on the headstock

I would put a monument to the grandmother. At the beginning of the Clean alley — a small, dry, evil grandmother. And behind it — a tall stately Bishop. If anyone in Soviet times, defended the Church, it was an evil grandmother! They were taken from partkomovskaya the heads of their children, and said, "You, Bob, sit down, no one will know," and carried to baptize. Thanks to them a large part of the commanding ranks wearing a cross.

They have a lot of forces were applied to girls in jeans did not go to the temple, but also did more to save the Church.

Interviewed By Maria Senchukova

Photo By Vladimir Khodakov


Source: /users/1080