True or false, continued
We continue raskyvat mystery pictures, for those who do not know - see the first part of
Legend: The photograph shows the new American plane F / A-37 «Talon»
Status: true
History: This is the usual "Duck", photo taken from a science fiction movie Stealth samole about the future with intelligence ikustvennym
Legend: Cloud in the shape of a teddy bear
Status: true
History: This is the frame of the French film Amelie
Legend: The photo shows thousands of Christmas wreaths on the graves of the national cemetery in Arligtone, USA
Status: truth
History: Arlingtone- cemetery burial place of prominent Americans who serve their country in the army and government. Every December since 1992, a detachment of volunteers salutes heroes, placing wreaths on their graves, provided by local producers.
Legend: the figure of a cliff with reflection in water to form adult and a child praying (to see the need to turn your head 90 degrees to the left)
Status: true
History: This photo is not a natural rock formation found in Burma (or anywhere else). It's - the fictional element of children's storybook illustrated Korean Kim Ja-hong
Legend: bride gets married in a frank dress
Status: truth
History: The wedding is taking place in Russia, and our people have no surprise. It is said that nevesta- professional dancing belly dance.
Legend: woman is holding a huge cat
Status: truth
History: Many people believe that this is a photomontage and the cat took a similar picture, Made a few years ago (see the first part), but it is not. It's just that this is very unusual cat fluffy fur. Thanks to her, the cat seems visually more than it actually is.
Legend: boy pereezzhab SUV for what he stole bread
Status: realnyn photos, incorrect description
History: The photos are real, but they have only a family of street artists, who thus earn money from tourists, in fact everything is targeted, and the child does not hurt so much, it's just the artistry
Legend: a fleeing car thief moved the truck
Status: real photo, the wrong description
History: The deceased, 26-year-old Christopher Flar while intoxicated people molested and threatened, I tried to take the money. When him rush began, he tried to run away, grasping a passing truck. The effects you see in the picture
Legend: The photograph shows the aircraft engine in flight with isolation lining
Status: truth
History: The picture was taken during a flight from Atlanta to Orlando July 13, 2004. After takeoff, the engine tore off a piece of skin that immediately noticed the passengers sitting at the wing, one of which made the photo. The plane made an emergency landing, everything went without incident. As they say experienced pilots such things sometimes happen, and nothing they do not ultra-hazardous.
Legend: a man beheaded himself climbing over a high steel fence during the escape from the police
Status: truth
History: photo realistic, African skryyasb by police on the go reshli high fence and climb literally nasodil his head on the fence pieces
Legend: woman through an advertisement in the newspaper trying to find a home for a large dog Dolly
Status: Partly
History: the identity of the girl remained unknown, but it is known that it did not give any announcements, it was just somebody's joke
Legend: man drilled his nose
Status: real photo, the wrong description
History: This is another case where the accompanying text does not correspond to the real situation, the guy just wanted to scratch his nose with a drill and nechayno included it (simple human stupidity)
Legend: Fire rainbow over Idaho
Status: truth
History: This fiery rainbow - one of the rarest of atmospheric phenomena. In the photo captured the moment, filmed on the border of Idaho and Washington. Watch this miracle can be within an hour. Clouds must have feathery, a height of not less than 20,000 feet, the combination of a certain number of ice crystals and sunlight at a specified temperature of 58 degrees Fahrenheit.
Legend: hand of god pushing cloud
Status: true
History: The photo is not real, but many people, especially religious, it povereli
Legend: a man free to move their eyes to face
Status: Unknown
History: still no information as to the origin of the image
Legend: The photograph hangar filling almost to the roof lather
Status: true
History: fotagrafiya perhaps real, but it is made after extinguishing a fire in the hangar, not after washing aircraft
Legend: in the photo the head of the mythical creatures Chupokabry
Status: true
History: This is the work of Charlie White for an exhibition devoted to monsters
Legend: bucket pierced through the overpass
Status: truth
History: The consequences of the accident, which occurred on the evening of the interstate Sen and Kansas. The driver of the trailer which is towed excavator misjudged the height of the bridge and hit the bucket passes the top rack. The accident stopped traffic in this place for 11 days
Legend: The photo shows Hercules, the greatest dog in the world.
Status: true
History: We have started to receive the above - show pictures (woman and a man leading a horse and a big dog through a park-like area), without any accompanying explanation in March 2007. A few weeks later, someone added text identifying a dog as "Hercules, The biggest dog in the world. "This information is correct (in the sense that the English mastiff named Hercules, owned by a man from Massachusetts, was once recognized as the heaviest dog in the world), but this fact has no connection to the dog shown in the above image, a photo which clearly does not correspond to the actual newspaper photo of Hercules
Legend: a large military transport aircraft parked across the highway.
Status: truth
History: this was indeed the case, because of the lack of visibility of the driver of the aircraft due to lack of visibility could not stop in time and stood next to the highway (runway passed next to the road, parallel to the road) 40,969,576
Legend: Photo sdelanaya rig Newfoundland shows the huge iceberg.
Status: true
History: this picture is made of make more than one photo is called "Essence of Imagination"
Legend: The photograph shows the black doctors, life-saving activist Ku Klux Clan.
Status: true
History: The photo was fabricated for political jokes. Many people who saw this picture, it seemed that this frame of film & lt; ER & gt ;, and the doctor at the center of kartinki- famous actor Erik Lasalle. In fact it's not. The line on the photos can be suspected that this is a scanned image of the magazine. And there is. The magazine has positioned itself as the & lt; a magazine for those who think above what they have & gt ;. Unable to establish whether it is real or is it a picture wizard in Photoshop.
Legend: The photograph shows a helicopter landing on the small roof in Afghanistan.
Status: truth
History: The photo was taken in November 2003, during the American companies to destroy antikoalitsionnyh compulsory military units in the Afghanistan province of Nuristan. Some sources indicate that the helicopter was evacuating the wounded, but in reality the helicopter takes commanders captured enemy troops.
Legend: Three tornadoes during Hurricane Lili.
Status: true
History: This is a normal installation, on this photo one tornado
Legend: a resident of Arizona keeps his wife in a closed glass table
Status: true
History: First, US law strictly prohibits such acts with dead bodies; Second, the body begins to actively decompose in three days, and only very expensive embalming can restrain this process, and not in full. The first mention of this story appeared in cheap yellow rag that already makes you wonder about its veracity.
Legend: The photo shows shocking nahodka- mermaid body.
Status: not true.
History: in fact it is a doll, a sculptor prepared for sale at auction. Mysterious background of the findings should raise its price.
Legend: frozen waterfall Niagara in 1911
Status: Unknown
History: Niagara Falls (actually a collective name for a series of three waterfalls along the Niagara River, which forms the border between New York and Ontario), the famous natural phenomenon that terrifies many generations of people living nearby. While this may seem startling, but a huge amount of rapidly moving water (hundreds of thousands of gallons per second), which is the Niagara Falls, from time to time really stands still, but not entirely as suggested in the text accompanying the image above. (Despite the abundance of ice, visible in the image, you can still see the rare falling streams of water).
Legend: in the photo sunset at the North Pole
Status: true
History: This is not a real picture, and the picture of the German astrophysicist Inga Nielsen
Legend: The photo shows the tsunami that struck the island of Sumatra in December 2004. That was the last he saw the photographer, took this picture.
Status: real picture, the description is incorrect.
History: in fact it is a sandstorm, rips roofs in the southern part of Australia, in November 2002.
Legend: black bears are jumping on the playground in Alaska.
Status: indefinite
History: unsettled, but impressive photo
Legend: pictured policemen carry arms under the Ronald McDonald.
Status: truth
History: In March 2001, a group of hooligans kidnapped Ronald clown figure, inflicting on it a couple of provocative inscriptions, they hung him on a tree in the park, not far from the central office & lt; McDonald & gt ;. The police released the victim and returned to his seat.
Legend: The photograph shows a fresco on the ceiling of the special premises for smoking
Title: half-
History: The photograph is real, but the fact is that this is not a fresco, and attached to the ceiling poster organization for the fight against cancer, promotes the dangers of smoking. Used funeral theme, with views from the deceased to accompany him in the path of the last ones. The effect is enhanced if the poster size matches the size of the ceiling. No information about the wide use of these posters
Legend: the picture sunrise Mount St.. Elena
Status: Unknown
History: The origin of this picture is not known, but we have a few facts: the reference to "smoke rings" in the accompanying text confuses some readers. Rings, visible in the picture, are not produced smoke or ash or other volcanic activity; They - lenticular clouds formed around the high mountains; Photographers who is credited with the authorship of these photographs (Brent and Jan LeBaron) say they did not do it; They began to write their names after they published this photo on the Internet
Legend: Hurricane Katrina approaching the coast
Status: real photos; inaccurate description
History: This is the real photorecombination hurricane, they were made only a few years earlier, people are trying to earn even on someone else's grief
Legend: The photo shows the tsunami struck the coast of Thailand, Phuket Town.
Status: not true.
History: In December 2004, Thailand is really overtaken element, but this picture has nothing to do with it, because: real waves were about 4 meters in height, in the photo they reach the height of high-rise building; Movement in Thailand drive on the left, not the right as in the picture; In fact, the photograph shows the city of Antofagasta, which is located in Chile.
Thank you for the material snopes.com

Legend: The photograph shows the new American plane F / A-37 «Talon»
Status: true
History: This is the usual "Duck", photo taken from a science fiction movie Stealth samole about the future with intelligence ikustvennym

Legend: Cloud in the shape of a teddy bear
Status: true
History: This is the frame of the French film Amelie

Legend: The photo shows thousands of Christmas wreaths on the graves of the national cemetery in Arligtone, USA
Status: truth
History: Arlingtone- cemetery burial place of prominent Americans who serve their country in the army and government. Every December since 1992, a detachment of volunteers salutes heroes, placing wreaths on their graves, provided by local producers.

Legend: the figure of a cliff with reflection in water to form adult and a child praying (to see the need to turn your head 90 degrees to the left)
Status: true
History: This photo is not a natural rock formation found in Burma (or anywhere else). It's - the fictional element of children's storybook illustrated Korean Kim Ja-hong

Legend: bride gets married in a frank dress
Status: truth
History: The wedding is taking place in Russia, and our people have no surprise. It is said that nevesta- professional dancing belly dance.
Legend: woman is holding a huge cat
Status: truth
History: Many people believe that this is a photomontage and the cat took a similar picture, Made a few years ago (see the first part), but it is not. It's just that this is very unusual cat fluffy fur. Thanks to her, the cat seems visually more than it actually is.

Legend: boy pereezzhab SUV for what he stole bread
Status: realnyn photos, incorrect description
History: The photos are real, but they have only a family of street artists, who thus earn money from tourists, in fact everything is targeted, and the child does not hurt so much, it's just the artistry

Legend: a fleeing car thief moved the truck
Status: real photo, the wrong description
History: The deceased, 26-year-old Christopher Flar while intoxicated people molested and threatened, I tried to take the money. When him rush began, he tried to run away, grasping a passing truck. The effects you see in the picture

Legend: The photograph shows the aircraft engine in flight with isolation lining
Status: truth
History: The picture was taken during a flight from Atlanta to Orlando July 13, 2004. After takeoff, the engine tore off a piece of skin that immediately noticed the passengers sitting at the wing, one of which made the photo. The plane made an emergency landing, everything went without incident. As they say experienced pilots such things sometimes happen, and nothing they do not ultra-hazardous.

Legend: a man beheaded himself climbing over a high steel fence during the escape from the police
Status: truth
History: photo realistic, African skryyasb by police on the go reshli high fence and climb literally nasodil his head on the fence pieces

Legend: woman through an advertisement in the newspaper trying to find a home for a large dog Dolly
Status: Partly
History: the identity of the girl remained unknown, but it is known that it did not give any announcements, it was just somebody's joke

Legend: man drilled his nose
Status: real photo, the wrong description
History: This is another case where the accompanying text does not correspond to the real situation, the guy just wanted to scratch his nose with a drill and nechayno included it (simple human stupidity)
Legend: Fire rainbow over Idaho
Status: truth
History: This fiery rainbow - one of the rarest of atmospheric phenomena. In the photo captured the moment, filmed on the border of Idaho and Washington. Watch this miracle can be within an hour. Clouds must have feathery, a height of not less than 20,000 feet, the combination of a certain number of ice crystals and sunlight at a specified temperature of 58 degrees Fahrenheit.

Legend: hand of god pushing cloud
Status: true
History: The photo is not real, but many people, especially religious, it povereli

Legend: a man free to move their eyes to face
Status: Unknown
History: still no information as to the origin of the image

Legend: The photograph hangar filling almost to the roof lather
Status: true
History: fotagrafiya perhaps real, but it is made after extinguishing a fire in the hangar, not after washing aircraft

Legend: in the photo the head of the mythical creatures Chupokabry
Status: true
History: This is the work of Charlie White for an exhibition devoted to monsters
Legend: bucket pierced through the overpass
Status: truth
History: The consequences of the accident, which occurred on the evening of the interstate Sen and Kansas. The driver of the trailer which is towed excavator misjudged the height of the bridge and hit the bucket passes the top rack. The accident stopped traffic in this place for 11 days

Legend: The photo shows Hercules, the greatest dog in the world.
Status: true
History: We have started to receive the above - show pictures (woman and a man leading a horse and a big dog through a park-like area), without any accompanying explanation in March 2007. A few weeks later, someone added text identifying a dog as "Hercules, The biggest dog in the world. "This information is correct (in the sense that the English mastiff named Hercules, owned by a man from Massachusetts, was once recognized as the heaviest dog in the world), but this fact has no connection to the dog shown in the above image, a photo which clearly does not correspond to the actual newspaper photo of Hercules

Legend: a large military transport aircraft parked across the highway.
Status: truth
History: this was indeed the case, because of the lack of visibility of the driver of the aircraft due to lack of visibility could not stop in time and stood next to the highway (runway passed next to the road, parallel to the road) 40,969,576
Legend: Photo sdelanaya rig Newfoundland shows the huge iceberg.
Status: true
History: this picture is made of make more than one photo is called "Essence of Imagination"

Legend: The photograph shows the black doctors, life-saving activist Ku Klux Clan.
Status: true
History: The photo was fabricated for political jokes. Many people who saw this picture, it seemed that this frame of film & lt; ER & gt ;, and the doctor at the center of kartinki- famous actor Erik Lasalle. In fact it's not. The line on the photos can be suspected that this is a scanned image of the magazine. And there is. The magazine has positioned itself as the & lt; a magazine for those who think above what they have & gt ;. Unable to establish whether it is real or is it a picture wizard in Photoshop.
Legend: The photograph shows a helicopter landing on the small roof in Afghanistan.
Status: truth
History: The photo was taken in November 2003, during the American companies to destroy antikoalitsionnyh compulsory military units in the Afghanistan province of Nuristan. Some sources indicate that the helicopter was evacuating the wounded, but in reality the helicopter takes commanders captured enemy troops.

Legend: Three tornadoes during Hurricane Lili.
Status: true
History: This is a normal installation, on this photo one tornado

Legend: a resident of Arizona keeps his wife in a closed glass table
Status: true
History: First, US law strictly prohibits such acts with dead bodies; Second, the body begins to actively decompose in three days, and only very expensive embalming can restrain this process, and not in full. The first mention of this story appeared in cheap yellow rag that already makes you wonder about its veracity.

Legend: The photo shows shocking nahodka- mermaid body.
Status: not true.
History: in fact it is a doll, a sculptor prepared for sale at auction. Mysterious background of the findings should raise its price.

Legend: frozen waterfall Niagara in 1911
Status: Unknown
History: Niagara Falls (actually a collective name for a series of three waterfalls along the Niagara River, which forms the border between New York and Ontario), the famous natural phenomenon that terrifies many generations of people living nearby. While this may seem startling, but a huge amount of rapidly moving water (hundreds of thousands of gallons per second), which is the Niagara Falls, from time to time really stands still, but not entirely as suggested in the text accompanying the image above. (Despite the abundance of ice, visible in the image, you can still see the rare falling streams of water).

Legend: in the photo sunset at the North Pole
Status: true
History: This is not a real picture, and the picture of the German astrophysicist Inga Nielsen

Legend: The photo shows the tsunami that struck the island of Sumatra in December 2004. That was the last he saw the photographer, took this picture.
Status: real picture, the description is incorrect.
History: in fact it is a sandstorm, rips roofs in the southern part of Australia, in November 2002.

Legend: black bears are jumping on the playground in Alaska.
Status: indefinite
History: unsettled, but impressive photo

Legend: pictured policemen carry arms under the Ronald McDonald.
Status: truth
History: In March 2001, a group of hooligans kidnapped Ronald clown figure, inflicting on it a couple of provocative inscriptions, they hung him on a tree in the park, not far from the central office & lt; McDonald & gt ;. The police released the victim and returned to his seat.

Legend: The photograph shows a fresco on the ceiling of the special premises for smoking
Title: half-
History: The photograph is real, but the fact is that this is not a fresco, and attached to the ceiling poster organization for the fight against cancer, promotes the dangers of smoking. Used funeral theme, with views from the deceased to accompany him in the path of the last ones. The effect is enhanced if the poster size matches the size of the ceiling. No information about the wide use of these posters

Legend: the picture sunrise Mount St.. Elena
Status: Unknown
History: The origin of this picture is not known, but we have a few facts: the reference to "smoke rings" in the accompanying text confuses some readers. Rings, visible in the picture, are not produced smoke or ash or other volcanic activity; They - lenticular clouds formed around the high mountains; Photographers who is credited with the authorship of these photographs (Brent and Jan LeBaron) say they did not do it; They began to write their names after they published this photo on the Internet

Legend: Hurricane Katrina approaching the coast
Status: real photos; inaccurate description
History: This is the real photorecombination hurricane, they were made only a few years earlier, people are trying to earn even on someone else's grief

Legend: The photo shows the tsunami struck the coast of Thailand, Phuket Town.
Status: not true.
History: In December 2004, Thailand is really overtaken element, but this picture has nothing to do with it, because: real waves were about 4 meters in height, in the photo they reach the height of high-rise building; Movement in Thailand drive on the left, not the right as in the picture; In fact, the photograph shows the city of Antofagasta, which is located in Chile.

Thank you for the material snopes.com