Man in the doghouse
Peninsula, which lives in the summer, Ivan, is somewhat reminiscent of the Apennine. Penisola beloruso located in Braslav district, surrounded by lakes Voiso, Nespish and Nedrovo. With the mainland is associated footpath, which is not and will not be on paper maps. In bad weather road blurs - and now Ivanov house stands on the island, tucked away on the edge of the universe. That our hero before? Ivan has 300 calves and Booth, who made the farm in case of rain. He knows precisely what awaits him tomorrow, and then not planning ahead.
The peninsula we arrived in early August, when the country was waiting for the rains. Ivan sat in the booth and thought that nature is unfair. In the distance, thunder rumbled. Lightning struck near the church in Slabodka. The wind blew a cloud in the direction.
- Suffered on Leoshki, sorry - said Ivan.
He 56. The last few years he worked on the farm. The name of the collective farm for our history does not matter. This may be a "Star Ilyich" or "Rise of Communism." Or, on the contrary, this very communism "Taps." Several years ago, a small dying SEC in the area and in the country have united to get the economy are large, but just as awkward. Engaged in traditional agriculture in hilly and difficult areas of the lake. Organize the work effectively impossible. Why is it, Ivan does not know. His task is small - graze calves.
- In the area under the Soviets had nothing. Now there is none. Opened in Braslav dairy. Said Lukashenko should arrive. Has not arrived - means that something is wrong opened - says Shepherd.
Ivan had never flown. He comes to the peninsula by bike, bought in 1979. Says that going long - 7-8 miles. One and a half hours - and he was in the pen.
The peninsula is divided into sections, each of which ends with a wooden fence. Herd distilled from one zone to the extent that, as calves destroy the grass. This summer with grass trouble - burned out sun. Ivan upset, and we do not understand. After all, the well-being and welfare of the flock shepherd not connected in any way.
- Were on duty day and then replaced teammate - he tells us, looking from the hill into the distance. - Look, where calves walk, not a utopia if anyone. If smash calf, then my answer. Tower with communication there is. Here are the high costs. And I have no phone. If something happens to the animals, sit on the bike and go to the farm.
What happens if something happens to him, Ivan did not bother.
- How ёsts so ёsts - he repeats.
Before becoming a shepherd, Ivan worked as a builder. And in PMC for reclamation. There is normally paid. Went to the chemical plant in neighboring Latvia, which, if you want, you can see from the highest point of its peninsula. Ivan unloaded at the factory cars. Gave a penny - something around € 100-150 for the current mood. Shepherd thinks Latvian pension issue, but especially not count on it.
Summer in the Belarusian farm he is paid 2 million rubles. Something rickety, something vspashet to get a little bit more. In winter, there is no work - no money. Ivan drags humus and has a 600-800 thousand a month. These figures are better not translate into dollars and euros, not to be ashamed.
- How ёsts so ёsts, - says Ivan.
In Braslau he traveled this spring - in the passport office. In Minsk was once, 30 years ago.
- What has changed Minsk, perhaps? - Asks people in remote from the capital at 1000 light years of the peninsula. - Is there still young? Give any money?
Of all the problems of life, in addition to the drought, it is more concerned with the question of why lying and rotting wood under your feet, why not use it gives the national park.
- Making reclamation, dried swamp. And what we've done there, spoiled land or not, we were not told. Dress - and all - reflects on the environmental fate of his magical edge our hero.
The thing is that the peninsula on which it runs - the most beautiful place on earth. On the highest mountain in the old cemetery. This moved the villagers, which is no longer on the map. The dead were taken across the lake by boat. Surrounded by clouds it nice and easy.
- A good place to bury you, - Ivan agrees.
Riding through the hills to the beach cart, and her two cars. Someone with French numbers climbed into the wilderness. Ivan, like Jesus, opens the gates to paradise, tourists passes through your fence.
- Russian travel, Lithuanians. Know that there are beautiful. There is money in people. One bought a farm, made her hostel. Fun there.
He lives alone.
- Families not made. No children, no. Study at universities had no chance. How ёsts so ёsts.
Ivanov peninsula, even though he does not know that and, most related geopolitics. Belarusian shepherd Stade, which soon joins the ranks of the Belarusian dairy industry. Herd Ivan will help Russia to defend from Western sanctions. Ivan save Muscovites from milk malnutrition, but from this it though henna.
- Where there is a heifer? Come and see, - he suggests. - Watch your feet. Do not plunge.
We go up the hill. Ivan sees his flock and smiling. Remarks and then, one calf limping. Shepherd is concerned. His heart was great.
- On the TV show that war in Ukraine. Beat each other, and for what? What do they share? Well, we have quietly.
In summer it is so quiet that you could hear as sleeping fish in the reeds. Stork flew, carried someone good news. Whispering about the meaning of life in the forest trees. Peninsula breadwinner provides Ivan mushrooms, which he roasts with potatoes instead of meat. How much is now pork, shepherd knows.
- Maybe 70 thousand per kilo? A sausage, probably 100 thousand? Or maybe already a million dollar bill in your Minsk introduced?
- Do not enter. Think.
- Let introduced! It will be easier to consider.
Nearing the evening and 300 calves Ivanov will soon be laid for the night.
Some of them will come to the house in which Ivan spends the night. They learn shepherd. He will feed them with salt and smile again. Calves and mosquitoes - that his friends. A dog is not. Maybe because Ivanov house for two is not intended.
- Komarov here a lot. Drink blood, and what you do. How ёsts so ёsts.
Shepherd is coming to the booth made kolkhoz masters. To her nailed a big chain. Horse pulls booth-house chain of the fields and meadows. From season to season, year after year, from the pen in the pen Ivanov box floats to a brighter future.
Made it, says the shepherd, soundly. There is a mattress. Roof water does not pass. What else is needed?
- Only cramped. Back hurts. How ёsts so ёsts.
Salt Life of Ivan, we understand, in a blind fatalism. Belarusian shepherd attained perfection in their acceptance of reality. Probably even that he is much happier than we are burdened hopes. On the peninsula, infinitely far from Minsk, Moscow and Kiev, there is no unsolvable problems. Ivan because there is nothing to wait for.
- While there are forces that will work. And there - as God wills - his hand seems to point to where only oblivion, crosses and clouds.
We did not discover America, such peninsulas in modern Belarus thousand. They live philosophers and hardworking, honest and executive people. The basis of the country - the electorate. We will never understand why they did not howl of anguish, and they will not understand us.
Man, adapted to life in the doghouse - a real Belarusian Ivan - wish us a happy and speedy way to the mainland.
Source: people.onliner.by

The peninsula we arrived in early August, when the country was waiting for the rains. Ivan sat in the booth and thought that nature is unfair. In the distance, thunder rumbled. Lightning struck near the church in Slabodka. The wind blew a cloud in the direction.
- Suffered on Leoshki, sorry - said Ivan.

He 56. The last few years he worked on the farm. The name of the collective farm for our history does not matter. This may be a "Star Ilyich" or "Rise of Communism." Or, on the contrary, this very communism "Taps." Several years ago, a small dying SEC in the area and in the country have united to get the economy are large, but just as awkward. Engaged in traditional agriculture in hilly and difficult areas of the lake. Organize the work effectively impossible. Why is it, Ivan does not know. His task is small - graze calves.
- In the area under the Soviets had nothing. Now there is none. Opened in Braslav dairy. Said Lukashenko should arrive. Has not arrived - means that something is wrong opened - says Shepherd.

Ivan had never flown. He comes to the peninsula by bike, bought in 1979. Says that going long - 7-8 miles. One and a half hours - and he was in the pen.

The peninsula is divided into sections, each of which ends with a wooden fence. Herd distilled from one zone to the extent that, as calves destroy the grass. This summer with grass trouble - burned out sun. Ivan upset, and we do not understand. After all, the well-being and welfare of the flock shepherd not connected in any way.
- Were on duty day and then replaced teammate - he tells us, looking from the hill into the distance. - Look, where calves walk, not a utopia if anyone. If smash calf, then my answer. Tower with communication there is. Here are the high costs. And I have no phone. If something happens to the animals, sit on the bike and go to the farm.
What happens if something happens to him, Ivan did not bother.
- How ёsts so ёsts - he repeats.

Before becoming a shepherd, Ivan worked as a builder. And in PMC for reclamation. There is normally paid. Went to the chemical plant in neighboring Latvia, which, if you want, you can see from the highest point of its peninsula. Ivan unloaded at the factory cars. Gave a penny - something around € 100-150 for the current mood. Shepherd thinks Latvian pension issue, but especially not count on it.
Summer in the Belarusian farm he is paid 2 million rubles. Something rickety, something vspashet to get a little bit more. In winter, there is no work - no money. Ivan drags humus and has a 600-800 thousand a month. These figures are better not translate into dollars and euros, not to be ashamed.
- How ёsts so ёsts, - says Ivan.

In Braslau he traveled this spring - in the passport office. In Minsk was once, 30 years ago.
- What has changed Minsk, perhaps? - Asks people in remote from the capital at 1000 light years of the peninsula. - Is there still young? Give any money?
Of all the problems of life, in addition to the drought, it is more concerned with the question of why lying and rotting wood under your feet, why not use it gives the national park.
- Making reclamation, dried swamp. And what we've done there, spoiled land or not, we were not told. Dress - and all - reflects on the environmental fate of his magical edge our hero.

The thing is that the peninsula on which it runs - the most beautiful place on earth. On the highest mountain in the old cemetery. This moved the villagers, which is no longer on the map. The dead were taken across the lake by boat. Surrounded by clouds it nice and easy.
- A good place to bury you, - Ivan agrees.

Riding through the hills to the beach cart, and her two cars. Someone with French numbers climbed into the wilderness. Ivan, like Jesus, opens the gates to paradise, tourists passes through your fence.
- Russian travel, Lithuanians. Know that there are beautiful. There is money in people. One bought a farm, made her hostel. Fun there.
He lives alone.
- Families not made. No children, no. Study at universities had no chance. How ёsts so ёsts.

Ivanov peninsula, even though he does not know that and, most related geopolitics. Belarusian shepherd Stade, which soon joins the ranks of the Belarusian dairy industry. Herd Ivan will help Russia to defend from Western sanctions. Ivan save Muscovites from milk malnutrition, but from this it though henna.
- Where there is a heifer? Come and see, - he suggests. - Watch your feet. Do not plunge.
We go up the hill. Ivan sees his flock and smiling. Remarks and then, one calf limping. Shepherd is concerned. His heart was great.
- On the TV show that war in Ukraine. Beat each other, and for what? What do they share? Well, we have quietly.

In summer it is so quiet that you could hear as sleeping fish in the reeds. Stork flew, carried someone good news. Whispering about the meaning of life in the forest trees. Peninsula breadwinner provides Ivan mushrooms, which he roasts with potatoes instead of meat. How much is now pork, shepherd knows.
- Maybe 70 thousand per kilo? A sausage, probably 100 thousand? Or maybe already a million dollar bill in your Minsk introduced?
- Do not enter. Think.
- Let introduced! It will be easier to consider.
Nearing the evening and 300 calves Ivanov will soon be laid for the night.

Some of them will come to the house in which Ivan spends the night. They learn shepherd. He will feed them with salt and smile again. Calves and mosquitoes - that his friends. A dog is not. Maybe because Ivanov house for two is not intended.
- Komarov here a lot. Drink blood, and what you do. How ёsts so ёsts.
Shepherd is coming to the booth made kolkhoz masters. To her nailed a big chain. Horse pulls booth-house chain of the fields and meadows. From season to season, year after year, from the pen in the pen Ivanov box floats to a brighter future.

Made it, says the shepherd, soundly. There is a mattress. Roof water does not pass. What else is needed?
- Only cramped. Back hurts. How ёsts so ёsts.

Salt Life of Ivan, we understand, in a blind fatalism. Belarusian shepherd attained perfection in their acceptance of reality. Probably even that he is much happier than we are burdened hopes. On the peninsula, infinitely far from Minsk, Moscow and Kiev, there is no unsolvable problems. Ivan because there is nothing to wait for.
- While there are forces that will work. And there - as God wills - his hand seems to point to where only oblivion, crosses and clouds.

We did not discover America, such peninsulas in modern Belarus thousand. They live philosophers and hardworking, honest and executive people. The basis of the country - the electorate. We will never understand why they did not howl of anguish, and they will not understand us.

Man, adapted to life in the doghouse - a real Belarusian Ivan - wish us a happy and speedy way to the mainland.

Source: people.onliner.by